
School — Major — Degree Duration

高雄醫學大學 — 護理學系(畢) — 博士

Doctorate, School of Nursing, Kaohsiung Medical University

2002/09 — 2010/06

高雄醫學院 — 護理學研究所(畢) — 碩士

Master, Graduate Institute of Nursing, Kaohsiung Medical College

1997/09 — 1999/06

高雄醫學院 — 護理學系(畢) — 學士

Bachelor, School of Nursing, Kaohsiung Medical College

1993/09 — 1996/06

 Intramural Experience

Office/Department/Institute Position Duration
護理部 Nursing Department   Registered Nurse   —  
護理學系 School of Nursing   Assistant Professor 2010/08/01 —  
護理學系 School of Nursing   Lecturer 1999/08/01 — 2010/07/31

 Extramural Experience



NO Discipline Expertise
1 生物醫農類 Biology, Medicine and Agriculture 護理 Nursing

 Research & Technology Platform Open to the Outside


 Interested Area(s)for Interdisciplinary Research



 Area(s) of Expertise & Research


symptom management intervention study acupoint stimulation


NO Publication

Effectiveness of Chewing Gum on Nausea and Vomiting Following Postprocedure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
廖桂林, 王秀紅, 楊麗玉, 徐逸芬, 周汎澔*, 朱怡瑾 - - 2 - JOURNAL OF PERIANESTHESIA NURSING - JOURNAL OF PERIANESTHESIA NURSING 2024 39卷(3期):417-424頁
(IF: 1.6, 領域排名: 88, 領域期刊數: 191, 領域排名: 46.07%)

Effectiveness of Chewing Gum on Nausea and Vomiting Following Postprocedure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Kuei-Lin Liao, Hsiu-Hung Wang, Li-Yu Yang, Yi-Fen Hsu, Fan-Hao Chou, Yi-Chin Chu - - 2 - JOURNAL OF PERIANESTHESIA NURSING - JOURNAL OF PERIANESTHESIA NURSING 2024;39(3):417-424
(IF: 1.6, Journal Ranking: 88, Number of Journals of this Field: 191, Ranking: 46.07%)


Ankle-brachial index associates with arteriovenous fistula stenosis
Kai-Ni Lee, Chien-An Chen*,; Chieh Kuo, 楊麗玉* - - 1 - The journal of vascular access - JOURNAL OF VASCULAR ACCESS 2024 7卷(11期):0-0頁
(IF: 1.6, 領域排名: 65, 領域期刊數: 96, 領域排名: 67.71%)

Ankle-brachial index associates with arteriovenous fistula stenosis
Kai-Ni Lee, Chien-An Chen*,; Chieh Kuo, Li-Yu Yang* - - 1 - The journal of vascular access - JOURNAL OF VASCULAR ACCESS 2024;7(11):0-0
(IF: 1.6, Journal Ranking: 65, Number of Journals of this Field: 96, Ranking: 67.71%)


Effectiveness of Digital Education on Human Papillomavirus Knowledge, Vaccination Intent and Completion Rates in Adolescents and Young Adults: A Meta-Analysis
Yudisa Diaz Lutfi Sandi, 楊麗玉, Esti Andarini, Dewi Maryam, 吳麗敏* - - 2 - Journal of Advanced Nursing - JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING 2024 0卷(0期):1-15頁
(IF: 3.8, 領域排名: 6, 領域期刊數: 191, 領域排名: 3.14%)

Effectiveness of Digital Education on Human Papillomavirus Knowledge, Vaccination Intent and Completion Rates in Adolescents and Young Adults: A Meta-Analysis
Yudisa Diaz Lutfi Sandi, Li-Yu Yang, Esti Andarini, Dewi Maryam, Li-Min Wu* - - 2 - Journal of Advanced Nursing - JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING 2024;0(0):1-15
(IF: 3.8, Journal Ranking: 6, Number of Journals of this Field: 191, Ranking: 3.14%)


沈季香, 楊麗玉*, 楊志仁 - - 9 - 台灣醫學 - 2023 27卷(4期):399-407頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Predicting Factors of Survival in Patients with Lung Cancer in Southern Taiwan
Chi-Hsiang Shen, Li-Yu Yang*, Chih-Jen Yang - - 9 - 台灣醫學 - 2023;27(4):399-407
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Effects of Electrical Stimulation of Acupoints on Xerostomia for Patients Who Undergo Hemodialysis
楊麗玉, 李碧娥, 李凱妮, 陳建安* - - 2 - Healthcare - HEALTHCARE 2022 10卷(3期):498頁
(IF: 3.16, 領域排名: 35, 領域期刊數: 88, 領域排名: 39.77%)

