
School — Major — Degree Duration

高雄醫學大學 — 醫學研究所(畢) — 博士

Doctorate, Graduate Institute of Medicine, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University

1998/09 — 2003/01

高雄醫學院 — 藥學系(畢) — 學士

Bachelor, School of Pharmacy, Kaohsiung Medical College

1991/09 — 1995/06

 Intramural Experience

Office/Department/Institute Position Duration
寄生蟲學科 Department of Parasitology   Director 2024/08/01 — 2027/07/31
寄生蟲學科 Department of Parasitology   Associate Professor 2014/04/01 —  
寄生蟲學科 Department of Parasitology   Assistant Professor 2007/08/01 — 2014/03/31
寄生蟲學 Parasitology   Assistant Professor 2006/08/01 — 2007/07/31

 Extramural Experience

DEPNO Position- Office/Department/Institute Duration
輔英科技大學基礎醫學教育中心   0920801 — 0950731


NO Discipline Expertise
1 生物醫農類 Biology, Medicine and Agriculture 藥理及毒理 Pharmacology and Toxicology
2 生物醫農類 Biology, Medicine and Agriculture 藥學及中醫藥 Pharmacy and Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
3 生物醫農類 Biology, Medicine and Agriculture 寄生蟲學、醫事技術及實驗診斷 Parasitology, Medical Technology and Laboratory Diagnostics

 Research & Technology Platform Open to the Outside


 Interested Area(s)for Interdisciplinary Research



 Area(s) of Expertise & Research


parasitology, basic medicine, pharmacology


NO Publication

Low-Intensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy Ameliorates Detrusor Hyperactivity with Impaired Contractility via Transient Potential Vanilloid Channels: A Rat Model for Ovarian Hormone Deficiency.
闕光瞬, 呂建和, 吳炳男, 林榮峙, 林鴻裕, 莊淑棉, 張昭元, 沈美珍, 阮雍順* - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2024 25卷(9期):4927頁
(IF: 4.9, 領域排名: 66, 領域期刊數: 313, 領域排名: 21.09%)

Low-Intensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy Ameliorates Detrusor Hyperactivity with Impaired Contractility via Transient Potential Vanilloid Channels: A Rat Model for Ovarian Hormone Deficiency.
Kuang-Shun Chueh, Tai-Jui Juan, Jian-He Lu, Bin-Nan Wu, Rong-Jyh Lin, Jing-Wen Mao, Hung-Yu Lin, Shu-Mien Chuang, Chao-Yuan Chang, Mei-Chen Shen, Ting-Wei Sun, Yung-Shun Juan - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2024;25(9):4927
(IF: 4.9, Journal Ranking: 66, Number of Journals of this Field: 313, Ranking: 21.09%)


Intestinal capillariasis: An indigenous case in Taiwan.
李威德,Chih-Lin Huang, 林榮峙, 陳昭儒, 吳寬澧, 李俊德, 蘇月秋* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY, IMMUNOLOGY, AND INFECTION - JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION 2024 57卷(2024期):520-522頁
(IF: 7.4, 領域排名: 20, 領域期刊數: 135, 領域排名: 14.81%)

Intestinal capillariasis: An indigenous case in Taiwan.
Wei-Te Lee, Chih-Lin Huang, Rong-Jyh Lin, Chao-Ju Chen, Kuan-Li Wu, June-Der Lee, Yue-Chiu Su - - 1 - JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY, IMMUNOLOGY, AND INFECTION - JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION 2024;57(2024):520-522
(IF: 7.4, Journal Ranking: 20, Number of Journals of this Field: 135, Ranking: 14.81%)


Eugenosedin-A 改善肥胖相關高血糖經由調控 ATP 敏感性鉀通道及胰島素分泌在胰臟乙型細胞
林榮峙, Yu-Kwan Yen, 李建興, 謝素玲, 張毓秦, 阮雍順, 龍震宇, Kuo-Ping Shen*, 吳炳男* - - 1 - BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY = BIOMEDECINE & PHARMACOTHERAPIE - BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY 2022 145卷(1期):112447頁
(IF: 7.419, 領域排名: 26, 領域期刊數: 279, 領域排名: 9.32%)

Eugenosedin-A improves obesity-related hyperglycemia by regulating ATP-sensitive K channels and insulin secretion in pancreatic β cells.
Rong-Jyh Lin, Yu-Kwan Yen, Chien-Hsing Lee, Su-Ling Hsieh, Yu-Chin Chang, Yung-Shun Juan, Cheng-Yu Long, Kuo-Ping Shen*, Bin-Nan Wu* - - 1 - BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY = BIOMEDECINE & PHARMACOTHERAPIE - BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY 2022;145(1):112447
(IF: 7.419, Journal Ranking: 26, Number of Journals of this Field: 279, Ranking: 9.32%)


C. Y. Chen, C. L. Kao, H. C. Yeh, H. T. Li, 林榮峙* - - 1 - Chemistry of Natural Compounds - CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL COMPOUNDS 2022 58卷(1期):181-184頁
(IF: 0.8, 領域排名: 45, 領域期刊數: 52, 領域排名: 86.54%)

C. Y. Chen, C. L. Kao, H. C. Yeh, H. T. Li, R. J. Lin* - - 1 - Chemistry of Natural Compounds - CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL COMPOUNDS 2022;58(1):181-184
(IF: 0.8, Journal Ranking: 45, Number of Journals of this Field: 52, Ranking: 86.54%)


Therapeutic Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma Improves Bladder Overactivity in the Pathogenesis of Ketamine-Induced Ulcerative Cystitis in a Rat Model.
闕光瞬, Kuan-Hua Huang, Jian-He Lu, Tai-Jui Juan, Shu-Mien Chuang, 林榮峙, 李怡琛, 龍震宇, Mei-Chen Shen, Ting-Wei Sun, 阮雍順* - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2022 23卷(10期):5771頁
(IF: 6.208, 領域排名: 69, 領域期刊數: 296, 領域排名: 23.31%)

