
School — Major — Degree Duration

國立中興大學 — 化學系(畢) — 博士

Doctorate,  ,  

2000/09 — 2006/06

中原大學 — 化學系(畢) — 碩士

Master,  ,  

2000/09 — 2002/06

中原大學 — 化學系(畢) — 學士

Bachelor,  ,  

1995/09 — 2000/06

 Intramural Experience

Office/Department/Institute Position Duration
生命科學院研發暨國際組 Research and International Affairs Division   Head 2024/08/01 — 2025/07/31
醫藥暨應用化學系 Department of Medicinal and Applied Chemistry   Professor 2021/02/01 —  
醫藥暨應用化學系 Department of Medicinal and Applied Chemistry   Associate Professor 2015/08/01 — 2021/01/31
醫藥暨應用化學系 Department of Medicinal and Applied Chemistry   Assistant Professor 2009/08/01 — 2015/07/31
醫藥暨應用化學系 Department of Medicinal and Applied Chemistry   Assistant Professor 2009/06/01 — 2009/07/31

 Extramural Experience

DEPNO Position- Office/Department/Institute Duration
日本關西學院大學大學院理工學研究科 博士研究員 0970401 — 0980331
國立中興大學化學系 博士後研究 0950801 — 0960731


NO Discipline Expertise
1 自然科學類 Natural Sciences 化學 Chemistry

 Research & Technology Platform Open to the Outside


 Interested Area(s)for Interdisciplinary Research



 Area(s) of Expertise & Research


Vibrational Spectroscopy, analytical chemistry, chemical sensor, nanomaterial


NO Publication

Novel methods for the detection of glutathione by surface-enhanced Raman scattering: A perspective review.
Mohammad Kamal Hossain*, 黃俊嬴, Mohammad Mozahar Hossain - - 1 - HELIYON - HELIYON 2025 11卷(1期):e41588頁
(IF: 3.4, 領域排名: 28, 領域期刊數: 134, 領域排名: 20.90%)

Novel methods for the detection of glutathione by surface-enhanced Raman scattering: A perspective review.
Mohammad Kamal Hossain*, Genin Gary Huang, Mohammad Mozahar Hossain - - 1 - HELIYON - HELIYON 2025;11(1):e41588
(IF: 3.4, Journal Ranking: 28, Number of Journals of this Field: 134, Ranking: 20.90%)


Turn-off/turn-on biosensing of tetracycline and ciprofloxacin antibiotics using fluorescent iron oxide quantum dots
Sri Sudewi, 李建宏, Lutfi Chabib, Akhtar Rasool, Emmanuvel Arputharaj, Muhammad Zulfajri, 黃俊嬴* - - 1 - Analytical Methods - ANALYTICAL METHODS 2024 16卷(8期):1261-1271頁
(IF: 3.1, 領域排名: 35, 領域期刊數: 86, 領域排名: 40.70%)

Turn-off/turn-on biosensing of tetracycline and ciprofloxacin antibiotics using fluorescent iron oxide quantum dots
Sri Sudewi, Chien-Hung Li, Lutfi Chabib, Akhtar Rasool, Emmanuvel Arputharaj, Muhammad Zulfajri, Genin Gary Huang* - - 1 - Analytical Methods - ANALYTICAL METHODS 2024;16(8):1261-1271
(IF: 3.1, Journal Ranking: 35, Number of Journals of this Field: 86, Ranking: 40.70%)


A review on the chemical and biological sensing applications of silver/carbon dots nanocomposites with their interaction mechanisms
Muhammad Zulfajri, Gangaraju Gedda*, Hidayath Ullad, Habibatie, Ganesh Gollavellif, 黃俊嬴* - - 1 - ADVANCES IN COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE - ADVANCES IN COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE 2024 325卷(1期):103115頁
(IF: 15.6, 領域排名: 15, 領域期刊數: 161, 領域排名: 9.32%)

A review on the chemical and biological sensing applications of silver/carbon dots nanocomposites with their interaction mechanisms
Muhammad Zulfajri, Gangaraju Gedda*, Hidayath Ullad, Habibatie, Ganesh Gollavellif, 黃俊嬴* - - 1 - ADVANCES IN COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE - ADVANCES IN COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE 2024;325(1):103115
(IF: 15.6, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 161, Ranking: 9.32%)


Venkata Sai Sashankh Penki, 朱育廷, 陳信允, Sri Sudewi, 李建宏, 黃俊嬴*, 許智能* - - 1 - DALTON TRANSACTIONS - DALTON TRANSACTIONS 2024 53卷(31期):13160-13173頁
(IF: 3.5, 領域排名: 13, 領域期刊數: 44, 領域排名: 29.55%)

Steric and electronic influence on Cu–Cu short contacts in β-thioketiminato tricopper(I) clusters
Venkata Sai Sashankh Penki, Yu-Ting Chu, Hsing-Yin Chen, Sri Sudewi, Chien-Hung Li, Genin Gary Huang*, Sodio C. N. Hsu* - - 1 - DALTON TRANSACTIONS - DALTON TRANSACTIONS 2024;53(31):13160-13173
(IF: 3.5, Journal Ranking: 13, Number of Journals of this Field: 44, Ranking: 29.55%)


Iron oxide quantum dots-based fluorescence probe for rapid and selective cytosine sensing
Sri Sudewi, Ruslin, Fatimawali, Muhammad Zulfajri, 陳喧應, 黃俊嬴* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY - JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY 2024 71卷(8期):852-861頁
(IF: 1.6, 領域排名: 152, 領域期刊數: 230, 領域排名: 66.09%)

Iron oxide quantum dots-based fluorescence probe for rapid and selective cytosine sensing
Sri Sudewi, Ruslin, Fatimawali, Muhammad Zulfajri, Hsuan-Ying Chen, Genin Gary Huang - - 1 - JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY - JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY 2024;71(8):852-861
(IF: 1.6, Journal Ranking: 152, Number of Journals of this Field: 230, Ranking: 66.09%)