Effects of Electrical Stimulation of Acupoints on Xerostomia for Patients Who Undergo Hemodialysis
Li-Yu Yang, Bih-O Lee, Kai-Ni Lee, Chien-An Chen* - - 2 - Healthcare - HEALTHCARE 2022;10(3):498
(IF: 3.16, Journal Ranking: 35, Number of Journals of this Field: 88, Ranking: 39.77%)


Reduction in hemodialysis catheter-related bloodstream infections after implementation of a novel care program
李凱妮, 陳建安*, 伍佳惠, 楊麗玉* - - 1 - Hemodialysis International - HEMODIALYSIS INTERNATIONAL 2022 26卷(3期):308-313頁
(IF: 1.543, 領域排名: 77, 領域期刊數: 90, 領域排名: 85.56%)

Reduction in hemodialysis catheter-related bloodstream infections after implementation of a novel care program
Kai-Ni Lee, Chien-An Chen*, Chia-Hui Wu, Li-Yu Yang* - - 1 - Hemodialysis International - HEMODIALYSIS INTERNATIONAL 2022;26(3):308-313
(IF: 1.543, Journal Ranking: 77, Number of Journals of this Field: 90, Ranking: 85.56%)


沈季香,楊麗玉* - - 9 - 護理雜誌 - 2020 67卷(2期):58-64頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Impact of Chest Physical Therapy on Length of Stay and Medical Expenditures for Patients With Pulmonary Infection
Chi-Hsiang Shen,Li-Yu Yang* - - 9 - 護理雜誌 - 2020;67(2):58-64
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


沈季香,楊麗玉* - - 8 - 臺灣公共衛生雜誌 - 2020 39卷(6期):686-695頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Characteristics and factors influencing length of stay in hospitalized patients with pneumonia
Chi-Hsiang Shen, Li-Yu Yang* - - 8 - 臺灣公共衛生雜誌 - 2020;39(6):686-695
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


The effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on increasing salivary flow rate in hemodialysis patients.
楊麗玉, 陳幸眉, 蘇以青, 金繼春* - - 1 - Oral diseases - ORAL DISEASES 2019 25卷(1期):133-141頁
(IF: 2.625, 領域排名: 17, 領域期刊數: 91, 領域排名: 18.68%)

The effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on increasing salivary flow rate in hemodialysis patients.
Li-Yu Yang,Hsing-Mei Chen,Yi-Ching Su,Chi-Chun Chin* - - 1 - Oral diseases - ORAL DISEASES 2019;25(1):133-141
(IF: 2.625, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 91, Ranking: 18.68%)


王淑娟,蔡珮芸,楊麗玉* - - 0 - 高雄護理雜誌 - 2018 35卷(3期):107-117頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

A Nursing Experience of a Patient with Pneumonia and Muscle Weakness: An Application of the Symptom Management Model
Shu-Chuan Wang,Pei-Yun Tsai,Li-Yu Yang* - - 0 - 高雄護理雜誌 - 2018;35(3):107-117
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


The Effects of Acupressure on Meridian Energy as well as Nausea and Vomiting in Lung Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy
沈季香,楊麗玉* - - 1 - Biological Research for Nursing - BRN 2017 19卷(2期):145-152頁
(IF: 1.549, 領域排名: 29, 領域期刊數: 116, 領域排名: 25.00%)

The Effects of Acupressure on Meridian Energy as well as Nausea and Vomiting in Lung Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy
Chi-Hsiang Shen,Li-Yu Yang* - - 1 - Biological Research for Nursing - BRN 2017;19(2):145-152
(IF: 1.549, Journal Ranking: 29, Number of Journals of this Field: 116, Ranking: 25.00%)


許向妤, 楊麗玉* - - 9 - 高雄護理雜誌 - 2016 33卷(1期):63-71頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

The Nursing Experience of Using a Holistic Power Model on a Chronic Renal Failure Case With Patient-perceived Powerlessness for Receiving Hemodialysis
Hsang-Yu Hsu, Li-Yu Yang* - - 9 - 高雄護理雜誌 - 2016;33(1):63-71
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Factors related to nausea/vomiting in lung cancer patients receiving chemotherapy
沈季香,楊麗玉* - - 9 - Clinical Nursing Studies - CNS 2015 3卷(3期):27-33(online)頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Factors related to nausea/vomiting in lung cancer patients receiving chemotherapy
Chi-Hsiang Shen1, Li-Yu Yang* - - 9 - Clinical Nursing Studies - CNS 2015;3(3):27-33(online)
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