Therapeutic Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma Improves Bladder Overactivity in the Pathogenesis of Ketamine-Induced Ulcerative Cystitis in a Rat Model.
Kuang-Shun Chueh, Kuan-Hua Huang, Jian-He Lu, Tai-Jui Juan, Shu-Mien Chuang, Rong-Jyh Lin, Yi-Chen Lee, Cheng-Yu Long, Mei-Chen Shen, Ting-Wei Sun, Yung-Shun Juan - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2022;23(10):5771
(IF: 6.208, Journal Ranking: 69, Number of Journals of this Field: 296, Ranking: 23.31%)


Djulis supplementation against oxidative stress and ultraviolet radiation-induced cell damage: The influence of antioxidant status and aging of skin in healthy subjects.
蔡宗鎰,林榮峙,劉澄,曾雅萍,曾良鵬*,梁家華* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF COSMETIC DERMATOLOGY - JOURNAL OF COSMETIC DERMATOLOGY 2022 21卷(7期):2945-2953頁
(IF: 2.189, 領域排名: 44, 領域期刊數: 68, 領域排名: 64.71%)

Djulis supplementation against oxidative stress and ultraviolet radiation-induced cell damage: The influence of antioxidant status and aging of skin in healthy subjects.
Tsung-Yi Tsai, Rong-Jyh Lin, Cheng Liu, Ya-Ping Tseng, Leong-Perng Chan, Chia-Hua Liang - - 1 - JOURNAL OF COSMETIC DERMATOLOGY - JOURNAL OF COSMETIC DERMATOLOGY 2022;21(7):2945-2953
(IF: 2.189, Journal Ranking: 44, Number of Journals of this Field: 68, Ranking: 64.71%)


Cestocidal activities of bioactive garlic compounds against Hymenolepis nana
馬亦玄, 吳玫萱, 鍾麗玉, 顏全敏, 阮雍順, 林榮峙* - - 1 - Acta Tropica - ACTA TROPICA 2022 235卷(1期):106580頁
(IF: 3.222, 領域排名: 14, 領域期刊數: 39, 領域排名: 35.90%)

Cestocidal activities of bioactive garlic compounds against Hymenolepis nana
Yi-Hsuan Ma, Mei-Hsuan Wu, Li-Yu Chung, Chuan-Min Yen, Yung-Shun Juan, Rong-Jyh Lin* - - 1 - Acta Tropica - ACTA TROPICA 2022;235(1):106580
(IF: 3.222, Journal Ranking: 14, Number of Journals of this Field: 39, Ranking: 35.90%)


Therapeutic Effect and Immune Changes after Treatment of Hymenolepis nana-Infected BALB/c Mice with Compounds Isolated from Leucaena leucocephala
馬亦玄, Chung-Yi Chen, 鍾麗玉, 顏全敏, 阮雍順, 林榮峙* - - 1 - VETERINARY SCIENCES - VETERINARY SCIENCES 2022 9卷(7期):368頁
(IF: 2.4, 領域排名: 29, 領域期刊數: 143, 領域排名: 20.28%)

Therapeutic Effect and Immune Changes after Treatment of Hymenolepis nana-Infected BALB/c Mice with Compounds Isolated from Leucaena leucocephala
Yi-Hsuan Ma, Chung-Yi Chen, Li-Yu Chung, Chuan-Min Yen, Yung-Shun Juan, Rong-Jyh Lin* - - 1 - VETERINARY SCIENCES - VETERINARY SCIENCES 2022;9(7):368
(IF: 2.4, Journal Ranking: 29, Number of Journals of this Field: 143, Ranking: 20.28%)


Autophagy Alters Bladder Angiogenesis and Improves Bladder Hyperactivity in the Pathogenesis of Ketamine-Induced Cystitis in a Rat Model.
呂建和,吳怡萱#,阮泰叡,林鴻裕,林榮峙,闕光瞬,李怡琛,張昭元,阮雍順* - - 1 - Biology - BIOLOGY-BASEL 2021 10卷(6期):488頁
(IF: 5.079, 領域排名: 16, 領域期刊數: 93, 領域排名: 17.20%)

Autophagy Alters Bladder Angiogenesis and Improves Bladder Hyperactivity in the Pathogenesis of Ketamine-Induced Cystitis in a Rat Model.
Jian-He Lu#, Yi-Hsuan Wu#, Tai-Jui Juan, Hung-Yu Lin, Rong-Jyh Lin, Kuang-Shun Chueh, Yi-Chen Lee, Chao-Yuan Chang, Yung-Shun Juan* - - 1 - Biology - BIOLOGY-BASEL 2021;10(6):488
(IF: 5.079, Journal Ranking: 16, Number of Journals of this Field: 93, Ranking: 17.20%)


蔡宗鎰,林榮峙,劉澄,曾雅萍,曾良鵬*,梁家華* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF COSMETIC DERMATOLOGY - JOURNAL OF COSMETIC DERMATOLOGY 2021 0卷(0期):1-9頁
(IF: 2.696, 領域排名: 39, 領域期刊數: 68, 領域排名: 57.35%)

Djulis supplementation against oxidative stress and ultraviolet radiation-induced cell damage: The influence of antioxidant status and aging of skin in healthy subjects
Tsung-Yi Tsai | Rong-Jyh Lin | Cheng Liu | Ya-Ping Tseng | Leong-Perng Chan | Chia-Hua Liang - - 1 - JOURNAL OF COSMETIC DERMATOLOGY - JOURNAL OF COSMETIC DERMATOLOGY 2021;0(0):1-9
(IF: 2.696, Journal Ranking: 39, Number of Journals of this Field: 68, Ranking: 57.35%)


李俊德*, 顏全敏, 王俊傑, 林榮峙, 鍾麗⽟ - - 1 - Tropical Doctor - TROPICAL DOCTOR 2021 51卷(2期):167-170頁
(IF: 0.828, 領域排名: 20, 領域期刊數: 24, 領域排名: 83.33%)

