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思覺失調症合併第 2 型糖尿病患者精神疾病自我管理的決定因素:以自我決定理論為基礎 I-Chun, 楊家琪, Esther Ching Lan Lin,Feng-Chin Chung, 余靜雲* - - 2 - Journal of Clinical Nursing - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING 2024 尚無卷(尚無期):尚無頁 (IF: 3.2, 領域排名: 14, 領域期刊數: 191, 領域排名: 7.33%) The Determinants of Mental Illness Self-Management for Patients With Schizophrenia and Type 2 Diabetes: A Self-Determination Theory Approach I-Chun Lin, Chia-Chi Yang, Esther Ching Lan Lin,Feng-Chin Chung, Ching-Yun Yu - - 2 - Journal of Clinical Nursing - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING 2024;尚無(尚無):尚無 (IF: 3.2, Journal Ranking: 14, Number of Journals of this Field: 191, Ranking: 7.33%) |
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教學方法中排序策略對護生知識獲取和知識保留的影響 林韋婷, 余靜雲, 周汎澔, 林淑媛*, 李碧娥 - - 2 - Healthcare - HEALTHCARE 2022 10卷(3期):430頁 (IF: 2.8, 領域排名: 43, 領域期刊數: 87, 領域排名: 49.43%) The Effects of Sequencing Strategies in Teaching Methods on Nursing Students’ Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Retention Lin, W.-T.; Yu, C.-Y.; Chou, F.-H.; Lin, S.-Y*; Lee, B.-O. - - 2 - Healthcare - HEALTHCARE 2022;10(3):430 (IF: 2.8, Journal Ranking: 43, Number of Journals of this Field: 87, Ranking: 49.43%) |
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Risk factors for women with gestational diabetes mellitus developing type 2 diabetes and the impact on children's health Yi-Ling Chiou, 洪志秀*, 余靜雲, 詹德富, Ming-Gwo Liu - - 2 - Clinical Nursing Research - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING 2022 31卷(7-8期):1005-1015頁 (IF: 4.423, 領域排名: 4, 領域期刊數: 123, 領域排名: 3.25%) Risk factors for women with gestational diabetes mellitus developing type 2 diabetes and the impact on children's health Yi-Ling Chiou, Chich-Hsiu Hung*, Ching-Yun Yu, Te-Fu Chan, Ming-Gwo Liu - - 2 - Clinical Nursing Research - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING 2022;31(7-8):1005-1015 (IF: 4.423, Journal Ranking: 4, Number of Journals of this Field: 123, Ranking: 3.25%) |
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The impact of prenatal depression and diabetes management self-efficacy on postpartum stress and depression in women with gestational diabetes mellitus. 余靜雲, 洪志秀*, 王育嬰 - - 2 - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING 2022 31卷(19-20期):2867–2873頁 (IF: 4.423, 領域排名: 4, 領域期刊數: 125, 領域排名: 3.20%) The impact of prenatal depression and diabetes management self-efficacy on postpartum stress and depression in women with gestational diabetes mellitus. Ching-Yun Yu, Chich-Hsiu Hung*, Yu-Ying Wang - - 2 - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING 2022;31(19-20):2867–2873 (IF: 4.423, Journal Ranking: 4, Number of Journals of this Field: 125, Ranking: 3.20%) |
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不同程度的妊娠高血糖對婦女周產期身心社會的影響 洪志秀*, 余靜雲, 黃美娟 - - 2 - Clinical Nursing Research - CLINICAL NURSING RESEARCH 2020 29卷(4期):268-275頁 (IF: 2.075, 領域排名: 52, 領域期刊數: 122, 領域排名: 42.62%) The Perinatal Biopsychosocial Consequences of Various Levels of Gestational Hyperglycemia Hung, C. H.*, Yu, C. Y., Huang, M. C. - - 2 - Clinical Nursing Research - CLINICAL NURSING RESEARCH 2020;29(4):268-275 (IF: 2.075, Journal Ranking: 52, Number of Journals of this Field: 122, Ranking: 42.62%) |