黃靜鳳, 楊麗玉, 吳麗敏, 劉怡, 陳幸眉* - - 2 - Nurse Education Today - NURS EDUC TODAY 2014 34卷(6期):1048-1053頁
(IF: 1.218, 領域排名: 22, 領域期刊數: 105, 領域排名: 20.95%)

Determinants of daytime sleepiness in first-year nursing students: A questionnaire survey
Huang, C. F., Yang, L. Y., Wu, L. M., Liu, Y., & Chen, H. M.* - - 2 - Nurse Education Today - NURS EDUC TODAY 2014;34(6):1048-1053
(IF: 1.218, Journal Ranking: 22, Number of Journals of this Field: 105, Ranking: 20.95%)


林心嵐,楊麗玉,賴志成* - - 1 - Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology - INFECT CONT HOSP EP 2014 35卷(3期):329-330頁
(IF: 3.938, 領域排名: 16, 領域期刊數: 162, 領域排名: 9.88%)

Factors Associated with Hand Hygiene Compliance among Critical Care Nurses
Hsin-Lan Lin, Li-Yu Yang, Chih-Cheng Lai* - - 1 - Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology - INFECT CONT HOSP EP 2014;35(3):329-330
(IF: 3.938, Journal Ranking: 16, Number of Journals of this Field: 162, Ranking: 9.88%)


林心嵐,楊麗玉,賴志政* - - 1 - American Journal of Infection Control - Am. J. Infect. Control 2014 42卷(5期):533-535頁
(IF: 2.326, 領域排名: 45, 領域期刊數: 72, 領域排名: 62.50%)

Factors related to compliance among critical care nurses with performing oral care protocols for mechanically ventilated patients in the intensive care unit
Hsin-Lan Lin, Li-Yu Yang, Chih-Cheng Lai * - - 1 - American Journal of Infection Control - Am. J. Infect. Control 2014;42(5):533-535
(IF: 2.326, Journal Ranking: 45, Number of Journals of this Field: 72, Ranking: 62.50%)


林心嵐,楊麗玉,賴志政* - - 1 - Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology - Infect. Control Hosp. Epidemiol 2014 35卷(5期):596-597頁
(IF: 3.938, 領域排名: 16, 領域期刊數: 162, 領域排名: 9.88%)

Factors Associated with Head-of-Bed Elevation Compliance for Prevention of Ventilator- Associated Pneumonia
Hsin-Lan Lin, Li-Yu Yang, Chih-Cheng Lai* - - 1 - Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology - Infect. Control Hosp. Epidemiol 2014;35(5):596-597
(IF: 3.938, Journal Ranking: 16, Number of Journals of this Field: 162, Ranking: 9.88%)


林心嵐,賴志政, 楊麗玉* - - 1 - American Journal of Infection Control - 2014 42卷(8期):923-925頁
(IF: 1.995, 領域排名: 45, 領域期刊數: 72, 領域排名: 62.50%)

Critical care nurses’ knowledge of measures to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia
Hsin-Lan Lin, Chih-Cheng Lai, Li-Yu Yang * - - 1 - American Journal of Infection Control - 2014;42(8):923-925
(IF: 1.995, Journal Ranking: 45, Number of Journals of this Field: 72, Ranking: 62.50%)


一位動靜脈畸形併腦出血青少年 術後恢復期之照護經驗
林慧玲, 楊麗玉* - - 9 - 志為護理 - 2014 13卷(3期):118-128頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

A Nursing Experience of an Adolescent Patient with Post-Operative Arteriovenous Malformation
- - 9 - 志為護理 - 2014;13(3):118-128
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


何怡慧,蔡素華,楊麗玉* - - 9 - 高雄護理雜誌 - 2013 30卷(2期):63-71頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Nursing Experience of a Patient with Grass Carp Gallbladder Poisoning experiencing Nephrotoxicity and Hepatotoxicity
Yi-Hui Ho, Su-Hua Tsai, Li-Yu Yang* - - 9 - 高雄護理雜誌 - 2013;30(2):63-71
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


徐逸芬, 王慧瑜, 江惠貞, 陳蘭蕙, 楊麗玉* - - 9 - 弘光學報 (Bulletin on Hungkuang Institute of Technology) - 2011 -卷(60期):34-45頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