A school-based of soil-transmitted helminths survey in Guadalcanal Province, the Solomon Islands
June-Der Lee*, Chuan-Min Yen, Jiun-Jye Wang, Rong-Jyh Lin, Li-Yu Chung - - 1 - Tropical Doctor - TROPICAL DOCTOR 2021;51(2):167-170
(IF: 0.828, Journal Ranking: 20, Number of Journals of this Field: 24, Ranking: 83.33%)


A NEW APOCAROTENOID OF Cinnamomum burmannii
林榮峙, C. L. Kao, S. L. Liu, H. C. Yeh, P. L. Song, H. T. Li, H. M. Wang, H. W. Chang*, C. Y. Chen* - - 1 - Chemistry of Natural Compounds - CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL COMPOUNDS 2020 56卷(4期):604-606頁
(IF: 0.809, 領域排名: 52, 領域期刊數: 57, 領域排名: 91.23%)

A NEW APOCAROTENOID OF Cinnamomum burmannii
R. J. Lin*, C. L. Kao, S. L. Liu, H. C. Yeh, P. L. Song, H. T. Li, H. M. Wang, H. W. Chang*, C. Y. Chen* - - 1 - Chemistry of Natural Compounds - CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL COMPOUNDS 2020;56(4):604-606
(IF: 0.809, Journal Ranking: 52, Number of Journals of this Field: 57, Ranking: 91.23%)


C. Y. Chen,* C. L. Kao, H. C. Yeh, P. L. Song, 林榮峙 and H. T. Li - - 1 - Chemistry of Natural Compounds - CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL COMPOUNDS 2020 56卷(5期):904-905頁
(IF: 0.809, 領域排名: 52, 領域期刊數: 57, 領域排名: 91.23%)

C. Y. Chen,* C. L. Kao, H. C. Yeh, P. L. Song, R. J. Lin, and H. T. Li - - 1 - Chemistry of Natural Compounds - CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL COMPOUNDS 2020;56(5):904-905
(IF: 0.809, Journal Ranking: 52, Number of Journals of this Field: 57, Ranking: 91.23%)


林榮峙, C. L. Kao, H. C. Yeh, H. T. Li*, C. Y. Chen* - - 1 - Chemistry of Natural Compounds - CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL COMPOUNDS 2020 56卷(6期):1176-1177頁
(IF: 0.809, 領域排名: 52, 領域期刊數: 57, 領域排名: 91.23%)

R. J. Lin, C. L. Kao, H. C. Yeh, H. T. Li*, C. Y. Chen* - - 1 - Chemistry of Natural Compounds - CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL COMPOUNDS 2020;56(6):1176-1177
(IF: 0.809, Journal Ranking: 52, Number of Journals of this Field: 57, Ranking: 91.23%)


Chemcial Constituents of the Fungus Biscogniauxia cylindrospora
Ming-Der Wu, Ming-Jen Cheng, 林榮峙, Hing-Yuen Chan, Sung-Yuan Hsieh, Hsun-Shuo Chang, Chien-Liang Lin, Jih-Jung Chen* - - 1 - Chemistry of Natural Compounds - CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL COMPOUNDS 2019 55卷(5期):924-926頁
(IF: 0.653, 領域排名: 52, 領域期刊數: 57, 領域排名: 91.23%)

Chemcial Constituents of the Fungus Biscogniauxia cylindrospora
Ming-Der Wu, Ming-Jen Cheng, Rong-Jyh Lin, Hing-Yuen Chan, Sung-Yuan Hsieh, Hsun-Shuo Chang, Chien-Liang Lin, Jih-Jung Chen* - - 1 - Chemistry of Natural Compounds - CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL COMPOUNDS 2019;55(5):924-926
(IF: 0.653, Journal Ranking: 52, Number of Journals of this Field: 57, Ranking: 91.23%)


李俊德, 鍾麗玉, 林榮峙, 王俊傑, 杜鴻賓, 顏全敏* - - 1 - Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences - KAOHSIUNG J MED SCI 2017 33卷(12期):594-601頁
(IF: 1.288, 領域排名: 110, 領域期刊數: 133, 領域排名: 82.71%)

Excretory/secretory proteases and mechanical movement of Anisakis pegreffii infective larvae in the penetration of BALB/c mice gastrointestine
June-Der Lee, Li-Yu Chung, Rong-Jyh Lin, Jiun-Jye Wang, Hong-Pin Tu, Chuan-Min Yen* - - 1 - Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences - KAOHSIUNG J MED SCI 2017;33(12):594-601
(IF: 1.288, Journal Ranking: 110, Number of Journals of this Field: 133, Ranking: 82.71%)


Ketamine-induced ulcerative cystitis and bladder apoptosis involve oxidative stress mediated by mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum
劉克明,莊淑棉*,龍震宇,李懿倫,王詔絹, Mei-Chin Lu,林榮峙, Jian-He Lu,張美玉,吳文正, Wan-Ting Ho,阮雍順* - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-RENAL PHYSIOLOGY - AM J PHYSIOL RENAL PHYSIOL 2015 309卷(4期):F318-331頁
(IF: 3.248, 領域排名: 17, 領域期刊數: 78, 領域排名: 21.79%)

Ketamine-induced ulcerative cystitis and bladder apoptosis involve oxidative stress mediated by mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum
Keh-Min Liu, Shu-Mien Chuang*, Cheng-Yu Long, Yi-Lun Lee, Chao-Chuan Wang, Mei-Chin Lu, - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-RENAL PHYSIOLOGY - AM J PHYSIOL RENAL PHYSIOL 2015;309(4):F318-331
(IF: 3.248, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 78, Ranking: 21.79%)


王詔絹,蔡易真,謝雅晶,林榮峙, 林志隆* - - 1 - KAOHSIUNG JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES - KAOHSIUNG J MED SCI 2014 30卷(2期):73-81頁
(IF: 0.805, 領域排名: 102, 領域期刊數: 124, 領域排名: 82.26%)