Ag nanoparticle-embedded fish scales as SERS substrates for sensitive detection of forever chemical in real samples
Jayasree Kumar, Arunima Jinachandra, 庫碼, 黃俊嬴*, Anil K. Suresh, Hemanth Noothalapati, Rajapandiyan Panneerselvam* - - 1 - Applied Surface Science - APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 2024 674卷(1期):160961頁
(IF: 6.3, 領域排名: 29, 領域期刊數: 179, 領域排名: 16.20%)

Ag nanoparticle-embedded fish scales as SERS substrates for sensitive detection of forever chemical in real samples
Jayasree Kumar, Arunima Jinachandran, Vinoth Kumar Ponnusamy, Genin Gary Huang*, Anil K. Suresh, Hemanth Noothalapati, Rajapandiyan Panneerselvam* - - 1 - Applied Surface Science - APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 2024;674(1):160961
(IF: 6.3, Journal Ranking: 29, Number of Journals of this Field: 179, Ranking: 16.20%)


Fluorescence and Colorimetric Dual-readout Detection of Tetracycline Using Leucine-conjugated Iron Oxide Quantum Dots
Sri Sudewi, Penki Venkata Sai Sashank, Akhtar Rasool, Najeeb Ullah, Muhammad Zulfajri, 陳喧應, 黃俊嬴* - - 1 - Applied Spectroscopy - APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY 2024 78卷(11期):1191-1202頁
(IF: 2.2, 領域排名: 18, 領域期刊數: 44, 領域排名: 40.91%)

Fluorescence and Colorimetric Dual-readout Detection of Tetracycline Using Leucine-conjugated Iron Oxide Quantum Dots
Sri Sudewi, Penki Venkata Sai Sashank, Akhtar Rasool, Najeeb Ullah, Muhammad Zulfajri, Hsuan-Ying Chen, Genin Gary Huang* - - 1 - Applied Spectroscopy - APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY 2024;78(11):1191-1202
(IF: 2.2, Journal Ranking: 18, Number of Journals of this Field: 44, Ranking: 40.91%)


Colorimetric and Smartphone-Based Dual-mode Rapid Detection of Congo Red Using Iron Oxide Quantum Dots
Sri Sudewi, 李建宏, Venkata Sai Sashankh Penki, Muhammad Zulfajri, Naorem Jemes Meitei, 黃俊嬴* - - 1 - ACS Omega - ACS OMEGA 2024 9卷(46期):46600-46609頁
(IF: 3.7, 領域排名: 84, 領域期刊數: 230, 領域排名: 36.52%)

Colorimetric and Smartphone-Based Dual-mode Rapid Detection of Congo Red Using Iron Oxide Quantum Dots
Sri Sudewi, Chien-Hung Li, Venkata Sai Sashankh Penki, Muhammad Zulfajri, Naorem Jemes Meitei, Genin Gary Huang* - - 1 - ACS Omega - ACS OMEGA 2024;9(46):46600-46609
(IF: 3.7, Journal Ranking: 84, Number of Journals of this Field: 230, Ranking: 36.52%)


Rambutan seed waste-derived nitrogen-doped carbon dots with l-aspartic acid for the sensing of Congo red dye
Muhammad Zulfajri*, Sri Sudewi, Rizki Damayantia, 黃俊嬴 - - 1 - Rsc Advances - RSC ADVANCES 2023 13卷(10期):6422-6432頁
(IF: 4.036, 領域排名: 75, 領域期刊數: 179, 領域排名: 41.90%)

Rambutan seed waste-derived nitrogen-doped carbon dots with l-aspartic acid for the sensing of Congo red dye
Muhammad Zulfajri*, Sri Sudewi, Rizki Damayantia, Genin Gary Huang - - 1 - Rsc Advances - RSC ADVANCES 2023;13(10):6422-6432
(IF: 4.036, Journal Ranking: 75, Number of Journals of this Field: 179, Ranking: 41.90%)


Polyvinylpyrrolidone- Passivated Fluorescent Iron Oxide Quantum Dots for Turn-off Detection of Tetracycline in Biological Fluids
Sri Sudewi, Lutfi Chabib, Muhammad Zulfajri, Gangaraju Gedda, 黃俊嬴* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF FOOD AND DRUG ANALYSIS - JOURNAL OF FOOD AND DRUG ANALYSIS 2023 31卷(1期):177-193頁
(IF: 6.157, 領域排名: 45, 領域期刊數: 279, 領域排名: 16.13%)

Polyvinylpyrrolidone- Passivated Fluorescent Iron Oxide Quantum Dots for Turn-off Detection of Tetracycline in Biological Fluids
Sri Sudewi, Lutfi Chabib, Muhammad Zulfajri, Gangaraju Gedda, Genin Gary Huang* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF FOOD AND DRUG ANALYSIS - JOURNAL OF FOOD AND DRUG ANALYSIS 2023;31(1):177-193
(IF: 6.157, Journal Ranking: 45, Number of Journals of this Field: 279, Ranking: 16.13%)


Accelerated Sulfur Oxidation by Ozone on Surfaces of Single Optically Trapped Aerosol Particles
Shao-Hong Hsu, Feng-Yu Lin, 黃俊嬴, 張元賓* - - 1 - Journal of Physical Chemistry C - JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 2023 127卷(13期):6248-6261頁
(IF: 4.177, 領域排名: 78, 領域期刊數: 165, 領域排名: 47.27%)

Accelerated Sulfur Oxidation by Ozone on Surfaces of Single Optically Trapped Aerosol Particles
Shao-Hong Hsu, Feng-Yu Lin, Genin Gary Huang, and Yuan-Pin Chang* - - 1 - Journal of Physical Chemistry C - JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 2023;127(13):6248-6261
(IF: 4.177, Journal Ranking: 78, Number of Journals of this Field: 165, Ranking: 47.27%)