The nursing experience of a lung cancer with bony metastases patient receiving total hip replacement
I-Fen Hsu, Hui-Yu Wang, Hui-Chen Chiang, Lan-Hui Chen, Li-Yu Yang* - - 9 - 弘光學報 (Bulletin on Hungkuang Institute of Technology) - 2011;-(60):34-45
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


鍾燕昭, 蔡淑如, 陳蘭蕙, 楊麗玉* - - 9 - 長庚護理 (Chang Gung Nursing) - 2011 21卷(4期):539-548頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

The Nursing Experience of a Multiple Recurrent Osteomyelitis Patient Receiving Below-Knee Amputation
Yen-Chao Chung, Shu-Ju Tsai, Lan-Hui Chen, Li-Yu Yang* - - 9 - 長庚護理 (Chang Gung Nursing) - 2011;21(4):539-548
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


楊麗玉,Patsy Yates,金繼春*,高宗桂 - - 1 - KIDNEY & BLOOD PRESSURE RESEARCH - KIDNEY BLOOD PRESS R 2010 33卷(4期):260-265頁
(IF: 1.268, 領域排名: 43, 領域期刊數: 57, 領域排名: 75.44%)

The effects of acupressure in reducing thirst for hemodialysis patients
Li-Yu Yang, Patsy Yates, Chi-Chun Chin*, Tsung-Kuei Kao - - 1 - KIDNEY & BLOOD PRESSURE RESEARCH - KIDNEY BLOOD PRESS R 2010;33(4):260-265
(IF: 1.268, Journal Ranking: 43, Number of Journals of this Field: 57, Ranking: 75.44%)


楊麗玉 ,金繼春* - - 9 - 長庚護理 - 2009 20卷(2期):207-214頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Physilolgical viewpoint of thirst in hemodialysis patients
Li-Yu Yang Chi-Chun Chin* - - 9 - 長庚護理 - 2009;20(2):207-214
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


黃君維,楊麗玉* - - 9 - 長庚護理 - 2009 20卷(4期):520-529頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

The Nursing Experience of Hemophilia Patient with Total Knee Replacement
Chun-wei-Huang,Li-Yu Yang - - 9 - 長庚護理 - 2009;20(4):520-529
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


黃昭貴, 王慧瑜 ,黃兆永 ,陳蘭蕙 ,楊麗玉* - - 9 - 弘光學報 - 2009 0卷(58期):57-69頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

The Experience of Nursing a Patient Who Received Above-knee Amputation
Chao-Kuei Huang ,Hui-Y Wang,Chao-Yung Huang,Lan-Hui Chen, Li-Yu Yang* - - 9 - 弘光學報 - 2009;0(58):57-69
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


楊麗玉,金繼春* - - 0 - 台灣腎臟護理學會雜誌 - 2008 7卷(1期):26-32頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Thirst:A concept analysis
- - 0 - 台灣腎臟護理學會雜誌 - 2008;7(1):26-32
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


林麗味,葉淑惠,楊麗珠,楊麗玉, 曾錦花, 葉明莉 - - 4 - The Journal of Nursing Research - 2003 11卷(2期):101-108頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Satisfaction of Nurse Aides With Pre-Job Training Programs
林麗味(Lin, Li-wei ; Yeh, Shu-hui ;Yang, Li-chu ;Yang, Li-yu ;Tseng, Chin-hua ;Yeh, Min-li - - 4 - The Journal of Nursing Research - 2003;11(2):101-108
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


YEAR — Source — No — Type
Project Name
111 — M 高醫(種子計畫) — KMU-M112025 —  
接受化學治療之肺癌病人口乾症狀減輕介入計畫的發展和評值( )
2023/01/01 ~ 2023/12/31
104 — O 其他單位 — TWNA-1052018 —  
應用混成學習策略於護理學生資訊素養之成效探討( )
2016/01/01 ~ 2016/12/31
102 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSC102-2314-B-037-003 — 1 個人型
經皮電刺激對於改善血液透析患者唾液流量及口腔舒適程度之成效( )
2013/08/01 ~ 2014/10/31
093 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSC93-2314-B-037-097- — 1 個人型
穴位按摩對於改善血液透析患者口渴及唾液分泌之成效( )
2004/08/01 ~ 2005/07/31
089 — M 高醫(種子計畫) — KMU90-A-01 —  
高血磷症護理在職教育夫碟之成效( )
2000/08/01 ~ 2001/07/31