The aqueous extract from Toona sinensis leaves inhibits microglia-mediated neuroinflammation
Chao-Chuan Wang a, Yee-Jean Tsai b, Ya-Ching Hsieh c, Rong-Jyh Lin d, Chih-Lung Lin* - - 1 - KAOHSIUNG JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES - KAOHSIUNG J MED SCI 2014;30(2):73-81
(IF: 0.805, Journal Ranking: 102, Number of Journals of this Field: 124, Ranking: 82.26%)


李俊德, 鍾麗玉, 王蓮成, 林榮峙, 王俊傑, 杜鴻賓, 吳宗道, 顏全敏* - - 1 - Acta Tropica - Acta Trop 2014 133卷(0期):26-34頁
(IF: 2.787, 領域排名: 4, 領域期刊數: 22, 領域排名: 18.18%)

Sequence analysis in partial genes of five isolates of Angiostrongylus cantonensis from Taiwan and biological comparison in infectivity and pathogenicity between two strains.
June-Der Lee, Li-Yu Chung, Lian-Chen Wang, Rong-Jyh Lin, Jiun-Jye Wang, Hung-Pin Tu, Zhong-Dao Wu, Chuan-Min Yen* - - 1 - Acta Tropica - Acta Trop 2014;133(0):26-34
(IF: 2.787, Journal Ranking: 4, Number of Journals of this Field: 22, Ranking: 18.18%)


Anthelmintic Activities of Aporphine from Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. cv. Rosa-plena against Hymenolepis nana.
林榮峙,吳玫萱,馬亦玄, 鍾麗玉,陳中一, 顏全敏* - - 1 - International Journal of Molecular sciences - 2014 15卷(3期):3624-3639頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Anthelmintic Activities of Aporphine from Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. cv. Rosa-plena against Hymenolepis nana
Lin RJ, Wu MH, Ma YH, Chung LY, Chen CY*, Yen CM*. - - 1 - International Journal of Molecular sciences - 2014;15(3):3624-3639
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Anthelmintic constituents from ginger (Zingiber officinale) against Hymenolepis nana.
林榮峙, Chen CY, Lu CM, 馬亦玄, 鍾麗玉, 王俊傑,李俊德, 顏全敏* - - 1 - Acta Tropica - 2014 140卷(C期):50-60頁
(IF: 2.218, 領域排名: 7, 領域期刊數: 19, 領域排名: 36.84%)

Anthelmintic constituents from ginger (Zingiber officinale) against Hymenolepis nana.
Lin RJ, Chen CY, Lu CM, Ma YH, Chung LY, Wang JJ, Lee JD, Yen CM. - - 1 - Acta Tropica - 2014;140(C):50-60
(IF: 2.218, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 19, Ranking: 36.84%)


從Caesalpinia sappan L.獲得之Brazilein具抗氧化、抑制脂肪細胞分化、經由活化Caspase-3誘導細胞凋亡,和對抗Hymenolepis nana的 Anisakis simplex之larvicidal活性
梁家華,曾良鵬(共同第一),周宗翰,江豐裕,顏全敏,陳品儒,丁秀玉*,林榮峙* - - 1 - Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine - EVID-BASED COMPL ALT 2013 2013卷(-期):864892(1-14)頁
(IF: 1.722, 領域排名: 8, 領域期刊數: 22, 領域排名: 36.36%)

Brazilein from Caesalpinia sappan L. Antioxidant Inhibits Adipocyte Differentiation and Induces Apoptosis through Caspase-3 Activity and Anthelmintic Activities against Hymenolepis nana and Anisakis simplex.
Chia-Hua Liang1, Leong-Perng Chan1, Tzung-Han Chou, Feng-Yu Chiang, Chuan-Min Yen, Pin-Ju Chen, Hsiou-Yu Ding*, Rong-Jyh Lin* - - 1 - Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine - EVID-BASED COMPL ALT 2013;2013(-):864892(1-14)
(IF: 1.722, Journal Ranking: 8, Number of Journals of this Field: 22, Ranking: 36.36%)


Antioxidant, anti-adipocyte differentiation, antitumor activity and anthelmintic activities against Anisakis simplex and Hymenolepis nana of yakuchinone A from Alpinia oxyphylla
林榮峙, 顏全敏, 周宗翰, 江豐裕, Wang GH, Tseng YP, Wang L, Huang TW, Wang HC, 曾良鵬*, 丁秀玉*, 梁家華*. - - 1 - BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine - BMC COMPLEM ALTERN M 2013 13卷(-期):237頁
(IF: 2.082, 領域排名: 7, 領域期刊數: 22, 領域排名: 31.82%)

Antioxidant, anti-adipocyte differentiation, antitumor activity and anthelmintic activities against Anisakis simplex and Hymenolepis nana of yakuchinone A from Alpinia oxyphylla
Lin RJ, Yen CM, Chou TH, Chiang FY, Wang GH, Tseng YP, Wang L, Huang TW, Wang HC, Chan LP*, Ding HY*, Liang CH*. - - 1 - BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine - BMC COMPLEM ALTERN M 2013;13(-):237
(IF: 2.082, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 22, Ranking: 31.82%)


Angiostrongylus cantonensis (Nematode: Metastrongiloidea): in vitro cultivation of infective third-stage larvae to fourth-stage larvae.
林榮峙, He JW, 鍾麗玉, 李俊德, 王俊傑, 顏全敏* - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2013 8卷(8期):e72084頁
(IF: 3.73, 領域排名: 7, 領域期刊數: 56, 領域排名: 12.50%)

Angiostrongylus cantonensis (Nematode: Metastrongiloidea): in vitro cultivation of infective third-stage larvae to fourth-stage larvae.
Lin RJ, He JW, Chung LY, Lee JD, Wang JJ, Yen CM. - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2013;8(8):e72084
(IF: 3.73, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 56, Ranking: 12.50%)