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Psychological distress and diabetes self-management in patients with type 2 diabetes and comorbid serious mental illness. 吳姈娟, 賴倩瑜, 黃俊仁, 周煌智, 游登元, 余靜雲* - - 2 - Archives of psychiatric nursing - ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRIC NURSING 2020 34卷(4期):218-223頁 (IF: 2.218, 領域排名: 42, 領域期刊數: 122, 領域排名: 34.43%) Psychological distress and diabetes self-management in patients with type 2 diabetes and comorbid serious mental illness. Lin-Chuan Wu, Chien Yu Lai, Chun-Jen Huang, Frank Huang-Chih Chou, Erica Teng Yuan Yu, Ching-Yun Yu* - - 2 - Archives of psychiatric nursing - ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRIC NURSING 2020;34(4):218-223 (IF: 2.218, Journal Ranking: 42, Number of Journals of this Field: 122, Ranking: 34.43%) |
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社區思覺失調症患者之症狀與智謀及生活品質之探討 余靜雲,賴倩瑜,章毓珊,吳景寬,鍾豐琴* - - 2 - Journal of clinical nursing - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING 2019 28卷(19-20期):3582-3589頁 (IF: 1.972, 領域排名: 21, 領域期刊數: 121, 領域排名: 17.36%) The symptoms, resourcefulness and quality of life in community-based patients with schizophrenia. Ching-Yun Yu,Chien Yu Lai,Yu-Shan Chang,Ching-Kuan Wu,Feng-Chin Chung* - - 2 - Journal of clinical nursing - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING 2019;28(19-20):3582-3589 (IF: 1.972, Journal Ranking: 21, Number of Journals of this Field: 121, Ranking: 17.36%) |
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初為人父之週產期健康 黃雅雯, 洪志秀*, 黃美娟, 余靜雲 - - 2 - Applied Nursing Research - APPLIED NURSING RESEARCH 2018 40卷(1期):137-142頁 (IF: 1.136, 領域排名: 64, 領域期刊數: 116, 領域排名: 55.17%) First-time fathers' health status during the perinatal period. Huang, Y. W., Hung, C. H.*, Huang, M. C., Yu, C. Y. - - 2 - Applied Nursing Research - APPLIED NURSING RESEARCH 2018;40(1):137-142 (IF: 1.136, Journal Ranking: 64, Number of Journals of this Field: 116, Ranking: 55.17%) |
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The Effectiveness of Multimedia Education for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 黃美娟, 洪志秀*, 余靜雲, Berry DC, 辛錫璋, 許玉雲 - - 2 - J Adv Nurs - JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING 2017 73卷(4期):943-954頁 (IF: 3.057, 領域排名: 20, 領域期刊數: 123, 領域排名: 16.26%) The Effectiveness of Multimedia Education for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Huang MC, Hung CH*, Yu CY, Berry DC, Shin SJ, Hsu YY - - 2 - J Adv Nurs - JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING 2017;73(4):943-954 (IF: 3.057, Journal Ranking: 20, Number of Journals of this Field: 123, Ranking: 16.26%) |
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預測影響周產期妊娠高血糖婦女健康狀態的因素 余靜雲,洪志秀*,黃美娟,詹德富 - - 2 - Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing - Worldviews Evid Based Nurs 2016 13卷(6期):445-453頁 (IF: 1.762, 領域排名: 15, 領域期刊數: 114, 領域排名: 13.16%) Predictors of Hyperglycemic Women's Perinatal Health Status Yu, C. Y., Hung, C. H.*, Huang, M. C., Chan, T. F. - - 2 - Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing - Worldviews Evid Based Nurs 2016;13(6):445-453 (IF: 1.762, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 114, Ranking: 13.16%) |