Glutamic acid-capped iron oxide quantum dots as fluorescent nanoprobe, for tetracycline in urine
Sudewi Sri, Zulfajri Muhammad, Dayalan Sandhiya, 許智能, 黃俊嬴* - - 1 - MICROCHIMICA ACTA - MICROCHIMICA ACTA 2023 190卷(6期):226頁
(IF: 5.7, 領域排名: 12, 領域期刊數: 86, 領域排名: 13.95%)

Glutamic acid-capped iron oxide quantum dots as fluorescent nanoprobe, for tetracycline in urine
Sudewi Sri, Zulfajri Muhammad, Dayalan Sandhiya, Hsu Sodio C. N., Huang Genin Gary* - - 1 - MICROCHIMICA ACTA - MICROCHIMICA ACTA 2023;190(6):226
(IF: 5.7, Journal Ranking: 12, Number of Journals of this Field: 86, Ranking: 13.95%)


Effect of pH on the optimization of cysteine-functionalized gold, core-silver shell nanoparticles for surface-enhanced Raman, scattering-based pesticide detection on apple peels
Dayalan Sandhiya, Sudewi Sri, Zulfajri Muhammad, 高佳麟, 黃俊嬴* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY - JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY 2023 70卷(9期):1821-1834頁
(IF: 1.8, 領域排名: 123, 領域期刊數: 178, 領域排名: 69.10%)

Effect of pH on the optimization of cysteine-functionalized gold, core-silver shell nanoparticles for surface-enhanced Raman, scattering-based pesticide detection on apple peels
Dayalan Sandhiya, Sudewi Sri, Zulfajri Muhammad, Kao Chai-Lin, Huang Genin Gary* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY - JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY 2023;70(9):1821-1834
(IF: 1.8, Journal Ranking: 123, Number of Journals of this Field: 178, Ranking: 69.10%)


Fluorescent Ink and Chemical Sensing Towards Tartrazine Based on Nitrogen‑Doped Carbon Dots Derived from Durian Seed Waste
Muhammad Zulfajri, Sri Sudewi, Akhtar Rasool, 許智能, 黃俊嬴* - - 1 - WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION - WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION 2023 14卷(12期):3971-3986頁
(IF: 3.2, 領域排名: 146, 領域期刊數: 274, 領域排名: 53.28%)

Fluorescent Ink and Chemical Sensing Towards Tartrazine Based on Nitrogen‑Doped Carbon Dots Derived from Durian Seed Waste
Muhammad Zulfajri, Sri Sudewi, Akhtar Rasool, Sodio C. N. Hsu, Genin Gary Huang* - - 1 - WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION - WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION 2023;14(12):3971-3986
(IF: 3.2, Journal Ranking: 146, Number of Journals of this Field: 274, Ranking: 53.28%)


Enhanced fluorescent iron oxide quantum dots for rapid and interference free recognizing lysine in dairy products.
(IF: 4.831, 領域排名: 5, 領域期刊數: 43, 領域排名: 11.63%)

Enhanced fluorescent iron oxide quantum dots for rapid and interference free recognizing lysine in dairy products.
Sri Sudewi, Chien-Hung Li, Sandhiya Dayalan, Muhammad Zulfajri, Penki Venkata Sai Sashankh, Genin Gary Huang* - - 1 - SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA. PART A, MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY - SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY 2022;279(-):121453
(IF: 4.831, Journal Ranking: 5, Number of Journals of this Field: 43, Ranking: 11.63%)


Vancomycin Functionalization of Gold Nanostars for Sensitive Detection of Foodborne Pathogens through Surface–enhanced Raman Scattering
Dayalan S, Gedda G, 李瑞年, Zulfajri M, 黃俊嬴* - - 1 - Journal of Chinese Chemical Society - JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY 2022 69卷(12期):2049-2060頁
(IF: 1.753, 領域排名: 135, 領域期刊數: 179, 領域排名: 75.42%)

Vancomycin Functionalization of Gold Nanostars for Sensitive Detection of Foodborne Pathogens through Surface–enhanced Raman Scattering
Sandhiya Dayalan, Gangaraju Gedda, Ruei–Nian Li, Muhammad Zulfajri, Genin Gary Huang* - - 1 - Journal of Chinese Chemical Society - JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY 2022;69(12):2049-2060
(IF: 1.753, Journal Ranking: 135, Number of Journals of this Field: 179, Ranking: 75.42%)


A Simple Visible Recognition Method for Copper Ions Using Dibenzo[b,j][1,10]Phenanthroline Scaffold as a Colorimetric Sensor
馬漢德, Ganesh Kumar Dhandabani#, 陳慧芬, 王志鉦*, 黃俊嬴* - - 1 - Chemosensors - CHEMOSENSORS 2021 9卷(1期):7頁
(IF: 4.229, 領域排名: 16, 領域期刊數: 64, 領域排名: 25.00%)

A Simple Visible Recognition Method for Copper Ions Using Dibenzo[b,j][1,10]Phenanthroline Scaffold as a Colorimetric Sensor
Zulfajri, M.; Dhandabani, G. K.; Chen, H.-F.; Wang, J.-J.*; Huang, G. G.* - - 1 - Chemosensors - CHEMOSENSORS 2021;9(1):7
(IF: 4.229, Journal Ranking: 16, Number of Journals of this Field: 64, Ranking: 25.00%)


Nonenzymatic glucose‐reactive electrodes fabricated from facilely‐precipitated cobalt hydroxide, commercial graphene nanopowder and ionic liquid binder
陳文田, Nai-Chang Lo, 黃俊嬴, 陳泊余* - - 1 - Journal of Applied Electrochemistry - JOURNAL OF APPLIED ELECTROCHEMISTRY 2021 51卷(7期):1033 - 1045頁
(IF: 2.925, 領域排名: 22, 領域期刊數: 30, 領域排名: 73.33%)

