
School ¡X Major ¡X Degree Duration

°ª¶¯Âå¾Ç¤j¾Ç ¡X Âå¾Ç°|Á{§ÉÂå¾Ç¬ã¨s©Ò(²¦) ¡X ³Õ¤h

Doctorate,  ,  

2014/08 ¡X 2018/01

°ª¶¯Âå¾Ç¤j¾Ç ¡X Âå¾Ç¨t(²¦) ¡X ¾Ç¤h

Bachelor,  ,  

1994/09 ¡X 2001/06

 Intramural Experience

Office/Department/Institute Position Duration
µÇŦ¤º¬ì   Visiting Staff   ¡X  
Âå¾Ç¨t School of Medicine   Associate Chair 2024/08/01 ¡X 2027/07/31
Àô¹Ò¾·~Âå¾Ç³Õ¤h¾Ç¦ì¾Çµ{ PhD Program in Environmental and Occupational Medicine   Professor 2020/08/01 ¡X  
¤º¬ì¾Ç¬ì Department of Internal Medicine   Professor 2018/08/01 ¡X 2020/07/31
¤º¬ì¾Ç¬ì Department of Internal Medicine   Associate Professor 2015/08/01 ¡X 2018/07/31
¤º¬ì¾Ç¬ì Department of Internal Medicine   Assistant Professor 2012/08/01 ¡X 2015/07/31

 Extramural Experience




 Research & Technology Platform Open to the Outside


 Interested Area(s)for Interdisciplinary Research



 Area(s) of Expertise & Research




NO Publication

The association of peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis on mitral and aortic valve calcification associated mortality: a meta-analysis.
ªô«a»T,³¯«ä¹Å,Ĭ«Â¦t,±i¥Ã·½,±i³Í¶W,§õ¬î¼z,§dÄí¯u,§d¤j½n*,³¢¬L§» - - 1 - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2024 14¨÷(1´Á):4748­¶
(IF: 4.6, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 22, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 73, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 30.14%)

The association of peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis on mitral and aortic valve calcification associated mortality: a meta-analysis.
Kuan-Jung Chiu, Szu-Chia Chen, Wei-Yu Su, Yong-Yuan Chang, Kai-Chao Chang, Chiu Hui Li, Ying-Jhen Wu, Da-Wei Wu, Chao-Hung Kuo - - 1 - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2024;14(1):4748
(IF: 4.6, Journal Ranking: 22, Number of Journals of this Field: 73, Ranking: 30.14%)


Secondhand smoke increases the risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Ĭª³ºö#, ¨¿Ãh½U#, §õ¨Î®ï, ¶À®Ñ±l, ³¯«ä¹Å, ¯Õ«T¶£* - - 1 - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2024 14¨÷(1´Á):7481­¶
(IF: 4.6, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 22, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 73, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 30.14%)

Secondhand smoke increases the risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Wen-Chi Su#, Huai-Lei Juan#, Jia-In Lee, Shu-Pin Huang, Szu-Chia Chen, Jiun-Hung Geng* - - 1 - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2024;14(1):7481
(IF: 4.6, Journal Ranking: 22, Number of Journals of this Field: 73, Ranking: 30.14%)


The association between body mass index and osteoporosis in a Taiwanese population: a cross-sectional and longitudinal study.
ªô¥ü¿A,§õ¨Î®ï,¿c¬F©÷,¶À®Ñ±l,³¯«ä¹Å,¯Õ«T¶£* - - 1 - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2024 14¨÷(1´Á):8509­¶
(IF: 4.6, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 22, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 73, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 30.14%)

The association between body mass index and osteoporosis in a Taiwanese population: a cross-sectional and longitudinal study.
Chao-Tse Chiu, Jia-In Lee, Cheng-Chang Lu, Shu-Pin Huang, Szu-Chia Chen, Jiun-Hung Geng - - 1 - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2024;14(1):8509
(IF: 4.6, Journal Ranking: 22, Number of Journals of this Field: 73, Ranking: 30.14%)


A Genome-Wide Association Study of Metabolic Syndrome in the Taiwanese Population.
¦óªé»ö, §õ¨Î®ï, ¶À®Ñ±l, ³¯«ä¹Å, ¯Õ«T¶£* - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2024 16¨÷(1´Á):77­¶
(IF: 5.9, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 88, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 19.32%)

A Genome-Wide Association Study of Metabolic Syndrome in the Taiwanese Population.
Chih-Yi Ho, Jia-In Lee, Shu-Pin Huang, Szu-Chia Chen, Jiun-Hung Geng* - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2024;16(1):77
(IF: 5.9, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 88, Ranking: 19.32%)


Coffee consumption was associated with a lower prevalence of airflow limitation in postmenopausal women.
®}·çÂE,§õ¨Î®ï,¶À®Ñ±l,³¯«ä¹Å,¯Õ«T¶£* - - 1 - RESPIRATORY INVESTIGATION - RESPIRATION 2024 62¨÷(4´Á):623-630­¶
(IF: 3.7, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 32, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 66, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 48.48%)

Coffee consumption was associated with a lower prevalence of airflow limitation in postmenopausal women.
Jui-Hung Hsu, Jia-In Lee, Shu-Pin Huang, Szu-Chia Chen, Jiun-Hung Geng - - 1 - RESPIRATORY INVESTIGATION - RESPIRATION 2024;62(4):623-630
(IF: 3.7, Journal Ranking: 32, Number of Journals of this Field: 66, Ranking: 48.48%)


Sex difference in the associations among risk factors with gastroesophageal reflux disease in a large Taiwanese population study.
ªL¤d³Ç,¯Õ«T¶£,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,­J®Ì»ï,³¯«ä¹Å*,³¢¬L§»* - - 1 - BMC GASTROENTEROLOGY - BMC GASTROENTEROLOGY 2024 24¨÷(1´Á):165­¶
(IF: 2.4, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 75, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 93, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 80.65%)

Sex difference in the associations among risk factors with gastroesophageal reflux disease in a large Taiwanese population study.
Chien-Chieh Lin, Jiun-Hung Geng, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Huang-Ming Hu, Szu-Chia Chen, Chao-Hung Kuo - - 1 - BMC GASTROENTEROLOGY - BMC GASTROENTEROLOGY 2024;24(1):165
(IF: 2.4, Journal Ranking: 75, Number of Journals of this Field: 93, Ranking: 80.65%)


The Effect of Lanthanum Carbonate versus Calcium Carbonate on the Progression of Coronary Artery Calcification in Hemodialysis Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Ĭ«Â¦t,ªô«a»T,±i¥Ã·½, §dªÃ¾±, ³¯«ä¹Å, §õ¬î¼z,§d¤j½n*, ±i­õ»Ê - - 9 - Acta Nephrologica/»OÆWµÇŦÂå¾Ç·|Âø»x - 2024 38¨÷(2´Á):124-136­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

The Effect of Lanthanum Carbonate versus Calcium Carbonate on the Progression of Coronary Artery Calcification in Hemodialysis Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Wei-Yu Su, Kuan-Jung Chiu, Yong-Yuan Chang, Ping-Hsun Wu, Szu-Chia Chen, Chiu Hui Li , Da-Wei Wu* , Jer-Ming Chang - - 9 - Acta Nephrologica/»OÆWµÇŦÂå¾Ç·|Âø»x - 2024;38(2):124-136
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Sex difference in the associations among secondhand smoke with metabolic syndrome in non-smokers in a large Taiwanese population follow-up study.
«¸«º¦Ð,¥Õ­õÁn#,¯Õ«T¶£,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,³¯«ä¹Å*,±i­õ»Ê* - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2024 21¨÷(8´Á):1518-1528­¶
(IF: 3.6, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 64, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 169, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 37.87%)

Sex difference in the associations among secondhand smoke with metabolic syndrome in non-smokers in a large Taiwanese population follow-up study.
Tzu-Yu Chiang, Che-Sheng Pai, Jiun-Hung Geng, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Szu-Chia Chen, Jer-Ming Chang - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2024;21(8):1518-1528
(IF: 3.6, Journal Ranking: 64, Number of Journals of this Field: 169, Ranking: 37.87%)


Sex difference in the associations among hyperuricemia with self-reported peptic ulcer disease in a large Taiwanese population study.
·¨û£ª@, ¯Õ«T¶£,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,­J®Ì»ï,³¯«ä¹Å*,³¢¬L§»* - - 1 - FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE - FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE 2024 11¨÷(-´Á):1383290­¶
(IF: 3.1, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 56, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 325, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17.23%)

Sex difference in the associations among hyperuricemia with self-reported peptic ulcer disease in a large Taiwanese population study.
Chi-Sheng Yang, Jiun-Hung Geng, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Huang-Ming Hu, Szu-Chia Chen, Chao-Hung Kuo - - 1 - FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE - FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE 2024;11(-):1383290
(IF: 3.1, Journal Ranking: 56, Number of Journals of this Field: 325, Ranking: 17.23%)


Sex differences in the association of long-term exposure to heat stress on kidney function in a large Taiwanese population study.
³¯¶h­è, §dªÃ¾±, §d¯\·ì, ½²©y¯Â, ªô©É¤å, ±i­õ»Ê, ¬x§Ó¿³, §dªv¹F, ³¢¬L§», ´¿·Ô´Ñ, ³¯«ä¹Å* - - 1 - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2024 14¨÷(1´Á):14599­¶
(IF: 3.8, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 25, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 134, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 18.66%)

Sex differences in the association of long-term exposure to heat stress on kidney function in a large Taiwanese population study.
Yi-Kong Chen, Ping-Hsun Wu, Pei-Yu Wu, Yi-Chun Tsai, Yi-Wen Chiu, Jer-Ming Chang, Chih-Hsing Hung, Chih-Da Wu, Chao-Hung Kuo, Yu-Chee Tseng, Szu-Chia Chen* - - 1 - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2024;14(1):14599
(IF: 3.8, Journal Ranking: 25, Number of Journals of this Field: 134, Ranking: 18.66%)


Association between wet-bulb globe temperature and kidney function in different geographic regions in a large Taiwanese population study.
Ĭ«Â¦t,§dªÃ¾±,ªL©ú«Û,§d¯\·ì,½²©y¯Â,ªô©É¤å,±i­õ»Ê,¬x§Ó¿³,§dªv¹F,³¢¬L§»,³¯«ä¹Å* - - 1 - CLINICAL KIDNEY JOURNAL - CLINICAL KIDNEY JOURNAL 2024 17¨÷(7´Á):sfae173­¶
(IF: 3.9, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 18, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 126, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 14.29%)

Association between wet-bulb globe temperature and kidney function in different geographic regions in a large Taiwanese population study.
Wei-Yu Su, Ping-Hsun Wu, Ming-Yen Lin, Pei-Yu Wu, Yi-Chun Tsai, Yi-Wen Chiu, Jer-Ming Chang, Chih-Hsing Hung, Chih-Da Wu, Chao-Hung Kuo, Szu-Chia Chen - - 1 - CLINICAL KIDNEY JOURNAL - CLINICAL KIDNEY JOURNAL 2024;17(7):sfae173
(IF: 3.9, Journal Ranking: 18, Number of Journals of this Field: 126, Ranking: 14.29%)


High obesity indices are associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease, but low obesity indices are associated with peptic ulcer disease in a large Taiwanese population study.
³¯«Ø¸Û,¯Õ«T¶£,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,­J®Ì»ï,³¯«ä¹Å*,³¢¬L§»* - - 1 - OBESITY FACTS - OBESITY FACTS 2024 0¨÷(0´Á):0­¶
(IF: 3.9, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 51, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 186, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 27.42%)

High obesity indices are associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease, but low obesity indices are associated with peptic ulcer disease in a large Taiwanese population study.
Chien-Cheng Chen, Jiun-Hung Geng, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Huang-Ming Hu, Szu-Chia Chen, Chao-Hung Kuo - - 1 - OBESITY FACTS - OBESITY FACTS 2024;0(0):0
(IF: 3.9, Journal Ranking: 51, Number of Journals of this Field: 186, Ranking: 27.42%)


Prediction of Arteriovenous Access Dysfunction by Mel Spectrogram-based Deep Learning Model.
ÁéªF¬Â,¼B©y¾Ç,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,½²©y¯Â,¤ý¦t±á,¼ïµ½Ùy,³\¶®¬Â,³¯«ä¹Å* - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2024 21¨÷(12´Á):2252-2260­¶
(IF: 3.2, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 51, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 325, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15.69%)

Prediction of Arteriovenous Access Dysfunction by Mel Spectrogram-based Deep Learning Model.
Tung-Ling Chung, Yi-Hsueh Liu, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Yi-Chun Tsai, Yu-Chen Wang, Shan-Pin Pan, Ya-Ling Hsu, Szu-Chia Chen - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2024;21(12):2252-2260
(IF: 3.2, Journal Ranking: 51, Number of Journals of this Field: 325, Ranking: 15.69%)


The association between menopause, postmenopausal hormone therapy, and kidney stone disease in Taiwanese women.
­ð·OÖö,§õ¨Î®ï,¨Hºa©v,§õ¥Ã¶i,¤ý´S¥È,±äÂ`°a,§d©É¸©,¶À®Ñ±l,³¯«ä¹Å,¸âÂí»¨*,¯Õ«T¶£* - - 1 - ANNALS OF EPIDEMIOLOGY - ANNALS OF EPIDEMIOLOGY 2023 78¨÷(1´Á):13-18­¶
(IF: 6.996, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 31, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 210, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 14.76%)

The association between menopause, postmenopausal hormone therapy, and kidney stone disease in Taiwanese women.
Tsz-Yi Tang, Jia-In Lee, Jung-Tsung Shen, Yung-Chin Lee, Hsun-Shuan Wang, Yao-Hsuan Tsao, Yi-Hsuan Wu, Shu-Pin Huang, Szu-Chia Chen, Jhen-Hao Jhan, Jiun-Hung Geng - - 1 - ANNALS OF EPIDEMIOLOGY - ANNALS OF EPIDEMIOLOGY 2023;78(1):13-18
(IF: 6.996, Journal Ranking: 31, Number of Journals of this Field: 210, Ranking: 14.76%)


Synergetic Association between Anemia and Hyperuricemia on New-Onset Chronic Kidney Disease in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-Up Study.
(IF: 4.614, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 45, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 182, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 24.73%)

Synergetic Association between Anemia and Hyperuricemia on New-Onset Chronic Kidney Disease in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-Up Study.
(IF: 4.614, Journal Ranking: 45, Number of Journals of this Field: 182, Ranking: 24.73%)


Sex difference in the associations among liver function parameters with incident diabetes mellitus in a large Taiwanese population follow-up study.
³¯¶h­è,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,³¯«ä¹Å*,±i­õ»Ê* - - 1 - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2023 10¨÷(0´Á):1081374­¶
(IF: 6.461, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 18, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 182, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 9.89%)

Sex difference in the associations among liver function parameters with incident diabetes mellitus in a large Taiwanese population follow-up study.
Yi-Kong Chen, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Szu-Chia Chen, Jer-Ming Chang - - 1 - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2023;10(0):1081374
(IF: 6.461, Journal Ranking: 18, Number of Journals of this Field: 182, Ranking: 9.89%)


Sex difference in the associations among obesity-related indices with incidence of diabetes mellitus in a large Taiwanese population follow-up study.
ÁéªF¬Â,¼B©y¾Ç,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,³¯«ä¹Å* - - 1 - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2023 11¨÷(-´Á):1094471­¶
(IF: 6.461, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 18, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 182, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 9.89%)

Sex difference in the associations among obesity-related indices with incidence of diabetes mellitus in a large Taiwanese population follow-up study.
Tung-Ling Chung, Yi-Hsueh Liu, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Szu-Chia Chen - - 1 - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2023;11(-):1094471
(IF: 6.461, Journal Ranking: 18, Number of Journals of this Field: 182, Ranking: 9.89%)


Low Obesity-Related Indices Are Associated with a Low Baseline Calcaneus Ultrasound T-Score, and a Rapid Decline in T-Score in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-Up Study.
³¯¤OÃv,¼B©y¾Ç,³¯«ä¹Å*,Ĭªe¦W* - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2023 15¨÷(3´Á):605­¶
(IF: 6.706, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 90, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 16.67%)

Low Obesity-Related Indices Are Associated with a Low Baseline Calcaneus Ultrasound T-Score, and a Rapid Decline in T-Score in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-Up Study.
Li-Han Chen, Yi-Hsueh Liu, Szu-Chia Chen, Ho-Ming Su - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2023;15(3):605
(IF: 6.706, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 90, Ranking: 16.67%)


The GLP-1 receptor agonist exenatide ameliorates neuroinflammation, locomotor activity, and anxiety-like behavior in mice with diet-induced obesity through the modulation of microglial M2 polarization and downregulation of SR-A4.
ªL©ú§», ¾G¬f«C, ¿½Âz®e, ³¯«ä¹Å, ¬x§Ó¿³, ³¢¬L§», ¶À¼S¨¦, ªôÄɼü* - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY - INTERNATIONAL IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY 2023 115¨÷(-´Á):109653­¶
(IF: 5.714, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 56, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 279, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 20.07%)

The GLP-1 receptor agonist exenatide ameliorates neuroinflammation, locomotor activity, and anxiety-like behavior in mice with diet-induced obesity through the modulation of microglial M2 polarization and downregulation of SR-A4.
Ming-Hong Lin, Po-Ching Cheng, Pi-Jung Hsiao, Szu-Chia Chen, Chih-Hsing Hung, Chao-Hung Kuo, Shau-Ku Huang, Hsin-Ying Clair Chiou* - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY - INTERNATIONAL IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY 2023;115(-):109653
(IF: 5.714, Journal Ranking: 56, Number of Journals of this Field: 279, Ranking: 20.07%)


Copper Exposure Induces Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition-Related Fibrotic Change via Autophagy and Increase Risk of Lung Fibrosis in Human
ªôÄɼü,¤ý§Ó¤å#,³¯«ä¹Å,½²¬üÄõ,ªL©ú§»*,¬x§Ó¿³*,³¢¬L§»* - - 1 - Antioxidants (Basel) - ANTIOXIDANTS 2023 12¨÷(2´Á):532­¶
(IF: 7, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 46, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 285, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 16.14%)

Copper Exposure Induces Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition-Related Fibrotic Change via Autophagy and Increase Risk of Lung Fibrosis in Human
H.-Y.C. Chiou, C.-W. Wang#, S.-C. Chen, M.-L. Tsai, M.-H. Lin*, C.-H. Hung*, C.-H. Kuo* - - 1 - Antioxidants (Basel) - ANTIOXIDANTS 2023;12(2):532
(IF: 7, Journal Ranking: 46, Number of Journals of this Field: 285, Ranking: 16.14%)


(IF: 4.477, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 74, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 210, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 35.24%)

Risk of cognitive impairment from exposure to incense smoke.
(IF: 4.477, Journal Ranking: 74, Number of Journals of this Field: 210, Ranking: 35.24%)


Metabolic Syndrome and Its Components Are Associated with New-Onset Hyperuricemia in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-Up Study.
§ù«Û¾e,¼B©y¾Ç,³¯«ä¹Å*,Ĭªe¦W* - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2023 15¨÷(5´Á):1083­¶
(IF: 5.9, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 88, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 19.32%)

Metabolic Syndrome and Its Components Are Associated with New-Onset Hyperuricemia in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-Up Study.
Yen-Chieh Tu, Yi-Hsueh Liu, Szu-Chia Chen, Ho-Ming Su - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2023;15(5):1083
(IF: 5.9, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 88, Ranking: 19.32%)


Significant impact of body mass index on the relationship between increased white blood cell count and new-onset diabetes.
(IF: 3.6, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 63, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 167, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 37.72%)

Significant impact of body mass index on the relationship between increased white blood cell count and new-onset diabetes.
Chieh-Yu Hsieh, Wen-Hsien Lee, Yi-Hsueh Liu, Chun-Chi Lu, Szu-Chia Chen, Ho-Ming Su - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2023;20(3):359-365
(IF: 3.6, Journal Ranking: 63, Number of Journals of this Field: 167, Ranking: 37.72%)


Components of the Complete Blood Count as a Risk Predictor for Incident Hypertension in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-up Study.
¼B©y¾Ç, ³¯«ä¹Å, §õ¤å½å, ³¯¬Õ§Ó, ¶À«T¸R, §d¯\·ì, ¬x§Ó¿³, ³¢¬L§», Ĭªe¦W* - - 1 - CIRCULATION JOURNAL : OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE CIRCULATION SOCIETY - CIRCULATION JOURNAL 2023 87¨÷(3´Á):456-462­¶
(IF: 3.35, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 72, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 143, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 50.35%)

Components of the Complete Blood Count as a Risk Predictor for Incident Hypertension in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-up Study.
Yi-Hsueh Liu, Szu-Chia Chen, Wen-Hsien Lee, Ying-Chih Chen, Jiun-Chi Huang, Pei-Yu Wu, Chih-Hsing Hung, Chao-Hung Kuo, Ho-Ming Su - - 1 - CIRCULATION JOURNAL : OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE CIRCULATION SOCIETY - CIRCULATION JOURNAL 2023;87(3):456-462
(IF: 3.35, Journal Ranking: 72, Number of Journals of this Field: 143, Ranking: 50.35%)


Comparative Gut Microbiome Differences between High and Low Aortic Arch Calcification Score in Patients with Chronic Diseases.
¼B©y¾Ç,´^³Õ,¬xÁ¨¶v,§dªÃ¾±,°ª©Ó·½,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,¬x§Ó¿³,Ĭªe¦W,³¯«ä¹Å*,³¢¬L§»* - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2023 24¨÷(6´Á):5673­¶
(IF: 6.208, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 69, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 297, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 23.23%)

Comparative Gut Microbiome Differences between High and Low Aortic Arch Calcification Score in Patients with Chronic Diseases.
Yi-Hsueh Liu, Po Peng, Wei-Chun Hung, Ping-Hsun Wu, Cheng-Yuan Kao, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Chih-Hsing Hung, Ho-Ming Su, Szu-Chia Chen, Chao-Hung Kuo - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2023;24(6):5673
(IF: 6.208, Journal Ranking: 69, Number of Journals of this Field: 297, Ranking: 23.23%)


Sex difference in the associations among risk factors with depression in a large Taiwanese population study.
´¿¤ß, §õ¨Î®ï#, ¯Õ«T¶£, ³¯«ä¹Å* - - 2 - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2023 11¨÷(1´Á):1070827­¶
(IF: 6.461, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 18, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 182, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 9.89%)

Sex difference in the associations among risk factors with depression in a large Taiwanese population study.
Hsin Tseng, Jia-In Lee#, Jiun-Hung Geng, Szu-Chia Chen* - - 2 - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2023;11(1):1070827
(IF: 6.461, Journal Ranking: 18, Number of Journals of this Field: 182, Ranking: 9.89%)


Liver-function parameters are associated with incident hypertension in a large Taiwanese population follow-up study.
¼B©y¾Ç, ³¯«ä¹Å, §õ¤å½å, ³¯¬Õ§Ó, ¶À«T¸R, §d¯\·ì, ¬x§Ó¿³, ³¢¬L§», Ĭªe¦W* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF HUMAN HYPERTENSION - JOURNAL OF HUMAN HYPERTENSION 2023 37¨÷(6´Á):496-501­¶
(IF: 2.7, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 43, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 67, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 64.18%)

Liver-function parameters are associated with incident hypertension in a large Taiwanese population follow-up study.
Yi-Hsueh Liu, Szu-Chia Chen, Wen-Hsien Lee, Ying-Chih Chen, Jiun-Chi Huang, Pei-Yu Wu, Chih-Hsing Hung, Chao-Hung Kuo, Ho-Ming Su - - 1 - JOURNAL OF HUMAN HYPERTENSION - JOURNAL OF HUMAN HYPERTENSION 2023;37(6):496-501
(IF: 2.7, Journal Ranking: 43, Number of Journals of this Field: 67, Ranking: 64.18%)


Association between air pollutants with calcaneus ultrasound T-score change in a large Taiwanese population follow-up study.
(IF: 5.8, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 67, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 274, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 24.45%)

Association between air pollutants with calcaneus ultrasound T-score change in a large Taiwanese population follow-up study.
(IF: 5.8, Journal Ranking: 67, Number of Journals of this Field: 274, Ranking: 24.45%)


Association and Interaction between Heavy Metals and Hyperuricemia in a Taiwanese Population.
¿c«ß¿Å,½²¯ÂµX,ªL¸X©y,¤ý§Ó¤å,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,³¯«ä¹Å*,±i­õ»Ê - - 1 - DIAGNOSTICS (BASEL, SWITZERLAND) - DIAGNOSTICS 2023 13¨÷(10´Á):1741­¶
(IF: 3.6, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 63, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 167, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 37.72%)

Association and Interaction between Heavy Metals and Hyperuricemia in a Taiwanese Population.
Lu-Heng Lu, Chun-Chi Tsai, Chih-Yi Lin, Chih-Wen Wang, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Szu-Chia Chen, Jer-Ming Chang - - 1 - DIAGNOSTICS (BASEL, SWITZERLAND) - DIAGNOSTICS 2023;13(10):1741
(IF: 3.6, Journal Ranking: 63, Number of Journals of this Field: 167, Ranking: 37.72%)


Low Lung Function Is Associated with Low Baseline Calcaneus Ultrasound T-Score but a Slow Decline in T-Score in a Taiwanese Follow-Up Population with No History of Smoking, Bronchitis, Emphysema, or Asthma.
½²¨ÝÀM, ¤ýµq¥­#, §d¤j½n, ¶À«T¸R, §d¯\·ì, ³¯«ä¹Å* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2023 13¨÷(5´Á):795­¶
(IF: 3.508, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 42, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 109, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 38.53%)

Low Lung Function Is Associated with Low Baseline Calcaneus Ultrasound T-Score but a Slow Decline in T-Score in a Taiwanese Follow-Up Population with No History of Smoking, Bronchitis, Emphysema, or Asthma.
Yu-Lin Tsai, Hao-Ping Wang#, Da-Wei Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Pei-Yu Wu, Szu-Chia Chen* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2023;13(5):795
(IF: 3.508, Journal Ranking: 42, Number of Journals of this Field: 109, Ranking: 38.53%)


Blood lead (Pb) is associated with lung fibrotic changes in non-smokers living in the vicinity of petrochemical complex: a population-based study.
(IF: 5.8, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 67, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 274, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 24.45%)

Blood lead (Pb) is associated with lung fibrotic changes in non-smokers living in the vicinity of petrochemical complex: a population-based study.
Wei-Hoong Yau, Szu-Chia Chen, Da-Wei Wu, Huang-Chi Chen, Hung-Hsun Lin, Chih-Wen Wang*, Chih-Hsing Hung, Chao-Hung Kuo - - 1 - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2023;1(1):1
(IF: 5.8, Journal Ranking: 67, Number of Journals of this Field: 274, Ranking: 24.45%)


Urinary copper levels are associated with bronchiectasis in non-smokers living near a petrochemical complex.
(IF: 5.8, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 67, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 274, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 24.45%)

Urinary copper levels are associated with bronchiectasis in non-smokers living near a petrochemical complex.
(IF: 5.8, Journal Ranking: 67, Number of Journals of this Field: 274, Ranking: 24.45%)


Association between ambient air pollutant interaction with kidney function in a large Taiwanese population study.
(IF: 5.8, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 67, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 274, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 24.45%)

Association between ambient air pollutant interaction with kidney function in a large Taiwanese population study.
(IF: 5.8, Journal Ranking: 67, Number of Journals of this Field: 274, Ranking: 24.45%)


The impact of secondhand smoke on the development of kidney stone disease is not inferior to that of smoking: a longitudinal cohort study.
³¯©Éæ¢,§õ¨Î®ï,¨Hºa©v,§d©É¸©,±äÂ`°a,¸âÂí»¨,¤ý´S¥È,§õ¥Ã¶i,¶À®Ñ±l,³¯«ä¹Å,¯Õ«T¶£* - - 1 - BMC PUBLIC HEALTH - BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 2023 23¨÷(1´Á):1189­¶
(IF: 4.5, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 65, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 207, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 31.40%)

The impact of secondhand smoke on the development of kidney stone disease is not inferior to that of smoking: a longitudinal cohort study.
Yi-Hsuan Chen, Jia-In Lee, Jung-Tsung Shen, Yi-Hsuan Wu, Yao-Hsuan Tsao, Jhen-Hao Jhan, Hsun-Shuan Wang, Yung-Chin Lee, Shu-Pin Huang, Szu-Chia Chen, Jiun-Hung Geng - - 1 - BMC PUBLIC HEALTH - BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 2023;23(1):1189
(IF: 4.5, Journal Ranking: 65, Number of Journals of this Field: 207, Ranking: 31.40%)


Arsenic exposure associated with lung interstitial changes in non-smoking individuals living near a petrochemical complex: A repeated cross-sectional study.
¤ý§Ó¤å,³¯«ä¹Å,§d¤j½n,ªL§»¾±,³¯·×ÄQ,¬x§Ó¿³*,³¢¬L§» - - 1 - Environmental Pollution - ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 2023 331¨÷(2´Á):121844­¶
(IF: 8.9, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 28, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 274, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 10.22%)

Arsenic exposure associated with lung interstitial changes in non-smoking individuals living near a petrochemical complex: A repeated cross-sectional study.
Chih-Wen Wang, Szu-Chia Chen, Da-Wei Wu, Hung-Hsun Lin, Huang-Chi Chen, Chih-Hsing Hung*, Chao-Hung Kuo - - 1 - Environmental Pollution - ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 2023;331(2):121844
(IF: 8.9, Journal Ranking: 28, Number of Journals of this Field: 274, Ranking: 10.22%)