Protective effects of estrogen on ischemia/reperfusion-induced bladder dysfunction in female rabbits
Chuang SM, Long CY, 林榮峙, Liu KM, Levin RM, Chang CY, Ho YW, Wu WJ, Chang WC, Juan YS - - 1 - Menopause - 2013 20卷(2期):209-217頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Protective effects of estrogen on ischemia/reperfusion-induced bladder dysfunction in female rabbits
Chuang SM, Long CY, Lin RJ, Liu KM, Levin RM, Chang CY, Ho YW, Wu WJ, Chang WC, Juan YS - - 1 - Menopause - 2013;20(2):209-217
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Protein kinase C inhibitor prevents renal apoptotic and fibrotic changes in response to partial ureteric obstruction
阮雍順,莊淑棉(共同第一),龍震宇, 林榮峙, 劉克明,吳文正,黃俊雄* - - 1 - BJU INTERNATIONAL - BJU INT 2012 110卷(2期):283-292頁
(IF: 2.844, 領域排名: 18, 領域期刊數: 73, 領域排名: 24.66%)

Protein kinase C inhibitor prevents renal apoptotic and fibrotic changes in response to partial ureteric obstruction
Yung-Shun Juan, Shu-Mien Chuang, Cheng-Yu Long, Rong-Jyh Lin, Keh-Min Liu, Wen-Jeng Wu, Chun-Hsiung Huang* - - 1 - BJU INTERNATIONAL - BJU INT 2012;110(2):283-292
(IF: 2.844, Journal Ranking: 18, Number of Journals of this Field: 73, Ranking: 24.66%)


由Origanum vulgare獲得之4-(3,4-Dihydroxybenzoyloxymethyl)phenyl-O-β-d-glucopyranoside之清除自由基活性及保護避免氧化性傷害
曾良鵬,梁家華,丁秀玉,蘇翔,林榮峙,王惠敏,曾雅萍,周宗翰* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY - J AGR FOOD CHEM 2012 60卷(31期):7690-7696頁
(IF: 2.823, 領域排名: 3, 領域期刊數: 57, 領域排名: 5.26%)

Free Radical Scavenging Activity of 4-(3,4-Dihydroxybenzoyloxymethyl)phenyl-O-β-d-glucopyranoside from Origanum vulgare and Its Protection against Oxidative Damage
Chia-Hua Liang, Leong-Perng Chan, Hsiou-Yu Ding, Edmund Cheung So, Rong-Jyh Lin, Hui-Min Wang, Ying-Ging Chen, and Tzung-Han Chou* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY - J AGR FOOD CHEM 2012;60(31):7690-7696
(IF: 2.823, Journal Ranking: 3, Number of Journals of this Field: 57, Ranking: 5.26%)


梁家華*,王貴弘,周宗翰,王士豪,林榮峙,曾良鵬,蘇翔,許志宏* - - 1 - BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENERAL SUBJECTS - BBA-GEN SUBJECTS 2012 1820卷(7期):1149-1157頁
(IF: 5, 領域排名: 12, 領域期刊數: 74, 領域排名: 16.22%)

5-epi-Sinuleptolide induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis through tumor necrosis factor/mitochondria-mediated caspase signaling pathway in human skin cancer cells
Chia-Hua Liang*, Guey-Horng Wang, Tzung-Han Chou, Shih-Hao Wang, Rong-Jyh Lin, Leong-Perng Chan, Edmund Cheung So, Jyh-Horng Sheu* - - 1 - BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENERAL SUBJECTS - BBA-GEN SUBJECTS 2012;1820(7):1149-1157
(IF: 5, Journal Ranking: 12, Number of Journals of this Field: 74, Ranking: 16.22%)


A new phenylalkanoid from the rhizomes of Zingiber officinale
Kuo SY, 林榮峙, Yeh YT, Lee JY, Chen CY. - - 1 - Nat Prod Res - 2012 26卷(14期):1318頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

A new phenylalkanoid from the rhizomes of Zingiber officinale.
Kuo SY, Lin RJ, Yeh YT, Lee JY, Chen CY. - - 1 - Nat Prod Res - 2012;26(14):1318
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


王俊傑, 鍾麗玉, 林榮峙, 李俊德, 林巧雯, 顏全敏* - - 1 - Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences - KAOHSIUNG J MED SCI 2011 27卷(5期):184-189頁
(IF: 0.474, 領域排名: 92, 領域期刊數: 106, 領域排名: 86.79%)

Eosinophilic meningitis risk associated with raw Ampullarium canaliculatus snails consumption
Jiun-Jye Wang, Li-Yu Chung, Rong-Jyh Lin, June-Der Lee, Chaio-Wen Lin, Chuan-Min Yen - - 1 - Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences - KAOHSIUNG J MED SCI 2011;27(5):184-189
(IF: 0.474, Journal Ranking: 92, Number of Journals of this Field: 106, Ranking: 86.79%)


林怡玲,林榮峙,沈國屏,戴任恭,陳英俊,吳俊仁*,吳炳男* - - 1 - Journal of Ethnopharmacology - J ETHNOPHARMACOL 2011 138卷(2期):373-381頁
(IF: 2.939, 領域排名: 1, 領域期刊數: 22, 領域排名: 4.55%)

Baicalein, isolated from Scutellaria baicalensis, protects against endothelin-1-induced pulmonary artery smooth muscle cell proliferation via inhibition of TRPC1 channel expression.
Lin YL, Lin RJ, Shen KP, Dai ZK, Chen IJ, Wu JR, Wu BN - - 1 - Journal of Ethnopharmacology - J ETHNOPHARMACOL 2011;138(2):373-381
(IF: 2.939, Journal Ranking: 1, Number of Journals of this Field: 22, Ranking: 4.55%)


丁秀玉,周宗翰,林榮峙,曾良鵬,王貴弘,梁家華 * - - 1 - Plant Foods for Human Nutrition - PLANT FOOD HUM NUTR 2011 66卷(3期):275–284頁
(IF: 2.463, 領域排名: 19, 領域期刊數: 126, 領域排名: 15.08%)