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基神科護理人員工作壓力,智謀與憂鬱的關係 余靜雲 - - 2 - ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRIC NURSING - ARCH PSYCHIAT NURS 2015 29卷(1期):64-70頁 (IF: 1.032, 領域排名: 45, 領域期刊數: 107, 領域排名: 42.06%) The relationships among work stress, resourcefulness, and depression level in psychiatric nurses. Wang, S. M., Lai, C. Y.*, Chang, Y. Y., Huang, C. Y., Zauszniewski, J. A., & Yu, C. Y. - - 2 - ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRIC NURSING - ARCH PSYCHIAT NURS 2015;29(1):64-70 (IF: 1.032, Journal Ranking: 45, Number of Journals of this Field: 107, Ranking: 42.06%) |
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一位處於躁期病患反覆住院之護理經驗 陳婉玲,陳玟伶*,余靜雲 - - 0 - 精神衛生護理雜誌 - 2014 八卷(二期):34-42頁 (IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%) A Nursing Experience for a Repeatedly-Hospitalized Patient with Bipolar Disorder Wan-Ling Chen.Wen-Ling Chen*.Ching-Yun Yu - - 0 - 精神衛生護理雜誌 - 2014;八(二):34-42 (IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%) |
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Prenatal predictors for father-infant attachment after childbirth 余靜雲,洪志秀*,詹德富,葉錦雪,賴倩瑜 - - 2 - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING - J CLIN NURS 2012 21卷(11-12期):1577-1583頁 (IF: 1.118, 領域排名: 34, 領域期刊數: 99, 領域排名: 34.34%) Prenatal predictors for father-infant attachment after childbirth Ching-Yun Yu,Chich-Hsiu Hung*,Te-Fu Chan,Ching-Hsueh Yeh,Chien-Yu Lai - - 2 - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING - J CLIN NURS 2012;21(11-12):1577-1583 (IF: 1.118, Journal Ranking: 34, Number of Journals of this Field: 99, Ranking: 34.34%) |
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Predictors of postpartum stress 洪志秀*, 林佳儒, 石明人, 余靜雲 - - 2 - Journal of Clinical Nursing - J CLIN NURS 2011 20卷(5-6期):666-674頁 (IF: 1.228, 領域排名: 23, 領域期刊數: 87, 領域排名: 26.44%) Predictors of postpartum stress Chich-Hsiu Hung*, Chia-Ju Lin, Joel Stocker and Ching-Yun Yu - - 2 - Journal of Clinical Nursing - J CLIN NURS 2011;20(5-6):666-674 (IF: 1.228, Journal Ranking: 23, Number of Journals of this Field: 87, Ranking: 26.44%) |
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台灣初產婦和經產婦產後社會心理之變化 洪志秀*, 余靜雲, 章順仁, 石明人 - - 2 - Journal of Transcultural Nursing - J TRANSCULT NURS 2011 22卷(3期):217-224頁 (IF: 0.714, 領域排名: 60, 領域期刊數: 87, 領域排名: 68.97%) Postpartum Psychosocial Changes among Experienced and Inexperienced Mothers in Taiwan Chich-Hsiu Hung*,Ching-Yun Yu,Shun-Jen Chang,Joel Stocker - - 2 - Journal of Transcultural Nursing - J TRANSCULT NURS 2011;22(3):217-224 (IF: 0.714, Journal Ranking: 60, Number of Journals of this Field: 87, Ranking: 68.97%) |
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運用服藥結盟概念於一位躁鬱症重覆住院患者之護理經驗 許菁容,余靜雲, 陳玟伶* - - 9 - 護理雜誌 - 2010 57卷(2期):1-5頁 (IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%) The Nursing Experience in Building Medical Alliance of a Repeatedly-Hospitalized Patient With Bipolar Disorder Ching-Jung Hsu Ching-Yun Yu Wen-Ling Chen - - 9 - 護理雜誌 - 2010;57(2):1-5 (IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%) |
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在台灣產後護理機構的母親健康狀況 洪志秀*,余靜雲,歐祝君,梁瑋文 - - 2 - Journal of Clinical Nursing - J CLIN NURS 2010 19卷(7-8期):1094-1101頁 (IF: 1.194, 領域排名: 16, 領域期刊數: 70, 領域排名: 22.86%) Taiwanese maternal health in the postpartum nursing centre Chich-Hsiu Hung*, Ching-Yun Yu, Chu-Chun Ou and Wei-Wen Liang - - 2 - Journal of Clinical Nursing - J CLIN NURS 2010;19(7-8):1094-1101 (IF: 1.194, Journal Ranking: 16, Number of Journals of this Field: 70, Ranking: 22.86%) |