Nonenzymatic glucose‐reactive electrodes fabricated from facilely‐precipitated cobalt hydroxide, commercial graphene nanopowder and ionic liquid binder
Wen-Tian Chen, Nai-Chang Lo, Genin Gary Huang, Po-Yu Chen* - - 1 - Journal of Applied Electrochemistry - JOURNAL OF APPLIED ELECTROCHEMISTRY 2021;51(7):1033 - 1045
(IF: 2.925, Journal Ranking: 22, Number of Journals of this Field: 30, Ranking: 73.33%)


Effects of Different Surfactant Charges on the Formation of Gold Nanoparticles by the LASiS Method
Muhammad Zulfajri, 黃暐捷, 黃俊嬴, 陳慧芬* - - 1 - materials - MATERIALS 2021 14卷(11期):2937頁
(IF: 3.748, 領域排名: 18, 領域期刊數: 79, 領域排名: 22.78%)

Effects of Different Surfactant Charges on the Formation of Gold Nanoparticles by the LASiS Method
Muhammad Zulfajri, Wei-Jie Huang, Genin-Gary Huang, Hui-Fen Chen* - - 1 - materials - MATERIALS 2021;14(11):2937
(IF: 3.748, Journal Ranking: 18, Number of Journals of this Field: 79, Ranking: 22.78%)


Retrieve of residual waste of carbon dots derived from straw mushroom as a hydrochar for the removal of organic dyes from aqueous solutions
Muhammad Zulfajri, 高宇彤, 黃俊嬴* - - 1 - Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy - SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY AND PHARMACY 2021 22卷(-期):100469頁
(IF: 5.464, 領域排名: 81, 領域期刊數: 279, 領域排名: 29.03%)

Retrieve of residual waste of carbon dots derived from straw mushroom as a hydrochar for the removal of organic dyes from aqueous solutions
Muhammad Zulfajri, Yu-Tung Kao, Genin Gary Huang* - - 1 - Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy - SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY AND PHARMACY 2021;22(-):100469
(IF: 5.464, Journal Ranking: 81, Number of Journals of this Field: 279, Ranking: 29.03%)


Carbon Dot/Polymer Composites with Various Precursors and Their Sensing Applications: A Review
Muhammad Zulfajri*, Sri Sudewi, Sri Ismulyati, Akhtar Rasool, Muhammad Adlim, 黃俊嬴* - - 1 - Coatings - COATINGS 2021 11卷(9期):1100頁
(IF: 3.236, 領域排名: 66, 領域期刊數: 161, 領域排名: 40.99%)

Carbon Dot/Polymer Composites with Various Precursors and Their Sensing Applications: A Review
Muhammad Zulfajri*, Sri Sudewi, Sri Ismulyati, Akhtar Rasool, Muhammad Adlim, Genin Gary Huang* - - 1 - Coatings - COATINGS 2021;11(9):1100
(IF: 3.236, Journal Ranking: 66, Number of Journals of this Field: 161, Ranking: 40.99%)


Ionic-strength and pH dependent reactivities of ascorbic acid toward ozone in aqueous micro-droplets studied using aerosol optical tweezers
Yuan-Pin Chang*, Shan-Jung Wu, Min-Sian Lin, Che-Yu Chiang, 黃俊嬴 - - 1 - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics - PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 2021 23卷(16期):10108-10117頁
(IF: 3.945, 領域排名: 80, 領域期刊數: 163, 領域排名: 49.08%)

Ionic-strength and pH dependent reactivities of ascorbic acid toward ozone in aqueous micro-droplets studied using aerosol optical tweezers
Yuan-Pin Chang*, Shan-Jung Wu, Min-Sian Lin, Che-Yu Chiang, Genin Gary Huang - - 1 - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics - PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 2021;23(16):10108-10117
(IF: 3.945, Journal Ranking: 80, Number of Journals of this Field: 163, Ranking: 49.08%)


A fluorescent sensor based on oyster mushroom-carbon dots for sensing nitroarenes in aqueous solutions
Muhammad Zulfajri, Akhtar Rasool, 黃俊嬴* - - 1 - New Journal of Chemistry - NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 2020 44卷(25期):10525-10535頁
(IF: 3.591, 領域排名: 75, 領域期刊數: 179, 領域排名: 41.90%)

A fluorescent sensor based on oyster mushroom-carbon dots for sensing nitroarenes in aqueous solutions
Muhammad Zulfajri, Akhtar Rasool, Genin Gary Huang* - - 1 - New Journal of Chemistry - NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 2020;44(25):10525-10535
(IF: 3.591, Journal Ranking: 75, Number of Journals of this Field: 179, Ranking: 41.90%)


Plant Part-Derived Carbon Dots for Biosensing
Muhammad Zulfajri*, Hani Nasser Abdelhamid, Sri Sudewi, Sandhiya Dayalan, Akhtar Rasool, Ahsan Habib, 黃俊嬴* - - 1 - Biosensors - BIOSENSORS-BASEL 2020 10卷(6期):68頁
(IF: 5.519, 領域排名: 8, 領域期刊數: 64, 領域排名: 12.50%)

Plant Part-Derived Carbon Dots for Biosensing
Muhammad Zulfajri*, Hani Nasser Abdelhamid, Sri Sudewi, Sandhiya Dayalan, Akhtar Rasool, Ahsan Habib, Genin Gary Huang* - - 1 - Biosensors - BIOSENSORS-BASEL 2020;10(6):68
(IF: 5.519, Journal Ranking: 8, Number of Journals of this Field: 64, Ranking: 12.50%)


Utilization of Carbon Dots Derived from Volvariella volvacea Mushroom for a Highly Sensitive Detection of Fe3+ and Pb2+ Ions in Aqueous Solutions
Muhammad Zulfajri, Kang-Chen Liu, Yu-Hsin Pu, Akhtar Rasool, Sandhiya Dayalan, 黃俊嬴* - - 1 - Chemosensors - CHEMOSENSORS 2020 8卷(3期):47頁
(IF: 3.398, 領域排名: 18, 領域期刊數: 64, 領域排名: 28.13%)

