School — Major — Degree | Duration |
路易斯安那州立大學 — 野生動物(畢) — 博士 Doctorate, , |
1992/08 — 1996/12 |
國立台灣師範大學 — 生物所(畢) — 碩士 Master, , |
1987/09 — 1989/06 |
國立成功大學 — 生物系(畢) — 學士 Bachelor, , |
1983/09 — 1987/06 |
Intramural Experience
Office/Department/Institute | Position | Duration |
生物醫學暨環境生物學系 Department of Biomedical Science and Environmental Biology | Associate Professor | 2011/08/01 — |
生物醫學暨環境生物學系 Department of Biomedical Science and Environmental Biology | Assistant Professor | 2003/08/01 — 2011/07/31 |
Extramural Experience
DEPNO | Position- Office/Department/Institute | Duration |
真理大學 | 助理教授 | 0890801 — 0920731 |
NO | Discipline | Expertise |
1 | 生物醫農類 Biology, Medicine and Agriculture | 森林、水保及生態 Forest, Water Conservation and Ecology |
2 | 生物醫農類 Biology, Medicine and Agriculture | 生物多樣性 Biological Diversity |
Research & Technology Platform Open to the Outside
Interested Area(s)for Interdisciplinary Research
Area(s) of Expertise & Research
鳥類行為生態,生物多樣性鳥類學 群聚生態學 生物多樣性 生物統計學
Ornithology Community Ecology Biodiversity Biometrics
NO | Publication |
1 | Savanna Nightjars (Caprimulgus affinis stictomus) adjust calling height to gain amplitude advantage in urban environments Savanna Nightjars (Caprimulgus affinis stictomus) adjust calling height to gain amplitude advantage in urban environments |
2 | 赤腹鷹和灰面鵟鷹過境遷移時間差異比較 Migratory Daily Departure Times of Chinese Sparrowhawks (Accipiter soloensis) and Gray-Faced Buzzards (Butastur indicus) in Taiwan |
3 | 沿東亞海洋遷移路線過境台灣墾丁國家公園之日行性猛禽 Autumn Migration of Diurnal Raptors across Kenting National Park, Taiwan, along the East-Asian Oceanic Flyway |
4 | 台灣山區針葉林中超大混種鳥群之形成決定於植層結構 The formation of “mega-flocks” depends on vegetation structure in montane coniferous forests of Taiwan |
5 | 種間競爭與互助關係同時存在於台灣高山針葉林混種鳥群中 Interspecific competition and facilitation coexist in mixed-species bird flocks of montane coniferous forests in Taiwan |
6 | 2010及2011年秋季玉山國家公園塔塔加地區過境猛禽調查 Autumn Migratory Raptor Count in the Tataka Area, Yushan National Park, Taiwan, 2010 2011 |
7 | Nocturnal migration in the Tataka Area, Yushan National Park, Taiwan in autumn 2014 Nocturnal migration in the Tataka Area, Yushan National Park, Taiwan in autumn 2014 |
8 | 龍鑾潭周邊雁鴨為害水田秧苗情形 Duck damage on rice seedlings in paddy fields nearby Lung-Luan Lake |
9 | 隨機排程燈光設備應用於防治雁鴨為害水稻秧苗之效果 The effect of a lighting device with random schedule on preventing ducks from damaging rice seedlings |
10 | Acoustic preadaptation to transmit vocal individuality of savanna nightjars in noisy urban environments Acoustic preadaptation to transmit vocal individuality of savanna nightjars in noisy urban environments |
11 | Stream type influences food abundance and reproductive performance of a stream specialist: the Brown Dipper (Cinclus pallasii) Stream type influences food abundance and reproductive performance of a stream specialist: the Brown Dipper (Cinclus pallasii) |
12 | 東沙島白腹秧雞對於兩種不同回播叫聲之反應 Effect of Call Types on White-Breasted Waterhen (Amaurornis phoenicurus) Response to Playbacks on Pratas Island, Taiwan |
13 | 南臺灣亞熱帶森林氣溫變化對鳥類鳴叫行為之影響 Air Temperature Influenced the Vocal Activity of Birds in a Subtropical Forest in Southern Taiwan |