Association between Menopause, Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy and Metabolic Syndrome.
¼Ú¬Õ¦p,§õ¨Î®ï,¶À®Ñ±l,³¯«ä¹Å,¯Õ«T¶£*,Ĭ®a¥°* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2023 12¨÷(13´Á):4435­¶
(IF: 3.9, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 58, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 167, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 34.73%)

Association between Menopause, Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy and Metabolic Syndrome.
Ying-Ju Ou, Jia-In Lee, Shu-Pin Huang, Szu-Chia Chen, Jiun-Hung Geng, Chia-Hung Su - - 1 - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2023;12(13):4435
(IF: 3.9, Journal Ranking: 58, Number of Journals of this Field: 167, Ranking: 34.73%)


Sex Difference in the Associations among Obesity-Related Indices with Hyperuricemia in a Large Taiwanese Population Study.
Ĭ¤hÎ], ªL©v¿«#, ¼B©y¾Ç, §d¯\·ì, ¶À«T¸R, Ĭªe¦W, ³¯«ä¹Å* - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2023 15¨÷(15´Á):3419­¶
(IF: 5.9, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 88, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 19.32%)

Sex Difference in the Associations among Obesity-Related Indices with Hyperuricemia in a Large Taiwanese Population Study.
Shih-Yao Su, Tsung-Han Lin#, Yi-Hsueh Liu, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Ho-Ming Su, Szu-Chia Chen* - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2023;15(15):3419
(IF: 5.9, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 88, Ranking: 19.32%)


Therapy as prevention toward HCV elimination in maintenance hemodialysis: a multi-center, prospective cohort study
¶À³©®p, À¹¹Å¨¥#, ¤ý§Ó¤å, ±ç³Õµ{, ÃQà±¾§, ½²¨Ø­Å, ±i®x»·, ³\³Õ³ó, §õ¨Î»T, ¶s¸t¤å,¶À«T¸R, ¸­©ú­Û, ¶ÀÂ@¶h, Á©ú«Û, ªL©yÐA, ³¯«ä¹Å, ªô©É¤å, ¶À§Ó´I, ±i­õ»Ê*, ¶À©|§Ó, ²ø¸UÀs, §E©ú¶©*, the FORMOSA-LIKE investigators - - 1 - CLINICAL KIDNEY JOURNAL - CLINICAL KIDNEY JOURNAL 2023 16¨÷(12´Á):2429¡V2436­¶
(IF: 4.6, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 88, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 19.32%)

Therapy as prevention toward HCV elimination in maintenance hemodialysis: a multi-center, prospective cohort study
Chung-Feng Huang, Chia-Yen Dai#, Chih-Wen Wang, Po-Cheng Liang, Yu-Ju Wei, Pei-Chien Tsai, Tyng-Yuan Jang, Po-Yao Hsu, Jia-Jung Lee, Sheng-Wen Niu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Ming-Lun Yeh, Ching-I Huang, Ming-Yen Hsieh, Yi-Hung Lin, Szu-Chia Chen, Yi-Wen Chiu, Jee-Fu Huang, Jer-Ming Chang*, Shang-Jyh Hwang, Wan-Long Chuang, Ming-Lung Yu*, the FORMOSA-LIKE investigators - - 1 - CLINICAL KIDNEY JOURNAL - CLINICAL KIDNEY JOURNAL 2023;16(12):2429¡V2436
(IF: 4.6, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 88, Ranking: 19.32%)


Arsenic exposure and lung fibrotic changes-evidence from a longitudinal cohort study and experimental models.
¤ý§Ó¤å,ªôÄɼü#,³¯«ä¹Å,§d¤j½n,ªL§»¾±,³¯·×ÄQ,¹ù°¶§Ê,ªL©ú§»*,¬x§Ó¿³*,³¢¬L§»* - - 1 - FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY - FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY 2023 14¨÷(0´Á):1225348­¶
(IF: 7.3, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 35, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 161, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 21.74%)

Arsenic exposure and lung fibrotic changes-evidence from a longitudinal cohort study and experimental models.
Chih-Wen Wang, Hsin-Ying Clair Chiou, Szu-Chia Chen, Da-Wei Wu, Hung-Hsun Lin, Huang-Chi Chen, Wei-Ting Liao, Ming-Hong Lin, Chih-Hsing Hung, Chao-Hung Kuo - - 1 - FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY - FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY 2023;14(0):1225348
(IF: 7.3, Journal Ranking: 35, Number of Journals of this Field: 161, Ranking: 21.74%)


Arsenic exposure was associated with lung fibrotic changes in individuals living near a petrochemical complex
¤ý§Ó¤å,³¯«ä¹Å,¬x§Ó¿³*,³¢¬L§» - - 1 - Environmental Science and Pollution Research - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2023 30¨÷(51´Á):111498-111510­¶
(IF: 5.8, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 67, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 274, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 24.45%)

Arsenic exposure was associated with lung fibrotic changes in individuals living near a petrochemical complex
Chih-Wen Wang, Szu-Chia Chen, Chih-Hsing Hung*, Chao-Hung Kuo - - 1 - Environmental Science and Pollution Research - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2023;30(51):111498-111510
(IF: 5.8, Journal Ranking: 67, Number of Journals of this Field: 274, Ranking: 24.45%)


The impact of the synergistic effect of SO and PM/PM on obstructive lung disease in subtropical Taiwan.
³¯±oà±,³¯«ä¹Å,¤ý§Ó¤å,§ùÂE»«,³¯°ö¸Ö,­J·¡ªQ,§õ¬î¼z,§d¤j½n*,¬x§Ó¿³,³¢¬L§» - - 2 - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2023 11¨÷(0´Á):1229820­¶
(IF: 5.2, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 25, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 180, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13.89%)

The impact of the synergistic effect of SO and PM/PM on obstructive lung disease in subtropical Taiwan.
Te-Yu Chen, Szu-Chia Chen, Chih-Wen Wang, Hung-Pin Tu, Pei-Shih Chen, Stephen Chu-Sung Hu, Chiu-Hui Li, Da-Wei Wu, Chih-Hsing Hung, Chao-Hung Kuo - - 2 - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2023;11(0):1229820
(IF: 5.2, Journal Ranking: 25, Number of Journals of this Field: 180, Ranking: 13.89%)


The association between alcohol, betel nut, and cigarette use with hepatitis C virus infection in Taiwan.
´¿´D·R, ¼Ú¬R¨Ú#, ¯Õ«T¶£, ¤ý§Ó¤å, §d¤j½n, ³¯«ä¹Å*, ¿c¬f¼Ù* - - 1 - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2023 13¨÷(1´Á):23082­¶
(IF: 4.6, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 22, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 73, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 30.14%)

The association between alcohol, betel nut, and cigarette use with hepatitis C virus infection in Taiwan.
Yuan-Ai Tseng, Yu-Lun Ou#, Jiun-Hung Geng, Chih-Wen Wang, Da-Wei Wu, Szu-Chia Chen*, Po-Liang Lu* - - 1 - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2023;13(1):23082
(IF: 4.6, Journal Ranking: 22, Number of Journals of this Field: 73, Ranking: 30.14%)


Effect of far-infrared radiation therapy on von Willebrand factor in patients with chronic kidney disease.
ÃC¥¿ªN,³\üø¶W, Chih-Ching Lin, ³¯«ä¹Å, Chih-Yen Hsiao, ¶À©|§Ó* - - 1 - FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE - FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE 2023 10¨÷(0´Á):1268212­¶
(IF: 3.9, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 58, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 167, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 34.73%)

Effect of far-infrared radiation therapy on von Willebrand factor in patients with chronic kidney disease.
Cheng-Chieh Yen, Po-Chao Hsu, Chih-Ching Lin, Szu-Chia Chen, Chih-Yen Hsiao, Shang-Jyh Hwang - - 1 - FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE - FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE 2023;10(0):1268212
(IF: 3.9, Journal Ranking: 58, Number of Journals of this Field: 167, Ranking: 34.73%)


Components of the Complete Blood Count are Associated With New-Onset Hyperuricemia in a Large Taiwanese Population
³¯¶h­è,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,³¯«ä¹Å*,±i­õ»Ê - - 0 - Acta Nephrologica - 2023 37¨÷(4´Á):205-215­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Components of the Complete Blood Count are Associated With New-Onset Hyperuricemia in a Large Taiwanese Population
Yi-Kong Chen, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Szu-Chia Chen*, Jer-Ming Chang - - 0 - Acta Nephrologica - 2023;37(4):205-215
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Associations and Interactions between Heavy Metals with White Blood Cell and Eosinophil Count.
¶À¬L¤ß, ÁÂÚô¦Ð#, ¤ý§Ó¤å, §ùÂE»«, ³¯«ä¹Å*, ¬x§Ó¿³, ³¢¬L§» - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2022 19¨÷(2´Á):331-337­¶
(IF: 3.642, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 64, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 172, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 37.21%)

Associations and Interactions between Heavy Metals with White Blood Cell and Eosinophil Count.
Chao-Hsin Huang, Chieh-Yu Hsieh, Chih-Wen Wang, Hung-Pin Tu, Szu-Chia Chen*, Chih-Hsing Hung, Chao-Hung Kuo - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2022;19(2):331-337
(IF: 3.642, Journal Ranking: 64, Number of Journals of this Field: 172, Ranking: 37.21%)


Betel Nut Chewing Increases the Risk of Metabolic Syndrome and Its Components in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-Up Study Category: Original Investigation.
¶À¶®¹t,¯Õ«T¶£,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,³¯«ä¹Å*,±i­õ»Ê*,³¯ÂE¶v* - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2022 14¨÷(5´Á):1018­¶
(IF: 6.706, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 90, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 16.67%)

Betel Nut Chewing Increases the Risk of Metabolic Syndrome and Its Components in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-Up Study Category: Original Investigation.
Ya-Chin Huang, Jiun-Hung Geng, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Szu-Chia Chen, Jer-Ming Chang, Hung-Chun Chen - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2022;14(5):1018
(IF: 6.706, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 90, Ranking: 16.67%)


Greater Glycemic Burden Is Associated with Further Poorer Glycemic Control in Newly-Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients.
·Å½n­Û,ªL¨q¯],´å¼z­s,³¯©ÉÄ«,±ç´º¶W,®}Þ³À¢,³\·çª@,¥Û©ú¸Û,§õ¬ü¤ë*,³¯«ä¹Å* - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2022 14¨÷(2´Á):1-13­¶
(IF: 6.706, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 90, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 16.67%)

Greater Glycemic Burden Is Associated with Further Poorer Glycemic Control in Newly-Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients.
Wei-Lun Wen, Hui-Chun Huang, Hsiu-Chu Lin, Wan-Ching Lo, Szu-Chia Chen*, Mei-Yueh Lee* - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2022;14(2):1-13
(IF: 6.706, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 90, Ranking: 16.67%)


Dyslipidemia Increases the Risk of Incident Kidney Stone Disease in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-Up Study.
¬x¨Î¦w, §õ«Ø¾±#, ¯Õ«T¶£, §d¤j½n, ³¯«ä¹Å* - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2022 14¨÷(7´Á):1339­¶
(IF: 6.706, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 90, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 16.67%)

Dyslipidemia Increases the Risk of Incident Kidney Stone Disease in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-Up Study.
Jia-An Hung, Chien-Hsun Li, Jiun-Hung Geng, Da-Wei Wu, Szu-Chia Chen* - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2022;14(7):1339
(IF: 6.706, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 90, Ranking: 16.67%)


©PªÃèû, §d¯\·ì, §dªÃ¾±*, ¶ÀÄ˼z, ¶À«T¸R, ³¯«ä¹Å, §õ¯À¯], ³¢¬ü®S, ªô©É¤å, ³\¶®¬Â, ±i­õ»Ê, ¶À©|§Ó - - 1 - Journal of Personalized Medicine - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2022 12¨÷(4´Á):636­¶
(IF: 4.945, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 107, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 14.02%)

Investigation of the Relationship between Cardiovascular Biomarkers and Brachial¡VAnkle Pulse Wave Velocity in Hemodialysis Patients
Ping-Ruey Chou, Pei-Yu Wu, Ping-Hsun Wu*, Teng-Hui Huang, Jiun-Chi Huang, Szu-Chia Chen, Su-Chu Lee, Mei-Chuan Kuo, Yi-Wen Chiu, Ya-Ling Hsu, Jer-Ming Chang, Shang-Jyh Hwang - - 1 - Journal of Personalized Medicine - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2022;12(4):636
(IF: 4.945, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 107, Ranking: 14.02%)


Impact of the synergistic effect of pneumonia and air pollutants on newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis in southern Taiwan.
§d¤j½n, ¾G౫°, ¤ý§Ó¤å, ¬x§Ó¿³, ³¯°ö¸Ö, ­J·¡ªQ, ªL«T§»,³¯«ä¹Å*, ³¢¬L§» - - 1 - ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH - ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 2022 212¨÷(Pt B´Á):113215­¶
(IF: 8.431, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 21, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 210, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 10.00%)

Impact of the synergistic effect of pneumonia and air pollutants on newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis in southern Taiwan.
Da-Wei Wu, Yu-Cheng Cheng, Chih-Wen Wang, Chih-Hsing Hung, Pei-Shih Chen, Stephen Chu-Sung Hu, Chun-Hung Richard Lin, Szu-Chia Chen, Chao-Hung Kuo - - 1 - ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH - ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 2022;212(Pt B):113215
(IF: 8.431, Journal Ranking: 21, Number of Journals of this Field: 210, Ranking: 10.00%)


Hepatic Steatosis Is Associated with High White Blood Cell and Platelet Counts.
»¯¯§Åï,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,ªô©É¤å,§õ¨Î»T,³¯«ä¹Å*,±i­õ»Ê*,¶À©|§Ó,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - BIOMEDICINES - BIOMEDICINES 2022 10¨÷(4´Á):892­¶
(IF: 4.757, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 86, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 279, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 30.82%)

Hepatic Steatosis Is Associated with High White Blood Cell and Platelet Counts.
Yu-Lin Chao, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Yi-Wen Chiu, Jia-Jung Lee, Szu-Chia Chen, Jer-Ming Chang, Shang-Jyh Hwang, Hung-Chun Chen - - 1 - BIOMEDICINES - BIOMEDICINES 2022;10(4):892
(IF: 4.757, Journal Ranking: 86, Number of Journals of this Field: 279, Ranking: 30.82%)


Role of Fracture Risk Assessment Tool and Bone Turnover Markers in Predicting All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality in Hemodialysis Patients.
§d¯\·ì, ³¯«ä¹Å, ªL©yÀR, ³¯¬f§Ó, Áéºû°a, ¶À¶®¹t, §dªÃ¾±, ½²©y¯Â, ¶À«T¸R*, ªô©É¤å, ±i­õ»Ê - - 1 - FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE - FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE 2022 2000¨÷(9´Á):891363­¶
(IF: 5.058, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 52, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 172, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 30.23%)

Role of Fracture Risk Assessment Tool and Bone Turnover Markers in Predicting All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality in Hemodialysis Patients.
Pei-Yu Wu, Szu-Chia Chen, Yi-Ching Lin, Po-Chih Chen, Wei-Shiuan Chung, Ya-Chin Huang, Ping-Hsun Wu, Yi-Chun Tsai, Jiun-Chi Huang, Yi-Wen Chiu, Jer-Ming Chang - - 1 - FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE - FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE 2022;2000(9):891363
(IF: 5.058, Journal Ranking: 52, Number of Journals of this Field: 172, Ranking: 30.23%)


Metabolic Syndrome and High-Obesity-Related Indices Are Associated with Poor Cognitive Function in a Large Taiwanese Population Study Older than 60 Years.
¶À«ä¿«,³¯«ä¹Å#,¯Õ«T¶£,§d¤j½n,§õ«Ø¾±* - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2022 14¨÷(8´Á):1535­¶
(IF: 6.706, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 90, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 16.67%)

Metabolic Syndrome and High-Obesity-Related Indices Are Associated with Poor Cognitive Function in a Large Taiwanese Population Study Older than 60 Years.
Szu-Han Huang, Szu-Chia Chen, Jiun-Hung Geng, Da-Wei Wu, Chien-Hsun Li - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2022;14(8):1535
(IF: 6.706, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 90, Ranking: 16.67%)


Effects of Montelukast on Arsenic-Induced Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and the Role of Reactive Oxygen Species Production in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells.
³¯·×ÄQ,ªôÄɼü,½²¬üÄõ,³¯«ä¹Å,ªL©ú§»,¬x§Ó¿³,³¢¬L§»* - - 1 - FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY - FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY 2022 13¨÷(0´Á):877125­¶
(IF: 5.988, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 50, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 279, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17.92%)

Effects of Montelukast on Arsenic-Induced Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and the Role of Reactive Oxygen Species Production in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells.
Huang-Chi Chen, Hsin-Ying Clair Chiou, Mei-Lan Tsai, Szu-Chia Chen, Ming-Hong Lin, Tzu-Chun Chuang, Chih-Hsing Hung, Chao-Hung Kuo. - - 1 - FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY - FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY 2022;13(0):877125
(IF: 5.988, Journal Ranking: 50, Number of Journals of this Field: 279, Ranking: 17.92%)


Metabolic Syndrome Is Associated with Cataract in a Large Taiwanese Population Study.
±iºa²ç, ³¯©É¾ì#, ¯Õ«T¶£, §d¯\·ì, ¶À«T¸R, ³¯«ä¹Å* - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2022 14¨÷(9´Á):1684­¶
(IF: 6.706, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 90, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 16.67%)

Metabolic Syndrome Is Associated with Cataract in a Large Taiwanese Population Study.
Jung-Hsiu Chang, I-Hua Chen#, Jiun-Hung Geng, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Szu-Chia Chen* - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2022;14(9):1684
(IF: 6.706, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 90, Ranking: 16.67%)


Hyperuricemia and Its Association with Osteoporosis in a Large Asian Cohort.
§õ©¾¯§, §õ¨Î®ï, ¿c¬F©÷, Ĭ¨|¼w, ªô¥ü¿A, ³¯«ä¹Å, ¯Õ«T¶£*, ³¯±R®Ù* - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2022 14¨÷(11´Á):2206­¶
(IF: 6.706, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 90, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 16.67%)

Hyperuricemia and Its Association with Osteoporosis in a Large Asian Cohort.
Jhong-You Li, Jia-In Lee, Cheng-Chang Lu, Yu-De Su, Chao-Tse Chiu, Szu-Chia Chen, Jiun-Hung Geng, Chung-Hwan Chen - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2022;14(11):2206
(IF: 6.706, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 90, Ranking: 16.67%)


Anxiety Is a Mediator between Heart Rate Variability and Quality of Life in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
§d¤j½n,±iÄ×ÄÉ,·¨³Õ¦{,³¢¤l¥k,½²ªFÀM,³¯·×ÄQ,°K¿·Äõ,³¯°ö¸Ö,³¯«ä¹Å,ªL©y¬ü* - - 1 - Journal of Personalized Medicine - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2022 12¨÷(6´Á):960­¶
(IF: 3.508, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 41, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 109, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 37.61%)

Anxiety Is a Mediator between Heart Rate Variability and Quality of Life in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Da-Wei Wu, Li-Hsin Chang, Po-Chou Yang, Tzu-Yu Kuo, Dong-Lin Tsai, Huang-Chi Chen, Hui-Lan Yuan, Pei-Shih Chen, Szu-Chia Chen and I-Mei Lin - - 1 - Journal of Personalized Medicine - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2022;12(6):960
(IF: 3.508, Journal Ranking: 41, Number of Journals of this Field: 109, Ranking: 37.61%)


Sex Difference in the Associations among Obesity-Related Indices with Incident Hypertension in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-Up Study.
§õ¤åµX,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,½²©y¯Â,ªô©É¤å,³¯«ä¹Å*,±i­õ»Ê,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2022 12¨÷(6´Á):972­¶
(IF: 3.508, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 41, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 109, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 37.61%)

Sex Difference in the Associations among Obesity-Related Indices with Incident Hypertension in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-Up Study.
Wen-Chi Lee, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Yi-Chun Tsai, Yi-Wen Chiu, Szu-Chia Chen, Jer-Ming Chang, Hung-Chun Chen - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2022;12(6):972
(IF: 3.508, Journal Ranking: 41, Number of Journals of this Field: 109, Ranking: 37.61%)


Regular Exercise Decreases the Risk of Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women.
Chu-Fen Chang,§õ¨Î®ï,¶À®Ñ±l,¯Õ«T¶£*,³¯«ä¹Å - - 1 - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2022 10¨÷(1´Á):897363­¶
(IF: 6.461, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 18, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 182, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 9.89%)

Regular Exercise Decreases the Risk of Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women.
Chu-Fen Chang, Jia-In Lee, Shu-Pin Huang, Jiun-Hung Geng, Szu-Chia Chen - - 1 - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2022;10(1):897363
(IF: 6.461, Journal Ranking: 18, Number of Journals of this Field: 182, Ranking: 9.89%)


Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity-Related Indices Are Associated with Rapid Renal Function Decline in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-Up Study.
Ĭ«Â¦t,³¯©É¾ì,°ª¨|«C,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,½²©y¯Â,³¯«ä¹Å*,±i­õ»Ê*,¶À©|§Ó,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - BIOMEDICINES - BIOMEDICINES 2022 10¨÷(7´Á):1744­¶
(IF: 4.757, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 86, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 279, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 30.82%)

Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity-Related Indices Are Associated with Rapid Renal Function Decline in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-Up Study.
Wei-Yu Su, I-Hua Chen, Yuh-Ching Gau, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Yi-Chun Tsai, Szu-Chia Chen, Jer-Ming Chang, Shang-Jyh Hwang, Hung-Chun Chen - - 1 - BIOMEDICINES - BIOMEDICINES 2022;10(7):1744
(IF: 4.757, Journal Ranking: 86, Number of Journals of this Field: 279, Ranking: 30.82%)


Dyslipidemia Increases the Risk of Incident Hypertension in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-Up Study.
ªL¨|¸©,¼B©y¾Ç,§d¤j½n,Ĭªe¦W,³¯«ä¹Å* - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2022 14¨÷(16´Á):3277­¶
(IF: 6.706, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 90, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 16.67%)

Dyslipidemia Increases the Risk of Incident Hypertension in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-Up Study.
Yu-Hsuan Lin, Yi-Hsueh Liu, Da-Wei Wu, Ho-Ming Su, Szu-Chia Chen* - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2022;14(16):3277
(IF: 6.706, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 90, Ranking: 16.67%)


Sex Difference in the Associations among Hyperuricemia with New-Onset Chronic Kidney Disease in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-Up Study.
³¯·çÊã,½²¯ÂµX,¼B©y¾Ç,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,Ĭªe¦W,³¯«ä¹Å*,ÁéªF¬Â* - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2022 14¨÷(18´Á):3832­¶
(IF: 6.706, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 90, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 16.67%)

Sex Difference in the Associations among Hyperuricemia with New-Onset Chronic Kidney Disease in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-Up Study.
Jui-Hsin Chen, Chun-Chi Tsai, Yi-Hsueh Liu, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Tung-Ling Chung, Ho-Ming Su, Szu-Chia Chen - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2022;14(18):3832
(IF: 6.706, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 90, Ranking: 16.67%)


¶À¬L¤ß, ¤ý§Ó¤å, ³¯·×ÄQ, §ùÂE»«, ³¯«ä¹Å*, ¬x§Ó¿³*, ³¢¬L§» - - 1 - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2022 19¨÷(1´Á):189­¶
(IF: 4.614, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 45, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 182, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 24.73%)

Gender Difference in the Associations among Heavy Metals with Red Blood Cell Hemogram.
Chao-Hsin Huang, Chih-Wen Wang, Huang-Chi Chen, Hung-Pin Tu, Szu-Chia Chen*, Chih-Hsing Hung*, Chao-Hung Kuo - - 1 - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2022;19(1):189
(IF: 4.614, Journal Ranking: 45, Number of Journals of this Field: 182, Ranking: 24.73%)


Detrimental correlation between air pollution with skin aging in Taiwan population.
¶À¬L¤ß, ³¯«ä¹Å, Yi-Chian Wang, Chen-Feng Wang, ¬x§Ó¿³, §õ®ÑªY* - - 1 - MEDICINE - MEDICINE 2022 101¨÷(31´Á):e29380­¶
(IF: 1.817, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 122, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 172, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 70.93%)

Detrimental correlation between air pollution with skin aging in Taiwan population.
Chao-Hsin Huang, Szu-Chia Chen, Yi-Chian Wang, Chen-Feng Wang, Chih-Hsing Hung, Su-Shin Lee - - 1 - MEDICINE - MEDICINE 2022;101(31):e29380
(IF: 1.817, Journal Ranking: 122, Number of Journals of this Field: 172, Ranking: 70.93%)


KITLG Promotes Glomerular Endothelial Cell Injury in Diabetic Nephropathy by an Autocrine Effect.
¶À«T¸R, ³¯«ä¹Å, ±iºû¦w, ¬xÁ¨¶², §dªÃ¾±, §d¹aà±, ±i­õ»Ê, ³\¶®¬Â*, ½²©y¯Â* - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2022 23¨÷(19´Á):11723­¶
(IF: 6.208, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 69, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 296, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 23.31%)

KITLG Promotes Glomerular Endothelial Cell Injury in Diabetic Nephropathy by an Autocrine Effect.
Jiun-Chi Huang, Szu-Chia Chen, Wei-An Chang, Wei-Wen Hung, Ping-Hsun Wu, Ling-Yu Wu, Jer-Ming Chang, Ya-Ling Hsu, Yi-Chun Tsai - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2022;23(19):11723
(IF: 6.208, Journal Ranking: 69, Number of Journals of this Field: 296, Ranking: 23.31%)


±i¹Å¤å, Jia-In Lee, ¶À«T¿Î, ¿c¹m¸R, ¼BÄ£µØ, Shu-Pin Huang, ³¯«ä¹Å, ¯Õ«T¶£* - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2022 19¨÷(10´Á):1596-1602­¶
(IF: 3.642, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 64, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 172, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 37.21%)

Habitual Tea Consumption and Risk of Cataracts: A Longitudinal Study.
Chia-Wen Chang, Jia-In Lee, Chun-Yen Huang, Chun-Chi Lu, Yao-Hua Liu, Shu-Pin Huang, Szu-Chia Chen, Jiun-Hung Geng - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2022;19(10):1596-1602
(IF: 3.642, Journal Ranking: 64, Number of Journals of this Field: 172, Ranking: 37.21%)


Living alone decreased calcaneus ultrasound -score in a large Taiwanese population follow-up study.
ªL®x¥ì,³¯«ä¹Å#,¯Õ«T¶£,½²´f¦p*. - - 1 - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2022 10¨÷(10´Á):1004794­¶
(IF: 6.461, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 18, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 182, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 9.89%)

Living alone decreased calcaneus ultrasound -score in a large Taiwanese population follow-up study.
Ting-Yi Lin#, Szu-Chia Chen#, Jiun-Hung Geng, Hui-Ju Tsai* - - 1 - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2022;10(10):1004794
(IF: 6.461, Journal Ranking: 18, Number of Journals of this Field: 182, Ranking: 9.89%)


The prenatal and postnatal effects of air pollution on asthma in children with atopic dermatitis.
³¯©yºú,ÄÁ¯EÞ³,Á¼z±Ó,³¯«ä¹Å,³¯·×ÄQ,ªL©yÀR*,¬x§Ó¿³* - - 1 - Pediatric Pulmonology - PEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGY 2022 57¨÷(11´Á):2724-2734­¶
(IF: 4.09, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 21, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 130, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 16.15%)

The prenatal and postnatal effects of air pollution on asthma in children with atopic dermatitis.
I-Lun Chen, Hao-Wei Chung, Hui-Min Hsieh, Szu-Chia Chen, Huang-Chi Chen, Yi-Ching Lin*, Chih-Hsing Hung*. - - 1 - Pediatric Pulmonology - PEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGY 2022;57(11):2724-2734
(IF: 4.09, Journal Ranking: 21, Number of Journals of this Field: 130, Ranking: 16.15%)


³¯±oà±, ¯Õ«T¶£, ³¯«ä¹Å, §õ¨Î®ï* - - 2 - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2022 10¨÷(-´Á):1054615­¶
(IF: 6.461, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 18, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 182, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 9.89%)

Living alone is associated with a higher prevalence of psychiatric morbidity in a population-based cross-sectional study
Te-Yu Chen, Jiun-Hung Geng, Szu-Chia Chen, Jia-In Lee* - - 2 - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2022;10(-):1054615
(IF: 6.461, Journal Ranking: 18, Number of Journals of this Field: 182, Ranking: 9.89%)


Associations of Liver Function Parameters with New-Onset Hyperuricemia in a Large Taiwanese Population Study.
¿c¹m¸R,¼B©y¾Ç,§õ¤å½å,³¯«ä¹Å*,Ĭªe¦W* - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2022 14¨÷(21´Á):4672­¶
(IF: 6.706, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 90, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 16.67%)

Associations of Liver Function Parameters with New-Onset Hyperuricemia in a Large Taiwanese Population Study.
Chun-Chi Lu, Yi-Hsueh Liu, Wen-Hsien Lee, Szu-Chia Chen, Ho-Ming Su - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2022;14(21):4672
(IF: 6.706, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 90, Ranking: 16.67%)