Utilization of Carbon Dots Derived from Volvariella volvacea Mushroom for a Highly Sensitive Detection of Fe3+ and Pb2+ Ions in Aqueous Solutions
Muhammad Zulfajri, Kang-Chen Liu, Yu-Hsin Pu, Akhtar Rasool, Sandhiya Dayalan, Genin Gary Huang* - - 1 - Chemosensors - CHEMOSENSORS 2020;8(3):47
(IF: 3.398, Journal Ranking: 18, Number of Journals of this Field: 64, Ranking: 28.13%)


Gold Nanoparticles Grown by Galvanic Replacement on Graphene-Coated Aluminum Panels as Large-Area Substrates for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering
張家榕, 劉照恩, 卜玉欣, 楊婷鈺, 邱湘婷, 陳軍互*, 黃俊嬴* - - 1 - ACS Applied nano materials - ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS 2020 3卷(6期):5783-5793頁
(IF: 5.097, 領域排名: 101, 領域期刊數: 335, 領域排名: 30.15%)

Gold Nanoparticles Grown by Galvanic Replacement on Graphene-Coated Aluminum Panels as Large-Area Substrates for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering
Chia-Jung Chang, Chao-An Liu, Yu-Hsin Pu, Ting-Yu Yang, Hsiang-Ting Chiu, Chun-Hu Chen*, Genin Gary Huang* - - 1 - ACS Applied nano materials - ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS 2020;3(6):5783-5793
(IF: 5.097, Journal Ranking: 101, Number of Journals of this Field: 335, Ranking: 30.15%)


Electrochemical conversion of ionic liquid-lead sulfate paste into metallic lead or lead(IV) oxide: Extracting lead from water-insoluble lead salt and formation of cobalt oxide electrocatalyst via galvanic displacement
葉馨雯, 張家榕, 黃俊嬴, 陳泊余* - - 1 - Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry - JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 2019 834卷(-期):64-70頁
(IF: 3.807, 領域排名: 17, 領域期刊數: 86, 領域排名: 19.77%)

Electrochemical conversion of ionic liquid-lead sulfate paste into metallic lead or lead(IV) oxide: Extracting lead from water-insoluble lead salt and formation of cobalt oxide electrocatalyst via galvanic displacement
Hsing-Wen Yeh, Chia-Jung Chang, Genin Gary Huang, Po-Yu Chen* - - 1 - Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry - JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 2019;834(-):64-70
(IF: 3.807, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 86, Ranking: 19.77%)


Cranberry Beans Derived Carbon Dots as a Potential Fluorescence Sensor for Selective Detection of Fe3+ ions in Aqueous Solution
馬漢德, Gedda G., 張家榕, Chang Y.P., 黃俊嬴* - - 1 - ACS Omega - ACS OMEGA 2019 4卷(13期):15382-15392頁
(IF: 2.87, 領域排名: 81, 領域期刊數: 177, 領域排名: 45.76%)

Cranberry Beans Derived Carbon Dots as a Potential Fluorescence Sensor for Selective Detection of Fe3+ ions in Aqueous Solution
Muhammad Zulfajri; Gedda, G.; Chang, C.-J.; Chang, Y. P.; Huang, G. G.* - - 1 - ACS Omega - ACS OMEGA 2019;4(13):15382-15392
(IF: 2.87, Journal Ranking: 81, Number of Journals of this Field: 177, Ranking: 45.76%)


Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Dots from Averrhoa carambola Fruit Extract as a Fluorescent Probe for Methyl Orange
馬漢德, Sandhiya Dayalan, 李汪昱, 張家榕, Chang Y.P., 黃俊嬴* - - 1 - Sensors - SENSORS 2019 19卷(22期):5008頁
(IF: 3.275, 領域排名: 15, 領域期刊數: 64, 領域排名: 23.44%)

Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Dots from Averrhoa carambola Fruit Extract as a Fluorescent Probe for Methyl Orange
Muhammad Zulfajri, Sandhiya Dayalan, Wang-Yu Li, Chia-Jung Chang, Yuan-Pin Chang, Genin Gary Huang* - - 1 - Sensors - SENSORS 2019;19(22):5008
(IF: 3.275, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 64, Ranking: 23.44%)


黃俊嬴, Chung-Jay Lee, Jyisy Yang*, Zong-Zhan Lu, Malaichamy Sathiyendiran, Chia-Yuan Huang, Ya-Chuan Kao, Gene-Hsiang Lee,Kuang-Lieh Lu - - 1 - Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL 2018 254卷(1期):424-430頁
(IF: 5.667, 領域排名: 7, 領域期刊數: 83, 領域排名: 8.43%)

Cavity-containing rhenium metallacycle treated evanescent waveinfrared chemical sensors for the selective determination of odorousamines in the atmosphere
Genin Gary Huang, Chung-Jay Lee, Jyisy Yang*, Zong-Zhan Lu, Malaichamy Sathiyendiran, Chia-Yuan Huang, Ya-Chuan Kao, Gene-Hsiang Lee,Kuang-Lieh Lu - - 1 - Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL 2018;254(1):424-430
(IF: 5.667, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 83, Ranking: 8.43%)


Single-Step Preparation of Silver-Doped Magnetic Hybrid Nanoparticles for the Catalytic Reduction of Nitroarenes
陳慧芬, 洪媺媃, 洪子欣, 蔡雅雯, 蘇俊瑋, Yang J, 黃俊嬴* - - 1 - ACS Omega - ACS OMEGA 2018 3卷(3期):3340-3347頁
(IF: 2.584, 領域排名: 76, 領域期刊數: 172, 領域排名: 44.19%)

Single-Step Preparation of Silver-Doped Magnetic Hybrid Nanoparticles for the Catalytic Reduction of Nitroarenes
Chen, H.-F.; Hung, M.-J.; Hung, T.-H.; Tsai, Y.-W.; Su, C.-W.; Yang, J.; Huang, G. G.* - - 1 - ACS Omega - ACS OMEGA 2018;3(3):3340-3347
(IF: 2.584, Journal Ranking: 76, Number of Journals of this Field: 172, Ranking: 44.19%)


Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering Studies of the Reduction of p-Nitroaniline Catalyzed by a Nanonized Ag Porous-Glass Hybrid Composite
黃俊嬴*, 蘇雅麗, 洪媺媃 - - 1 - Spectrochimica Acta A - Spectrochim Acta A 2016 166卷(-期):8-14頁
(IF: 2.653, 領域排名: 13, 領域期刊數: 43, 領域排名: 30.23%)

Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering Studies of the Reduction of p-Nitroaniline Catalyzed by a Nanonized Ag Porous-Glass Hybrid Composite
Genin Gary Huang, Nga-Lai Sou, Mei-Jou Hung - - 1 - Spectrochimica Acta A - Spectrochim Acta A 2016;166(-):8-14
(IF: 2.653, Journal Ranking: 13, Number of Journals of this Field: 43, Ranking: 30.23%)


Rhenium-Based Molecular Trap as an Evanescent Wave Infrared Chemical Sensing Medium for the Selective Determination of Amines in Air
黃俊嬴,李宗傑,楊吉斯*, Che-Hao Chang, Malaichamy Sathiyendiran, Zong-Zhan Lu,呂光烈 - - 1 - ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces - ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016 8卷(51期):35634-35640頁
(IF: 7.145, 領域排名: 25, 領域期刊數: 271, 領域排名: 9.23%)

Rhenium-Based Molecular Trap as an Evanescent Wave Infrared Chemical Sensing Medium for the Selective Determination of Amines in Air
Genin Gary Huang, Chung-Jay Lee, Jyisy Yang*, Che-Hao Chang, Malaichamy Sathiyendiran, Zong-Zhan Lu, Kuang-Lieh Lu - - 1 - ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces - ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016;8(51):35634-35640
(IF: 7.145, Journal Ranking: 25, Number of Journals of this Field: 271, Ranking: 9.23%)


Anisotropic gold nanoassembly: a study on polarization-dependent and polarization-selective surface-enhanced Raman scattering
Mohammad Kamal Hossain*, 黃俊嬴, Yoshita Tanaka, Tadaaki Kaneko, Yukihiro Ozaki* - - 1 - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics - Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2015 17卷(6期):4268-4276頁
(IF: 4.198, 領域排名: 33, 領域期刊數: 136, 領域排名: 24.26%)

Anisotropic gold nanoassembly: a study on polarization-dependent and polarization-selective surface-enhanced Raman scattering
Mohammad Kamal Hossain*, Genin Gary Huang, Yoshita Tanaka, Tadaaki Kaneko, Yukihiro Ozaki* - - 1 - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics - Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2015;17(6):4268-4276
(IF: 4.198, Journal Ranking: 33, Number of Journals of this Field: 136, Ranking: 24.26%)


Single-step preparation of recyclable silver nanoparticle immobilized porous glass filters for the catalytic reduction of nitroarenes
林虹伶, 蘇雅麗, 黃俊嬴* - - 1 - RSC Advances - RSC ADV 2015 5卷(25期):19248-19254頁
(IF: 3.84, 領域排名: 33, 領域期刊數: 157, 領域排名: 21.02%)

Single-step preparation of recyclable silver nanoparticle immobilized porous glass filters for the catalytic reduction of nitroarenes
Hong-Ling Lin, Nga-Lai Sou, Genin Gary Huang* - - 1 - RSC Advances - RSC ADV 2015;5(25):19248-19254
(IF: 3.84, Journal Ranking: 33, Number of Journals of this Field: 157, Ranking: 21.02%)


張夢揚*, 陳憶加, 詹傑凱, 黃俊嬴 - - 1 - Tetrahedron - Tetrahedron 2015 71卷(14期):2095-2104頁
(IF: 2.645, 領域排名: 22, 領域期刊數: 59, 領域排名: 37.29%)

Efficient synthesis of highly oxygenated benzo[g]chrysenes
Chang, M.-Y.*; Chen, Y.-C.; Chan, C.-K.; Huang, G. G. - - 1 - Tetrahedron - Tetrahedron 2015;71(14):2095-2104
(IF: 2.645, Journal Ranking: 22, Number of Journals of this Field: 59, Ranking: 37.29%)


Easy-to-prepare electrochemical platform composed of ionic liquid-Ni(II)-graphite composites: laboratory study on electrochemical oxidation of urea, alcohols, and glucose
陳俊達, 羅乃章, 黃俊嬴, 陳泊余* - - 1 - Electrochimica Acta - Electrochim. Acta 2015 182卷(0期):113-121頁
(IF: 4.803, 領域排名: 3, 領域期刊數: 27, 領域排名: 11.11%)

Easy-to-prepare electrochemical platform composed of ionic liquid-Ni(II)-graphite composites: laboratory study on electrochemical oxidation of urea, alcohols, and glucose
Jyun-Da Chen, Nai-Chang Lo, Genin Gary Huang, Po-Yu Chen* - - 1 - Electrochimica Acta - Electrochim. Acta 2015;182(0):113-121
(IF: 4.803, Journal Ranking: 3, Number of Journals of this Field: 27, Ranking: 11.11%)


黃俊嬴*, 陳彥廷, 林裕榮 - - 1 - Analytical Methods - Anal. Methods 2014 6卷(-期):5690-5696頁
(IF: 1.821, 領域排名: 41, 領域期刊數: 123, 領域排名: 33.33%)

Development of a gold nanoparticle based anti-aggregation method for rapid detection of mercury(II) in aqueous solutions
Genin Gary Huang*, Yen-Ting Chen, Yu-Rong Lin - - 1 - Analytical Methods - Anal. Methods 2014;6(-):5690-5696
(IF: 1.821, Journal Ranking: 41, Number of Journals of this Field: 123, Ranking: 33.33%)