Antioxidant and Antimelanogenic Behaviors of Paeonia suffruticosa
1.Hsiou-Yu Ding, Tzung-Han Chou, Rong-Jyh Lin, Leong-Perng Chan, Guey-Horng Wang and Chia-Hua Liang* - - 1 - Plant Foods for Human Nutrition - PLANT FOOD HUM NUTR 2011;66(3):275–284
(IF: 2.463, Journal Ranking: 19, Number of Journals of this Field: 126, Ranking: 15.08%)


A new phenylalkanoid from the rhizomes of Zingiber officinale
Kuo SY, 林榮峙, Yeh YT, Lee JY, Chen CY* - - 1 - Natural Product Research - 2011 nov卷(11期):1-5頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

A new phenylalkanoid from the rhizomes of Zingiber officinale
Kuo SY, Lin RJ, Yeh YT, Lee JY, Chen CY* - - 1 - Natural Product Research - 2011;nov(11):1-5
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Protein kinase C inhibitor prevents renal apoptotic and fibrotic changes in response to partial ureteric obstruction.
Juan YS, Chuang SM, Long CY, 林榮峙, Liu KM, Wu WJ, Huang CH* - - 1 - BJU International - BJU INT 2011 dec卷(7期):1-10頁
(IF: 3.19, 領域排名: 14, 領域期刊數: 69, 領域排名: 20.29%)

Protein kinase C inhibitor prevents renal apoptotic and fibrotic changes in response to
Juan YS, Chuang SM, Long CY, Lin RJ, Liu KM, Wu WJ, Huang CH* - - 1 - BJU International - BJU INT 2011;dec(7):1-10
(IF: 3.19, Journal Ranking: 14, Number of Journals of this Field: 69, Ranking: 20.29%)


黃芩之成分Baicalin活化大傳導性鈣離子活化鉀離子通道由 cyclic nucleotide依賴型蛋白激酶
林怡伶, 戴任恭, 林榮峙, 朱光興, 陳英俊, 吳俊仁*, 吳炳男* - - 1 - Phytomedicine - PHYTOMEDICINE 2010 17卷(10期):760-770頁
(IF: 2.877, 領域排名: 2, 領域期刊數: 22, 領域排名: 9.09%)

Baicalin, a flavonoid from Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi, activates large-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels via cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinases in mesenteric artery
Lin YL, Dai ZK, Lin RJ, Chu KS, Chen IJ, Wu JR, Wu BN - - 1 - Phytomedicine - PHYTOMEDICINE 2010;17(10):760-770
(IF: 2.877, Journal Ranking: 2, Number of Journals of this Field: 22, Ranking: 9.09%)


Larvicidal activities of ginger (Zingiber officinale) against Angiostrongylus cantonensis
林榮峙, Chen CY, 鍾麗玉, 顏全敏* - - 1 - Acta Tropica 2010 Jul-Aug; 115 (1-2):6 - ACTA TROP 2010 115卷(1-2期):69-76頁
(IF: 2.262, 領域排名: 11, 領域期刊數: 32, 領域排名: 34.38%)

Larvicidal activities of ginger (Zingiber officinale) against Angiostrongylus cantonensis
Lin RJ, Chen CY, Chung LY, Yen CM* - - 1 - Acta Tropica 2010 Jul-Aug; 115 (1-2):6 - ACTA TROP 2010;115(1-2):69-76
(IF: 2.262, Journal Ranking: 11, Number of Journals of this Field: 32, Ranking: 34.38%)


Larvicidal constituents of Zingiber officinale (ginger) against Anisakis simplex
林榮峙, Chen CY, Lee JD, 呂瑾玫, 鍾麗玉, 顏全敏* - - 1 - Planta Medica - PLANTA MED 2010 76卷(16期):1852-1858頁
(IF: 2.369, 領域排名: 45, 領域期刊數: 185, 領域排名: 24.32%)

Larvicidal constituents of Zingiber officinale (ginger) against Anisakis simplex
Lin RJ, Chen CY, Lee JD, Lu CM, Chung LY, Yen CM* - - 1 - Planta Medica - PLANTA MED 2010;76(16):1852-1858
(IF: 2.369, Journal Ranking: 45, Number of Journals of this Field: 185, Ranking: 24.32%)


Inhibition of melanogenesis and oxidation by protocatechuic acid from Origanum vulgare (oregano)
Chou TH, Ding HY, 林榮峙, Liang JY, Liang CH* - - 1 - Journal of Natural Products - J NAT PROD 2010 73卷(11期):1767-1774頁
(IF: 2.872, 領域排名: 28, 領域期刊數: 185, 領域排名: 15.14%)

Inhibition of melanogenesis and oxidation by protocatechuic acid from Origanum vulgare (oregano)
Chou TH, Ding HY, Lin RJ, Liang JY, Liang CH*. - - 1 - Journal of Natural Products - J NAT PROD 2010;73(11):1767-1774
(IF: 2.872, Journal Ranking: 28, Number of Journals of this Field: 185, Ranking: 15.14%)


Apoptosis effect of Sinularia leptoclados, S. depressan and S. inflate extracts in human oral squamous cell carcinomas
Liang CH, Wang GH, Hung WJ, 林榮峙, Cheng DL, Chou TH* - - 1 - Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers - J TAIWAN INST CHEM E 2010 41卷(1期):86-91頁
(IF: 0.573, 領域排名: 94, 領域期刊數: 134, 領域排名: 70.15%)

Apoptosis effect of Sinularia leptoclados, S. depressan and S. inflate extracts in human oral squamous cell carcinomas
Liang CH, Wang GH, Hung WJ, Lin RJ, Cheng DL, Chou TH* - - 1 - Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers - J TAIWAN INST CHEM E 2010;41(1):86-91
(IF: 0.573, Journal Ranking: 94, Number of Journals of this Field: 134, Ranking: 70.15%)


Chemical constituents from the leaves of Machilus zuihoensis Hayata var. mushaensis (Lu) Y.C. Liu.
Chen CY, Cheng MJ, Chiang YJ, Bai JC, Chiu CT, 林榮峙, Hsui YR, Lo WL* - - 1 - Natural Product Research - NAT PROD RES 2009 23卷(9期):871-875頁
(IF: 0.81, 領域排名: 36, 領域期刊數: 64, 領域排名: 56.25%)