Sex difference in the associations among risk factors with hepatitis B and C infections in a large Taiwanese population study.
¤ý¶v¼_, ¯Õ«T¶£, ¤ý§Ó¤å, §d¤j½n, ³¯«ä¹Å* - - 2 - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2022 10¨÷(.´Á):1068078­¶
(IF: 6.461, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 18, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 182, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 9.89%)

Sex difference in the associations among risk factors with hepatitis B and C infections in a large Taiwanese population study.
Angela Chiunhsien Wang, Jiun-Hung Geng, Chih-Wen Wang, Da-Wei Wu, Szu-Chia Chen* - - 2 - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2022;10(.):1068078
(IF: 6.461, Journal Ranking: 18, Number of Journals of this Field: 182, Ranking: 9.89%)


Chronic kidney disease and its association with cataracts-A cross-sectional and longitudinal study.
¶À«T¿Î,§õ¨Î®ï,±i¹Å¤å,¼BÄ£µØ,¶À®Ñ±l,³¯«ä¹Å,¯Õ«T¶£* - - 1 - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2022 10¨÷(1´Á):1029962­¶
(IF: 6.461, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 18, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 182, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 9.89%)

Chronic kidney disease and its association with cataracts-A cross-sectional and longitudinal study.
Chun-Yen Huang, Jia-In Lee, Chia-Wen Chang, Yao-Hua Liu, Shu-Pin Huang, Szu-Chia Chen, Jiun-Hung Geng - - 1 - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH - FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2022;10(1):1029962
(IF: 6.461, Journal Ranking: 18, Number of Journals of this Field: 182, Ranking: 9.89%)


Prognostic Factors of New-Onset Hypertension in New and Traditional Hypertension Definition in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-up Study.
(IF: 4.614, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 45, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 182, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 24.73%)

Prognostic Factors of New-Onset Hypertension in New and Traditional Hypertension Definition in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-up Study.
Yi-Hsueh Liu, Szu-Chia Chen, Wen-Hsien Lee, Ying-Chih Chen, Po-Chao Hsu, Wei-Chung Tsai, Chee-Siong Lee, Tsung-Hsien Lin, Chih-Hsing Hung, Chao-Hung Kuo, Ho-Ming Su - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2022;19(24):16525
(IF: 4.614, Journal Ranking: 45, Number of Journals of this Field: 182, Ranking: 24.73%)


Influential factors of urinary arsenic levels in the population residing, close to one heavy-industrial area in Taiwan-A case study
Kaewlaoyoong Acharee, ¶À¸Ö´@, ¤ý²QÄR, ®]¤d¶², ³¯¨Î·©, ³¢¬L§», ¬x§Ó¿³, ³¯«ä¹Å, Liang Ching-Chao, Tsai Hsiao-Wen, §d¨ÎªÚ, ªL¤å¤@, §d©ú»a* - - 1 - FRONTIERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE - FRONTIERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 2022 10¨÷(0´Á):1058408­¶
(IF: 5.411, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 82, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 279, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 29.39%)

Influential factors of urinary arsenic levels in the population residing, close to one heavy-industrial area in Taiwan-A case study
Kaewlaoyoong Acharee, Huang Shih-Ting, Wang Shu-Li, Sun Chien-Wen, Chen Jia-Jen, Kuo Chao-Hung, Hung Chih-Hsing, Chen Szu-Chia, Liang Ching-Chao, Tsai Hsiao-Wen, Wu Chia-Fang, Lin Wen-Yi, Wu Ming-Tsang - - 1 - FRONTIERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE - FRONTIERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 2022;10(0):1058408
(IF: 5.411, Journal Ranking: 82, Number of Journals of this Field: 279, Ranking: 29.39%)


¬xÁ¨¶v, ¬xÁ¨¶², ½²´f¦p, ±i®Ó¨Î, ªô©É¤å, ¶À©|§Ó, ³¢¬ü®S, ³¯«ä¹Å, À¹¹Å¨¥, ½²©y¯Â* - - 1 - International Journal of Medical Sciences - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2021 18¨÷(2´Á):511-519­¶
(IF: 3.642, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 64, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 172, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 37.21%)

The association of targeted gut microbiota with body composition in type 2 diabetes mellitus
Hung WC, Hung WW, Tsai HJ, Chang CC, Chiu YW, Hwang SJ, Kuo MC, Chen SC, Dai CY, Tsai YC* - - 1 - International Journal of Medical Sciences - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2021;18(2):511-519
(IF: 3.642, Journal Ranking: 64, Number of Journals of this Field: 172, Ranking: 37.21%)


Air Pollution Is Associated with Poor Cognitive Function in Taiwanese Adults.
³¯·ù³Ç,¤ý±á®p,¿à§B©Ó,Á¤ɤå,³¯«ä¹Å*,¬x§Ó¿³,³¢¬L§» - - 1 - International journal of environmental research and public health - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021 18¨÷(1´Á):316­¶
(IF: 3.39, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 118, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 274, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 43.07%)

Air Pollution Is Associated with Poor Cognitive Function in Taiwanese Adults.
Meng-Chieh Chen,Chen-Feng Wang,Bo-Cheng Lai,Sun-Wung Hsieh,Szu-Chia Chen,Chih-Hsing Hung,Chao-Hung Kuo - - 1 - International journal of environmental research and public health - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021;18(1):316
(IF: 3.39, Journal Ranking: 118, Number of Journals of this Field: 274, Ranking: 43.07%)


Changes in acoustic cardiographic parameters before and after hemodialysis are associated with overall and cardiovascular mortality in hemodialysis patients.
ÁéªF¬Â,¼B©y¾Ç,¶À«T¸R,§d¯\·ì,³¯«ä¹Å*,±i­õ»Ê - - 1 - Scientific reports - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2021 11¨÷(1´Á):1559­¶
(IF: 4.379, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 73, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 23.29%)

Changes in acoustic cardiographic parameters before and after hemodialysis are associated with overall and cardiovascular mortality in hemodialysis patients.
Tung-Ling Chung,Yi-Hsueh Liu,Jiun-Chi Huang,Pei-Yu Wu,Szu-Chia Chen,Jer-Ming Chang - - 1 - Scientific reports - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2021;11(1):1559
(IF: 4.379, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 73, Ranking: 23.29%)


A high triglyceride-glucose index is associated with left ventricular dysfunction and atherosclerosis.
ªô®õ¾ì,½²´f¦p#,ªôÄɼü,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,³¯«ä¹Å* - - 1 - International journal of medical sciences - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2021 18¨÷(4´Á):1051-1057­¶
(IF: 3.738, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 44, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 169, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 26.04%)

A high triglyceride-glucose index is associated with left ventricular dysfunction and atherosclerosis.
Tai-Hua Chiu,Hui-Ju Tsai,Hsin-Ying Clair Chiou,Pei-Yu Wu,Jiun-Chi Huang,Szu-Chia Chen - - 1 - International journal of medical sciences - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2021;18(4):1051-1057
(IF: 3.738, Journal Ranking: 44, Number of Journals of this Field: 169, Ranking: 26.04%)


Environmental Pollution and Chronic Kidney Disease
½²´f¦p,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,³¯«ä¹Å* - - 1 - International Journal of Medical Sciences - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2021 18¨÷(5´Á):1121-1129­¶
(IF: 3.738, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 44, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 169, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 26.04%)

Environmental Pollution and Chronic Kidney Disease
Hui-Ju Tsai, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Szu-Chia Chen* - - 1 - International Journal of Medical Sciences - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2021;18(5):1121-1129
(IF: 3.738, Journal Ranking: 44, Number of Journals of this Field: 169, Ranking: 26.04%)


Associations of dermal diethyl phthalate level with changes in lung function test value mediated by absolute eosinophil count: A panel study of adults in southern Taiwan
¤ý§Ó¤å,§d¤j½n,³¯«ä¹Å*,³¯·×ÄQ,ªL§»¾±,HungSu,Á«إx,ªL¤å¤@,¬x§Ó¿³*,³¢¬L§» - - 1 - Environmental Research - ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 2021 194¨÷(0´Á):110613­¶
(IF: 6.498, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 36, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 274, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13.14%)

Associations of dermal diethyl phthalate level with changes in lung function test value mediated by absolute eosinophil count: A panel study of adults in southern Taiwan
Chih-Wen Wang , Da-Wei Wu , Szu-Chia Chen* , Huang-Chi Chen , Hung-Hsun Lin , Hung Su , Jen-Taie Shiea , Wen-Yi Lin , Chih-Hsing Hung* , Chao-Hung Kuo - - 1 - Environmental Research - ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 2021;194(0):110613
(IF: 6.498, Journal Ranking: 36, Number of Journals of this Field: 274, Ranking: 13.14%)


Gender Differences in the Relationships among Metabolic Syndrome and Various Obesity-Related Indices with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in a Taiwanese Population.
ªL«³§Ê,§õ¬ü¤ë,¤ý§Ó¤å,§d¤j½n,³¯«ä¹Å* - - 1 - International journal of environmental research and public health - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021 18¨÷(3´Á):857­¶
(IF: 2.849, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 105, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 265, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 39.62%)

Gender Differences in the Relationships among Metabolic Syndrome and Various Obesity-Related Indices with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in a Taiwanese Population.
I-Ting Lin,Mei-Yueh Lee,Chih-Wen Wang,Da-Wei Wu,Szu-Chia Chen - - 1 - International journal of environmental research and public health - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021;18(3):857
(IF: 2.849, Journal Ranking: 105, Number of Journals of this Field: 265, Ranking: 39.62%)


Comedications and potential drug-drug interactions with direct-acting antivirals in hepatitis C patients on hemodialysis.
³\³Õ³ó,ÃQà±¾§,§õ¨Î»T,¶s¸t¤å,¶À«T¸R,®}¦¨¹©,±i®x»·,¸­©ú­Û,¶ÀÂ@¶h,±ç³Õµ{,ªL©yÐA,Á©ú«Û,Á©s°a,³¯«ä¹Å,À¹¹Å¨¥,ªL¤l³ó,³¯«H¦¨,¶À§Ó´I,±i­õ»Ê,¶À©|§Ó,²ø¸UÀs,¶À³©®p,ªô©É¤å*,§E©ú¶©* - - 1 - Clinical and molecular hepatology - CLINICAL AND MOLECULAR HEPATOLOGY 2021 27¨÷(1´Á):186-196­¶
(IF: 6.074, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 23, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 92, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 25.00%)

Comedications and potential drug-drug interactions with direct-acting antivirals in hepatitis C patients on hemodialysis.
Po-Yao Hsu,Yu-Ju Wei,Jia-Jung Lee,Sheng-Wen Niu,Jiun-Chi Huang,Cheng-Ting Hsu,Tyng-Yuan Jang,Ming-Lun Yeh,Ching-I Huang,Po-Cheng Liang,Yi-Hung Lin,Ming-Yen Hsieh,Meng-Hsuan Hsieh,Szu-Chia Chen,Chia-Yen Dai,Zu-Yau Lin,Shinn-Cherng Chen,Jee-Fu Huang,Jer-Ming Chang,Shang-Jyh Hwang,Wan-Long Chuang,Chung-Feng Huang,Yi-Wen Chiu,Ming-Lung Yu - - 1 - Clinical and molecular hepatology - CLINICAL AND MOLECULAR HEPATOLOGY 2021;27(1):186-196
(IF: 6.074, Journal Ranking: 23, Number of Journals of this Field: 92, Ranking: 25.00%)


§dªÃ¾±,ªL¾Ð´@,ªô©É¤å,GabrielBaldanzi,¶À«T¸R,±ç¥@·s,§õ¯À¯],³¯«ä¹Å,³\¶®¬Â,³¢¬ü®S*,¶À©|§Ó - - 1 - Scientific Reports - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2021 11¨÷(1´Á):3786­¶
(IF: 4.379, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 73, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 23.29%)

The relationship of indoxyl sulfate and p-cresyl sulfate with target cardiovascular proteins in hemodialysis patients
Ping-Hsun Wu, Yi-Ting Lin, Yi-Wen Chiu, Gabriel Baldanzi, Jiun-Chi Huang, Shih-Shin Liang, Su-Chu Lee, Szu-Chia Chen, Ya-Ling Hsu, Mei-Chuan Kuo, Shang-Jyh Hwang - - 1 - Scientific Reports - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2021;11(1):3786
(IF: 4.379, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 73, Ranking: 23.29%)


Usefulness of Ankle-Brachial Index Calculated Using Diastolic Blood Pressure and Mean Arterial Pressure in Predicting Overall and Cardiovascular Mortality in Hemodialysis Patients.
³\üø¶W,¶À«T¸R,§õ¤å½å,³¯¬Õ§Ó,§d¨Ø·ì,½²ºû¤¤,³¯«ä¹Å*,Ĭªe¦W* - - 1 - International journal of medical sciences - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2021 18¨÷(1´Á):65-72­¶
(IF: 3.738, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 44, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 169, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 26.04%)

Usefulness of Ankle-Brachial Index Calculated Using Diastolic Blood Pressure and Mean Arterial Pressure in Predicting Overall and Cardiovascular Mortality in Hemodialysis Patients.
Po-Chao Hsu,Jiun-Chi Huang,Wen-Hsien Lee,Ying-Chih Chen,Pei-Yu Wu,Wei-Chung Tsai,Szu-Chia Chen,Ho-Ming Su - - 1 - International journal of medical sciences - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2021;18(1):65-72
(IF: 3.738, Journal Ranking: 44, Number of Journals of this Field: 169, Ranking: 26.04%)


Late Menarche, Not Reproductive Period, Is Associated with Poor Cognitive Function in Postmenopausal Women in Taiwan.
©P§»¿A,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T´Ñ,³¯«ä¹Å#,¦ó©{©É* - - 2 - International journal of environmental research and public health - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021 18¨÷(5´Á):2345­¶
(IF: 2.849, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 32, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 171, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 18.71%)

Late Menarche, Not Reproductive Period, Is Associated with Poor Cognitive Function in Postmenopausal Women in Taiwan.
Hung-Tse Chou,Pei-Yu Wu,Jiun-Chi Huang,Szu-Chia Chen,Wan-Yi Ho - - 2 - International journal of environmental research and public health - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021;18(5):2345
(IF: 2.849, Journal Ranking: 32, Number of Journals of this Field: 171, Ranking: 18.71%)


Associations among Heavy Metals and Proteinuria and Chronic Kidney Disease.
½²´f¦p,¬x§Ó¿³#,¤ý§Ó¤å,§ùÂE»«,§õ¬î¼z,½²¯ÂµX,ªL¤å¤@,³¯«ä¹Å*,³¢¬L§» - - 1 - Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland) - DIAGNOSTICS 2021 11¨÷(2´Á):282­¶
(IF: 3.706, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 45, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 169, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 26.63%)

Associations among Heavy Metals and Proteinuria and Chronic Kidney Disease.
Hui-Ju Tsai,Chih-Hsing Hung,Chih-Wen Wang,Hung-Pin Tu,Chiu-Hui Li,Chun-Chi Tsai,Wen-Yi Lin,Szu-Chia Chen,Chao-Hung Kuo - - 1 - Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland) - DIAGNOSTICS 2021;11(2):282
(IF: 3.706, Journal Ranking: 45, Number of Journals of this Field: 169, Ranking: 26.63%)


The association of echocardiographic parameters on renal outcomes in chronic kidney disease.
¶À¤l«í,ªôÂ{#,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,ªL©ú«Û,³¯«ä¹Å*,±i­õ»Ê - - 1 - Renal failure - RENAL FAILURE 2021 43¨÷(1´Á):433-444­¶
(IF: 1.985, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 47, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 85, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 55.29%)

The association of echocardiographic parameters on renal outcomes in chronic kidney disease.
Tzu-Heng Huang,Hsuan Chiu,Pei-Yu Wu,Jiun-Chi Huang,Ming-Yen Lin,Szu-Chia Chen,Jer-Ming Chang - - 1 - Renal failure - RENAL FAILURE 2021;43(1):433-444
(IF: 1.985, Journal Ranking: 47, Number of Journals of this Field: 85, Ranking: 55.29%)


Evolutionary seroepidemiology of viral hepatitis and the gap in hepatitis C care cascades among uraemic patients receiving haemodialysis in Taiwan-the Formosa-Like Group.
ÃQà±¾§,³\³Õ³ó,§õ¨Î»T,¶s¸t¤å,¶À«T´Ñ,®}¦¨¹©,±i®x»·,¸­©ú­Û,¶ÀÂ@¶h,±ç³Õµ{,ªL©yÐA,Á©ú«Û,Á©s°a,³¯«ä¹Å,À¹¹Å¨¥,ªL¤l³ó,³¯«H¦¨,¶À§Ó´I,±i­õ»Ê,¶À©|§Ó,²ø¸UÀs,¶À³©®p,ªô©É¤å*,§E©ú¶©*. - - 1 - Journal of viral hepatitis - JOURNAL OF VIRAL HEPATITIS 2021 28¨÷(5´Á):719-727­¶
(IF: 3.728, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 41, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 92, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 44.57%)

Evolutionary seroepidemiology of viral hepatitis and the gap in hepatitis C care cascades among uraemic patients receiving haemodialysis in Taiwan-the Formosa-Like Group.
Yu-Ju Wei,Po-Yao Hsu,Jia-Jung Lee,Sheng-Wen Niu,Jiun-Chi Huang,Cheng-Ting Hsu,Tyng-Yuan Jang,Ming-Lun Yeh,Ching-I Huang,Po-Cheng Liang,Yi-Hung Lin,Ming-Yen Hsieh,Meng-Hsuan Hsieh,Szu-Chia Chen,Chia-Yen Dai,Zu-Yau Lin,Shinn-Cherng Chen,Jee-Fu Huang,Jer-Ming Chang,Shang-Jyh Hwang,Wan-Long Chuang,Chung-Feng Huang,Yi-Wen Chiu,Ming-Lung Yu - - 1 - Journal of viral hepatitis - JOURNAL OF VIRAL HEPATITIS 2021;28(5):719-727
(IF: 3.728, Journal Ranking: 41, Number of Journals of this Field: 92, Ranking: 44.57%)


Different Curve Shapes of Fasting Glucose and Various Obesity-Related Indices by Diabetes and Sex
·Å½n­Û,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,§ùÂE»«*,³¯«ä¹Å* - - 2 - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021 17¨÷(18(6)´Á):3096­¶
(IF: 2.849, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 105, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 265, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 39.62%)

Different Curve Shapes of Fasting Glucose and Various Obesity-Related Indices by Diabetes and Sex
Wei-Lun Wen, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Hung-Pin Tu* , Szu-Chia Chen* - - 2 - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021;17(18(6)):3096
(IF: 2.849, Journal Ranking: 105, Number of Journals of this Field: 265, Ranking: 39.62%)


Development of Metabolic Syndrome Decreases Bone Mineral Density T-Score of Calcaneus in Foot in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-Up Study
ªôÂ{,§õ¬ü¤ë,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,³¯«ä¹Å* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021 11¨÷(5´Á):439­¶
(IF: 4.945, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 108, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13.89%)

Development of Metabolic Syndrome Decreases Bone Mineral Density T-Score of Calcaneus in Foot in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-Up Study
Hsuan Chiu,Mei-Yueh Lee,Pei-Yu Wu,Jiun-Chi Huang,Szu-Chia Chen - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021;11(5):439
(IF: 4.945, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 108, Ranking: 13.89%)


Effect of dermal phthalate levels on lung function tests in residential area near a petrochemical complex.
¤ý§Ó¤å,³¯«ä¹Å,§d¤j½n,³¯·×ÄQ,ªL§»¾±,ĬÂE,Á«إx,ªL¤å¤@,¬x§Ó¿³*,³¢¬L§» - - 2 - Environmental science and pollution research international - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2021 28¨÷(21´Á):27333-27344­¶
(IF: 4.223, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 91, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 274, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 33.21%)

Effect of dermal phthalate levels on lung function tests in residential area near a petrochemical complex.
Chih-Wen Wang,Szu-Chia Chen,Da-Wei Wu,Huang-Chi Chen,Hung-Hsun Lin,Hung Su,Jen-Taie Shiea,Wen-Yi Lin,Chih-Hsing Hung,Chao-Hung Kuo - - 2 - Environmental science and pollution research international - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2021;28(21):27333-27344
(IF: 4.223, Journal Ranking: 91, Number of Journals of this Field: 274, Ranking: 33.21%)


Obesity-Related Indices Are Associated with Peripheral Artery Occlusive Disease in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
¯Î»x°a, §õ¬ü¤ë, §d¯\·ì, ¶À«T¸R, ³¯«ä¹Å* - - 1 - Journal of personalized medicine - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021 11¨÷(6´Á):533­¶
(IF: 4.945, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 108, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13.89%)

Obesity-Related Indices Are Associated with Peripheral Artery Occlusive Disease in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Chih-Hsuan Wung, Mei-Yueh Lee, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Szu-Chia Chen* - - 1 - Journal of personalized medicine - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021;11(6):533
(IF: 4.945, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 108, Ranking: 13.89%)


Association between Reduced Serum Zinc and Diastolic Dysfunction in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients.
¶À«T¸R,¶À¶®¹t,§d¯\·ì,§õ¤å½å,½²©y¯Â,³¯©ÉÄ«,³¯«ä¹Å*,Ĭªe¦W*,ªô©É¤å,±i­õ»Ê - - 1 - Nutrients - NUTRIENTS 2021 13¨÷(6´Á):2077­¶
(IF: 5.717, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 89, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 19.10%)

Association between Reduced Serum Zinc and Diastolic Dysfunction in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients.
Jiun-Chi Huang,Ya-Chin Huang,Pei-Yu Wu,Wen-Hsien Lee,Yi-Chun Tsai,Yi-Ping Chen,Szu-Chia Chen,Ho-Ming Su,Yi-Wen Chiu,Jer-Ming Chang - - 1 - Nutrients - NUTRIENTS 2021;13(6):2077
(IF: 5.717, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 89, Ranking: 19.10%)


Poor Cognitive Function Is Associated with Obstructive Lung Diseases in Taiwanese Adults.
Á¤ɤå, §d¤j½n*, ¤ý§Ó¤å, ³¯«ä¹Å*, ¬x§Ó¿³, ³¢¬L§» - - 2 - International journal of environmental research and public health - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021 18¨÷(5´Á):2344­¶
(IF: 3.39, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 41, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 176, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 23.30%)

Poor Cognitive Function Is Associated with Obstructive Lung Diseases in Taiwanese Adults.
Sun-Wung Hsieh, Da-Wei Wu*, Chih-Wen Wang, Szu-Chia Chen*, Chih-Hsing Hung, Chao-Hung Kuo - - 2 - International journal of environmental research and public health - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021;18(5):2344
(IF: 3.39, Journal Ranking: 41, Number of Journals of this Field: 176, Ranking: 23.30%)


Association of Heavy Metals with Overall Mortality in a Taiwanese Population
¼B©y¾Ç,¤ý§Ó¤å,§d¤j½n,§õ¤å½å,³¯¬Õ§Ó,§õ¬î¼z,½²¯ÂµX,ªL¤å¤@,³¯«ä¹Å,¬x§Ó¿³,³¢¬L§»,Ĭªe¦W* - - 1 - Nutrients . - NUTRIENTS 2021 13¨÷(6´Á):2070­¶
(IF: 5.717, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 89, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 19.10%)

Association of Heavy Metals with Overall Mortality in a Taiwanese Population
Liu YH, Wang CW, Wu DW, Lee WH, Chen YC, Li CH, Tsai CC, Lin WY, Chen SC, Hung CH, Kuo CH, Su HM - - 1 - Nutrients . - NUTRIENTS 2021;13(6):2070
(IF: 5.717, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 89, Ranking: 19.10%)


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Alleviates the Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis via the Reduction of IL-17a and GM-Csf Production of Autoreactive T Cells as Well as Boosting the Immunosuppressive IL-10 in the Central Nervous System Tissue Lesions
ªôÄɼü, ¶À®ÑÂE, ¬x§Ó¿³, ½²²Q¶{, ³¢¼z¯ø, ¶À¬RºÍ, ¤ý«T°¶, ³¯«ä¹Å, ³¢¬L§», §dµn±j, ¶À¼S¨¦, ³\¥@½å, ªL©ú§»* - - 1 - BIOMEDICINES - BIOMEDICINES 2021 9¨÷(8´Á):943­¶
(IF: 6.081, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 65, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 295, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 22.03%)

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Alleviates the Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis via the Reduction of IL-17a and GM-Csf Production of Autoreactive T Cells as Well as Boosting the Immunosuppressive IL-10 in the Central Nervous System Tissue Lesions
H.-Y. C. Chiou, S.-H. Huang, C.-H. Hung, S.-M. Tsai, H.-R. Kuo, Y.-R. Huang, J.-W. Wang, S.-C. Chen, C.-H. Kuo, D.-C. Wu, S.-K. Huang, S.-H. Hsu, M.-H. Lin* - - 1 - BIOMEDICINES - BIOMEDICINES 2021;9(8):943
(IF: 6.081, Journal Ranking: 65, Number of Journals of this Field: 295, Ranking: 22.03%)


Aortic Arch Calcification and Cardiomegaly Are Associated with Overall and Cardiovascular Mortality in Hemodialysis Patients
¼Ú¥@²»,¼B©y¾Ç,ÁéªF¬Â,¶À«T¸R,§d¯\·ì,Ĭªe¦W,³¯«ä¹Å* - - 1 - Journal of Personalized Medicine - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021 11¨÷(7´Á):657­¶
(IF: 4.945, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 108, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13.89%)

Aortic Arch Calcification and Cardiomegaly Are Associated with Overall and Cardiovascular Mortality in Hemodialysis Patients
Shih-Hsiang Ou, Yi-Hsueh Liu, Tung-Ling Chung, Jiun-Chi Huang, Pei-Yu Wu, Ho-Ming Su, Szu-Chia Chen* - - 1 - Journal of Personalized Medicine - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021;11(7):657
(IF: 4.945, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 108, Ranking: 13.89%)


Determinants of Longitudinal Change of Glycated Hemoglobin in a Large Non-Diabetic Population
Ĭªe¦W,§õ¤å½å,³¯¬Õ§Ó,¼B©y¾Ç,¶À«T¸R,§d¯\·ì,³¯«ä¹Å* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021 11¨÷(7´Á):648­¶
(IF: 4.945, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 108, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13.89%)

Determinants of Longitudinal Change of Glycated Hemoglobin in a Large Non-Diabetic Population
(IF: 4.945, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 108, Ranking: 13.89%)


Low Albumin, Low Bilirubin, and High Alfa-Fetoprotein Are Associated with a Rapid Renal Function Decline in a Large Population Follow-Up Study.
Ĭ«Â¦t,¦¶¯à¥Í#,¶À«T¸R,§d¯\·ì,§õ¤å½å,¼B©y¾Ç,³¯«ä¹Å*,Ĭªe¦W* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021 11¨÷(8´Á):781­¶
(IF: 4.945, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 18, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 169, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 10.65%)

Low Albumin, Low Bilirubin, and High Alfa-Fetoprotein Are Associated with a Rapid Renal Function Decline in a Large Population Follow-Up Study.
Wei-Yu Su, Neng-Sheng Chu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Pei-Yu Wu, Wen-Hsien Lee, Yi-Hsueh Liu, Szu-Chia Chen, Ho-Ming Su - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021;11(8):781
(IF: 4.945, Journal Ranking: 18, Number of Journals of this Field: 169, Ranking: 10.65%)


Obesity-related indices are associated with albuminuria and advanced kidney disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
¼Ú¬R¨Ú, §õ¬ü¤ë, ªL«³§Ê, ·ÅÞ³ºú, ®}Þ³À¢, ³¯«ä¹Å* - - 1 - RENAL FAILURE - RENAL FAILURE 2021 43¨÷(1´Á):1250-1258­¶
(IF: 2.606, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 60, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 90, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 66.67%)

Obesity-related indices are associated with albuminuria and advanced kidney disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Yu-Lun Ou, Mei-Yueh Lee, I-Ting Lin, Wei-Lun Wen, Wei-Hao Hsu, Szu-Chia Chen - - 1 - RENAL FAILURE - RENAL FAILURE 2021;43(1):1250-1258
(IF: 2.606, Journal Ranking: 60, Number of Journals of this Field: 90, Ranking: 66.67%)


Associations between Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity-Related Indices and Bone Mineral Density T-Score in Hemodialysis Patients.
¯Î»x°a,Áé©Ó¿o#,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,½²©y¯Â,³¯«ä¹Å*,ªô©É¤å,±i­õ»Ê - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021 11¨÷(8´Á):775­¶
(IF: 4.945, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 108, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13.89%)

Associations between Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity-Related Indices and Bone Mineral Density T-Score in Hemodialysis Patients.
Chih-Hsuan Wung, Cheng-Yin Chung#, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Yi-Chun Tsai, Szu-Chia Chen*, Yi-Wen Chiu, Jer-Ming Chang - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021;11(8):775
(IF: 4.945, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 108, Ranking: 13.89%)


Prognostic Implication of Longitudinal Changes in Cardiothoracic Ratio and Aortic Arch Calcification in Hemodialysis Patients.
ÁéªF¬Â,¼B©y¾Ç,¶À«T¸R,§d¯\·ì,§ùÂE»«,³¯«ä¹Å*,±i­õ»Ê - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021 11¨÷(8´Á):788­¶
(IF: 4.945, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 108, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13.89%)

Prognostic Implication of Longitudinal Changes in Cardiothoracic Ratio and Aortic Arch Calcification in Hemodialysis Patients.
Tung-Ling Chung, Yi-Hsueh Liu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Pei-Yu Wu, Hung-Pin Tu, Szu-Chia Chen*, Jer-Ming Chang - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021;11(8):788
(IF: 4.945, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 108, Ranking: 13.89%)