Spiral nanoporous gold electrode: a simple strategy for enhancing the attenuated-total-reflection infrared spectroelectrochemical sensitivity
陳泊余*, 簡大展, 黃俊嬴* - - 1 - Electrochimica Acta - ELECTROCHIM ACTA 2013 114卷(0期):309-317頁
(IF: 4.803, 領域排名: 3, 領域期刊數: 27, 領域排名: 11.11%)

Spiral nanoporous gold electrode: a simple strategy for enhancing the attenuated-total-reflection infrared spectroelectrochemical sensitivity
Po-Yu Chen*, Da-Jean Chien, Genin-Gary Huang* - - 1 - Electrochimica Acta - ELECTROCHIM ACTA 2013;114(0):309-317
(IF: 4.803, Journal Ranking: 3, Number of Journals of this Field: 27, Ranking: 11.11%)


Electrochemical preparation of photoelectrochemically active CuI thin films from room temperature ionic liquid
黃馨儀, 簡大展, 黃俊嬴, 陳泊余* - - 1 - Electrochimica Acta - ELECTROCHIM ACTA 2012 65卷(0期):204-209頁
(IF: 4.803, 領域排名: 3, 領域期刊數: 27, 領域排名: 11.11%)

Electrochemical preparation of photoelectrochemically active CuI thin films from room temperature ionic liquid
Hsin-Yi Huang, Da-Jean Chien, Genin-Gary Huang, Po-Yu Chen* - - 1 - Electrochimica Acta - ELECTROCHIM ACTA 2012;65(0):204-209
(IF: 4.803, Journal Ranking: 3, Number of Journals of this Field: 27, Ranking: 11.11%)


Zhen Zhou, Xiao Xia Han, 黃俊嬴, Yukihiro Ozaki - - 1 - Journal of Raman Scattering - J RAMAN SPECTROSC 2012 43卷(6期):706-711頁
(IF: 3.137, 領域排名: 9, 領域期刊數: 40, 領域排名: 22.50%)

Label-free detection of binary mixtures of proteins using surface-enhanced Raman scattering
Zhen Zhou, Xiao Xia Han, Genin Gary Huang, Yukihiro Ozaki - - 1 - Journal of Raman Scattering - J RAMAN SPECTROSC 2012;43(6):706-711
(IF: 3.137, Journal Ranking: 9, Number of Journals of this Field: 40, Ranking: 22.50%)


- - 1 - Talanta - TALANTA 2011 85卷(1期):63-69頁
(IF: 3.722, 領域排名: 11, 領域期刊數: 71, 領域排名: 15.49%)

Gondola-shaped tetra-rhenium metallacycles modified evanescent wave infrared chemical sensors for selective determination of volatile organic compounds
Genin Gary Huang, Chung-Jay Lee, Bo-Chan Tsai, Jyisy Yang*, Malaichamy Sathiyendiran, Kuang-Lieh Lu - - 1 - Talanta - TALANTA 2011;85(1):63-69
(IF: 3.722, Journal Ranking: 11, Number of Journals of this Field: 71, Ranking: 15.49%)


- - 1 - Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society - J CHIN CHEM SOC-TAIP 2011 58卷(4期):435-442頁
(IF: 0.718, 領域排名: 98, 領域期刊數: 144, 領域排名: 68.06%)

Metal Ion-Assisted Infrared Optical Sensor for Selective Determination of Tryptophan in Urine Samples
Genin Gary Huang, Min-Liang Cheng and Jyisy Yang* - - 1 - Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society - J CHIN CHEM SOC-TAIP 2011;58(4):435-442
(IF: 0.718, Journal Ranking: 98, Number of Journals of this Field: 144, Ranking: 68.06%)


Zhen Zhou, 黃俊嬴, T. Kato, Y. Ozaki* - - 1 - Journal of Raman Spectroscopy - J RAMAN SPECTROSC 2011 42卷(9期):1713-1721頁
(IF: 3.137, 領域排名: 9, 領域期刊數: 40, 領域排名: 22.50%)

Experimental parameters for SERS of Nitrate Ion for Label-free Semi-quantitative Detection of Proteins and Mechanism for Proteins to form SERS Hot-sites: A SERS Study
Zhen Zhou, Genin Gary Huang, T. Kato, Y. Ozaki* - - 1 - Journal of Raman Spectroscopy - J RAMAN SPECTROSC 2011;42(9):1713-1721
(IF: 3.137, Journal Ranking: 9, Number of Journals of this Field: 40, Ranking: 22.50%)


Zhen Zhou, In-sang Yang, 黃俊嬴, Yukihiro Ozaki* - - 1 - Analyst - ANALYST 2010 135卷(9期):2372頁
(IF: 3.913, 領域排名: 8, 領域期刊數: 71, 領域排名: 11.27%)

Co-adsorption of electrolyte and protein to Ag colloid observed by surface-enhanced Raman scattering
Zhen Zhou, In-sang Yang, Genin Gary Huang, Yukihiro Ozaki - - 1 - Analyst - ANALYST 2010;135(9):2372
(IF: 3.913, Journal Ranking: 8, Number of Journals of this Field: 71, Ranking: 11.27%)


黃俊嬴, Xiao X. Han, Mohammad Kamal Hossain, Yasutaka Kitahama, Yukihiro Ozaki* - - 1 - Applied Spectroscopy - APPL SPECTROSC 2010 64卷(10期):1100-1108頁
(IF: 1.729, 領域排名: 15, 領域期刊數: 61, 領域排名: 24.59%)

A Study of Glutathione Molecules Adsorbed on Silver Surfaces Under Different Chemical Environments by Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering in Combination with the Heat-Induced Sensing Method
Genin Gary Huang, Xiao X. Han, Mohammad Kamal Hossain, Yasutaka Kitahama, Yukihiro Ozaki* - - 1 - Applied Spectroscopy - APPL SPECTROSC 2010;64(10):1100-1108
(IF: 1.729, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 61, Ranking: 24.59%)