14 | 東沙島白腹秧雞在繁殖季與非繁殖季的活動範圍 White-breasted Waterhen Home Range in Breeding and Non-breeding Seasons on Dongsha Island |
15 | 東沙島白腹秧雞的繁殖行為 The Reproductive Behavior of the White-breasted Waterhen on Dongsha Island |
16 | 繡眼畫眉歌聲不同片段的區域與種辨識 Experimental evidence that distinct song phrases in the Grey-cheeked Fulvetta Alcippe morrisonia permit species and local dialect recognion |
17 | 黃魚鴞在台灣的空間分佈受自然及人為因素的影響 Spatial distribution of the Tawny Fish Owl Ketupa flavipes shaped by natural and man-made factors in Taiwan |
18 | 四種秋過境鷺科鳥類在龍鑾潭地區之覓食 Foraging Habitats of Four Migratory Egret Species at Lung-Luan Lake National Wetland during Fall Migration |
19 | 高砂雄蟬對人為噪音的聲音調適 Acoustic adaptations to anthropogenic noise in the cicada Cryptotympana takasagona Kato (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) |
20 | High-throughput gender identification by melting curve analysis in blue-breasted quail and chicken High-throughput gender identification by melting curve analysis in blue-breasted quail and chicken |
21 | 以Multiple Correspondence Analysis探索食果性鳥類的微棲地區隔 Microhabitat Partitioning of Frugivorous Birds: Exploration by a Multiple Correspondence Analysis |
22 | An improved methodology for gender identification of Pygoscelis papua An improved methodology for gender identification of Pygoscelis papua |
23 | Positive Relationships between Association Strength and Phenotypic Similarity Characterize the Assembly ofMixed-Species Bird Flocks Worldwide Positive Relationships between Association Strength and Phenotypic Similarity Characterize the Assembly of Mixed-Species Bird Flocks Worldwide |
24 | High-throughput gender identification of three Columbidae species using melting curve analysis High-throughput gender identification of three Columbidae species using melting curve analysis |
25 | 區位重疊是否有利於鳥類混群? Does niche-overlap facilitate mixed-species flocking in birds? |
26 | 福山試驗林繡眼畫眉覓食行為之季節變化 Seasonal Variation in the Foraging Behaviors of the Grey-cheeked Fulvetta due to Diet Changes in the Fushan Experimental Forest, Northeastern Taiwan |
27 | 高雄市六種公園鳥類之優勢位階及覓食競爭行為 Dominance Rank and Interference Competition in Foraging among Six Species of Birds in a Park in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan |
28 | 樹棲食蟲性候鳥在春天於墨西哥灣過境地的覓食行為 Searching behavior of arboreal insectivorous migrants at Gulf Coast stopover sites in spring |
29 | 扇平森林生態科學園應用錄音監測系統從事日間鳥類調查的時機選擇 Diurnal Timing of Bird Surveys Using an Acoustic Monitoring System in the Shan-Ping Forest Ecological Garden |
30 | 中台灣大甲溪鴛鴦性比及存活率 Sex Ratio and Survival of Mandarin Ducks in the Tachia River of Central Taiwan |
31 | 台灣河烏繁殖領域長度與溪流棲地間的關係 Relationships between stream habitat and breeding territory length of the Brown Dipper (Cinclus pallasii) in Taiwan |
32 | 台灣赤腹鷹的春季遷移 Spring migration of Chinese Goshawks (Accipiter soloensis) in Taiwan |
33 | 台灣東北部繡眼畫眉巢位,覓食及鳴唱位置的棲地選擇 Habitat selection among nesting, foraging, and singing sites of the Gray-cheeked Fulvetta Alcippe morrisonia in northeastern Taiwan |
34 | 南台灣熊鷹繁殖季食性 Breeding-season diet of the mountain hawk-eagle in southern Taiwan |