Chemical constituents from the leaves of Machilus zuihoensis Hayata var. mushaensis (Lu) Y.C. Liu.
Chen CY, Cheng MJ, Chiang YJ, Bai JC, Chiu CT, 林榮峙, Hsui YR, Lo WL* - - 1 - Natural Product Research - NAT PROD RES 2009;23(9):871-875
(IF: 0.81, Journal Ranking: 36, Number of Journals of this Field: 64, Ranking: 56.25%)


Cytotoxic compounds from the stems of Cinnamomum tenuifolium
林榮峙, Cheng MJ, Huang JC, Lo WL, Yeh YT, 顏全敏, Lu CM, Chen CY. - - 1 - Journal of Natural Products - J NAT PROD 2009 72卷(10期):1816-1824頁
(IF: 3.159, 領域排名: 12, 領域期刊數: 46, 領域排名: 26.09%)

Cytotoxic compounds from the stems of Cinnamomum tenuifolium
Lin RJ, Cheng MJ, Huang JC, Lo WL, Yeh YT, Yen CM, Lu CM, Chen CY. - - 1 - Journal of Natural Products - J NAT PROD 2009;72(10):1816-1824
(IF: 3.159, Journal Ranking: 12, Number of Journals of this Field: 46, Ranking: 26.09%)


Chemical constituents from the whole plant of Gaultheria itoana Hayata
Chen CY, 林榮峙,Huang JC, Wu YH, Cheng MJ, Hung HC, Lo WL. - - 1 - CHEMISTRY & BIODIVERSITY - CHEM BIODIVERS 2009 6卷(10期):1737-1743頁
(IF: 1.926, 領域排名: 45, 領域期刊數: 138, 領域排名: 32.61%)

Chemical constituents from the whole plant of Gaultheria itoana Hayata
Chen CY,Lin RJ, Huang JC, Wu YH, Cheng MJ, Hung HC, Lo WL. - - 1 - CHEMISTRY & BIODIVERSITY - CHEM BIODIVERS 2009;6(10):1737-1743
(IF: 1.926, Journal Ranking: 45, Number of Journals of this Field: 138, Ranking: 32.61%)


Cytotoxic activity of Ipomoea cairica
林榮峙,CHUNG-YI CHEN,WEN-LI LO* - - 1 - Natural Product Research - NAT PROD RES 2008 22卷(09期):747-753頁
(IF: 0.782, 領域排名: 35, 領域期刊數: 60, 領域排名: 58.33%)

Cytotoxic activity of Ipomoea cairica
RONG-JYH LIN, CHUNG-YI CHEN,WEN-LI LO* - - 1 - Natural Product Research - NAT PROD RES 2008;22(09):747-753
(IF: 0.782, Journal Ranking: 35, Number of Journals of this Field: 60, Ranking: 58.33%)


A novel cytotoxic monoterpenoid from the leaves of Cinnamomum subavenium
林榮峙, Lo WL, Wang YD, Chen CY* - - 1 - Natural Product Research - NAT PROD RES 2008 22卷(12期):1055-1059頁
(IF: 0.782, 領域排名: 35, 領域期刊數: 60, 領域排名: 58.33%)

A novel cytotoxic monoterpenoid from the leaves of Cinnamomum subavenium
Lin RJ, Lo WL, Wang YD, Chen CY* - - 1 - Natural Product Research - NAT PROD RES 2008;22(12):1055-1059
(IF: 0.782, Journal Ranking: 35, Number of Journals of this Field: 60, Ranking: 58.33%)


蘭嶼肉桂中Isoobtusilactone A的抗癌活性:包含凋亡、細胞週期失調、粒腺體調控和活性氧化物之特性
Chen CY,Chen CH,羅怡卿,吳炳男,王惠民,Lo WL,顏全敏*,林榮峙* - - 1 - Journal of Natural Products - J NAT PROD 2008 71卷(6期):933-940頁
(IF: 2.843, 領域排名: 4, 領域期刊數: 60, 領域排名: 6.67%)

Anticancer Activity of Isoobtusilactone A from Cinnamomum kotoense: Involvement of Apoptosis, Cell-Cycle Dysregulation, Mitochondria Regulation, and Reactive Oxygen Species
Chen CY, Chen CH, Lo YC, Wu BN, Wang HM, Lo WL, Yen CM*, Lin RJ*. - - 1 - Journal of Natural Products - J NAT PROD 2008;71(6):933-940
(IF: 2.843, Journal Ranking: 4, Number of Journals of this Field: 60, Ranking: 6.67%)


Chemical constituents from the leaves of Machilus zuihoensis Hayata var. mushaensis (Lu) Y. C. Liu.
Chen CY, Cheng MJ, Chiang YJ, Bai JC, Chiu CT, 林榮峙, Hsui YR, Lo WL* - - 1 - Natural Product Research - 2008 00卷(00期):00頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Chemical constituents from the leaves of Machilus zuihoensis Hayata var. mushaensis (Lu) Y. C. Liu.
Chen CY, Cheng MJ, Chiang YJ, Bai JC, Chiu CT, Lin RJ, Hsui YR, Lo WL - - 1 - Natural Product Research - 2008;00(00):00
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Chemical Constituents from the Whole Plant of Gaultheria itoana Hayata
Chen CY, 林榮峙, Huan JC, Wu YH, Cheng MJ, Hung HC, Lo WL - - 1 - Chemistry & Biodiversity - 2008 00卷(00期):00頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Chemical Constituents from the Whole Plant of Gaultheria itoana Hayata
Chen CY1, Lin RJ1, Huan JC, Wu YH, Cheng MJ, Hung HC, Lo WL - - 1 - Chemistry & Biodiversity - 2008;00(00):00
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


(IF: 4.003, 領域排名: 33, 領域期刊數: 205, 領域排名: 16.10%)