Zhen Zhou, 黃俊嬴, Yukihiro Ozaki* - - 1 - Chemistry Letters - CHEM LETT 2010 39卷(11期):1203-1205頁
(IF: 1.4, 領域排名: 61, 領域期刊數: 144, 領域排名: 42.36%)

Label-free Rapid Semiquantitative Detection of Proteins Down to Sub-monolayer Coverage by Using Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering of Nitrate Ion
Zhen Zhou, Genin Gary Huang, Yukihiro Ozaki* - - 1 - Chemistry Letters - CHEM LETT 2010;39(11):1203-1205
(IF: 1.4, Journal Ranking: 61, Number of Journals of this Field: 144, Ranking: 42.36%)


黃俊嬴 - - 1 - Analyst - ANALYST 2009 134卷(12期):2468-2474頁
(IF: 3.472, 領域排名: 5, 領域期刊數: 70, 領域排名: 7.14%)

A Novel Reversed Reporting Agent Method for Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering; Highly Sensitive Detection of Glutathione in Aqueous Solutions
Huang, G. G.; Hossain, M. K.; Han, X. X.; Ozaki, Y.* - - 1 - Analyst - ANALYST 2009;134(12):2468-2474
(IF: 3.472, Journal Ranking: 5, Number of Journals of this Field: 70, Ranking: 7.14%)


YEAR — Source — No — Type
Project Name
113 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSTC113-2113-M-037-015 — 1 個人型
軟性表面增強拉曼散射基材之製作與應用( )
2024/08/01 ~ 2025/07/31
112 — M 高醫(種子計畫) — KMU-M113013 —  
新型含綠色量子點之奈米複合基材製作與應用於螢光探針暨表面增強拉曼散射( )
2024/01/01 ~ 2024/12/31
111 — M 高醫(種子計畫) — KMU-M112003 —  
含碳量子點之奈米複合基材製作與應用於螢光探針暨表面增強拉曼散射之開發( )
2023/01/01 ~ 2023/12/31
110 — N 國科會(原科技部) — MOST110-2113-M-037-011 — 1 個人型
綠色碳量子點之製備及應用於螢光探針暨表面增強拉曼散射檢測有機磷類農藥之方法開發( )
2021/08/01 ~ 2023/07/31
109 — DK 前瞻重點(原校院) — KMU-DK(B)110001-4 —  
振動物光譜感測法檢測血液中一氧化氮之開發方法( )
2021/01/01 ~ 2021/12/31
109 — M 高醫(種子計畫) — KMU-M110008 —  
綠色碳量子點之製備及其應用於螢光探針暨表面增強拉曼散射基材之方法開發( )
2021/01/01 ~ 2021/12/31
108 — M 高醫(種子計畫) — KMU-M109025 —  
高再現性表面增強拉曼散射技術之開發與應用-3( )
2020/01/01 ~ 2020/12/31
108 — NK 高醫-中山合作計畫 — NSYSUKMU108-I002-3 — 2 整合型
含錳金屬核磁共振顯影劑之拉曼光譜研究與感測應用( )
2019/01/01 ~ 2019/12/31
107 — N 國科會(原科技部) — MOST107-2113-M-037-013 — 1 個人型
高再現性表面增強拉曼散射技術之開發與應用-2( )
2018/08/01 ~ 2019/07/31
106 — NK 高醫-中山合作計畫 —   — 2 整合型
開發微針貼片輸送系統應用於居家無痛皮下藥物/疫苗輸送治療( )
2017/01/01 ~ 2017/12/31
106 — N 國科會(原科技部) — MOST106-2113-M-037-016 — 1 個人型
高再現性表面增強拉曼散射技術之開發與應用( )
2017/08/01 ~ 2018/07/31
105 — M 高醫(種子計畫) — KMU-M106016 —  
新型複合式表面增強拉曼散射活性基材之製作及應用( )
2017/01/01 ~ 2017/12/31
104 — M 高醫(種子計畫) — KMU-M105001 —  
複合式表面增強拉曼散射活性基材之製作與應用( )
2016/01/01 ~ 2016/12/31
103 — NK 高醫-中山合作計畫 — NSYSUKMU103-P015 — 1 個人型
石墨烯奈米複合材料生醫感測上之應用(Fabrication of Graphene Hybrid Composites for Biomedical Applications)
2014/01/01 ~ 2014/12/31
103 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSC102-2113-M-037-014-MY2 — 1 個人型
新型多維式表面增強拉曼散射活性基材之製作與檢測生醫樣品之應用(2/2)( )
2014/08/01 ~ 2015/07/31
102 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSC102-2113-M-037-014-MY2 — 1 個人型
新型多維式表面增強拉曼散射活性基材之製作與檢測生醫樣品之應用(1/2)( )
2013/08/01 ~ 2015/07/31
102 — NK 高醫-中山合作計畫 — NSYSUKMU102-P017 — 1 個人型
三元石磨烯混成基材之製備與表面增強拉曼散射型免疫分析之應用(Preparation, Characterization and SERS-based Immunoassay Application of Graphene Hybrid Nanocomposites)
2013/01/01 ~ 2013/12/31
101 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSC100-2113-M-037-001-MY2 — 1 個人型
新型振動光譜式化學感測器之研製與應用(2/2)( )
2012/08/01 ~ 2013/07/31
100 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSC100-2113-M-037-001-MY2 — 1 個人型
新型振動光譜式化學感測器之研製與應用(1/2)( )
2011/08/01 ~ 2013/07/31
099 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSC98-2113-M-037-012-MY2 — 1 個人型
高感度表面增強拉曼散射法應用於生醫樣品檢測之方法開發(2/2)( )
2010/08/01 ~ 2011/07/31
098 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSC98-2113-M-037-012-MY2 — 1 個人型
高感度表面增強拉曼散射法應用於生醫樣品檢測之方法開發(1/2)( )
2009/11/01 ~ 2011/07/31
098 — Q 新聘教師計畫(校內) — KMU-Q099007 —  
殅肽分子吸附於貴金屬奈米立之表面增強拉曼光譜研究( )
2010/02/01 ~ 2010/12/31