35 | 台灣高山溪流繁殖河烏的食物選擇 Prey Selection by Breeding Brown Dippers Cinclus pallasii in a Taiwanese Mountain Stream |
36 | 福山試驗林廣食性食果性鳥類與專一性食果性鳥類 Differences in foraging ecology between generalized and specialized frugivorous birds in Fushan Experimental Forest, Taiwan |
37 | 太魯閣國家公園五種高海拔森林鳥類對針葉樹之空間利用 Spatial Use of Conifers by Five Alpine Forest Birds in Taroko National Park, Taiwan |
38 | 鳥類多樣性與地景多樣性研究-以屏東縣五溝村水圳地景為例 A study on bird diversity and landscape diversity- case study on rural ditch landscape in Wuggo Village, Pingtung |
NO |
YEAR — Source — No — Type
Project Name
Duration |
1 |
113 — O 其他單位 — 契約:60686871-03 —
湖山水庫降雨雷達建置計畫鳥類專題研究( )
2024/09/05 ~ 2025/09/06 |
2 |
112 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSTC112-2311-B-037-001 — 1 個人型
混群中跟隨種的覓食行為是否會影響其對警戒聲的依賴程度?( )
2023/08/01 ~ 2024/07/31 |
3 |
112 — O 其他單位 — 契約:60686871-03 —
湖山水庫降雨雷達建置計畫鳥類專題研究( )
2023/09/06 ~ 2024/09/05 |
4 |
112 — T 其他政府單位 — 112NCS38 —
高屏地區山麻雀調查計畫( )
2023/12/25 ~ 2024/12/27 |
5 |
111 — M 高醫(種子計畫) — KMU-M112013 —
探究臺灣混種鳥群的獨特性,以紅頭山雀混群為例( )
2023/01/01 ~ 2024/02/29 |
6 |
111 — O 其他單位 — 契約:60686871-03 —
湖山水庫降雨雷達建置計畫鳥類專題研究( )
2022/09/01 ~ 2024/03/31 |
7 |
111 — O 其他單位 — —
南仁湖湖區鳥類監測及標準作業程序之建立( )
2023/02/02 ~ 2023/12/25 |
8 |
110 — KP 高醫屏科大 — NPUST-KMU-110-P005 — 1 個人型
以濕地營造建構永續水田生態系( )
2021/01/01 ~ 2021/12/31 |
9 |
110 — N 國科會(原科技部) — MOST110-2311-B-037-002 — 1 個人型
以野外行為觀察及微衛星DNA基因座分析探討紅頭山雀如何維持混種鳥群的聚合性( )
2021/08/01 ~ 2022/07/31 |
10 |
110 — O 其他單位 — —
111年南仁湖湖區鳥類監測及湖岸邊鳥類相調查( )
2022/02/09 ~ 2022/12/25 |
11 |
108 — M 高醫(種子計畫) — KMU-M109014 —
黑面琵鷺與大白鷺具有合作覓食關係嗎?( )
2020/01/01 ~ 2020/12/31 |
12 |
108 — O 其他單位 — —
108年度墾丁國家公園秋季過境猛禽族群調查計畫( )
2019/08/21 ~ 2019/12/31 |
13 |
108 — T 其他政府單位 — 高雄市政府農業局 —
楠梓仙溪野生動物保護區鳥類多樣性調查計畫( )
2020/01/01 ~ 2020/12/31 |
14 |
107 — O 其他單位 — 486-107-02-493 —
107~108年度龍鑾潭及南仁湖兩處重要濕地(國家級)鳥類調查監測計畫( )
2018/07/10 ~ 2019/07/09 |
15 |
106 — N 國科會(原科技部) — MOST106-2311-B-037-003 — 1 個人型
區別跟隨種加入混種鳥群的目的( )
2017/08/01 ~ 2018/07/31 |
16 |
106 — OX 其他單位(非研究) — 墾丁國家公園管理處 —
106年墾丁國家公園南仁湖鳥類監測資料補充( )
2017/08/17 ~ 2017/12/25 |
17 |
106 — OX 其他單位(非研究) — 墾丁國家公園管理處 —
107年墾丁國家公園龍鑾潭自然中心過境候鳥觀察資料研析( )
2018/05/22 ~ 2018/12/11 |
18 |
104 — N 國科會(原科技部) — MOST104-2313-B-037-001 — 1 個人型
以覓食行為驗證混種鳥群能提升覓食效率之假說( )
2015/08/01 ~ 2016/07/31 |
19 |
103 — M 高醫(種子計畫) — KMU-M104015 —
高海拔混種鳥群之運作機制( )
2015/01/01 ~ 2015/12/31 |
20 |
103 — T 其他政府單位 — —
高海拔鳥類分布資料蒐集工作( )
2015/04/20 ~ 2015/12/31 |
21 |
102 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSC102-2313-B-037-003 — 1 個人型
針葉林混種鳥群及其結群機制( )
2013/08/01 ~ 2014/07/31 |
22 |
099 — T 其他政府單位 — (100)玉保契字第100-ys19號 — 1 個人型
玉山國家公園賞鷹季規劃與鳥類資源保育推廣( )
2011/04/01 ~ 2011/12/31 |
23 |
099 — T 其他政府單位 — (100)玉保契字第100-ys19號 — 1 個人型
玉山國家公園賞鷹季規劃與鳥類資源保育推廣( )
2011/04/01 ~ 2011/12/31 |
24 |
098 — T 其他政府單位 — (99)玉保契字第99-LA20號 —
玉山國家公園鳥類資源調查規劃及資料庫與網頁建置( )
2010/03/31 ~ 2010/12/31 |
25 |
097 — T 其他政府單位 — (98)玉保契字第98-CR11號 —
玉山國家公園鳥類之資源清查與族群監測系統規劃及資料庫建置(The bird recource census and planning of population monitoring system and establishment of database in Yushan National park)
2009/03/31 ~ 2009/12/31 |
26 |
092 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSC 92-2621-Z-037-003- — 1 個人型
永續農村環境生態之研究與管理-子計畫四:農村生態環境與鳥類多樣性之研究(II)( )
2003/08/01 ~ 2004/07/31 |