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Maternal Satisfaction with Postpartum Nursing Centers 洪志秀*,余靜雲,石明人 - - 2 - Research in Nursing & Health - RES NURS HEALTH 2010 33卷(4期):345-354頁 (IF: 1.514, 領域排名: 10, 領域期刊數: 70, 領域排名: 14.29%) Maternal Satisfaction with Postpartum Nursing Centers Chich-Hsiu Hung*,Ching-Yun Yu,Chin-Fang Liu,Joel Stocker - - 2 - Research in Nursing & Health - RES NURS HEALTH 2010;33(4):345-354 (IF: 1.514, Journal Ranking: 10, Number of Journals of this Field: 70, Ranking: 14.29%) |
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音樂與約束對保護室精神病患情緒控制之成效 賴倩瑜,蘇幼雲,林帥廷,余靜雲*,林怡君 - - 9 - 護理暨健康照護研究 - 2010 6卷(4期):308-318頁 (IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%) Music and Restraint: Emotional Control Effects on Psychiatric Patitents Kept in Seclusion - - 9 - 護理暨健康照護研究 - 2010;6(4):308-318 (IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%) |
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運用認知行為治療改善一位精神分裂病患強迫症狀之護理經驗 林雅萍, 侯淑英, 余靜雲* - - 9 - 高雄護理雜誌 - 2009 26卷(1期):53-64頁 (IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%) Nursing Experience of Applying Cognitive Behavior Treatment to Assist a Schizophrenic Patient in ImprovingObsessive and Compulsive Symptoms. Lin, Y.P., Hou, S. Y., & Yu, C. Y - - 9 - 高雄護理雜誌 - 2009;26(1):53-64 (IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%) |
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Suicidal Thoughts among Elderly Taiwanese Aboriginal Women 陳正生, 楊美賞*, 楊明仁, 章順仁, 闕可欣, 蘇以青, 余靜雲, 鄭泰春 - - 2 - International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry - 2008 23卷(10期):1001-1006頁 (IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%) Suicidal Thoughts among Elderly Taiwanese Aboriginal Women Cheng-Sheng Chen, Mei-Sang Yang*, Ming-Jen Yang, Shun-Jen Chang, Ke-Hsin Chueh, Yi-Ching Su, Ching-Yun Yu, Tai-Chun Cheng - - 2 - International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry - 2008;23(10):1001-1006 (IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%) |
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精神分裂症患者精神症狀與生活壓力事件之探討 余靜雲, 鍾信心* - - 0 - 精神衛生護理雜誌 - 2006 1卷(2期):33-40頁 (IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%) Exploring the psychotic symptoms and stressful life events of schizophrenic outpatients Ching-yun, Yu; Hsin-Hsin, Chung* - - 0 - 精神衛生護理雜誌 - 2006;1(2):33-40 (IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%) |
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精神分裂症患者精神症狀與生活壓力事件之探討 余靜雲, 鍾信心* - - 0 - 精神衛生護理雜誌 - 2006 1卷(2期):33-40頁 (IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%) Exploring the psychotic symptoms and stressful life events of schizophrenic outpatients. Yu CY, Chung HH* - - 0 - 精神衛生護理雜誌 - 2006;1(2):33-40 (IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%) |
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門診精神分裂症患者生活事件之自我效能探討 余靜雲,鍾信心 - - 0 - 護理雜誌 - 2004 51卷(2期):45-51頁 (IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%) Exploring the life events self-sfficacy of schizophrenic outpatients Yu CY, Chung HH. - - 0 - 護理雜誌 - 2004;51(2):45-51 (IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%) |
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二技護理系學生批判思考能力之探討 余靜雲,呂桂雲,劉永淳 - - 0 - 美和技術學院學報 - 2003 22卷(1期):14-23頁 (IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%) Exploring the critical thinking ability of RN/BSN program students 無 - - 0 - 美和技術學院學報 - 2003;22(1):14-23 (IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%) |