Neuroprotective Effects of GLNVA against Microglia-like Cells and 6-OHDA-Induced Neurotoxicity in SH-SY5Y Human Dopaminergic Neuroblastoma Cells
(IF: 4.003, Journal Ranking: 33, Number of Journals of this Field: 205, Ranking: 16.10%)


黃嘌呤結構的上皮相依呼吸道鬆弛劑KMUP-3能促進呼吸系統的表現和保護對抗TNF-a 誘發的氣管收縮是透過一氧化氮釋放和cGMP與蛋白激酶G的表現
林榮峙, 吳炳男, 羅怡卿, 安麗梅, 戴任恭, 林永哲, 湯兆舜, 陳英俊* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS - J PHARMACOL EXP THER 2006 316卷(2期):709-717頁
(IF: 3.956, 領域排名: 35, 領域期刊數: 199, 領域排名: 17.59%)

A xanthine-based epithelium-dependent airway relaxant KMUP-3 (7-[2-[4-(4-nitrobenzene)piperazinyl]ethyl]-1,3-dimethylxanthine) increases respiratory performance and protects against tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced tracheal contraction, involving nitric oxide release and expression of cGMP and protein kinase G.
(IF: 3.956, Journal Ranking: 35, Number of Journals of this Field: 199, Ranking: 17.59%)


MCPT引起之內皮相關及不相關之血管鬆弛作用: 經由cyclic nucleotides, 鉀通道打開, 磷酸二酯酶抑制作用
羅怡卿, 鄒惠霞, 林榮峙, 吳登強, 吳炳男, 林永哲, 陳英俊* - - 1 - LIFE SCIENCES - LIFE SCI 2005 76卷(8期):931-944頁
(IF: 2.158, 領域排名: 26, 領域期刊數: 71, 領域排名: 36.62%)

Endothelium-dependent and -independent vasorelaxation by atheophylline derivative MCPT: Roles of cyclic nucleotidespotassium channel opening and phosphodiesterase inhibition,
Lo YC, Tsou HH, Lin RJ, Wu DC, Wu BN, Lin YT, Chen IJ* - - 1 - LIFE SCIENCES - LIFE SCI 2005;76(8):931-944
(IF: 2.158, Journal Ranking: 26, Number of Journals of this Field: 71, Ranking: 36.62%)


YEAR — Source — No — Type
Project Name
111 — M 高醫(種子計畫) — KMU-M112009 —  
銀合歡分離成分治療感染短小胞膜絛蟲之實驗小鼠的分子機轉研究( )
2023/01/01 ~ 2023/12/31
110 — KP 高醫屏科大 — NPUST-KMU-110-P006 — 1 個人型
不同尺度銀基奈米顆粒對廣東住血線蟲第三期幼蟲之殺蟲活性效果( )
2021/01/01 ~ 2021/12/31
109 — M 高醫(種子計畫) — KMU-M110025 —  
銀合歡分離成分治療感染安尼線蟲之分子機轉研究( )
2021/01/01 ~ 2021/12/31
108 — M 高醫(種子計畫) — KMU-M109023 —  
銀合歡分離成分治療感染廣東住血線蟲之分子機轉研究( )
2020/01/01 ~ 2020/12/31
105 — N 國科會(原科技部) — MOST104-2320-B-037-015-MY2 — 1 個人型
大蒜分離成分治療感染短小包膜絛蟲之BALB/c小鼠的分子機轉研究(2/2)( )
2016/08/01 ~ 2018/07/31
104 — N 國科會(原科技部) — MOST104-2320-B-037-015-MY2 — 1 個人型
大蒜分離成分治療感染短小包膜絛蟲之BALB/c小鼠的分子機轉研究(1/2)( )
2015/08/01 ~ 2018/07/31
103 — M 高醫(種子計畫) — KMU-M104004 —  
ITCs(isothiocyanates)治療感染短小包膜絛蟲之分子機轉研究( )
2015/01/01 ~ 2015/12/31
101 — M 高醫(種子計畫) — KMU-M102010 —  
十字花科化合物治療感染安尼線蟲之分子機轉研究( )
2012/12/01 ~ 2013/12/31
100 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSC98-2320-B-037-014-MY3 — 1 個人型
生薑萃取成分治療感染短小包膜絛蟲之分子機轉研究(3/3)( )
2011/08/31 ~ 2012/07/31
099 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSC98-2320-B-037-014-MY3 — 1 個人型
生薑萃取成分治療感染短小包膜絛蟲之分子機轉研究(2/3)( )
2010/08/01 ~ 2012/07/31
098 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSC98-2320-B-037-014-MY3 — 1 個人型
生薑萃取成分治療感染短小包膜絛蟲之分子機轉研究(1/3)( )
2009/08/01 ~ 2012/07/31
097 — M 高醫(種子計畫) — KMU-M098008 —  
生薑萃取成分治療感染安尼腺蟲之研究( )
2009/01/01 ~ 2009/12/31
096 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSC95-2320-B-037-052-MY2 — 1 個人型
香桂(C. subavenium Miq.)之isoobtusilactone A活性化合物於人類前列腺癌細胞之抗癌作用的分子條控機轉研究(2/2)( )
2007/08/01 ~ 2009/07/31
096 — Q 新聘教師計畫(校內) —   —  
Butanolide衍生物對於感染廣東住血線蟲的鼷鼠之血管平滑肌壁傷害與發炎反應下存活的探討( )
2007/11/01 ~ 2008/07/31
095 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSC95-2320-B-037-052-MY2 — 1 個人型
香桂(C. SUBAVENIUM MIQ.)之ISOOBTUSILACTONE A活性化合物於人類前列腺癌細胞之抗癌作用的分子調控機轉研究(1/2)( )
2006/08/01 ~ 2008/07/31
095 — Q 新聘教師計畫(校內) —   — 1 個人型
Ilomastat和ε-aminocaproic acid減少感染廣東住血線蟲的鼷鼠血腦障壁的傷害以提昇存活(XXX)
2006/12/01 ~ 2007/07/31