³¯«Ø¦ë, §õ¨Î®ï, ¸âÂí»¨, §õ¥Ã¶i, ³¯«ä¹Å, ¬x§Ó¿³, ³¢¬L§», ¯Õ«T¶£* - - 1 - Scientific Reports - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2021 11¨÷(nil´Á):17694­¶
(IF: 4.379, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 73, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 23.29%)

Secondhand smoke increases the risk of developing kidney stone disease
Chien-Heng Chen, JIA-IN LEE, Jhen-Hao Jhan, Yung-Chin Lee, Jiun-Hung Geng, Szu-Chia Chen, Chih-Hsing Hung, Chao-Hung Kuo - - 1 - Scientific Reports - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2021;11(nil):17694
(IF: 4.379, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 73, Ranking: 23.29%)


The Impact of the Synergistic Effect of Temperature and Air Pollutants on Chronic Lung Diseases in Subtropical Taiwan.
§d¤j½n, ³¯«ä¹Å, §ùÂE»«, ¤ý§Ó¤å, ¬x§Ó¿³, ³¯·×ÄQ, ³¢¤l¥k, Chen-Feng Wang, Bo-Cheng Lai, ³¯°ö¸Ö*, ³¢¬L§» - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021 11¨÷(8´Á):819­¶
(IF: 4.945, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 108, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13.89%)

The Impact of the Synergistic Effect of Temperature and Air Pollutants on Chronic Lung Diseases in Subtropical Taiwan.
Da-Wei Wu, Szu-Chia Chen, Hung-Pin Tu, Chih-Wen Wang, Chih-Hsing Hung, Huang-Chi Chen, Tzu-Yu Kuo, Chen-Feng Wang, Bo-Cheng Lai, Pei-Shih Chen, Chao-Hung Kuo - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021;11(8):819
(IF: 4.945, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 108, Ranking: 13.89%)


Comorbidities in patients with chronic hepatitis C and hepatitis B on hemodialysis.
³\³Õ³ó,ÃQà±¾§,±ç³Õµ{,§õ¨Î»T,¯Ã¸t¤å,¶À«T¸R,®}¦¨¹©,±i®x»·,¶ÀÂ@¶h,ªL©yÐA,Á©ú«Û,Á©s°a,³¯«ä¹Å,À¹¹Å¨¥,ªL¤l³ó,³¯«H¦¨,¶À§Ó´I,±i­õ»Ê,¸­©ú­Û*,¶À³©®p,ªô©É¤å,¶À©|§Ó,²ø¸UÀs,§E©ú¶© - - 1 - JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY - JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY 2021 36¨÷(8´Á):2261-2269­¶
(IF: 4.029, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 45, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 92, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 48.91%)

Comorbidities in patients with chronic hepatitis C and hepatitis B on hemodialysis.
Po-Yao Hsu, Yu-Ju Wei, Po-Cheng Liang, Jia-Jung Lee, Sheng-Wen Niu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Cheng-Ting Hsu, Tyng-Yuan Jang, Ching-I Huang, Yi-Hung Lin, Ming-Yen Hsieh, Meng-Hsuan Hsieh, Szu-Chia Chen, Chia-Yen Dai, Zu-Yau Lin, Shinn-Cherng Chen, Jee-Fu Huang, Jer-Ming Chang, Ming-Lun Yeh, Chung-Feng Huang, Yi-Wen Chiu, Shang-Jyh Hwang, Wan-Long Chuang, Ming-Lung Yu - - 1 - JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY - JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY 2021;36(8):2261-2269
(IF: 4.029, Journal Ranking: 45, Number of Journals of this Field: 92, Ranking: 48.91%)


Sex Difference in the Associations among Obesity-Related Indices with Metabolic Syndrome in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
ÄǨqªâ,¯Î»x°a,´å¼z­s,§õ¬ü¤ë,³¯¬f§Ó,³¯«ä¹Å*,±i­õ»Ê* - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2021 18¨÷(15´Á):3470-3477­¶
(IF: 3.738, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 44, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 169, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 26.04%)

Sex Difference in the Associations among Obesity-Related Indices with Metabolic Syndrome in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Hsiu-Fen Jao, Chih-Hsuan Wung, Hui-Chen Yu, Mei-Yueh Lee, Po-Chih Chen, Szu-Chia Chen, Jer-Ming Chang - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2021;18(15):3470-3477
(IF: 3.738, Journal Ranking: 44, Number of Journals of this Field: 169, Ranking: 26.04%)


Common Risk Factors in Relatives and Spouses of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Developing Prediabetes.
®}Þ³À¢, ´¿ÀAÞ³, ¶À·¶´@, Ching-Chao Liang, §õ¬ü¤ë*, ³¯«ä¹Å* - - 1 - HEALTHCARE (BASEL, SWITZERLAND) - HEALTHCARE 2021 9¨÷(8´Á):1010­¶
(IF: 2.645, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 57, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 108, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 52.78%)

Common Risk Factors in Relatives and Spouses of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Developing Prediabetes.
Wei-Hao Hsu, Chin-Wei Tseng, Yu-Ting Huang, Ching-Chao Liang, Mei-Yueh Lee, Szu-Chia Chen - - 1 - HEALTHCARE (BASEL, SWITZERLAND) - HEALTHCARE 2021;9(8):1010
(IF: 2.645, Journal Ranking: 57, Number of Journals of this Field: 108, Ranking: 52.78%)


Betel Nut Chewing Decreased Calcaneus Ultrasound T-Score in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-Up Study.
§f¬M¸©, ¯Õ«T¶£, §d¤j½n, ³¯«ä¹Å*, ¬x§Ó¿³, ³¢¬L§»* - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2021 13¨÷(10´Á):3655­¶
(IF: 5.717, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 89, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 19.10%)

Betel Nut Chewing Decreased Calcaneus Ultrasound T-Score in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-Up Study.
Ying-Hsuan Lu, Jiun-Hung Geng, Da-Wei Wu, Szu-Chia Chen*, Chih-Hsing Hung, Chao-Hung Kuo* - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2021;13(10):3655
(IF: 5.717, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 89, Ranking: 19.10%)


Betel Nut Chewing Was Associated with Obstructive Lung Disease in a Large Taiwanese Population Study.
¶À¬L¤ß,¯Õ«T¶£,§d¤j½n,³¯«ä¹Å*,¬x§Ó¿³,³¢¬L§» - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021 11¨÷(10´Á):973­¶
(IF: 4.945, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 108, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13.89%)

Betel Nut Chewing Was Associated with Obstructive Lung Disease in a Large Taiwanese Population Study.
Chao-Hsin Huang, Jiun-Hung Geng, Da-Wei Wu, Szu-Chia Chen, Chih-Hsing Hung, Chao-Hung Kuo - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021;11(10):973
(IF: 4.945, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 108, Ranking: 13.89%)


Determinants of Longitudinal Change of Lung Function in Different Gender in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-Up Study Categories: Original Investigation.
±i®a«í, ³¯«ä¹Å#, ¯Õ«T¶£, §d¤j½n, ¶À«T¸R, §d¯\·ì* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021 11¨÷(10´Á):1033­¶
(IF: 4.945, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 108, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13.89%)

Determinants of Longitudinal Change of Lung Function in Different Gender in a Large Taiwanese Population Follow-Up Study Categories: Original Investigation.
Chia-Heng Chang, Szu-Chia Chen#, Jiun-Hung Geng, Da-Wei Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Pei-Yu Wu* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021;11(10):1033
(IF: 4.945, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 108, Ranking: 13.89%)


Aortic Root Dilatation Is Attenuated with Diabetes but Is Not Associated with Renal Progression in Chronic Kidney Disease.
§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,¼B©y¾Ç,Ĭªe¦W,³¯«ä¹Å*,ªô©É¤å,±i­õ»Ê - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021 11¨÷(10´Á):972­¶
(IF: 4.945, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 108, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13.89%)

Aortic Root Dilatation Is Attenuated with Diabetes but Is Not Associated with Renal Progression in Chronic Kidney Disease
Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Yi-Hsueh Liu, Ho-Ming Su, Szu-Chia Chen, Yi-Wen Chiu, Jer-Ming Chang - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021;11(10):972
(IF: 4.945, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 108, Ranking: 13.89%)


Association of Pulmonary Function Decline over Time with Longitudinal Change of Glycated Hemoglobin in Participants without Diabetes Mellitus.
§õ¤å½å, §d¤j½n, ³¯¬Õ§Ó, ¼B©y¾Ç, ¹ù«Â³Ó, ³¯«ä¹Å, ¬x§Ó¿³, ³¢¬L§», Ĭªe¦W* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021 11¨÷(10´Á):994­¶
(IF: 4.945, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 108, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13.89%)

Association of Pulmonary Function Decline over Time with Longitudinal Change of Glycated Hemoglobin in Participants without Diabetes Mellitus.
Wen-Hsien Lee, Da-Wei Wu, Ying-Chih Chen, Yi-Hsueh Liu, Wei-Sheng Liao, Szu-Chia Chen, Chih-Hsing Hung, Chao-Hung Kuo, Ho-Ming Su - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021;11(10):994
(IF: 4.945, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 108, Ranking: 13.89%)


Significant association between blood lead (Pb) level and haemoglobin A1c in non-diabetic population.
±i«Ø°¶,¤ý§Ó¤å,§d¤j½n,§õ¤å½å,³¯¬Õ§Ó,¼B©y¾Ç,§õ¬î¼z,½²¯ÂµX,ªL¤å¤@,³¯«ä¹Å,¬x§Ó¿³,³¢¬L§»,Ĭªe¦W* - - 1 - DIABETES & METABOLISM - DIABETES & METABOLISM 2021 47¨÷(5´Á):101233­¶
(IF: 6.041, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 27, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 145, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 18.62%)

Significant association between blood lead (Pb) level and haemoglobin A1c in non-diabetic population.
Chien-Wei Chang, Chih-Wen Wang, Da-Wei Wu, Wen-Hsien Lee, Ying-Chih Chen, Yi-Hsueh Liu, Chiu-Hui Li, Chun-Chi Tsai, Wen-Yi Lin, Szu-Chia Chen, Chih-Hsing Hung, Chao-Hung Kuo, Ho-Ming Su - - 1 - DIABETES & METABOLISM - DIABETES & METABOLISM 2021;47(5):101233
(IF: 6.041, Journal Ranking: 27, Number of Journals of this Field: 145, Ranking: 18.62%)


Obesity-Related Indices Are Associated with Longitudinal Changes in Lung Function: A Large Taiwanese Population Follow-Up Study.
³\¦³®¦, ³¯«ä¹Å#, ¯Õ«T¶£, §d¤j½n, §d¯\·ì, ¶À«T¸R* - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2021 13¨÷(11´Á):4055­¶
(IF: 5.717, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 89, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 19.10%)

Obesity-Related Indices Are Associated with Longitudinal Changes in Lung Function: A Large Taiwanese Population Follow-Up Study.
Yu-En Hsu, Szu-Chia Chen, Jiun-Hung Geng, Da-Wei Wu, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang* - - 1 - NUTRIENTS - NUTRIENTS 2021;13(11):4055
(IF: 5.717, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 89, Ranking: 19.10%)


Association between Flow-Mediated Dilation and Skin Perfusion Pressure with Peripheral Artery Disease in Hemodialysis Patients.
¯Î»x°a, ¤ý¥É¨q, ±i¨J¬è, ±iÔÐß», §d¯\·ì, ¶À«T¸R, ½²©y¯Â, ³¯«ä¹Å*, ±i­õ»Ê, ¶À©|§Ó* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021 11¨÷(12´Á):1251­¶
(IF: 4.945, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 108, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13.89%)

Association between Flow-Mediated Dilation and Skin Perfusion Pressure with Peripheral Artery Disease in Hemodialysis Patients.
Chih-Hsuan Wung, Yu-Hsiu Wang, Yuang-Chi Lee, Chieh-Wei Chang, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Yi-Chun Tsai, Szu-Chia Chen*, Jer-Ming Chang, Shang-Jyh Hwang* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021;11(12):1251
(IF: 4.945, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 108, Ranking: 13.89%)


·Å½n­Û,ªL¨q¯]#,´å¼z­s,³¯©ÉÄ«,±ç´º¶W,®}Þ³À¢,³\·çª@,¥Û©ú¸Û,§õ¬ü¤ë*,³¯«ä¹Å* - - 2 - Applied Sciences - APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 2021 11¨÷(16´Á):7555­¶
(IF: 2.679, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 38, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 90, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 42.22%)

Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass Index and Physiological Performance in Post-Menopausal Women with Total Thyroidectomy
Wei-Lun Wen ,Hsiu-Chu Lin# ,Hui-Chen Yu ,Yi-Pen Chen ,Ching-Chao Liang ,Wei-Hao Hsu ,Jui-Sheng Hsu ,Ming-Chen Shih ,Mei-Yueh Lee *, Szu-Chia Chen* - - 2 - Applied Sciences - APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 2021;11(16):7555
(IF: 2.679, Journal Ranking: 38, Number of Journals of this Field: 90, Ranking: 42.22%)


¦hºØÃĪ«ªvÀø»P¨Ï¥Î 5 ¶µ FRAIL ¶qªíµû¦ôªºµê®zª¬ºA¡Bµê®z«ü¼Æªº¤ß¦åºÞ°·±dªí«¬¤ÀÃþ©M°©½è²¨ÃP©Ê°©§é¶qªí¬ã¨sÅãµÛ¥¿¬ÛÃö
Chi-Di Hung, ·¨Âí¸Û*, §õ¯Â¼ü, ­J·¡±], ³¯«ä¹Å, ¬x§Ó¿³, ²ø¥°¼Ý, ³¯¼y¾l, ³¢¬L§» - - 1 - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2021 10¨÷(19´Á):4413­¶
(IF: 4.241, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 39, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 169, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 23.08%)

Polypharmacy Is Significantly and Positively Associated with the Frailty Status Assessed Using the 5-Item FRAIL Scale, Cardiovascular Health Phenotypic Classification of Frailty Index, and Study of Osteoporotic Fractures Scale.
Chi-Di Hung, Chen-Cheng Yang, Chun-Ying Lee, Stephen Chu-Sung Hu, Szu-Chia Chen, Chih-Hsing Hung, Hung-Yi Chuang, Ching-Yu Chen, Chao-Hung Kuo - - 1 - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2021;10(19):4413
(IF: 4.241, Journal Ranking: 39, Number of Journals of this Field: 169, Ranking: 23.08%)


COVID-19 Vaccines in Patients with Maintenance Hemodialysis.
Cheng-Chieh Yen, ªL©|»ö, ³¯«ä¹Å, Yi-Wen Chiu, ±i­õ»Ê, ¶À©|§Ó* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021 11¨÷(8´Á):789­¶
(IF: 4.945, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 107, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 14.02%)

COVID-19 Vaccines in Patients with Maintenance Hemodialysis.
Cheng-Chieh Yen, Shang-Yi Lin, Szu-Chia Chen, Yi-Wen Chiu, Jer-Ming Chang, Shang-Jyh Hwang* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021;11(8):789
(IF: 4.945, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 107, Ranking: 14.02%)


¦b¦å²G³zªR¯f¤H½Í°Q¦å¤¤吲哚-3-¤A»Ä»P·F²Ó­M¦]¤l¶¡ªº¬ÛÃö©Ê: ¤@­Ó¾îÂ_©Êªº¬ã¨s
§dªÃ¾±, ªL¾Ð´@, §d¯\·ì, §õ¼zµØ, §õ¯À¯], ¬x«ä¸s, ³¯«ä¹Å, ³¢¬ü®S*, ªô©É¤å - - 1 - J Clin Med - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2020 9¨÷(1´Á):124­¶
(IF: 3.303, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 36, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 165, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 21.82%)

Association between Circulation Indole-3-Acetic Acid Levels and Stem Cell Factor in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study
Ping-Hsun Wu, Yi-Ting Lin, Pei-Yu Wu, Hei-Hwa Lee, Su-Chu Lee, Szu-Chun Hung, Szu-Chia Chen, Mei-Chuan Kuo, Yi-Wen Chiu - - 1 - J Clin Med - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2020;9(1):124
(IF: 3.303, Journal Ranking: 36, Number of Journals of this Field: 165, Ranking: 21.82%)


Associations between Triglyceride-Glucose Index and Micro- and Macro-Angiopathies in Type 2
Hsuan Chiu, Hui-Ju Tsai, Jiun-Chi Huang, Pei-Yu Wu,®}Þ³À¢,§õ¬ü¤ë*,³¯«ä¹Å - - 1 - Nutrients - NUTRIENTS 2020 12¨÷(2´Á):328­¶
(IF: 4.546, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 89, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 19.10%)

Associations between Triglyceride-Glucose Index and Micro- and Macro-Angiopathies in Type 2
Hsuan Chiu, Hui-Ju Tsai, Jiun-Chi Huang, Pei-Yu Wu, Wei-Hao Hsu,Mei-Yueh Lee*, Szu-Chia Chen - - 1 - Nutrients - NUTRIENTS 2020;12(2):328
(IF: 4.546, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 89, Ranking: 19.10%)


Increased Proteinuria is Associated with Increased Aortic Arch Calcification, Cardio-Thoracic Ratio, Rapid Renal Progression and Increased Overall and Cardiovascular Mortality in Chronic Kidney Disease.
Ĭ«Â¦t,§d¯\·ì#,¶À«T¸R,³¯«ä¹Å*,±i­õ»Ê* - - 1 - International Journal of Medical Sciences - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2020 17¨÷(8´Á):1102-1111­¶
(IF: 2.333, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 53, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 160, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 33.13%)

Increased Proteinuria is Associated with Increased Aortic Arch Calcification, Cardio-Thoracic Ratio, Rapid Renal Progression and Increased Overall and Cardiovascular Mortality in Chronic Kidney Disease.
Su WY, Wu PY, Huang JC, Chen SC, Chang JM - - 1 - International Journal of Medical Sciences - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2020;17(8):1102-1111
(IF: 2.333, Journal Ranking: 53, Number of Journals of this Field: 160, Ranking: 33.13%)


Associations of Small Fiber Neuropathy With Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index and Arterial Stiffness in Hemodialysis
³¢¬ü®S,¶À«T¸R*,§d¯\·ì,³Á¨qµ^,³¯«ä¹Å,ªô©É¤å,±i­õ»Ê*,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Dis Markers - DISEASE MARKERS 2020 2020¨÷(5´Á):1694218­¶
(IF: 2.738, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 26, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 78, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 33.33%)

Associations of Small Fiber Neuropathy With Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index and Arterial Stiffness in Hemodialysis
Kuo MC, Huang JC*, Wu PY, Mai HC, Chen SC, Chiu YW, Chang JM*, Chen HC. - - 1 - Dis Markers - DISEASE MARKERS 2020;2020(5):1694218
(IF: 2.738, Journal Ranking: 26, Number of Journals of this Field: 78, Ranking: 33.33%)


Association between Geriatric Nutrition Risk Index and Skeletal Muscle Mass Index with Bone Mineral Density in Post-Menopausal Women Who Have Undergone Total Thyroidectomy.
ªô®õ¾ì, ³¯«ä¹Å#, ´å¼z­s, ³\·çª@, ¥Û©ú¸Û, «¸©M§¡, ®}Þ³À¢, §õ¬ü¤ë* - - 1 - Nutrients - NUTRIENTS 2020 12¨÷(6´Á):1683­¶
(IF: 4.546, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 89, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 19.10%)

Association between Geriatric Nutrition Risk Index and Skeletal Muscle Mass Index with Bone Mineral Density in Post-Menopausal Women Who Have Undergone Total Thyroidectomy.
Tai-Hua Chiu,Szu-Chia Chen,Hui-Chen Yu,Jui-Sheng Hsu,Ming-Chen Shih,He-Jiun Jiang,Wei-Hao Hsu,Mei-Yueh Lee - - 1 - Nutrients - NUTRIENTS 2020;12(6):1683
(IF: 4.546, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 89, Ranking: 19.10%)


Upstroke Time as a Novel Predictor of Mortality in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease.
§õ¤å½å, ³\üø¶W, ¦¶«T·½, ³¯«ä¹Å, ³¯¬Õ§Ó, §õ©s¥ú, §õ¥°©þ, §õ´¼¶¯, ÃC¾Ç°¶, ªL©v¾Ë, ·Å¤å¤~, ¿à¤å¼w, ³\³Ó¶¯, Ĭªe¦W* - - 1 - Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland) - DIAGNOSTICS 2020 10¨÷(6´Á):422­¶
(IF: 2.489, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 46, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 160, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 28.75%)

Upstroke Time as a Novel Predictor of Mortality in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease.
Wen-Hsien Lee,Po-Chao Hsu,Chun-Yuan Chu,Szu-Chia Chen,Ying-Chih Chen,Meng-Kuang Lee,Hung-Hao Lee,Chee-Siong Lee,Hsueh-Wei Yen,Tsung-Hsien Lin,Wen-Chol Voon,Wen-Ter Lai,Sheng-Hsiung Sheu,Ho-Ming Su* - - 1 - Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland) - DIAGNOSTICS 2020;10(6):422
(IF: 2.489, Journal Ranking: 46, Number of Journals of this Field: 160, Ranking: 28.75%)


Cardiovascular Disease Management During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic
§õ¤å½å,³¯¬Õ§Ó,³¯«ä¹Å,³¯Îë¥ô,³\üø¶W,½²ºû¤¤,¦¶«T·½,§õ´¼¶¯,ªL©v¾Ë,·Å¤å¤~,³¢¬L§»,Ĭªe¦W* - - 1 - Int J Med Sci . - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2020 17¨÷(10´Á):1340-1344­¶
(IF: 2.523, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 50, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 165, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 30.30%)

Cardiovascular Disease Management During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic
Wen-Hsien Lee, Ying-Chih Chen, Szu-Chia Chen, Chang-Jen Chen, Po-Chao Hsu, Wei-Chung Tsai, Chun-Yuan Chu, Chee-Siong Lee, Tsung-Hsien Lin, Wen-Chol Voon, Chao-Hung Kuo, Ho-Ming Su - - 1 - Int J Med Sci . - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2020;17(10):1340-1344
(IF: 2.523, Journal Ranking: 50, Number of Journals of this Field: 165, Ranking: 30.30%)


Emergency department infection control strategies in response to COVID-19.
³¯«ä¹Å, ±i¬ì, ³¢¬L§»* - - 1 - The Kaohsiung journal of medical sciences - KAOHSIUNG JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2020 36¨÷(7´Á):568-569­¶
(IF: 1.737, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 107, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 138, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 77.54%)

Emergency department infection control strategies in response to COVID-19.
Szu-Chia Chen,Ko Chang,Chao-Hung Kuo - - 1 - The Kaohsiung journal of medical sciences - KAOHSIUNG JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2020;36(7):568-569
(IF: 1.737, Journal Ranking: 107, Number of Journals of this Field: 138, Ranking: 77.54%)


Infection control strategies of medical institutions in response to COVID-19.
³¯·×ÄQ, ±i¬ì, ³¯«ä¹Å* - - 1 - The Kaohsiung journal of medical sciences - KAOHSIUNG JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2020 36¨÷(7´Á):565-567­¶
(IF: 1.737, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 107, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 138, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 77.54%)

Infection control strategies of medical institutions in response to COVID-19.
Huang-Chi Chen,Ko Chang,Szu-Chia Chen - - 1 - The Kaohsiung journal of medical sciences - KAOHSIUNG JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2020;36(7):565-567
(IF: 1.737, Journal Ranking: 107, Number of Journals of this Field: 138, Ranking: 77.54%)


Predictive modeling of blood pressure during hemodialysis: a comparison of linear model, random forest, support vector regression, XGBoost, LASSO regression and ensemble method.
¶À«T¸R,½²©y¯Â,§d¯\·ì,³s¥É´f,²¦Ü¼Ý,³¢§Ó®p,¬x®¶¤è,³¯«ä¹Å*,³¢¬L§»* - - 1 - Computer methods and programs in biomedicine - COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE 2020 195¨÷(-´Á):105536­¶
(IF: 3.632, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 16, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 108, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 14.81%)

Predictive modeling of blood pressure during hemodialysis: a comparison of linear model, random forest, support vector regression, XGBoost, LASSO regression and ensemble method.
Jiun-Chi Huang,Yi-Chun Tsai,Pei-Yu Wu,Yu-Hui Lien,Chih-Yi Chien,Chih-Feng Kuo,Jeng-Fung Hung,Szu-Chia Chen,Chao-Hung Kuo - - 1 - Computer methods and programs in biomedicine - COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE 2020;195(-):105536
(IF: 3.632, Journal Ranking: 16, Number of Journals of this Field: 108, Ranking: 14.81%)


Associations of Heavy Metals with Metabolic Syndrome and Anthropometric Indices
·Å½n­Û,¤ý§Ó¤å,§d¤j½n,³¯«ä¹Å*,¬x§Ó¿³,³¢¬L§» - - 1 - Nutrients - NUTRIENTS 2020 12¨÷(0´Á):2666­¶
(IF: 4.546, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 89, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 19.10%)

Associations of Heavy Metals with Metabolic Syndrome and Anthropometric Indices
Wei-Lun Wen,Chih-Wen Wang,Da-Wei Wu,Szu-Chia Chen*,Chih-Hsing Hung,Chao-Hung Kuo - - 1 - Nutrients - NUTRIENTS 2020;12(0):2666
(IF: 4.546, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 89, Ranking: 19.10%)


There is a U shaped association between non high density lipoprotein cholesterol with overall and cardiovascular mortality in chronic kidney disease stage 3-5
ªôÂ{,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,§ùÂE»«,ªL©ú«Û,³¯«ä¹Å*,±i­õ»Ê - - 1 - Scientific Reports - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2020 10¨÷(1´Á):12749­¶
(IF: 3.998, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 71, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 23.94%)

There is a U shaped association between non high density lipoprotein cholesterol with overall and cardiovascular mortality in chronic kidney disease stage 3-5
Hsuan Chiu , Pei-Yu Wu , Jiun-Chi Huang , Hung-Pin Tu , Ming-Yen Lin, Szu-Chia Chen, Jer-Ming Chang - - 1 - Scientific Reports - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2020;10(1):12749
(IF: 3.998, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 71, Ranking: 23.94%)


Hyperuricemia Is Associated with Left Ventricular Dysfunction and Inappropriate Left Ventricular Mass in Chronic Kidney Disease
ªô®õ¾ì,§d¯\·ì#,¶À«T¸R,Ĭªe¦W,³¯«ä¹Å*,±i­õ»Ê,³¯ÂE¶v* - - 1 - Diagnostics - DIAGNOSTICS 2020 10¨÷(8´Á):514­¶
(IF: 3.11, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 39, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 165, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 23.64%)

Hyperuricemia Is Associated with Left Ventricular Dysfunction and Inappropriate Left Ventricular Mass in Chronic Kidney Disease
Tai-Hua Chiu , Pei-Yu Wu , Jiun-Chi Huang , Ho-Ming Su ,Szu-Chia Chen , Jer-Ming Chang and Hung-Chun Chen - - 1 - Diagnostics - DIAGNOSTICS 2020;10(8):514
(IF: 3.11, Journal Ranking: 39, Number of Journals of this Field: 165, Ranking: 23.64%)


Infection control strategies of patient diversion in response to COVID-19
±i¬ì,³¯·×ñ¯,³¯«ä¹Å*,³¢¬L§» - - 1 - Kaohsiung J Med Sci - KAOHSIUNG JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2020 36¨÷(9´Á):765-767­¶
(IF: 1.737, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 107, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 138, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 77.54%)

Infection control strategies of patient diversion in response to COVID-19
Chang K, Chen HC, Chen SC*, Kuo CH - - 1 - Kaohsiung J Med Sci - KAOHSIUNG JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2020;36(9):765-767
(IF: 1.737, Journal Ranking: 107, Number of Journals of this Field: 138, Ranking: 77.54%)


Using CHADS 2 and CHA 2 DS 2-VASc scores for mortality prediction in patients with chronic kidney disease
³\üø¶W,§õ¤å½å,³¯«ä¹Å,½²©y¯Â,³¯¬Õ§Ó,¦¶«T·½,ªL©v¾Ë,·Å¤å¤~¤~,¿à¤å¼w,³\³Ó¶¯,Ĭªe¦W* - - 1 - Sci Rep. 2020 Nov 3;10(1):18942. - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2020 10¨÷(1´Á):18942­¶
(IF: 3.998, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 71, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 23.94%)

Using CHADS 2 and CHA 2 DS 2-VASc scores for mortality prediction in patients with chronic kidney disease
Hsu PC, Lee WH, Chen SC, Tsai YC, Chen YC, Chu CY, Lin TH, Voon WC, Lai WT, Sheu SH, Su HM. - - 1 - Sci Rep. 2020 Nov 3;10(1):18942. - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2020;10(1):18942
(IF: 3.998, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 71, Ranking: 23.94%)


The applicability of non-invasive methods for assessing liver fibrosis in hemodialysis patients with chronic hepatitis C.
§õ¨Î»T,ÃQà±¾§,ªL©ú«Û,¶s¸t¤å,³\³Õ³ó,¶À«T¸R,±i®x»·,¸­©ú­Û,¶ÀÂ@¶h,±ç³Õµ{,ªL©yÐA,Á©ú«Û,Á©s°a,³¯«ä¹Å,À¹¹Å¨¥,ªL¤l³ó,³¯«H¦¨,¶À§Ó´I,±i­õ»Ê,¶À©|§Ó,¶À³©®p,ªô©É¤å*,²ø¸UÀs*,§E©ú¶© - - 1 - PloS one - PLOS ONE 2020 15¨÷(11´Á):e0242601­¶
(IF: 2.74, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 27, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 71, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 38.03%)

The applicability of non-invasive methods for assessing liver fibrosis in hemodialysis patients with chronic hepatitis C.
Jia-Jung Lee,Yu-Ju Wei,Ming-Yen Lin,Sheng-Wen Niu,Po-Yao Hsu,Jiun-Chi Huang,Tyng-Yuan Jang,Ming-Lun Yeh,Ching-I Huang,Po-Cheng Liang,Yi-Hung Lin,Ming-Yen Hsieh,Meng-Hsuan Hsieh,Szu-Chia Chen,Chia-Yen Dai,Zu-Yau Lin,Shinn-Cherng Chen,Jee-Fu Huang,Jer-Ming Chang,Shang-Jyh Hwang,Chung-Feng Huang,Yi-Wen Chiu,Wan-Long Chuang,Ming-Lung Yu - - 1 - PloS one - PLOS ONE 2020;15(11):e0242601
(IF: 2.74, Journal Ranking: 27, Number of Journals of this Field: 71, Ranking: 38.03%)


Progression of Aortic Arch Calcification Is Associated with Overall and Cardiovascular Mortality in Hemodialysis.
Áéºû°a,¥Û©ú¸Û,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R*,³¯«ä¹Å*,ªô©É¤å,±i­õ»Ê,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Disease markers - DISEASE MARKERS 2020 2020¨÷(01´Á):6293185­¶
(IF: 2.738, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 26, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 78, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 33.33%)

Progression of Aortic Arch Calcification Is Associated with Overall and Cardiovascular Mortality in Hemodialysis.
Wei-Shiuan Chung,Ming-Chen Paul Shih,Pei-Yu Wu,Jiun-Chi Huang,Szu-Chia Chen,Yi-Wen Chiu,Jer-Ming Chang,Hung-Chun Chen - - 1 - Disease markers - DISEASE MARKERS 2020;2020(01):6293185
(IF: 2.738, Journal Ranking: 26, Number of Journals of this Field: 78, Ranking: 33.33%)


Comparison of Various Obesity-Related Indices for Identification of Metabolic Syndrome: A Population-Based Study from Taiwan Biobank.
ªô®õ¾ì,¶À¶®¹t,ªôÂ{,§d¯\·ì,ªôÄɼü,¶À«T¸R*,³¯«ä¹Å - - 1 - Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland) - DIAGNOSTICS 2020 10¨÷(12´Á):E1081­¶
(IF: 3.11, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 39, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 165, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 23.64%)

Comparison of Various Obesity-Related Indices for Identification of Metabolic Syndrome: A Population-Based Study from Taiwan Biobank.
Tai-Hua Chiu,Ya-Chin Huang,Hsuan Chiu,Pei-Yu Wu,Hsin-Ying Clair Chiou,Jiun-Chi Huang,Szu-Chia Chen - - 1 - Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland) - DIAGNOSTICS 2020;10(12):E1081
(IF: 3.11, Journal Ranking: 39, Number of Journals of this Field: 165, Ranking: 23.64%)


Comparison of the effects of sibling and parental history of type 2 diabetes on metabolic syndrome.
ªôÂ{,§õ¬ü¤ë,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,³¯«ä¹Å*,±i­õ»Ê - - 1 - Scientific reports - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2020 10¨÷(1´Á):22131­¶
(IF: 3.998, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 71, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 23.94%)

Comparison of the effects of sibling and parental history of type 2 diabetes on metabolic syndrome.
Hsuan Chiu,Mei-Yueh Lee,Pei-Yu Wu,Jiun-Chi Huang,Szu-Chia Chen,Jer-Ming Chang - - 1 - Scientific reports - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2020;10(1):22131
(IF: 3.998, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 71, Ranking: 23.94%)


Air Pollutants Interaction and Gender Difference on Bone Mineral Density T-Score in Taiwanese Adults.
ªL¨|¸©,¤ý±á®p,ªôÂ{,¿à§B©Ó,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,³¯«ä¹Å* - - 1 - International journal of environmental research and public health - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2020 17¨÷(24´Á):DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17249165­¶
(IF: 2.849, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 105, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 265, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 39.62%)

Air Pollutants Interaction and Gender Difference on Bone Mineral Density T-Score in Taiwanese Adults.
Yu-Hsuan Lin,Chen-Feng Wang,Hsuan Chiu,Bo-Cheng Lai,Hung-Pin Tu,Pei-Yu Wu,Jiun-Chi Huang,Szu-Chia Chen - - 1 - International journal of environmental research and public health - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2020;17(24):DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17249165
(IF: 2.849, Journal Ranking: 105, Number of Journals of this Field: 265, Ranking: 39.62%)


§õ¤åÀØ,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,³¯«ä¹Å*,ªô©É¤å,±i­õ»Ê,¶À©|§Ó,³¯ÂE¶v - - 0 - Acta Nephrologica - 2020 34¨÷(1´Á):24-33­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Lower Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate and Higher Left Ventricular Mass Index Is Associated With Adverse Clinical Outcomes in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients
Wen-Pin Lee, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Szu-Chia Chen*, Yi-Wen Chiu, Jer-Ming Chang, Shang-Jyh Hwang, Hung-Chun Chen - - 0 - Acta Nephrologica - 2020;34(1):24-33
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Association of Quantitative Sensory Testing With Ankle-Brachial Index and Brachial-Ankle Pulse Wave Velocity in Patients on Hemodialysis
§d©|¿Ù,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,³¯«ä¹Å*,ªô©É¤å,±i­õ»Ê,¶À©|§Ó,³¯ÂE¶v - - 0 - Acta Nephrologica - 2020 34¨÷(1´Á):14-23­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Association of Quantitative Sensory Testing With Ankle-Brachial Index and Brachial-Ankle Pulse Wave Velocity in Patients on Hemodialysis
Shang-Yu Wu, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Szu-Chia Chen*, Yi-Wen Chiu, Jer-Ming Chang, Shang-Jyh Hwang, Hung-Chun Chen - - 0 - Acta Nephrologica - 2020;34(1):14-23
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Diabetes care during the outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID‐19) in Taiwan
(IF: 1.737, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 107, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 139, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 76.98%)

Diabetes care during the outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID‐19) in Taiwan
Wei‐Lun Wen,Szu‐Chia Chen,Chao‐Hung Kuo,Mei‐Yueh Lee* - - 2 - KAOHSIUNG JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES - KAOHSIUNG JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2020;36(8):658-659
(IF: 1.737, Journal Ranking: 107, Number of Journals of this Field: 139, Ranking: 76.98%)


Using ambient mass spectrometry to explore the origins of phthalate contamination in a mass spectrometry laboratory.
ĬÂE, ¶À«Û¶v, ¶À©ú©v, §õ¶®´@, ³¯«ä¹Å, ¬x§Ó¿³, ³¢¬L§», §d©ú»a*, Á«إx* - - 1 - ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA - ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 2020 1105¨÷(-´Á):128-138­¶
(IF: 6.558, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 10, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 83, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 12.05%)

Using ambient mass spectrometry to explore the origins of phthalate contamination in a mass spectrometry laboratory.
Hung Su, Yan-Jyun Huang, Min-Zong Huang, Ya-Ting Lee, Szu-Chia Chen, Chih-Hsing Hung, Chao-Hung Kuo, Ming-Tsang Wu*, Jentaie Shiea* - - 1 - ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA - ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 2020;1105(-):128-138
(IF: 6.558, Journal Ranking: 10, Number of Journals of this Field: 83, Ranking: 12.05%)


Associations among Geriatric Nutrition Risk Index, bone mineral density, body composition and handgrip strength in patients receiving hemodialysis
³¯«ä¹Å,Áéºû°a,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R*,ªô©É¤å,±i­õ»Ê,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - NUTRITION - NUTRITION 2019 65¨÷(0´Á):6-12­¶
(IF: 3.591, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 27, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 87, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 31.03%)

Associations among Geriatric Nutrition Risk Index, bone mineral density, body composition and handgrip strength in patients receiving hemodialysis
Chen SC1, Chung WS2, Wu PY3, Huang JC4, Chiu YW5, Chang JM5, Chen HC5. - - 1 - NUTRITION - NUTRITION 2019;65(0):6-12
(IF: 3.591, Journal Ranking: 27, Number of Journals of this Field: 87, Ranking: 31.03%)


Increased Aortic Arch Calcification and Cardiomegaly is Associated with Rapid Renal Progression and Increased Cardiovascular Mortality in Chronic Kidney Disease
³¯«ä¹Å,¾G±c¤¸,¶À«T¸R,§d¯\·ì,³¯¬î¤ë,½²©y¯Â*,ªô©É¤å,±i­õ»Ê,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Scientific Reports - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2019 9¨÷(1´Á):5354­¶
(IF: 4.011, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 69, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 21.74%)

Increased Aortic Arch Calcification and Cardiomegaly is Associated with Rapid Renal Progression and Increased Cardiovascular Mortality in Chronic Kidney Disease
Chen SC, Teh M, Huang JC, Wu PY, Chen CY,Tsai YC, Chiu YW, Chang JM, Chen HC. - - 1 - Scientific Reports - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2019;9(1):5354
(IF: 4.011, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 69, Ranking: 21.74%)


6-Shogaol suppresses 2-Amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP)-induced human 786-O renal cell carcinoma osteoclastogenic activity and metastatic potential.
¸­©É¦ë#, ³¯«ä¹Å#,ÃC©s½B,§d«ÛÂE,¬x§Ó¿³*,³¢¬fÅï* - - 1 - Nutrients - NUTRIENTS 2019 11¨÷(10´Á):2306­¶
(IF: 4.546, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 89, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 19.10%)

6-Shogaol suppresses 2-Amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP)-induced human 786-O renal cell carcinoma osteoclastogenic activity and metastatic potential.
Yeh IJ, Chen SC, Yen MC, Wu YH, Hung CH*, Kuo PL*. - - 1 - Nutrients - NUTRIENTS 2019;11(10):2306
(IF: 4.546, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 89, Ranking: 19.10%)


Ratio of Early Mitral Inflow Velocity to the Global Diastolic Strain Rate and Global Left Ventricular Longitudinal Systolic Strain Predict Overall Mortality and Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Hemodialysis Patients
¶À«T¸R,Ĭªe¦W,§d¯\·ì,§õ¨Î»T,§õ¤å½å,³¯«ä¹Å*,ªô©É¤å,³\¶®¬Â,±i­õ»Ê,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Disease Markers - DISEASE MARKERS 2019 2019¨÷(0´Á):7512805­¶
(IF: 2.761, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 26, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 76, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 34.21%)

Ratio of Early Mitral Inflow Velocity to the Global Diastolic Strain Rate and Global Left Ventricular Longitudinal Systolic Strain Predict Overall Mortality and Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Hemodialysis Patients
Huang JC, Su HM, Wu PY, Lee JJ, Lee WH, Chen SC, Chiu YW, Hsu YL, Chang JM, Chen HC - - 1 - Disease Markers - DISEASE MARKERS 2019;2019(0):7512805
(IF: 2.761, Journal Ranking: 26, Number of Journals of this Field: 76, Ranking: 34.21%)


§dªÃ¾±, ªL¾Ð´@, §d¯\·ì, ¶À«T¸R, ³¯«ä¹Å*, ±i­õ»Ê, ³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Disease Markers - DISEASE MARKERS 2019 2019¨÷(8´Á):9421352­¶
(IF: 2.761, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 26, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 76, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 34.21%)

Ankle-Brachial Index and High Brachial-Ankle Pulse Wave Velocity Are Associated with Poor Cognitive Function in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis
Ping-Hsun Wu, Yi-Ting Lin, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Szu-Chia Chen, Jer-Ming Chang, Hung-Chun Ch - - 1 - Disease Markers - DISEASE MARKERS 2019;2019(8):9421352
(IF: 2.761, Journal Ranking: 26, Number of Journals of this Field: 76, Ranking: 34.21%)


Association of Pulse Volume Recording at Ankle with Total and Cardiovascular Mortality in Hemodialysis Patients.
§õ¤å½å,,³\üø¶W,¶À«T¸R,³¯¬Õ§Ó,³¯«ä¹Å,§d¯\·ì,§õ©s¥ú,§õ´¼¶¯,ÃC¾Ç°¶,Ĭªe¦W* - - 1 - Journal of Clinical Medicine - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2019 8¨÷(12´Á):E2045­¶
(IF: 5.688, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 160, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 9.38%)

Association of Pulse Volume Recording at Ankle with Total and Cardiovascular Mortality in Hemodialysis Patients.
Lee WH1,2,3, Hsu PC3,4, Huang JC1,2,3, Chen YC2, Chen SC2,3, Wu PY5, Lee MK2, Lee CS3,4, Yen HW3,4, Su HM2,4. - - 1 - Journal of Clinical Medicine - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2019;8(12):E2045
(IF: 5.688, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 160, Ranking: 9.38%)


Comparison of the Effects of Fasting Glucose, Hemoglobin A1c, and Triglyceride-Glucose Index on Cardiovascular Events in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Ĭ«Â¦t,³¯«ä¹Å#,¶À·¶´@,¶À«T¸R,§d¯\·ì,®}Þ³À¢,§õ¬ü¤ë* - - 1 - Nutrients - Nutrients 2019 11¨÷(11´Á):2838­¶
(IF: 4.171, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 16, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 87, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 18.39%)

Comparison of the Effects of Fasting Glucose, Hemoglobin A1c, and Triglyceride-Glucose Index on Cardiovascular Events in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Su WY1, Chen SC2,3,4, Huang YT5, Huang JC2,3,4, Wu PY2,3, Hsu WH3,6, Lee MY - - 1 - Nutrients - Nutrients 2019;11(11):2838
(IF: 4.171, Journal Ranking: 16, Number of Journals of this Field: 87, Ranking: 18.39%)


Investigation of Acoustic Cardiographic Parameters before and after Hemodialysis.
½²´f¦p,½²©y¯Â,¶À«T¸R,§d¯\·ì,³¯«ä¹Å*,ªô©É¤å,±i­õ»Ê,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - DISEASE MARKERS - DISEASE MARKERS 2019 2019¨÷(5270159´Á):5270159­¶
(IF: 2.761, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 69, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 136, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 50.74%)

Investigation of Acoustic Cardiographic Parameters before and after Hemodialysis.
Tsai HJ, Tsai YC, Huang JC, Wu PY, Chen SC*, Chiu YW, Chang JM, Chen HC. - - 1 - DISEASE MARKERS - DISEASE MARKERS 2019;2019(5270159):5270159
(IF: 2.761, Journal Ranking: 69, Number of Journals of this Field: 136, Ranking: 50.74%)


Liraglutide Inhibits Hepatitis C Virus Replication Through an AMP Activated Protein Kinase Dependent Mechanism
§õ¬ü¤ë,³¯«Â§¡, ®}Þ³À¢, ³¯«ä¹Å, §õ´º´Ü* - - 1 - International Journal of Molecular Sciences - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2019 14¨÷(20´Á):18­¶
(IF: 4.183, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 78, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 299, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 26.09%)

Liraglutide Inhibits Hepatitis C Virus Replication Through an AMP Activated Protein Kinase Dependent Mechanism
Mei-Yueh Lee , Wei-Chun Chen, Wei-Hao Hsu, Szu-Chia Chen and Jin-Ching Lee* - - 1 - International Journal of Molecular Sciences - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2019;14(20):18
(IF: 4.183, Journal Ranking: 78, Number of Journals of this Field: 299, Ranking: 26.09%)


Ratio of Transmitral E Wave Velocity to Left Atrial Strain as a Useful Predictor of Total and Cardiovascular Mortality in Hemodialysis Patients
½²ºû¤¤,§õ¤å½å,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,³¯¬Õ§Ó,³¯«ä¹Å,³\üø¶W,§õ´¼¶¯,ªL©v¾Ë,温¤å¤~,Ĭªe¦W* - - 1 - Journal of Clinical Medicine - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2019 9¨÷(1´Á):85­¶
(IF: 5.688, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 160, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 9.38%)

Ratio of Transmitral E Wave Velocity to Left Atrial Strain as a Useful Predictor of Total and Cardiovascular Mortality in Hemodialysis Patients
Tsai WC, Lee WH, Wu PY, Huang JC, Chen YC, Chen SC, Hsu PC, Lee CS, Lin TH, Voon WC, Su HM - - 1 - Journal of Clinical Medicine - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2019;9(1):85
(IF: 5.688, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 160, Ranking: 9.38%)


Comparison of the Effects of Fasting Glucose, Hemoglobin A1c, and Triglyceride¡VGlucose Index on Cardiovascular Events in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Ĭ«Â¦t,³¯«ä¹Å,¶À·¶´@,¶À«T¸R,§d¯\·ì,®}Þ³À¢,§õ¬ü¤ë* - - 1 - Nutrients - Nutrients 2019 11¨÷(0´Á):2838­¶
(IF: 1.291, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 172, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 222, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 77.48%)

Comparison of the Effects of Fasting Glucose, Hemoglobin A(1c), and Triglyceride-Glucose Index on Cardiovascular Events in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Wei-Yu Su, Szu-Chia Chen, Yu-Ting Huang, Jiun-Chi Huang, Pei-Yu Wu,Wei-Hao Hsu,Mei-Yueh Lee * - - 1 - Nutrients - Nutrients 2019;11(0):2838
(IF: 1.291, Journal Ranking: 172, Number of Journals of this Field: 222, Ranking: 77.48%)


Greater low-density lipoprotein cholesterol variability is associated with increased progression to dialysis in patients with chronic kidney disease stage 3
ªL¨|¸©,¶À«T¸R,§d¯\·ì,³¯«ä¹Å*,ªô©É¤å,±i­õ»Ê,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Oncotarget - 2018 9¨÷(3´Á):3242-3253­¶
(IF: 5.168, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 44, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 217, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 20.28%)

Greater low-density lipoprotein cholesterol variability is associated with increased progression to dialysis in patients with chronic kidney disease stage 3
Yu-Hsuan Lin, Jiun-Chi Huang, Pei-Yu Wu, Szu-Chia Chen, Yi-Wen Chiu, Jer-Ming Chang,Hung-Chun Chen - - 1 - Oncotarget - 2018;9(3):3242-3253
(IF: 5.168, Journal Ranking: 44, Number of Journals of this Field: 217, Ranking: 20.28%)


Abnormally Low or High Ankle-Brachial Index Is Associated With the Development of Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
§õ¬ü¤ë, ¿½Âz®e, ¶À«T¸R, ®}Þ³À¢, ³¯«ä¹Å*, ±i­õ»Ê, ¨¯¿ü¼ý* - - 1 - Sci Rep - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2018 8¨÷(1´Á):441­¶
(IF: 4.122, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 12, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 64, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 18.75%)

Abnormally Low or High Ankle-Brachial Index Is Associated With the Development of Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Lee MY, Hsiao PJ, Huang JC, Hsu WH, Chen SC*, Chang JM, Shin SJ* - - 1 - Sci Rep - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2018;8(1):441
(IF: 4.122, Journal Ranking: 12, Number of Journals of this Field: 64, Ranking: 18.75%)


Hyperuricemia is associated with decreased changes in heart rate variability after hemodialysis in non-diabetic patients
³¯¬f§Ó,§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,³¯«ä¹Å*,¶À¤Í§Q* - - 9 - Oncotarget - Oncotarget 2018 9¨÷(9´Á):8738-8745­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Hyperuricemia is associated with decreased changes in heart rate variability after hemodialysis in non-diabetic patients
Po-Chih Chen, Pei-Yu Wu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Szu-Chia Chen,Yeou Lih Huang - - 9 - Oncotarget - Oncotarget 2018;9(9):8738-8745
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


¶s¸t¤å,¶À«T¸R*,³¯«ä¹Å,ªL¯§½å,³¢©y½@,§d¯\·ì,ªô©É¤å,±i­õ»Ê - - 1 - Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience - FRONTIERS IN AGING NEUROSCIENCE 2018 10¨÷(43´Á):1-8­¶
(IF: 3.582, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 14, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 53, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 26.42%)

Association between Age and Changes in Heart Rate Variability after Hemodialysis in Patients with Diabetes
Niu SW, Huang JC, Chen SC, Lin HY, Kuo IC, Wu PY, Chiu YW, Chang JM - - 1 - Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience - FRONTIERS IN AGING NEUROSCIENCE 2018;10(43):1-8
(IF: 3.582, Journal Ranking: 14, Number of Journals of this Field: 53, Ranking: 26.42%)


Type 2 diabetes mellitus-related changes in left ventricular structure and function in patients with chronic kidney disease
§d¯\·ì,¶À«T¸R,³¯«ä¹Å,³¯­d©É* - - 1 - Oncotarget - Oncotarget 2018 9¨÷(18´Á):14661-14668­¶
(IF: 5.168, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 44, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 217, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 20.28%)

Type 2 diabetes mellitus-related changes in left ventricular structure and function in patients with chronic kidney disease
Wu PY, Huang JC, Chen SC, Chen LI - - 1 - Oncotarget - Oncotarget 2018;9(18):14661-14668
(IF: 5.168, Journal Ranking: 44, Number of Journals of this Field: 217, Ranking: 20.28%)


Evaluation of the effects of glucose on osmolal gap using freezing point depression and vapor pressure methods
ªL®Û¼ü,³¯¬f§Ó,³¯«ä¹Å,³¯ÂE¶v* - - 1 - The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences - KAOHSIUNG JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2018 03¨÷(002´Á):1-6­¶
(IF: 1.288, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 110, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 133, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 82.71%)

Evaluation of the effects of glucose on osmolal gap using freezing point depression and vapor pressure methods
Kuei-Ying Lin, Po-Chih Chen, Szu-Chia Chen, Yeou-Lih Huang, Hung-Chun Chen - - 1 - The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences - KAOHSIUNG JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2018;03(002):1-6
(IF: 1.288, Journal Ranking: 110, Number of Journals of this Field: 133, Ranking: 82.71%)


Knockdown of GA-binding protein subunit £]1 inhibits cell proliferation via p21 induction in renal cell carcinoma
³¯«ä¹Å,ÃC©s½B,³¯Â×Þm,§d¹aà±,·¨µ¾³Ç,³¢¬fÅï,³\¶®¬Â* - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY 2018 53¨÷(2´Á):886-894­¶
(IF: 3.333, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 105, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 224, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 46.88%)

Knockdown of GA-binding protein subunit £]1 inhibits cell proliferation via p21 induction in renal cell carcinoma
(IF: 3.333, Journal Ranking: 105, Number of Journals of this Field: 224, Ranking: 46.88%)


Association Between Metabolic Syndrome and Microvascular and acrovascular Diseasein Type 2
§õ¬ü¤ë,¿½Âz®e,¶À«T¸R,®}Þ³À¢,³¯«ä¹Å*,¨¯¿ü¼ý - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES 2018 355¨÷(4´Á):342-349­¶
(IF: 1.773, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 68, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 155, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 43.87%)

Association Between Metabolic Syndrome and Microvascular and acrovascular Diseasein Type 2
(IF: 1.773, Journal Ranking: 68, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 43.87%)


Independent Association of Overhydration with All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality Adjusted for Global Left Ventricular Longitudinal Systolic Strain and E/E' Ratio in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients
¶À«T¸R,½²©y¯Â,§d¯\·ì,§õ¨Î»T,³¯«ä¹Å*,ªô©É¤å,³\¶®¬Â,±i­õ»Ê*,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Kidney Blood Press Res. - KIDNEY & BLOOD PRESSURE RESEARCH 2018 43¨÷(4´Á):1322-1332­¶
(IF: 3, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 21, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 76, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 27.63%)

Independent Association of Overhydration with All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality Adjusted for Global Left Ventricular Longitudinal Systolic Strain and E/E' Ratio in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients
Huang JC, Tsai YC, Wu PY, Lee JJ, Chen SC, Chiu YW, Hsu YL, Chang JM, Chen HC - - 1 - Kidney Blood Press Res. - KIDNEY & BLOOD PRESSURE RESEARCH 2018;43(4):1322-1332
(IF: 3, Journal Ranking: 21, Number of Journals of this Field: 76, Ranking: 27.63%)


§õ¬ü¤ë, ¿½Âz®e,¶À«T¸R, ®}Þ³À¢, ³¯«ä¹Å*,±i­õ»Ê,¨¯Áí¼ý - - 1 - Endocrine Practice - ENDOCRINE PRACTICE 2018 24¨÷(7´Á):615-621­¶
(IF: 3.805, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 42, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 142, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 29.58%)

Mei-Yueh Lee, Pi-Jung Hsiao, Jiun-Chi Huang, Wei-Hao Hsu, Szu-Chia Chen, Jer-Ming Chang, and Shyi-Jang Shin - - 1 - Endocrine Practice - ENDOCRINE PRACTICE 2018;24(7):615-621
(IF: 3.805, Journal Ranking: 42, Number of Journals of this Field: 142, Ranking: 29.58%)


Prognostic Cardiovascular Markers in Chronic Kidney Disease.
³¯«ä¹Å,¶À«T¸R,Ĭªe¦W*,ªô©É¤å,±i­õ»Ê,¶À©|§Ó,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - KIDNEY & BLOOD PRESSURE RESEARCH - KIDNEY & BLOOD PRESSURE RESEARCH 2018 43¨÷(4´Á):1388-1407­¶
(IF: 3, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 21, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 76, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 27.63%)

Prognostic Cardiovascular Markers in Chronic Kidney Disease.
Chen SC, Huang JC, Su HM, Chiu YW, Chang JM, Hwang SJ, Chen HC - - 1 - KIDNEY & BLOOD PRESSURE RESEARCH - KIDNEY & BLOOD PRESSURE RESEARCH 2018;43(4):1388-1407
(IF: 3, Journal Ranking: 21, Number of Journals of this Field: 76, Ranking: 27.63%)


Association between albumin and C-reactive protein and ankle-brachial index in haemodialysis.
½²´f¦p, ¶À«T¸R*,½²©y¯Â, ³¯­d©É, ³¯«ä¹Å, ±i­õ»Ê, ³¯ÂE¶v* - - 1 - Nephrology (Carlton) - NEPHROLOGY 2018 23¨÷(Suppl. 4´Á):5-10­¶
(IF: 2.178, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 35, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 76, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 46.05%)

Association between albumin and C-reactive protein and ankle-brachial index in haemodialysis.
Tsai HJ, Huang JC, Tsai YC, Chen LI, Chen SC, Chang JM, Chen HC - - 1 - Nephrology (Carlton) - NEPHROLOGY 2018;23(Suppl. 4):5-10
(IF: 2.178, Journal Ranking: 35, Number of Journals of this Field: 76, Ranking: 46.05%)


Association of HbA1C Variability and Renal Progression in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes with Chronic Kidney Disease Stages 3¡V4
§õ¬ü¤ë,¶À«T¸R,³¯«ä¹Å,ªôÄɼü,§d¯\·ì* - - 1 - International Journal of Molecular Sciences - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2018 19¨÷(0´Á):4116­¶
(IF: 3.687, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 52, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 170, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 30.59%)

Association of HbA1C Variability and Renal Progression in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes with Chronic Kidney Disease Stages 3¡V4
Mei-Yueh Lee*,Jiun-Chi Huang,Szu-Chia Chen, Hsin-Ying Clair Chiou and Pei-Yu Wu - - 1 - International Journal of Molecular Sciences - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2018;19(0):4116
(IF: 3.687, Journal Ranking: 52, Number of Journals of this Field: 170, Ranking: 30.59%)


Association of renal systolic time intervals with brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity
§õ¤å½å,³\üø¶W,¦¶«T·½,³¯«ä¹Å,§õ¥°©þ,³¯¬Õ§Ó,§õ©s¥ú,§õ´¼¶¯,ÃC¾Ç°¶,·Å¤å¤~,ªL©v¾Ë,³\³Ó¶¯,³¢¬fÅï,Ĭªe¦W* - - 1 - International Journal of Medical Sciences - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2018 15¨÷(11´Á):1235-1240­¶
(IF: 2.284, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 46, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 155, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 29.68%)

Association of renal systolic time intervals with brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity
Wen-Hsien Lee, Po-Chao Hsu, Chun-Yuan Chu, Szu-Chia Chen, Hung-Hao Lee, Ying-Chih Chen, Meng-Kuang Lee, Chee-Siong Lee, Hsueh-Wei Yen, Tsung-Hsien Lin, Wen-Chol Voon, Wen-Ter Lai, Sheng-Hsiung Sheu, Po-Lin Kuo, Ho-Ming Su* - - 1 - International Journal of Medical Sciences - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2018;15(11):1235-1240
(IF: 2.284, Journal Ranking: 46, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 29.68%)


Effect of metformin on kidney function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and moderate chronic kidney disease
®}Þ³À¢,¿½Âz®e,ªLºÑ¬Ã,³¯«ä¹Å,§õ¬ü¤ë*,¨¯¿ü¼ý - - 1 - Oncotarget - Oncotarget 2017 9¨÷(4´Á):5416-5423­¶
(IF: 5.168, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 44, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 217, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 20.28%)

Effect of metformin on kidney function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and moderate chronic kidney disease
Wei-Hao Hsu, Pi-Jung Hsiao Pi-Chen Lin, Szu-Chia Chen, Mei-Yueh Lee, Shyi-Jang Shin - - 1 - Oncotarget - Oncotarget 2017;9(4):5416-5423
(IF: 5.168, Journal Ranking: 44, Number of Journals of this Field: 217, Ranking: 20.28%)


Prognostic Significance of Left Ventricular Mass Index and Renal Function Decline Rate in Chronic Kidney Disease G3 and G4.
¶À«T¸R,³¯«ä¹Å,½²©y¯Â*,³¢©y½@,ªô©É¤å,±i­õ»Ê,¶À©|§Ó,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Scientific Reports - Sci Rep. 2017 7¨÷(-´Á):42578­¶
(IF: 4.259, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 10, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 64, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15.63%)

Prognostic Significance of Left Ventricular Mass Index and Renal Function Decline Rate in Chronic Kidney Disease G3 and G4.
Huang JC, Chen SC, Tsai YC, Kuo IC, Chiu YW, Chang JM, Hwang SJ, Chen HC - - 1 - Scientific Reports - Sci Rep. 2017;7(-):42578
(IF: 4.259, Journal Ranking: 10, Number of Journals of this Field: 64, Ranking: 15.63%)


Renal systolic time intervals derived from intra-renal artery Doppler as a novel predictor of adverse cardiac outcomes.
§õ¤å½å, ³\栢üø¶W, ¦¶«T·½, ³¯«ä¹Å, §õ¥°©þ, §õ©s¥ú, §õ´¼¶¯, ÃC¾Ç°¶,ªL©v¾Ë, ·Å¤å¤~, ¿à¤å¼w, ³\³Ó¶¯, ³¢¬fÅï, Ĭªe¦W* - - 1 - Scientific Reports - SCI REP-UK 2017 7¨÷(7´Á):43825­¶
(IF: 4.259, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 10, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 64, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15.63%)

Renal systolic time intervals derived from intra-renal artery Doppler as a novel predictor of adverse cardiac outcomes.
Wen-Hsien Lee, Po-Chao Hsu, Chun-Yuan Chu, Szu-Chia Chen, Hung-Hao Lee,Meng-Kuang Lee, Chee-Siong Lee, Hsueh-Wei Yen, Tsung-Hsien Lin, Wen-Chol Voon,Wen-Ter Lai, Sheng-Hsiung Sheu, Po-Lin Kuo, Ho-Ming Su - - 1 - Scientific Reports - SCI REP-UK 2017;7(7):43825
(IF: 4.259, Journal Ranking: 10, Number of Journals of this Field: 64, Ranking: 15.63%)


Heart Rate Variability Predicts Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events and Hospitalization in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients.
¶À«T¸R,³¢©y½@,½²©y¯Â,§õ¨Î»T,ªLÄRª´,³¯«ä¹Å*,ªô©É¤å,±i­õ»Ê,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - KIDNEY & BLOOD PRESSURE RESEARCH - KIDNEY BLOOD PRESS R 2017 42¨÷(1´Á):76-88­¶
(IF: 3.104, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 21, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 76, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 27.63%)

Heart Rate Variability Predicts Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events and Hospitalization in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients.
Huang JC, Kuo IC, Tsai YC, Lee JJ, Lim LM, Chen SC, Chiu YW, Chang JM, Chen HH. - - 1 - KIDNEY & BLOOD PRESSURE RESEARCH - KIDNEY BLOOD PRESS R 2017;42(1):76-88
(IF: 3.104, Journal Ranking: 21, Number of Journals of this Field: 76, Ranking: 27.63%)


Association of diabetes mellitus with decline in ankle-brachial index among patients on hemodialysis: A 6-year follow-up study
³¯«ä¹Å,§õ¬ü¤ë,¶À«T¸R,³Á¨qµ^,³¢¬fÅï,±i­õ»Ê,³¯ÂE¶v,·¨«³ÄÉ* - - 1 - PLOS ONE - PLoS One 2017 12¨÷(4´Á):e0175363­¶
(IF: 2.806, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 64, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 23.44%)

Association of diabetes mellitus with decline in ankle-brachial index among patients on hemodialysis: A 6-year follow-up study
Chen SC, Lee MY, Huang JC, Mai HC, Kuo PL, Chang JM, Chen HC, Yang YH - - 1 - PLOS ONE - PLoS One 2017;12(4):e0175363
(IF: 2.806, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 64, Ranking: 23.44%)


Greater HbA1c variability is associated with increased cardiovascular events in type 2 diabetes patients with preserved renal function, but not in moderate to advanced chronic kidney disease.
§õ¬ü¤ë,¿½Âz®e,¶À·¶´@,¶À«T¸R,®}Þ³À¢,³¯«ä¹Å*,¨¯¿ü¼ý - - 1 - PLOS ONE - PLoS One 2017 12¨÷(6´Á):e0178319­¶
(IF: 2.806, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 64, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 23.44%)

Greater HbA1c variability is associated with increased cardiovascular events in type 2 diabetes patients with preserved renal function, but not in moderate to advanced chronic kidney disease.
Lee MY, Hsiao PJ, Huang YT, Huang JC, Hsu WH, Chen SC, Shin SJ - - 1 - PLOS ONE - PLoS One 2017;12(6):e0178319
(IF: 2.806, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 64, Ranking: 23.44%)


³¢©y½@,¶À«T¸R,§d¯\·ì,³¯«ä¹Å*,±i­õ»Ê,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Nutrients - Nutrients 2017 9¨÷(11´Á):1228­¶
(IF: 3.55, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 23, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 81, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 28.40%)

A Low Geriatric Nutrition Risk Index Is Associated with Progression to Dialysis in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
I-Ching Kuo,Jiun-Chi Huang,Pei-Yu Wu,Szu-Chia Chen*,Jer-Ming Chang,Hung-Chun Chen - - 1 - Nutrients - Nutrients 2017;9(11):1228
(IF: 3.55, Journal Ranking: 23, Number of Journals of this Field: 81, Ranking: 28.40%)


Systematic Analysis of Transcriptomic Profile of Renal Cell Carcinoma under Long-Term Hypoxia Using Next-Generation Sequencing and Bioinformatics.
³¯«ä¹Å,³¯Â×Þm,³\¶®¬Â,³¢¬fÅï* - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES - Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2017 18¨÷(12´Á):E2657­¶
(IF: 3.226, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 54, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 166, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 32.53%)

Systematic Analysis of Transcriptomic Profile of Renal Cell Carcinoma under Long-Term Hypoxia Using Next-Generation Sequencing and Bioinformatics.
Szu-Chia Chen, Feng-Wei Chen, Ya-Ling Hsu, Po-Lin Kuo* - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES - Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2017;18(12):E2657
(IF: 3.226, Journal Ranking: 54, Number of Journals of this Field: 166, Ranking: 32.53%)


²Ä¤G«¬¿}§¿¯f©M¤G¦yäE wave³t«×ªº¤ñ²v»P¦bºC©ÊµÇŦ¯e¯fªº¤ß¦åºÞ¨Æ¥óµÎ±i¦­´Á¤G¦yä³t«×ªº¬ÛÃö
³¯¬f§Ó,¶À«T¸R*,³¯«ä¹Å,§d¯\·ì,§õ¨Î»T,ªô©É¤å,±i­õ»Ê,³¯ÂE¶v,¶À¤Í§Q* - - 1 - Oncotarget - Oncotarget 2017 8¨÷(55´Á):94407-94416­¶
(IF: 5.168, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 44, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 217, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 20.28%)

Association of type 2 diabetes mellitus and ratio of transmitral E wave velocity to early diastole mitral velocity with cardiovascular events in chronic kidney disease
Po-Chih Chen, Jiun-Chi Huang*, Szu-Chia Chen, Pei-Yu Wu, Jia-Jung Lee, Yi-Wen Chiu, Jer-Ming Chang, Hung-Chun Chen, Yeou-Lih Huang* - - 1 - Oncotarget - Oncotarget 2017;8(55):94407-94416
(IF: 5.168, Journal Ranking: 44, Number of Journals of this Field: 217, Ranking: 20.28%)


Effects of stroke on changes in heart rate variability during hemodialysis.
¶À«T¸R,³¯«Ø¨j,±i®a¿v,³¯«ä¹Å,Á©ú®a,Á³ó´×*,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - BMC Nephrology - BMC Nephrol. 2017 8¨÷(1´Á):DOI: 10.1186/s12882-017-0502-0­¶
(IF: 2.289, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 31, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 77, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 40.26%)

Effects of stroke on changes in heart rate variability during hemodialysis.
Huang JC, Chen CF, Chang CC, Chen SC, Hsieh MC, Hsieh YP, Chen HC - - 1 - BMC Nephrology - BMC Nephrol. 2017;8(1):DOI: 10.1186/s12882-017-0502-0
(IF: 2.289, Journal Ranking: 31, Number of Journals of this Field: 77, Ranking: 40.26%)


Body Mass Index, Left Ventricular Mass Index and Cardiovascular Events in Chronic Kidney Disease.
³¯«ä¹Å,¶À«T¸R,½²©y¯Â,³¯­d©É,Ĭªe¦W*,±i­õ»Ê,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES - AM J MED SCI 2016 351¨÷(1´Á):91-96­¶
(IF: 1.575, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 62, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 155, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 40.00%)

Body Mass Index, Left Ventricular Mass Index and Cardiovascular Events in Chronic Kidney Disease.
Chen SC, Huang JC, Tsai YC, Chen LI, Su HM, Chang JM, Chen HC - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES - AM J MED SCI 2016;351(1):91-96
(IF: 1.575, Journal Ranking: 62, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 40.00%)


Association of the Ratio of Early Mitral Inflow Velocity to the Global Diastolic Strain Rate with a Rapid Renal Function Decline in Atrial Fibrillation.
³¯«ä¹Å,§õ¤å½å,³\üø¶W,§õ´¼¶¯,§õ©s¥ú,ÃC¾Ç°¶,ªL©v¾Ë,·Å¤å¤~,¿à¤å¼w,³\³Ó¶¯,Ĭªe¦W* - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2016 11¨÷(1´Á):e0147446­¶
(IF: 3.057, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 11, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 63, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17.46%)

Association of the Ratio of Early Mitral Inflow Velocity to the Global Diastolic Strain Rate with a Rapid Renal Function Decline in Atrial Fibrillation.
Chen SC, Lee WH, Hsu PC, Lee CS, Lee MK, Yen HW, Lin TH, Voon WC, Lai WT, Sheu SH, Su HM - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2016;11(1):e0147446
(IF: 3.057, Journal Ranking: 11, Number of Journals of this Field: 63, Ranking: 17.46%)


Association of Brachial-Ankle Pulse Wave Velocity With Cardiovascular Events in Atrial Fibrillation.
³¯«ä¹Å,§õ¤å½å,³\¬f¶W,ªL©ú«Û,§õ´¼¶¯,ªL©v¾Ë,·Å¤å¤~,¿à¤å¼w,³\³Ó¶¯,Ĭªe¦W* - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION - AM J HYPERTENS 2016 29¨÷(3´Á):348-356­¶
(IF: 3.182, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 20, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 63, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 31.75%)

Association of Brachial-Ankle Pulse Wave Velocity With Cardiovascular Events in Atrial Fibrillation.
Chen SC, Lee WH, Hsu PC, Lin MY, Lee CS, Lin TH, Voon WC, Lai WT, Sheu SH, Su HM - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION - AM J HYPERTENS 2016;29(3):348-356
(IF: 3.182, Journal Ranking: 20, Number of Journals of this Field: 63, Ranking: 31.75%)


Platelet to Lymphocyte Percentage Ratio Is Associated With Brachial-Ankle Pulse Wave Velocity in Hemodialysis.
³¯«ä¹Å,§õ¬ü¤ë,¶À«T¸R,½²©y¯Â,³Á¨qµ^,Ĭªe¦W*,±i­õ»Ê,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - MEDICINE - MEDICINE 2016 95¨÷(6´Á):e2727­¶
(IF: 2.133, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 40, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 155, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 25.81%)

Platelet to Lymphocyte Percentage Ratio Is Associated With Brachial-Ankle Pulse Wave Velocity in Hemodialysis.
Chen SC1, Lee MY, Huang JC, Tsai YC, Mai HC, Su HM, Chang JM, Chen HC. - - 1 - MEDICINE - MEDICINE 2016;95(6):e2727
(IF: 2.133, Journal Ranking: 40, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 25.81%)


Unequal Arterial Stiffness With Overall and Cardiovascular Mortality in Patients Receiving Hemodialysis
ÃQ²Q»ö,¶À«T¸R,³¯«ä¹Å*,±i­õ»Ê,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES - AM J MED SCI 2016 351¨÷(2´Á):187-193­¶
(IF: 1.575, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 62, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 155, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 40.00%)

Unequal Arterial Stiffness With Overall and Cardiovascular Mortality in Patients Receiving Hemodialysis
Shu-Yi Wei,Jiun-ChiHuang,Szu-ChiaChen,Jer-Ming Chang,Hung-ChunChen - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES - AM J MED SCI 2016;351(2):187-193
(IF: 1.575, Journal Ranking: 62, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 40.00%)


Heart Rate Variability Change Before and After Hemodialysis is Associated with Overall and Cardiovascular Mortality in Hemodialysis.
³¯«ä¹Å,¶À«T¸R,½²©y¯Â,³Á¨qµ^,³¯·çÊã,³¢¬fÅï*,±i­õ»Ê*,¶À©|§Ó,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Scientific Reports - SCI REP-UK 2016 6¨÷(-´Á):20597­¶
(IF: 5.228, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 7, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 63, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 11.11%)

Heart Rate Variability Change Before and After Hemodialysis is Associated with Overall and Cardiovascular Mortality in Hemodialysis.
Chen SC, Huang JC, Tsai YC, Mai HC, Chen JH, Kuo PL*, Chang JM*, Hwang SJ, Chen HC. - - 1 - Scientific Reports - SCI REP-UK 2016;6(-):20597
(IF: 5.228, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 63, Ranking: 11.11%)


Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate and Systolic Time Intervals in Risk Stratification for Increased Left Ventricular Mass Index and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy.
§õ¤å½å,³\üø¶W,¦¶«T·½,³¯«ä¹Å,§õ¥°©þ,§õ©s¥ú,§õ´¼¶¯,ÃC¾Ç°¶,ªL©v¾Ë,·Å¤å¤~,¿à¤å¼w,³\³Ó¶¯,Ĭªe¦W* - - 1 - MEDICINE - MEDICINE 2016 95¨÷(10´Á):e2917­¶
(IF: 2.133, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 40, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 155, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 25.81%)

Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate and Systolic Time Intervals in Risk Stratification for Increased Left Ventricular Mass Index and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy.
Lee WH1, Hsu PC, Chu CY, Chen SC, Lee HH, Lee MK, Lee CS, Yen HW, Lin TH, Voon WC, Lai WT, Sheu SH, Su HM - - 1 - MEDICINE - MEDICINE 2016;95(10):e2917
(IF: 2.133, Journal Ranking: 40, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 25.81%)


Association of body mass index and left ventricular mass index with abnormally low and high ankle-brachial indices in chronic kidney disease.
³¯«ä¹Å,§õ¤å½å,³\üø¶W,¶À«T¸R,§õ´¼¶¯,ªL©v¾Ë,·Å¤å¤~,¿à¤å¼w,³\³Ó¶¯,Ĭªe¦W* - - 1 - HYPERTENSION RESEARCH - HYPERTENS RES 2016 39¨÷(3´Á):166-170­¶
(IF: 3.208, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 19, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 63, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 30.16%)

Association of body mass index and left ventricular mass index with abnormally low and high ankle-brachial indices in chronic kidney disease.
Chen SC, Lee WH, Hsu PC, Huang JC, Lee CS, Lin TH, Voon WC, Lai WT, Sheu SH, Su HM - - 1 - HYPERTENSION RESEARCH - HYPERTENS RES 2016;39(3):166-170
(IF: 3.208, Journal Ranking: 19, Number of Journals of this Field: 63, Ranking: 30.16%)


Association of Brachial-Ankle Pulse Wave Velocity and Cardiomegaly With Aortic Arch Calcification in Patients on Hemodialysis
¥Û©ú¸Û,§õ¬ü¤ë,¶À«T¸R,½²©y¯Â,³¯·çÊã,³¯«ä¹Å*,±i­õ»Ê,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - MEDICINE - MEDICINE 2016 95¨÷(19´Á):e3643­¶
(IF: 2.133, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 40, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 155, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 25.81%)

Association of Brachial-Ankle Pulse Wave Velocity and Cardiomegaly With Aortic Arch Calcification in Patients on Hemodialysis
Shin MC1, Lee MY, Huang JC, Tsai YC, Chen JH, Chen SC, Chang JM, Chen HC. - - 1 - MEDICINE - MEDICINE 2016;95(19):e3643
(IF: 2.133, Journal Ranking: 40, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 25.81%)


Association of Serum Uric Acid Concentration with Diabetic Retinopathy and Albuminuria in Taiwanese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
±ç´º¶W, ªLºÑ¬Ã, §õ¬ü¤ë, ³¯«ä¹Å, ¨¯¿ü¼ý, ¿½Âz®e, ªL©ø¼w, ®}Þ³À¢* - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES - INT J MOL SCI 2016 17¨÷(8´Á):E1248­¶
(IF: 3.121, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 52, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 163, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 31.90%)

Association of Serum Uric Acid Concentration with Diabetic Retinopathy and Albuminuria in Taiwanese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Ching-Chao Liang, Pi-Chen Lin, Mei-Yueh Lee, Szu-Chia Chen, Shyi-Jang Shin, Pi-Jung Hsiao, Kun-Der Lin, Wei-Hao Hsu - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES - INT J MOL SCI 2016;17(8):E1248
(IF: 3.121, Journal Ranking: 52, Number of Journals of this Field: 163, Ranking: 31.90%)


Systolic time intervals derived from electrocardiographic gated intra-renal artery Doppler waveform associated with left ventricular systolic function
§õ¤å½å,³\üø¶W,¦¶«T·½,³¯«ä¹Å,§õ¥°©þ,§õ©s¥ú,§õ´¼¶¯,ÃC¾Ç°¶,ªL©v¾Ë,·Å¤å¤~,¿à¤å¼w,³\³Ó¶¯,Ĭªe¦W* - - 1 - Scientific Reports - SCI REP-UK 2016 6¨÷(-´Á):29293­¶
(IF: 5.228, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 7, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 63, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 11.11%)

Systolic time intervals derived from electrocardiographic gated intra-renal artery Doppler waveform associated with left ventricular systolic function
Lee WH, Hsu PC, Chu CY, Chen SC, Lee HH, Lee MK, Lee CS, Yen HW, Lin TH, Voon WC, Lai WT, Sheu SH, Su HM - - 1 - Scientific Reports - SCI REP-UK 2016;6(-):29293
(IF: 5.228, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 63, Ranking: 11.11%)


³¯ºÑ¥É,³\µµ¿P,³Á¨qµ^,®}¬Õ¯u*,³¯«ä¹Å - - 9 - ¦w®õÂåÅ@Âø»x - 2016 22¨÷(1´Á):P13 -30­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Application of Root Cause Analysis to Improve the Safety for Dialysis Room Fall
Bi-Yu Chen , Tzu-Yen Hsu , Hsiu-Chin Mai ,Ying-Chen Hsu , Szu-Chia Chen - - 9 - ¦w®õÂåÅ@Âø»x - 2016;22(1):P13 -30
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Association of Ankle-Brachial Index and Aortic Arch Calcification with Overall and Cardiovascular Mortality in Hemodialysis
³¯«ä¹Å,§õ¬ü¤ë,¶À«T¸R,¥Û©ú¸Û*,±i­õ»Ê, ³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Scientific Reports - SCI REP-UK 2016 6¨÷(-´Á):33164­¶
(IF: 5.228, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 7, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 63, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 11.11%)

Association of Ankle-Brachial Index and Aortic Arch Calcification with Overall and Cardiovascular Mortality in Hemodialysis
Chen SC, Lee MY, Huang JC, Shih MC, Chang JM, Chen HC - - 1 - Scientific Reports - SCI REP-UK 2016;6(-):33164
(IF: 5.228, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 63, Ranking: 11.11%)


Association of Far-Infrared Radiation Therapy and Ankle-Brachial Index of Patients on Hemodialysis with Peripheral Artery Occlusive Disease
³¯«ä¹Å,§õ¬ü¤ë,¶À«T¸R,³¢©y½@,³Á¨qµ^,³¢¬fÅï,±i­õ»Ê*,¶À©|§Ó,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - International Journal of Medical Sciences - INT J MED SCI 2016 13¨÷(12´Á):970-976­¶
(IF: 2.232, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 37, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 155, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 23.87%)

Association of Far-Infrared Radiation Therapy and Ankle-Brachial Index of Patients on Hemodialysis with Peripheral Artery Occlusive Disease
Szu-Chia Chen, Mei-Yueh Lee1, Jiun-Chi Huang,, I-Ching Kuo, Hsiu-Chin Mai, Po-Lin Kuo, Jer-Ming Chang, Shang-Jyh Hwang, Hung-Chun Chen - - 1 - International Journal of Medical Sciences - INT J MED SCI 2016;13(12):970-976
(IF: 2.232, Journal Ranking: 37, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 23.87%)


Interankle systolic blood pressure difference and renal outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease
³¯«ä¹Å,½²©y¯Â,¶À«T´Ñ,§õ¯À¯],±i­õ»Ê*,¶À©|§Ó,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - NEPHROLOGY - NEPHROLOGY 2016 21¨÷(5´Á):379-86­¶
(IF: 1.796, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 39, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 77, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 50.65%)

Interankle systolic blood pressure difference and renal outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease
Chen SC, Tsai YC, Huang JC, Lee SC, Chang JM*, Hwang SJ, Chen HC - - 1 - NEPHROLOGY - NEPHROLOGY 2016;21(5):379-86
(IF: 1.796, Journal Ranking: 39, Number of Journals of this Field: 77, Ranking: 50.65%)


The Role of Galectin-3 in the Kidneys.
(IF: 3.257, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 52, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 163, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 31.90%)

The Role of Galectin-3 in the Kidneys.
(IF: 3.257, Journal Ranking: 52, Number of Journals of this Field: 163, Ranking: 31.90%)


Bone Metastasis from Renal Cell Carcinoma.
(IF: 3.257, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 52, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 163, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 31.90%)

Bone Metastasis from Renal Cell Carcinoma.
(IF: 3.257, Journal Ranking: 52, Number of Journals of this Field: 163, Ranking: 31.90%)


Significant Correlation between Brachial Pulse Pressure Index and Renal Resistive Index
§õ©s¥ú(CR), ³\üø¶W,¦¶«T·½, §õ¤å½å*,³¯«ä¹Å,³¯·×ÄQ,Ĭªe¦W, ªL©v¾Ë,·Å¤å¤~,¿à¤å¼w, ³\³Ó¶¯ - - 1 - Acta Cardiologica Sinica - ACTA CARDIOL SIN 2015 31¨÷(2´Á):98-105­¶
(IF: 0.331, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 121, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 123, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 98.37%)

Significant Correlation between Brachial Pulse Pressure Index and Renal Resistive Index
Meng-Kuang Lee, Po-Chao Hsu, Chun-Yuan Chu, Wen-Hsien Lee, Szu-Chia Chen, Huang-Chi Chen,Ho-Ming Su, Tsung-Hsien Lin, Wen-Chol Voon, Wen-Ter Lai1,Sheng-Hsiung Sheu - - 1 - Acta Cardiologica Sinica - ACTA CARDIOL SIN 2015;31(2):98-105
(IF: 0.331, Journal Ranking: 121, Number of Journals of this Field: 123, Ranking: 98.37%)


¶À«T¸R, ªL¯§½å, ªLÄRª´, ³¯«ä¹Å, ±i­õ»Ê, ¶À©|§Ó, ½²­õ¹Å*, ¬x±Ò´¼*, ³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2015 10¨÷(5´Á):e0126668­¶
(IF: 3.234, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 9, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 57, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15.79%)

Body Mass Index, Mortality, and Gender Difference in Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease
Huang JC, Lin HY, Lim LM, Chen SC, Chang JM, Hwang SJ, Tsai JC, Hung CC, Chen HC. - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2015;10(5):e0126668
(IF: 3.234, Journal Ranking: 9, Number of Journals of this Field: 57, Ranking: 15.79%)


Abnormally Low or High Ankle-Brachial Index Is Associated with Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetic Mellitus Patients.
³¯«ä¹Å,¿½Âz®e,¶À«T¸R,ªL©ø¼w,®}Þ³À¢,§õ¦t¤O,§õ¬ü¤ë*,±i­õ»Ê,¨¯¿ü¼ý - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2015 10¨÷(7´Á):e0134718­¶
(IF: 3.234, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 9, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 57, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15.79%)

Abnormally Low or High Ankle-Brachial Index Is Associated with Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetic Mellitus Patients.
Chen SC1, Hsiao PJ2, Huang JC3, Lin KD2, Hsu WH4, Lee YL5, Lee MY6, Chang JM7, Shin SJ8. - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2015;10(7):e0134718
(IF: 3.234, Journal Ranking: 9, Number of Journals of this Field: 57, Ranking: 15.79%)


Link between Peripheral Artery Disease and Heart Rate Variability in Hemodialysis Patients
³¯«ä¹Å, ³¯«Ø¨j,¶À«T¸R,§õ¬ü¤ë,³¯·çÊã,±i­õ»Ê*,¶À©|§Ó, ³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2015 10¨÷(8´Á):e0120459­¶
(IF: 3.234, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 9, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 57, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15.79%)

Link between Peripheral Artery Disease and Heart Rate Variability in Hemodialysis Patients
Szu-Chia Chen,Chien-Fu Chen, Jiun-Chi Huang, Mei-Yueh Lee, Jui-Hsin Chen - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2015;10(8):e0120459
(IF: 3.234, Journal Ranking: 9, Number of Journals of this Field: 57, Ranking: 15.79%)


Association of P-Wave Dispersion with Overall and Cardiovascular Mortality in Hemodialysis Patients
³¯«ä¹Å,Ĭªe¦W,¶À«T¸R,±i¬ì,½²©y¯Â,³¯­d©É,±i­õ»Ê*,¶À©|§Ó,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY - AM J NEPHROL 2015 42¨÷(3´Á):198-205­¶
(IF: 2.669, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 22, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 78, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 28.21%)

Association of P-Wave Dispersion with Overall and Cardiovascular Mortality in Hemodialysis Patients
Chen SC, Su HM, Huang JC, Chang K, Tsai YC, Chen LI, Chang JM, Hwang SJ, Chen HC. - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY - AM J NEPHROL 2015;42(3):198-205
(IF: 2.669, Journal Ranking: 22, Number of Journals of this Field: 78, Ranking: 28.21%)


Association of Interankle Systolic Blood Pressure Difference With Peripheral Vascular Disease and Left Ventricular
Ĭªe¦W,ªL©v¾Ë,³\¬f¶W,§õ¤å½å,¦¶«T·½,³¯«ä¹Å*,§õ´¼¶¯,·Å¤å¤~,¿à¤å¼w,³\³Ó¶¯ - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION - AM J HYPERTENS 2014 27¨÷(1´Á):32-37­¶
(IF: 3.402, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 20, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 65, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 30.77%)

Association of Interankle Systolic Blood Pressure Difference With Peripheral Vascular Disease and Left Ventricular
Su HM, Lin TH, Hsu PC, Lee WH, Chu CY, Chen SC, Lee CS, Voon WC, Lai WT, Sheu SH. - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION - AM J HYPERTENS 2014;27(1):32-37
(IF: 3.402, Journal Ranking: 20, Number of Journals of this Field: 65, Ranking: 30.77%)


Association of Bilateral Brachial-Ankle Pulse Wave Velocity Difference with Peripheral Vascular Disease and Left Ventricular Mass Index
Ĭªe¦W,ªL©v¾Ë,³\¬f¶W,§õ¤å½å,¦¶«T·½,³¯«ä¹Å*,§õ´¼¶¯,·Å¤å¤~,¿à¤å¼w,³\³Ó¶¯ - - 1 - PLOS ONE - PLOS ONE 2014 9¨÷(2´Á):e88331(1-6)­¶
(IF: 3.534, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 8, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 55, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 14.55%)

Association of Bilateral Brachial-Ankle Pulse Wave Velocity Difference with Peripheral Vascular Disease and Left Ventricular Mass Index
Ho-Ming Su,Tsung-Hsien Lin,Po-Chao Hsu, Wen-Hsien Lee, Chun-Yuan Chu1,Szu-Chia Chen, Chee-Siong Lee, Wen-Chol Voon, Wen-Ter Lai1, Sheng-Hsiung Sheu - - 1 - PLOS ONE - PLOS ONE 2014;9(2):e88331(1-6)
(IF: 3.534, Journal Ranking: 8, Number of Journals of this Field: 55, Ranking: 14.55%)


½²©y¯Â,½²­õ¹Å,³¯«ä¹Å,ªô©É¤å,¶À©|§Ó,³¯·OÀ²,³¢¬ü®S*,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF KIDNEY DISEASES - AM J KIDNEY DIS 2014 63¨÷(1´Á):68-75­¶
(IF: 5.756, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 5, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 77, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 6.49%)

Association of Fluid Overload With Kidney Disease Progression in Advanced CKD: A Prospective Cohort Study
Yi-Chun Tsai, Jer-Chia Tsai, Szu-Chia Chen, Yi-Wen Chiu, Shang-Jyh Hwang, Chi-Chih Hung, Tzu-Hui Chen, Mei-Chuan Kuo, Hung-Chun Chen - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF KIDNEY DISEASES - AM J KIDNEY DIS 2014;63(1):68-75
(IF: 5.756, Journal Ranking: 5, Number of Journals of this Field: 77, Ranking: 6.49%)


Anemia and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy With Renal Function Decline and Cardiovascular Events in Chronic Kidney Disease
±i­õ»Ê,³¯«ä¹Å,¶À«T¸R,Ĭªe¦W*,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES - AM J MED SCI 2014 347¨÷(3´Á):183-189­¶
(IF: 1.515, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 69, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 156, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 44.23%)

Anemia and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy With Renal Function Decline and Cardiovascular Events in Chronic Kidney Disease
Jer-Ming Chang, Szu-Chia Chen,Jiun-Chi Huang, Ho-Ming Su*,Hung-Chun Chen - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES - AM J MED SCI 2014;347(3):183-189
(IF: 1.515, Journal Ranking: 69, Number of Journals of this Field: 156, Ranking: 44.23%)


Discrepancy between Serological and Virological Analysis of Viral Hepatitis in Hemodialysis Patients
±i­õ»Ê,¶À³©®p,³¯«ä¹Å,À¹¹Å¨¥,¸­©ú­Û,¶À§Ó´I,³¢¦æ¹D*,²ø¸UÀs,§E©ú¶©,¶À©|§Ó,³¯ÂE¶v* - - 1 - International Journal of Medical Sciences - INT J MED SCI 2014 11¨÷(5´Á):436-441­¶
(IF: 1.552, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 65, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 156, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 41.67%)

Discrepancy between Serological and Virological Analysis of Viral Hepatitis in Hemodialysis Patients
Jer-Ming Chang, Chung-Feng Huang, Szu-Chia Chen, Chia-Yen Dai, Ming-Lun Yeh, Jee-Fu,Huang, Hsing-Tao Kuo, Wan-Long Chuang, Ming-Lung Yu, Shang-Jyh Hwang, Hung-Chun Chen - - 1 - International Journal of Medical Sciences - INT J MED SCI 2014;11(5):436-441
(IF: 1.552, Journal Ranking: 65, Number of Journals of this Field: 156, Ranking: 41.67%)


Associations of Pulse Pressure Index With Left Ventricular Filling Pressure and Diastolic Dysfunction in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease
§õ¤å½å, ³\üø¶W,¦¶«T·½,³¯«ä¹Å,Ĭªe¦W*,ªL©v¾Ë,§õ´¼¶¯,ÃC¾Ç°¶,·Å¤å¤~, ¿à¤å¼w, ³\³Ó¶¯ - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION - AM J HYPERTENS 2014 27¨÷(3´Á):454-459­¶
(IF: 3.402, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 20, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 65, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 30.77%)

Associations of Pulse Pressure Index With Left Ventricular Filling Pressure and Diastolic Dysfunction in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease
Lee WH, Hsu PC, Chu CY, Chen SC, Su HM*, Lin TH, Lee CS, Yen HW, Voon WC, Lai WT, Sheu SH. - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION - AM J HYPERTENS 2014;27(3):454-459
(IF: 3.402, Journal Ranking: 20, Number of Journals of this Field: 65, Ranking: 30.77%)


Association of Brachial-Ankle Pulse Wave Velocity,Ankle-Brachial Index and Ratio of Brachial Pre-Ejection Period to Ejection Time With Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
Ĭªe¦W,ªL©v¾Ë,³\¬f¶W,§õ´¼¶¯,§õ¤å½å,³¯«ä¹Å*,·Å¤å¤~,¿à¤å¼w,³\³Ó¶¯ - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES - AM J MED SCI 2014 347¨÷(4´Á):289-294­¶
(IF: 1.515, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 69, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 156, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 44.23%)

Association of Brachial-Ankle Pulse Wave Velocity,Ankle-Brachial Index and Ratio of Brachial Pre-Ejection Period to Ejection Time With Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
Ho-Ming Su, Tsung-Hsien Lin, Po-Chao Hsu,Chee-Siong Lee,Wen-Hsien Lee,Szu-Chia Chen*,Wen-Chol Voon,Wen-Ter Lai,Sheng-Hsiung Sheu - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES - AM J MED SCI 2014;347(4):289-294
(IF: 1.515, Journal Ranking: 69, Number of Journals of this Field: 156, Ranking: 44.23%)


¶À«T¸R,³¯«ä¹Å,ªL©ú«Û,±i­õ»Ê,¶À©|§Ó,½²­õ¹Å*,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - PLoS One - PLoS One 2014 9¨÷(5´Á):e96362(1-7)­¶
(IF: 3.534, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 8, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 55, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 14.55%)

Association of Relatives of Hemodialysis Patients with Metabolic Syndrome, Albuminuria and Framingham Risk Score
Jiun-Chi Huang, Szu Chia Chen, Ming-Yen Lin, Jer-Ming Chang, Shang-Jyh Hwang, Jer-Chia Tsai*, Hung-Chun Chen - - 1 - PLoS One - PLoS One 2014;9(5):e96362(1-7)
(IF: 3.534, Journal Ranking: 8, Number of Journals of this Field: 55, Ranking: 14.55%)


¶À«T¸R,ÃQ²Q»ö,³¯«ä¹Å,±i­õ»Ê,¬x±Ò´¼,Ĭªe¦W*,¶À©|§Ó,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - PLoS One - PLoS One 2014 9¨÷(7´Á):e101962­¶
(IF: 3.534, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 8, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 55, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 14.55%)

P Wave Dispersion and Maximum P Wave Duration Are Associated with Renal Outcomes in Chronic Kidney Disease
Jiun-Chi Huang, Shu-Yi Wei, Szu-Chia Chen, Jer-Ming Chang, Chi-Chih Hung, Ho- Ming Su*, Shang-Jyh Hwang, Hung-Chun Chen - - 1 - PLoS One - PLoS One 2014;9(7):e101962
(IF: 3.534, Journal Ranking: 8, Number of Journals of this Field: 55, Ranking: 14.55%)


R2CHADS2 score is significantly associated with ankle-brachial index <0.9 in patients without atrial fibrillation.
³\栢¶W,§õ¤å½å,ªô¥¿¦w,¦¶«T·½,³¯«ä¹Å,Ĭªe¦W*,ªL©v¾Ë,·Å¤å¤~,¿à¤å¼w,³\³Ó¶¯ - - 1 - Atherosclerosis - ATHEROSCLEROSIS 2014 236¨÷(2´Á):307-311­¶
(IF: 3.971, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 65, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 23.08%)

R2CHADS2 score is significantly associated with ankle-brachial index <0.9 in patients without atrial fibrillation.
Hsu PC, Lee WH, Chiu CA, Chu CY, Chen SC, Su HM, Lin TH, Voon WC, Lai WT, Sheu SH - - 1 - Atherosclerosis - ATHEROSCLEROSIS 2014;236(2):307-311
(IF: 3.971, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 65, Ranking: 23.08%)


Variability in Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate by Area under the Curve Predicts Renal Outcomes in Chronic Kidney Disease
³¯«ä¹Å,ªL©ú«Û,¶ÀÃüz,¬x±Ò´¼,ªô©É¤å,±i­õ»Ê,½²­õ¹Å*,¶À©|§Ó,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Scientific World Journal - SCI WORLD J 2014 2014¨÷(0´Á):802037(1-8)­¶
(IF: 1.219, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 16, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 55, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 29.09%)

Variability in Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate by Area under the Curve Predicts Renal Outcomes in Chronic Kidney Disease
Szu-Chia Chen, Ming-Yen Lin,Teng-Hui Huang, Chi-Chih Hung, Yi-Wen Chiu - - 1 - Scientific World Journal - SCI WORLD J 2014;2014(0):802037(1-8)
(IF: 1.219, Journal Ranking: 16, Number of Journals of this Field: 55, Ranking: 29.09%)


¦b¿}§¿¯f©M«D¿}§¿¯fªººC©ÊµÇŦ¯f¯f¤H¨ä¤ô¥÷¹L¦h, ¯ßªi³t«×©MÁu¹w®g¦å´Á©MÁu®g¦å®É¶¡¤ñ²vªºÃöÁp©Ê
½²©y¯Â, ªô©É¤å, ³¢¥°¨å, ³¯«ä¹Å, ¶À©|§Ó, ³¯·OÀ², ³¢¬ü®S*, ³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - PLoS One - PLoS One 2014 11¨÷(9´Á):e111000(1-8)­¶
(IF: 3.534, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 8, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 55, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 14.55%)

Fluid Overload, Pulse Wave Velocity, and Ratio of Brachial Pre-Ejection Period to Ejection Time in Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Chronic Kidney Disease
Yi-Chun Tsai, Yi-Wen Chiu, Hung-Tien Kuo, Szu-Chia Chen, Shang-Jyh Hwang, Tzu-Hui Chen, Mei-Chuan Kuo1, Hung-Chun Chen - - 1 - PLoS One - PLoS One 2014;11(9):e111000(1-8)
(IF: 3.534, Journal Ranking: 8, Number of Journals of this Field: 55, Ranking: 14.55%)


¦å²G³zªR¯f¤H©PÃä°Ê¯ß¯e¯f´c¤Æ¦]¤l : ¤@Áa³e©Ê¬ã¨s
³\¤W¤H,Ĭªe¦W,Á©ú®a,Ĭ¥Ú¥ß,³¯«ä¹Å*,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - KAOHSIUNG JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES - KAOHSIUNG J MED SCI 2013 29¨÷(2´Á):82-87­¶
(IF: 0.502, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 104, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 121, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 85.95%)

Risk factors of accelerated progression of peripheral artery disease in hemodialysis
Hsu SR, Su HM, Hsieh MC, Su SL, Chen SC, Chen HC. - - 1 - KAOHSIUNG JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES - KAOHSIUNG J MED SCI 2013;29(2):82-87
(IF: 0.502, Journal Ranking: 104, Number of Journals of this Field: 121, Ranking: 85.95%)


³¯«ä¹Å,±i­õ»Ê,¸­®É©s,Ĭªe¦W*,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION - AM J HYPERTENS 2013 26¨÷(2´Á):243-249­¶
(IF: 3.665, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 16, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 68, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 23.53%)

Association of uric Acid and left ventricular mass index with renal outcomes in chronic kidney disease.
Chen SC, Chang JM, Yeh SM, Su HM*, Chen HC. - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION - AM J HYPERTENS 2013;26(2):243-249
(IF: 3.665, Journal Ranking: 16, Number of Journals of this Field: 68, Ranking: 23.53%)


³¯«ä¹Å,¬x±Ò´¼(¦@¦P²Ä¤@),³¢¬ü®S,§õ¨Î»T,ªô©É¤å,±i­õ»Ê*,¶À©|§Ó,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2013 8¨÷(2´Á):e55643­¶
(IF: 3.73, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 7, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 56, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 12.50%)

Association of dyslipidemia with renal outcomes in chronic kidney disease.
Chen SC, Hung CC, Kuo MC, Lee JJ, Chiu YW, Chang JM, Hwang SJ, Chen HC. - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2013;8(2):e55643
(IF: 3.73, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 56, Ranking: 12.50%)


Ĭªe¦W,ªL©v¾Ë,³\¬f¶W,¦¶«T·½,§õ¤å½å,³¯«ä¹Å*,§õ´¼¶¯,·Å¤å¤~,¿à¤å¼w,³\³Ó¶¯ - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2013 8¨÷(2´Á):e55840­¶
(IF: 3.73, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 7, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 56, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 12.50%)

A Comparison between Brachial and Echocardiographic Systolic Time Intervals
Ho-Ming Su,Tsung-Hsien Lin,Po-Chao Hsu,Chun-Yuan Chu,Wen-Hsien Lee,Szu-Chia Chen,Chee-Siong Lee,Wen-Chol Voon,Wen-Ter Lai,Sheng-Hsiung Sheu - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2013;8(2):e55840
(IF: 3.73, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 56, Ranking: 12.50%)


³¯«ä¹Å,±i­õ»Ê,½²©y¯Â,¶À«T¸R,Ĭªe¦W*,¶À©|§Ó,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - International Journal of Medical Sciences - INT J MED SCI 2013 10¨÷(5´Á):575-584­¶
(IF: 2.065, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 38, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 155, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 24.52%)

Left Atrial Diameter and Albumin with Renal Outcomes in Chronic Kidney Disease
Szu-Chia Chen, Jer-Ming Chang, Yi-Chun Tsai, Jiun-Chi Huang, Ho-Ming Su*, Shang-Jyh Hwang, Hung-Chun Chen - - 1 - International Journal of Medical Sciences - INT J MED SCI 2013;10(5):575-584
(IF: 2.065, Journal Ranking: 38, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 24.52%)


³¯«ä¹Å,Ĭªe¦W(¦@¦P²Ä¤@), ½²©y¯Â,¶À«T¸R,±i­õ»Ê*,¶À©|§Ó,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2013 8¨÷(3´Á):e60008­¶
(IF: 3.73, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 7, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 56, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 12.50%)

Framingham Risk Score with Cardiovascular Events in Chronic Kidney Disease
Szu-Chia Chen, Ho-Ming Su, Yi-Chun Tsai, Jiun-Chi Huang, Jer-Ming Chang, Shang-Jyh Hwang, Hung-Chun Chen - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2013;8(3):e60008
(IF: 3.73, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 56, Ranking: 12.50%)


³¯«ä¹Å,±i­õ»Ê,½²©y¯Â,¶À«T¸R,³¯­d©É,Ĭªe¦W*,¶À©|§Ó,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - NEPHRON CLINICAL PRACTICE - NEPHRON CLIN PRACT 2013 123¨÷(1-2´Á):52-60­¶
(IF: 1.652, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 40, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 73, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 54.79%)

Ratio of Transmitral E-Wave Velocity to Early Diastole Mitral Annulus Velocity with Cardiovascular and Renal Outcomes in Chronic Kidney Disease
Szu-Chia Chen,Jer-Ming Chang,Yi-Chun Tsai, Jiun-Chi Huang,Ling-I Chen, Ho-Ming Su,Shang-Jyh Hwang,Hung-Chun Chen - - 1 - NEPHRON CLINICAL PRACTICE - NEPHRON CLIN PRACT 2013;123(1-2):52-60
(IF: 1.652, Journal Ranking: 40, Number of Journals of this Field: 73, Ranking: 54.79%)


Performance of the Framingham Risk Score in patients receiving hemodialysis
¶À«T¸R,³¯«ä¹Å,Ĭªe¦W,±i­õ»Ê*,¶À©|§Ó, ³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - NEPHROLOGY - NEPHROLOGY 2013 18¨÷(7´Á):510-515­¶
(IF: 1.688, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 38, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 73, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 52.05%)

Performance of the Framingham Risk Score in patients receiving hemodialysis
(IF: 1.688, Journal Ranking: 38, Number of Journals of this Field: 73, Ranking: 52.05%)


B7-1 expression regulates the hypoxia-driven cytoskeleton rearrangement in glomerular podocytes.
±i­õ»Ê, ¶À¹D´­, ³¯«ä¹Å, ³¢¬ü®S,¬x±Ò´¼,¶À©|§Ó,½²­õ¹Å, ³¯ÂE¶v* - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-RENAL PHYSIOLOGY - AM J PHYSIOL-RENAL 2013 304¨÷(1´Á):F127-36­¶
(IF: 3.612, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 12, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 73, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 16.44%)

B7-1 expression regulates the hypoxia-driven cytoskeleton rearrangement in glomerular podocytes.
Chang JM, Hwang DY, Chen SC, Kuo MC, Hung CC, Hwang SJ, Tsai JC, Chen HC. - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-RENAL PHYSIOLOGY - AM J PHYSIOL-RENAL 2013;304(1):F127-36
(IF: 3.612, Journal Ranking: 12, Number of Journals of this Field: 73, Ranking: 16.44%)


¦b¤@§¿¬r¯g¯f±w¬I¦æ¤¤¥¡ÀR¯ß¾ÉºÞ¸m¤Jµo¥Í­P©R©Ê¤§¤ß«ß¤£¾ã: ¯f¨Ò³ø§i»P¤åÄm¦^ÅU
¶À¶®¹t, ¶À«T¸R, ³¯«ä¹Å, ±i­õ»Ê*, ³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Hemodialysis International - HEMODIAL INT 2013 17¨÷(4´Á):644-648­¶
(IF: 1.44, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 49, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 73, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 67.12%)

Lethal cardiac arrhythmia during central venous catheterization in a uremic patient: A case report and review of the literature.
Ya-Chin HUANG, Jiun-Chi HUANG, Szu-Chia CHEN, Jer-Ming CHANG*, Hung-Chun CHEN - - 1 - Hemodialysis International - HEMODIAL INT 2013;17(4):644-648
(IF: 1.44, Journal Ranking: 49, Number of Journals of this Field: 73, Ranking: 67.12%)


Association of Metabolic Syndrome and Albuminuria with Cardiovascular Risk in Occupational Drivers Cardiovascular Risk in Occupational Drivers
³¯«ä¹Å,±i­õ»Ê,ªL©ú«Û,«J©s§D,½²­õ¹Å*,¶À©|§Ó,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - NTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES - INT J MOL SCI 2013 14¨÷(11´Á):21997-22010­¶
(IF: 2.464, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 48, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 152, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 31.58%)

Association of Metabolic Syndrome and Albuminuria with Cardiovascular Risk in Occupational Drivers Cardiovascular Risk in Occupational Drivers
Szu-Chia Chen, Jer-Ming Chang, Ming-Yen Lin, Meng-Ling Hou, Jer-Chia Tsai*,Shang-Jyh Hwang,Hung-Chun Chen - - 1 - NTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES - INT J MOL SCI 2013;14(11):21997-22010
(IF: 2.464, Journal Ranking: 48, Number of Journals of this Field: 152, Ranking: 31.58%)


Association of Cholesterol Levels with Mortality and Cardiovascular Events among Patients with CKD and Different Amounts of Proteinuria
³¯«ä¹Å,¬x±Ò´¼,½²©y¯Â,¶À«T¸R,³¢¬ü®S,§õ¨Î»T,ªô©É¤å,±i­õ»Ê*,¶À©|§Ó,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology - CLIN J AM SOC NEPHRO 2013 8¨÷(11´Á):1915-1926­¶
(IF: 5.068, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 6, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 73, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 8.22%)

Association of Cholesterol Levels with Mortality and Cardiovascular Events among Patients with CKD and Different Amounts of Proteinuria
Szu-Chia Chen,Chi-Chih Hung,Yi-Chun Tsai,Jiun-Chi Huang, Mei-Chuan Kuo,Jia-Jung Lee,Chiu YW, Chang JM*, Hwang SJ, Chen HC. - - 1 - Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology - CLIN J AM SOC NEPHRO 2013;8(11):1915-1926
(IF: 5.068, Journal Ranking: 6, Number of Journals of this Field: 73, Ranking: 8.22%)


¤ô¥÷¹L¦h¹ï±ß´ÁºC©ÊµÇŦ¯f¯f¤HµÇŦ¹w«á¬O§_¤ñ¿}§¿¯f¼vÅT§ó­«­n ?
½²©y¯Â,½²­õ¹Å,ªô©É¤å,³¢¥°¨å,³¯«ä¹Å,³¯·OÀ²,³¢¬ü®S*,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - PLOS ONE - PLOS ONE 2013 8¨÷(12´Á):e82566(1-7)­¶
(IF: 3.73, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 7, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 56, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 12.50%)

Is Fluid Overload More Important than Diabetes in Renal Progression in Late Chronic Kidney Disease?
Yi-Chun Tsai, Jer-Chia Tsai,Yi-Wen Chiu, Hung-Tien Kuo,Szu-Chia Chen, Shang-Jyh Hwang,Tzu-Hui Chen, Mei-Chuan Kuo*, Hung-Chun Chen - - 1 - PLOS ONE - PLOS ONE 2013;8(12):e82566(1-7)
(IF: 3.73, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 56, Ranking: 12.50%)


Arterial Stiffness in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease
³¯«ä¹Å,±i­õ»Ê,¼B°û§g,¤ý¶Ç¥Í,Ĭªe¦W*,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES - AM J MED SCI 2012 343¨÷(2´Á):109-113­¶
(IF: 1.391, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 65, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 155, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 41.94%)

Arterial Stiffness in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease
Szu-Chia Chen, Jer-Ming Chang, Wan-Chun Liu, Chuan-Sheng ,Wang,Ho-Ming Su, Hung-Chun Chen - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES - AM J MED SCI 2012;343(2):109-113
(IF: 1.391, Journal Ranking: 65, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 41.94%)


³¯«ä¹Å,±i­õ»Ê ,¼B°û§g,¶À«T¸R,½²­õ¹Å,ªL©ú«Û,Ĭªe¦W*,¶À©|§Ó,³¯ÂE¶v,Ĭªe¦W* - - 1 - NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION - NEPHROL DIAL TRANSPL 2012 27¨÷(3´Á):1064-1070­¶
(IF: 3.396, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 73, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 20.55%)

Echocardiographic parameters are independently associated with increased cardiovascular events in patients with chronic kidney disease
Szu-Chia Chen,Jer-Ming Chang, Wan-Chun Liu, Jiun-Chi Huang, Jer-Chia Tsai1,Ming-Yen Lin1, Ho-Ming Su*, Shang-Jyh Hwang, and Hung-Chun Chen, - - 1 - NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION - NEPHROL DIAL TRANSPL 2012;27(3):1064-1070
(IF: 3.396, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 73, Ranking: 20.55%)


³¯«ä¹Å,±i­õ»Ê,¼B°û§g,½²©y¯Â,½²­õ¹Å,Ĭªe¦W*,¶À©|§Ó,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Experimental Diabetes Research - EXP DIABETES RES 2012 2012¨÷(-´Á):789325­¶
(IF: 1.2, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 79, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 112, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 70.54%)

Stepwise Increases in Left VentricularMass Index and Decreases in Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Correspond with the Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease in Diabetes Patients
Szu-Chia Chen,Jer-Ming Chang,Wan-Chun Liu,Yi-Chun Tsai,Jer-Chia Tsai,Ho-Ming Su*, Shang-Jyh Hwang, Hung-Chun Chen - - 1 - Experimental Diabetes Research - EXP DIABETES RES 2012;2012(-):789325
(IF: 1.2, Journal Ranking: 79, Number of Journals of this Field: 112, Ranking: 70.54%)


³¯«ä¹Å,Ĭªe¦W,±i­õ»Ê,¼B°û§g,½²­õ¹Å,½²©y¯Â,ªL©ú«Û,¶À©|§Ó,³¯ÂE¶v* - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES - AM J MED SCI 2012 343¨÷(6´Á):440-445­¶
(IF: 1.391, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 65, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 155, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 41.94%)

Increasing Prevalence of Peripheral Artery Occlusive Disease in Hemodialysis Patients: A 2-Year Follow-Up
Chen SC, Su HM, Chang JM, Liu WC, Tsai JC, Tsai YC, Lin MY, Hwang SJ, Chen HC. - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES - AM J MED SCI 2012;343(6):440-445
(IF: 1.391, Journal Ranking: 65, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 41.94%)


Ĭªe¦W,ªL©v¾Ë,³\¬f¶W,¦¶«T·½,§õ¤å½å,³¯«ä¹Å*,§õ´¼¶¯,·Å¤å¤~, ¿à¤å¼w,³\³Ó¶¯ - - 1 - ATHEROSCLEROSIS - ATHEROSCLEROSIS 2012 223¨÷(1´Á):171-176­¶
(IF: 3.794, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 68, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 19.12%)

Impact of systolic time intervals on the relationship between arterial stiffness and left ventricular hypertrophy
Ho-Ming Su a,Tsung-Hsien Lin , Po-Chao Hsu, Chun-Yuan Chu, Wen-Hsien Lee,Szu-Chia Chen*, Chee-Siong Lee, Wen-Chol Voon, Wen-Ter Lai , Sheng-Hsiung Sheu - - 1 - ATHEROSCLEROSIS - ATHEROSCLEROSIS 2012;223(1):171-176
(IF: 3.794, Journal Ranking: 13, Number of Journals of this Field: 68, Ranking: 19.12%)


¼B°û§g,¬x±Ò´¼,³¯«ä¹Å,¸­®É©s,ªL©ú«Û, ªô©É¤å,³¢¬ü®S,±i­õ»Ê,¶À©|§Ó*,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology - CLIN J AM SOC NEPHRO 2012 7¨÷(4´Á):541-548­¶
(IF: 5.227, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 7, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 73, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 9.59%)

Association of Hyperuricemia with Renal Outcomes, Cardiovascular Disease , and Mortality
Liu WC, Hung CC, Chen SC, Yeh SM, Lin MY, Chiu YW, Kuo MC, Chang JM, Hwang SJ*, Chen HC - - 1 - Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology - CLIN J AM SOC NEPHRO 2012;7(4):541-548
(IF: 5.227, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 73, Ranking: 9.59%)


Ĭªe¦W,ªL©v¾Ë,³\üø¶W,¦¶«T·½,§õ¤å½å,³¯«ä¹Å*,§õ§Ó¶¯,·Å¤å¤~,¿à¤å¼w,³\³Ó¶¯ - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2012 7¨÷(9´Á):e44732­¶
(IF: 4.092, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 12, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 85, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 14.12%)

Abnormally Low and High Ankle-Brachial Indices Are Independently Associated with Increased Left Ventricular Mass Index in Chronic Kidney Disease
Ho-Ming Su, Tsung-Hsien Lin, Po-Chao Hsu, Chun-Yuan Chu, Wen-Hsien Lee1, Szu-Chia Chen*,Chee-Siong Lee, Wen-Chol Voon, Wen-Ter Lai, Sheng-Hsiung Sheu - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2012;7(9):e44732
(IF: 4.092, Journal Ranking: 12, Number of Journals of this Field: 85, Ranking: 14.12%)


³¯«ä¹Å,±i­õ»Ê,½²©y¯Â,½²­õ¹Å,Ĭªe¦W*,¶À©|§Ó,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology - CLIN J AM SOC NEPHRO 2012 7¨÷(10´Á):1646-1653­¶
(IF: 5.227, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 7, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 73, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 9.59%)

Association of Interleg BP Difference with Overall and Cardiovascular Mortality in Hemodialysis
Szu-Chia Chen,Jer-Ming Chang,Yi-Chun Tsai, Jer-Chia Tsai,Ho-Ming Su,Shang-Jyh Hwang, andHung-Chun Chen - - 1 - Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology - CLIN J AM SOC NEPHRO 2012;7(10):1646-1653
(IF: 5.227, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 73, Ranking: 9.59%)


Ĭªe¦W,ªL©v¾Ë,³\¬f¶W,§õ´¼¶¯,§õ¤å½å,³¯«ä¹Å*,·Å¤å¤~,¿à¤å¼w,³\³Ó¶¯ - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2012 7¨÷(10´Á):e48422­¶
(IF: 4.092, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 12, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 85, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 14.12%)

Association of Chronic Kidney Disease and Peripheral Artery Disease with Inappropriate Left Ventricular Mass
Su HM, Lin TH, Hsu PC, Lee CS, Lee WH, Chen SC*, Voon WC, Lai WT, Sheu SH - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2012;7(10):e48422
(IF: 4.092, Journal Ranking: 12, Number of Journals of this Field: 85, Ranking: 14.12%)


Ĭªe¦W,½²ºû¤¤,ªL©v¾Ë,³\üø¶W,¦¶«T·½,§õ¤å½å,³¯«ä¹Å*,ªL©ú«Û,§õ´¼¶¯,·Å¤å¤~,¿à¤å¼w,³\³Ó¶¯ - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2012 7¨÷(8´Á):e42815­¶
(IF: 4.092, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 12, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 85, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 14.12%)

P wave dispersion and maximum P wave duration are independently associated with rapid renal function decline
Su HM, Tsai WC, Lin TH, Hsu PC, Lee WH, Lin MY, Chen SC*, Lee CS, Voon WC, Lai WT,Sheu SH - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2012;7(8):e42815
(IF: 4.092, Journal Ranking: 12, Number of Journals of this Field: 85, Ranking: 14.12%)


³¯«ä¹Å,±i­õ»Ê,¼B°û§g,³¯ÃÀ¯§,³¯­d©É,¶À«T¸R,·¨©vÀC,Ĭªe¦W*,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - HYPERTENSION RESEARCH - HYPERTENS RES 2012 35¨÷(8´Á):832-838­¶
(IF: 2.576, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 28, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 68, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 41.18%)

The ratio of observed to predicted left ventricular mass is independently associated with increased cardiovascular events in patients with chronic kidney disease.
Chen SC, Chang JM, Liu WC, Chen YY, Chen LI, Huang JC, Yang TK, Su HM*, Chen HC. - - 1 - HYPERTENSION RESEARCH - HYPERTENS RES 2012;35(8):832-838
(IF: 2.576, Journal Ranking: 28, Number of Journals of this Field: 68, Ranking: 41.18%)


Predictor of poor coronary collaterals in chronic kidney disease population with significant coronary artery disease.
³\üø¶W, Suh-Hang Juo, Ĭªe¦W, ³¯«ä¹Å, ½²ºû¤¤, ¿à¤å¼w, ³\³Ó¶¯, ªL©v¾Ë* - - 1 - BMC Nephrology - BMC NEPHROL 2012 13¨÷(-´Á):98­¶
(IF: 2.176, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 29, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 73, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 39.73%)

Predictor of poor coronary collaterals in chronic kidney disease population with significant coronary artery disease.
Hsu PC, Juo SH, Su HM, Chen SC, Tsai WC, Lai WT, Sheu SH, Lin TH - - 1 - BMC Nephrology - BMC NEPHROL 2012;13(-):98
(IF: 2.176, Journal Ranking: 29, Number of Journals of this Field: 73, Ranking: 39.73%)


³¯«ä¹Å,±i­õ»Ê,¼B°û§g,¶À«T¸R,³¯ÃÀ¯§,·¨©vÀC,Ĭªe¦W*,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES - AM J MED SCI 2012 344¨÷(6´Á):457-461­¶
(IF: 1.391, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 65, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 155, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 41.94%)

Decrease in ankle-brachial index over time and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with hemodialysis
Chen SC, Chang JM, Liu WC, Huang JC, Chen YY, Yang TK, Su HM, Chen HC. - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES - AM J MED SCI 2012;344(6):457-461
(IF: 1.391, Journal Ranking: 65, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 41.94%)


¶À«T¸R,³¯«ä¹Å,·¨©vÀC,§E¤èºa,¼Ú¶§½á,±i­õ»Ê* - - 1 - BMC Nephrology - BMC NEPHROL 2012 13¨÷(-´Á):113­¶
(IF: 2.176, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 29, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 73, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 39.73%)

Peritoneal adhesion: it can be life-threatening, and life-saving.
Huang JC, Chen SC, Yang TK, Yu FJ, Ou-Yang F, Chang JM. - - 1 - BMC Nephrology - BMC NEPHROL 2012;13(-):113
(IF: 2.176, Journal Ranking: 29, Number of Journals of this Field: 73, Ranking: 39.73%)


³¯¬î¤ë,³¯·çÊã,³¯«ä¹Å,©P©ú½@,§õ¯À¯],¶ÀÄR§Q,³Á¨qµ^,±i­õ»Ê* - - 9 - »OÆWµÇŦÅ@²z¾Ç·|Âø»x - 2012 11¨÷(1´Á):27-34­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Investigation Into Effects of Early Nephrology Referral on Pre-dialysis Care, Vascular Access Creation and Mortality in Hemodialysis Patients
Chiu-Yueh Chen,Hsin-Jui Chen,Szu-Chia Chen,Ming-Chin Chou,Su-Chu Lee,Li-Li Huang,Shiu-Chin Mai,Jer-Ming Chang* - - 9 - »OÆWµÇŦÅ@²z¾Ç·|Âø»x - 2012;11(1):27-34
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


³¯«ä¹Å,±i­õ»Ê,½²©y¯Â,Ĭªe¦W*,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - HYPERTENSION RESEARCH - HYPERTENS RES 2012 35¨÷(12´Á):1159-1163­¶
(IF: 2.576, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 28, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 68, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 41.18%)

Brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity and brachial pre-ejection period to ejection time ratio with renal outcomes in chronic kidney disease.
Chen SC, Chang JM, Tsai YC, Su HM*, Chen HC - - 1 - HYPERTENSION RESEARCH - HYPERTENS RES 2012;35(12):1159-1163
(IF: 2.576, Journal Ranking: 28, Number of Journals of this Field: 68, Ranking: 41.18%)


³\栢¶W,¨ô¦g¯è,Ĭªe¦W,³¯«ä¹Å,½²ºû¤¤,¿à¤å¼w,³\³Ó¶¯,ªL©v¾Ë* - - 1 - BMC nephrology - BMC NEPHROL 2012 13¨÷(-´Á):98­¶
(IF: 2.176, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 29, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 73, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 39.73%)

Predictor of Poor Coronary Collaterals in Chronic Kidney Disease Population with Significant Coronary Artery Disease
Hsu PC, Juo SH, Su HM, Chen SC, Tsai WC, Lai WT, Sheu SH, Lin TH* - - 1 - BMC nephrology - BMC NEPHROL 2012;13(-):98
(IF: 2.176, Journal Ranking: 29, Number of Journals of this Field: 73, Ranking: 39.73%)


Association of Interarm Systolic Blood Pressure Difference with Atherosclerosis and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
Ĭªe¦W,ªL©v¾Ë,³\üø¶W,¦¶«T·½,§õ¤å½å,³¯«ä¹Å*,§õ´¼¶¯,·Å¤å¤~,¿à¤å¼w,³\³Ó¶¯ - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2012 7¨÷(8´Á):e41173­¶
(IF: 4.092, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 12, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 85, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 14.12%)

Association of Interarm Systolic Blood Pressure Difference with Atherosclerosis and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
Su HM1, Lin TH, Hsu PC, Chu CY, Lee WH, Chen SC, Lee CS, Voon WC, Lai WT, Sheu SH. - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2012;7(8):e41173
(IF: 4.092, Journal Ranking: 12, Number of Journals of this Field: 85, Ranking: 14.12%)


³¯·çÊã, ³¯«ä¹Å, ³¯¬î¤ë, ©P©ú½@, ³Á¨qµ^ ,¶ÀÄR§Q, §õ¯À¯], ±i­õ»Ê* - - 9 - »OÆWµÇŦÅ@²z¾Ç·|Âø»x (Journal of Taiwan Nephrology Nurses Association) - 2011 9¨÷(2´Á):33-44­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Slowing Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease by CKD Integrated Program
Jui-Hsin Chen ,Szu-Chia Chen,Chiu-Yueh Chen, Ming-Chin Chou,Shiu-Chin Mai Li-Li Haung,Su-Chu Lee, Jer-Ming Chang* - - 9 - »OÆWµÇŦÅ@²z¾Ç·|Âø»x (Journal of Taiwan Nephrology Nurses Association) - 2011;9(2):33-44
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity and rate of renal function decline and mortality in chronic kidney disease.
³¯«ä¹Å,±i­õ»Ê,¼B°û§g,½²©y¯Â,½²­õ¹Å,³\栢¶W,ªL©ú«Û,Ĭªe¦W*,¶À©|§Ó,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Clin J Am Soc Nephrol - CLIN J AM SOC NEPHRO 2011 6¨÷(4´Á):724-32­¶
(IF: 4.844, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 7, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 63, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 11.11%)

Brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity and rate of renal function decline and mortality in chronic kidney disease.
Chen SC, Chang JM, Liu WC, Tsai YC, Tsai JC, Hsu PC, Lin TH, Lin MY, Su HM, Hwang SJ, Chen HC - - 1 - Clin J Am Soc Nephrol - CLIN J AM SOC NEPHRO 2011;6(4):724-32
(IF: 4.844, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 63, Ranking: 11.11%)


³¯«ä¹Å, ±i­õ»Ê, ¼B°û§g,½²­õ¹Å,³¯­d©É,ªL©ú«Û,³\栢¶W,ªL©v¾Ë,Ĭªe¦W*,¶À©|§Ó,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Nephrol Dial Transplant - NEPHROL DIAL TRANSPL 2011 26¨÷(6´Á):1895-1902­¶
(IF: 3.306, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 63, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 20.63%)

Significant correlation between ratio of brachial pre-ejection period to ejection time and left ventricular ejection fraction and mass index in patients with chronic kidney disease.
Chen SC, Chang JM, Liu WC, Tsai JC, Chen LI, Lin MY, Hsu PC, Lin TH, Su HM, Hwang SJ, Chen HC. - - 1 - Nephrol Dial Transplant - NEPHROL DIAL TRANSPL 2011;26(6):1895-1902
(IF: 3.306, Journal Ranking: 13, Number of Journals of this Field: 63, Ranking: 20.63%)


¨Ï¥Îtranexamic acidªvÀø«y¦å®Éµo¥Í¥þ¨­©ÊªºµjÅ˾ɭP°ª®ò¦å¯g
¤ý¶Ç¥Í,·¨§Ó¤¯,³¯«ä¹Å,³¯·×ÄQ,¶À©ú½å* - - 1 - IRISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE - IRISH J MED SCI 2011 180¨÷(3´Á):761-3­¶
(IF: 0.696, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 91, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 132, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 68.94%)

Generalized convulsion resulted in hyperammonemia during treatment with tranexamic acid for hemoptysis.
Wang CS, Yang CJ, Chen SC, Chen HC, Huang MS*. - - 1 - IRISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE - IRISH J MED SCI 2011;180(3):761-3
(IF: 0.696, Journal Ranking: 91, Number of Journals of this Field: 132, Ranking: 68.94%)


³¯«ä¹Å,ªL©v¾Ë,³\þE¶W,±i­õ»Ê,§õ´¼¶¯,½²ºû¤¤,Ĭªe¦W*,·Å¤å¤~,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Hypertens Res. - HYPERTENS RES 2011 34¨÷(9´Á):1052-1058­¶
(IF: 2.353, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 31, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 66, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 46.97%)

Impaired left ventricular systolic function and increased brachial-ankle pulse-wave velocity are independently associated with rapid renal function progression.
Chen SC, Lin TH, Hsu PC, Chang JM, Lee CS, Tsai WC, Su HM*, Voon WC, Chen HC - - 1 - Hypertens Res. - HYPERTENS RES 2011;34(9):1052-1058
(IF: 2.353, Journal Ranking: 31, Number of Journals of this Field: 66, Ranking: 46.97%)


³¯«ä¹Å,Ĭªe¦W,¬x±Ò´¼,±i­õ»Ê,¼B°û§g,½²­õ¹Å,ªL©ú«Û,¶À©|§Ó*,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology - CLIN J AM SOC NEPHRO 2011 6¨÷(12´Á):2750-8­¶
(IF: 4.763, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 6, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 69, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 8.70%)

Echocardiographic Parameters are Independently Associated with Rate of Renal Function Decline and Progression to Dialysis in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
Chen SC, Su HM, Hung CC, Chang JM, Liu WC, Tsai JC, Lin MY, Hwang SJ, Chen HC. - - 1 - Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology - CLIN J AM SOC NEPHRO 2011;6(12):2750-8
(IF: 4.763, Journal Ranking: 6, Number of Journals of this Field: 69, Ranking: 8.70%)


Á©ú®a,Ĭªe¦W,¤ýµÎ»ö,½²ªFµØ,ªL¥@ÅM,³¯«ä¹Å*,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - RENAL FAILURE - RENAL FAILURE 2011 33¨÷(10´Á):977-82­¶
(IF: 0.79, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 59, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 69, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 85.51%)

Significant Correlation between Left Ventricular Systolic and Diastolic Dysfunction and Decreased Glomerular Filtration Rate.
Hsieh MC, Su HM, Wang SY, Tsai DH, Lin SD, Chen SC, Chen HC. - - 1 - RENAL FAILURE - RENAL FAILURE 2011;33(10):977-82
(IF: 0.79, Journal Ranking: 59, Number of Journals of this Field: 69, Ranking: 85.51%)


The rs1014290 polymorphism of the SLC2A9 gene is associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Han Chinese.
¼B°û§g, ¬x±Ò´¼, ³¯«ä¹Å, ªL©ú«Û, ³¯­d©É, ¶À¹D´­, ±i­õ»Ê, ½²­õ¹Å, ³¯ÂE¶v, ¶À©|§Ó* - - 1 - Exp Diabetes Res - EXP DIABETES RES 2011 0¨÷(0´Á):527520­¶
(IF: 1.528, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 67, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 106, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 63.21%)

The rs1014290 polymorphism of the SLC2A9 gene is associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Han Chinese.
Liu WC, Hung CC, Chen SC, Lin MY, Chen LI, Hwang DY, Chang JM, Tsai JC, Chen HC, Hwang SJ. - - 1 - Exp Diabetes Res - EXP DIABETES RES 2011;0(0):527520
(IF: 1.528, Journal Ranking: 67, Number of Journals of this Field: 106, Ranking: 63.21%)


³¯«ä¹Å,¶À©|§Ó,½²­õ¹Å,¼B°û§g,¶À¯À­s,©P©ú½@,ªL©ú«Û,±i­õ»Ê*,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Am J Med Sci. - AM J MED SCI 2010 339¨÷(2´Á):123-126­¶
(IF: 1.36, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 58, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 107, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 54.21%)

Early nephrology referral is associated with prolonged survival in hemodialysis patients even after exclusion of lead-time bias.
Chen SC, Hwang SJ, Tsai JC, Liu WC, Hwang SC, Chou MC, Lin MY, Chang JM*, Chen HC. - - 1 - Am J Med Sci. - AM J MED SCI 2010;339(2):123-126
(IF: 1.36, Journal Ranking: 58, Number of Journals of this Field: 107, Ranking: 54.21%)


³¯«ä¹Å,±i­õ»Ê,¶À©|§Ó,½²­õ¹Å,¼B°û§g, ¤ý¶Ç¥Í,ªL©v¾Ë,Ĭªe¦W*,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Nephrology - NEPHROLOGY 2010 15¨÷(0´Á):294¡V299­¶
(IF: 1.215, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 44, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 57, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 77.19%)

Ankle brachial index as a predictor for mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease and undergoing haemodialysis
(IF: 1.215, Journal Ranking: 44, Number of Journals of this Field: 57, Ranking: 77.19%)


½²­õ¹Å, ³¯«ä¹Å, ¶À©|§Ó, ±i­õ»Ê, ªL©ú«Û, ³¯ÂE¶v* - - 1 - Am J Kidney Dis - AM J KIDNEY DIS 2010 55¨÷(5´Á):856-66­¶
(IF: 5.152, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 4, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 63, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 6.35%)

Prevalence and risk factors for CKD in spouses and relatives of hemodialysis patients.
Tsai JC, Chen SC, Hwang SJ, Chang JM, Lin MY, Chen HC - - 1 - Am J Kidney Dis - AM J KIDNEY DIS 2010;55(5):856-66
(IF: 5.152, Journal Ranking: 4, Number of Journals of this Field: 63, Ranking: 6.35%)


³¯«ä¹Å, ¼B°û§g, ¤ý¶Ç¥Í, ±i¬ü¥É, ªL¯§½å, §õ¯À¯], ±i­õ»Ê*, ³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Kaohsiung J Med Sci - KAOHSIUNG J MED SCI 2010 26¨÷(9´Á):502¡V505­¶
(IF: 0.607, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 83, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 92, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 90.22%)

Szu-Chia Chen, Wan-Chun Liu, Chuan-Sheng Wang, Mei-Yu Jang, Hugo You-Hsien Lin, Su-Chu Lee, Jer-Ming Chang*, Hung-Chun Chen - - 1 - Kaohsiung J Med Sci - KAOHSIUNG J MED SCI 2010;26(9):502¡V505
(IF: 0.607, Journal Ranking: 83, Number of Journals of this Field: 92, Ranking: 90.22%)


³¯«ä¹Å,±i­õ»Ê,½²­õ¹Å,ªL©v¾Ë,³\¬f¶W,Ĭªe¦W*,·Å¤å¤~,¶À©|§Ó,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Circ J. - CIRC J 2010 74¨÷(10´Á):2206-10.­¶
(IF: 2.692, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 36, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 95, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 37.89%)

A Systolic Parameter Defined as the Ratio of Brachial Pre-Ejection Period to Brachial Ejection Time Predicts Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease
Szu-Chia Chen, Jer-Ming Chang, MD, Jer-Chia Tsai, Tsung-Hsien Lin, Po-Chao Hsu, MD; Ho-Ming Su*, Wen-Chol Voon, Shang-Jyh Hwang, Hung-Chun Chen - - 1 - Circ J. - CIRC J 2010;74(10):2206-10.
(IF: 2.692, Journal Ranking: 36, Number of Journals of this Field: 95, Ranking: 37.89%)


µÇ¯f¯g­Ô¸s¦X¨Ö­P©R©ÊªÍ°Ê¯ß®ê¶ë ¡X¯f¨Ò³ø§i
³¯«ä¹Å, ¼B°û§g, §õ¬F¾Ç, ±i­õ»Ê*, ³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - KAOHSIUNG J MED SCI - KAOHSIUNG J MED SCI 2010 26¨÷(2´Á):89-95­¶
(IF: 0.607, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 83, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 92, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 90.22%)

Nephrotic syndrome complicated by life-threatening pulmonary embolism in an adult patient.
Chen SC, Liu WC, Lee CH, Chang JM, Chen HC. - - 1 - KAOHSIUNG J MED SCI - KAOHSIUNG J MED SCI 2010;26(2):89-95
(IF: 0.607, Journal Ranking: 83, Number of Journals of this Field: 92, Ranking: 90.22%)


³¯«ä¹Å,±i­õ»Ê,¶À©|§Ó,½²­õ¹Å,¤ý¶Ç¥Í,³Á¨qµ^,ªL»ñ¥P,Ĭªe¦W*,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Clin J Am Soc Nephrol - CLIN J AM SOC NEPHRO 2009 4¨÷(1´Á):128-134­¶
(IF: 2.236, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 19, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 55, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 34.55%)

Significant Correlation between Ankle-Brachial Index and Vascular Access Failure in Hemodialysis Patients
Chen SC, Chang JM, Hwang SJ, Tsai JC, Wang CS, Mai HC, Lin FH, Su HM*, Chen HC - - 1 - Clin J Am Soc Nephrol - CLIN J AM SOC NEPHRO 2009;4(1):128-134
(IF: 2.236, Journal Ranking: 19, Number of Journals of this Field: 55, Ranking: 34.55%)


³¯«ä¹Å,±i¬ü¥É,¤ý¶Ç¥Í,½²©[Ä_,²ø²Q´f,³¯·×ÄQ*,±i­õ»Ê - - 0 - Ann Pharmacother - ANN PHARMACOTHER 2009 43¨÷(2´Á):375-378­¶
(IF: 1.985, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 114, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 205, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 55.61%)

Cocaine-Related Vasculitis Causing Scrotal Gangrene
Szu-Chia Chen, Mei-Yu Jang, Chuan-Sheng Wang, Kun-Bow Tsai, Shu-Hui Chuang, Huang-Chi Chen*, Jer-Ming Chang - - 0 - Ann Pharmacother - ANN PHARMACOTHER 2009;43(2):375-378
(IF: 1.985, Journal Ranking: 114, Number of Journals of this Field: 205, Ranking: 55.61%)


Comparison of ankle-brachial index and brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity between patients with chronic kidney disease and hemodialysis.
³¯«ä¹Å, ±i­õ»Ê, ¶À©|§Ó, ³¯·çÊã, ªL»ñ¥P, Ĭªe¦W*, ³¯ÂE¶v. - - 1 - AM J NEPHROL - AM J NEPHROL 2009 29¨÷(5´Á):374-380.­¶
(IF: 2.182, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 21, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 55, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 38.18%)

Comparison of ankle-brachial index and brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity between patients with chronic kidney disease and hemodialysis.
Chen SC, Chang JM, Hwang SJ, Chen JH, Lin FH, Su HM, Chen HC. - - 1 - AM J NEPHROL - AM J NEPHROL 2009;29(5):374-380.
(IF: 2.182, Journal Ranking: 21, Number of Journals of this Field: 55, Ranking: 38.18%)


³¯·çÊã,³¯«ä¹Å,¼B°û§g,Ĭªe¦W,³¯¬î¤ë,³Á¨qµ^,©P©ú½@,±i­õ»Ê* - - 0 - Kaohsiung J Med Sci - 2009 25¨÷(7´Á):366-373­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Determinants of peripheral arterial stiffness in patients with chronic kidney disease in southern taiwan.
Jui-Hsin Chen, Szu-Chia Chen, Wan-Chun Liu, Ho-Ming HO, Chiu-Yueh Chen, Hsiu-Chin Mai, Ming-Chin Chou, Jer-Ming Chang* - - 0 - Kaohsiung J Med Sci - 2009;25(7):366-373
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


³¯«ä¹Å,±i­õ»Ê,¤ý¶Ç¥Í,§dßNÏÉ,³¯·×ÄQ* - - 1 - Nephrology (Carlton). - NEPHROLOGY 2009 14¨÷(6´Á):621-622­¶
(IF: 1.215, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 44, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 57, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 77.19%)

Upper limb deep vein thrombosis following calcium gluconate injection.
Chen SC, Chang JM, Wang CS, Wu HC, Chen HC*. - - 1 - Nephrology (Carlton). - NEPHROLOGY 2009;14(6):621-622
(IF: 1.215, Journal Ranking: 44, Number of Journals of this Field: 57, Ranking: 77.19%)


¦]¤¤¥¡ÀR¯ß´¡ºÞ¾É­PÁa»JµÄ¦å¸~: ¤@¤Ö¨£¥X¼g­ì¦]
³¯«ä¹Å,¤ý¶Ç¥Í,²ø²Q´f,³¯·çÊã,©P©ú½@,³¯·×ÄQ*,±i­õ»Ê - - 0 - Kaohsiung J Med Sci - 2009 25¨÷(8´Á):460-464­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Mediastinal Hematoma Caused by Central Venous Catheterization: A Rare Cause of Obscure Blood Loss
Szu-Chia Chen, Chuan-Sheng Wang, Shu-Hui Chuang, Jui-Hsin Chen, Ming-Chin Chou, Huang-Chi Chen*, Jer-Ming Chang - - 0 - Kaohsiung J Med Sci - 2009;25(8):460-464
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Intraperitoneal bladder rupture presenting as acute bloody ascites and oliguric acute renal failure in an alcoholic liver cirrhosis patient
³¯«ä¹Å,±i­õ»Ê,¤ý¶Ç¥Í,³¢¬L§»*,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Clin Nephrol - CLIN NEPHROL 2009 72¨÷(5´Á):394-396­¶
(IF: 1.413, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 41, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 57, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 71.93%)

Intraperitoneal bladder rupture presenting as acute bloody ascites and oliguric acute renal failure in an alcoholic liver cirrhosis patient
Chen SC, Chang JM, Wang CS, Kuo CH*, Chen HC - - 1 - Clin Nephrol - CLIN NEPHROL 2009;72(5):394-396
(IF: 1.413, Journal Ranking: 41, Number of Journals of this Field: 57, Ranking: 71.93%)


An association between ankle-brachial index below 0.9 and arteriovenous fistula failure in diabetic patients with hemodialysis.
³¯«ä¹Å,±i­õ»Ê,¶À©|§Ó,¤ý¶Ç¥Í,¼B°û§g,³¯·çÊã,Ĭªe¦W*,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Clinical Nephrology - CLIN NEPHROL 2009 72¨÷(6´Á):501-502­¶
(IF: 1.413, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 41, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 57, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 71.93%)

An association between ankle-brachial index below 0.9 and arteriovenous fistula failure in diabetic patients with hemodialysis.
Chen SC, Chang JM, Hwang SJ, Wang CS, Liu WC, Chen JH, Su HM*, Chen HC. - - 1 - Clinical Nephrology - CLIN NEPHROL 2009;72(6):501-502
(IF: 1.413, Journal Ranking: 41, Number of Journals of this Field: 57, Ranking: 71.93%)


³¯«ä¹Å,³¢¬ü®S,¬x±Ò´¼,¶À«T¶¯,³¯ÂE¶v* - - 0 - Dialysis & Transplantation - DIALYSIS TRANSPLANT 2009 38¨÷(8´Á):332-334­¶
(IF: 0.297, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 55, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 57, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 96.49%)

Delayed Recovery of Accelerated Acute Rejection
Szu-Chia Chen, Mei-Chuan Kuo, Chi-Chih Hung, Chun-Hsiung Huang, Hung-Chun Chen* - - 0 - Dialysis & Transplantation - DIALYSIS TRANSPLANT 2009;38(8):332-334
(IF: 0.297, Journal Ranking: 55, Number of Journals of this Field: 57, Ranking: 96.49%)


³¯«ä¹Å,±i­õ»Ê,¶À©|§Ó,³¯·çÊã,ªL»ñ¥P,Ĭªe¦W*,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - Am J Nephrol - AM J NEPHROL 2008 29¨÷(5´Á):374-380­¶
(IF: 3.164, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 12, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 57, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 21.05%)

Comparison of Ankle-Brachial Index and Brachial-Ankle Pulse Wave Velocity between Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease and Hemodialysis
Chen SC, Chang JM, Hwang SJ, Chen JH, Lin FH, Su HM*, Chen HC - - 1 - Am J Nephrol - AM J NEPHROL 2008;29(5):374-380
(IF: 3.164, Journal Ranking: 12, Number of Journals of this Field: 57, Ranking: 21.05%)


³¯«ä¹Å, Ĭªe¦W,³Á¨qµ^,³¯·çÊã,³¯¬î¤ë,±i­õ»Ê*,³¯ÂE¶v - - 0 - Kaohsiung J Med Sci - 2008 24¨÷(9´Á):473-480­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Szu-Chia Chen, Ho-Ming Su, Hsiu-Chin Mai, Jui-Hsin Chen, Chiu-Yueh Chen,Jer-Ming Chang*, Hung-Chun Chen - - 0 - Kaohsiung J Med Sci - 2008;24(9):473-480
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


¤ý¶Ç¥Í,·¨§Ó¤¯,³¯«ä¹Å,³¯·×ÄQ,¶À©ú½å* - - 1 - The International Journal of Artificial Organs - INT J ARTIF ORGANS 2008 31¨÷(12´Á):1059-1061­¶
(IF: 1.277, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 28, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 44, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 63.64%)

Hepatic migration of a catheter fragment followed by disconnection of a totally implantable venous access port
Wang CS, Yang CJ, Chen SC, Chen HC, Huang MS* - - 1 - The International Journal of Artificial Organs - INT J ARTIF ORGANS 2008;31(12):1059-1061
(IF: 1.277, Journal Ranking: 28, Number of Journals of this Field: 44, Ranking: 63.64%)


Slowing Renal Function Decline in CKD Patients after Nephrology Referral.
³¯«ä¹Å,±i­õ»Ê,©P©ú½@,ªL©ú«Û,³¯·çÊã,®]¹Å¼z,ÅU¶i¸Î,¶À©|§Ó*,³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - NEPHROLOGY - NEPHROLOGY 2008 13¨÷(8´Á):730-736­¶
(IF: 1.241, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 41, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 55, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 74.55%)

Slowing Renal Function Decline in CKD Patients after Nephrology Referral.
Chen SC, Chang JM, Chou MC, Lin MY, Chen JH, Sun JH, Guh JY, Hwang SJ*, Chen HC. - - 1 - NEPHROLOGY - NEPHROLOGY 2008;13(8):730-736
(IF: 1.241, Journal Ranking: 41, Number of Journals of this Field: 55, Ranking: 74.55%)


Aristolochic acid nephropathy due to herbal drug intake manifested differently as Fanconi's syndrome and end-stage renal failure--a 7-year follow-up.
¦¿¯\¼ü, ªô©É¤å, ³¢¬ü®S, ³¯«ä¹Å, ±i­õ»Ê, ½²­õ¹Å, ¶À©|§Ó*, ³¯ÂE¶v - - 1 - CLIN NEPHROL - CLIN NEPHROL 2008 70¨÷(6´Á):537-41­¶
(IF: 1.32, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 40, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 55, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 72.73%)

Aristolochic acid nephropathy due to herbal drug intake manifested differently as Fanconi's syndrome and end-stage renal failure--a 7-year follow-up.
Kong PI, Chiu YW, Kuo MC, Chen SC, Chang JM, Tsai JC, Hwang SJ*, Chen HC - - 1 - CLIN NEPHROL - CLIN NEPHROL 2008;70(6):537-41
(IF: 1.32, Journal Ranking: 40, Number of Journals of this Field: 55, Ranking: 72.73%)


³¯«ä¹Å, ¬x±Ò´¼, ³\¥ò¨¹, ªô©É¤å, ¼B¯q©÷, ½²­õ¹Å*, ³¯ÂE¶v - - 9 - Kaohsiung J Med Sci - 2007 23¨÷(11´Á):579-583­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Recurrent acute renal failure in a patient with aplastic anemia-paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria syndrome: a case report.
Szu-Chia Chen, Chi-Chih Hung, Chung-Pang Hsu, Yi-Wen Chiu, Yi-Chang Liu, Jer-Chia Tsai*, and Hung-Chun Chen - - 9 - Kaohsiung J Med Sci - 2007;23(11):579-583
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Ĭªe¦W,±i­õ»Ê,ªL鳯¥P,³¯«ä¹Å,·Å¤å¤~,¾G³ÍÂE,¤ý¶Ç¥Í,ªL©v¾Ë*,¿à¤å¼w,³\³Ó¶¯ - - 1 - Hypertens Res - HYPERTENS RES 2007 30¨÷(10´Á):965-970­¶
(IF: 2.951, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 20, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 54, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 37.04%)

Influence of different measurement time points on brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity and ankle-brachial index in hemodialysis patients.
Su HM, Chang JM, Lin FH, Chen SC, Voon WC, Cheng KH, Wang CS, Lin TH*, Lai WT, Sheu SH - - 1 - Hypertens Res - HYPERTENS RES 2007;30(10):965-970
(IF: 2.951, Journal Ranking: 20, Number of Journals of this Field: 54, Ranking: 37.04%)


YEAR ¡X Source ¡X No ¡X Type
Project Name
112 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X NSTC112-2314-B-037-066 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
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2023/08/01 ~ 2024/07/31
106 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST106-2314-B-037-052 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
µL½u¤ß¹q¤ß­µ·P´ú¾¹¹ï°ª¦MÀI±Ú¸sªºÁ{§É¹w«á( )
2017/08/01 ~ 2018/07/31
105 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST105-2314-B-037-016 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
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2016/08/01 ~ 2017/07/31
102 ¡X Y °ªÂå-¹ü°ò¦X§@­pµe ¡X 103-CCH-KMU-003 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
±´°QºC©ÊµÇ°IºÜ¯f¤H¤ß²vÅܲ§©ÊÅܤÆ( )
2014/06/01 ~ 2015/05/31
101 ¡X Q ·s¸u±Ð®v­pµe(®Õ¤º) ¡X KMU-Q102020(Àò¨ä¥L¸É§U) ¡X  
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2012/12/01 ~ 2013/12/31
