School — Major — Degree | Duration |
高雄醫學大學 — 護理學系(畢) — 博士 Doctorate, School of Nursing, Kaohsiung Medical University |
2002/09 — 2010/06 |
高雄醫學院 — 護理學研究所(畢) — 碩士 Master, Graduate Institute of Nursing, Kaohsiung Medical College |
1997/09 — 1999/06 |
高雄醫學院 — 護理學系(畢) — 學士 Bachelor, School of Nursing, Kaohsiung Medical College |
1993/09 — 1996/06 |
Intramural Experience
Office/Department/Institute | Position | Duration |
護理部 Nursing Department | Registered Nurse | — |
護理學系 School of Nursing | Assistant Professor | 2010/08/01 — |
護理學系 School of Nursing | Lecturer | 1999/08/01 — 2010/07/31 |
Extramural Experience
NO | Discipline | Expertise |
1 | 生物醫農類 Biology, Medicine and Agriculture | 護理 Nursing |
Research & Technology Platform Open to the Outside
Interested Area(s)for Interdisciplinary Research
Area(s) of Expertise & Research
symptom management intervention study acupoint stimulation
NO | Publication |
1 | Effectiveness of Chewing Gum on Nausea and Vomiting Following Postprocedure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Effectiveness of Chewing Gum on Nausea and Vomiting Following Postprocedure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. |
2 | Ankle-brachial index associates with arteriovenous fistula stenosis Ankle-brachial index associates with arteriovenous fistula stenosis |
3 | Effectiveness of Digital Education on Human Papillomavirus Knowledge, Vaccination Intent and Completion Rates in Adolescents and Young Adults: A Meta-Analysis Effectiveness of Digital Education on Human Papillomavirus Knowledge, Vaccination Intent and Completion Rates in Adolescents and Young Adults: A Meta-Analysis |
4 | 台灣南部肺癌病人存活時間的預測因子 Predicting Factors of Survival in Patients with Lung Cancer in Southern Taiwan |
5 | Effects of Electrical Stimulation of Acupoints on Xerostomia for Patients Who Undergo Hemodialysis Effects of Electrical Stimulation of Acupoints on Xerostomia for Patients Who Undergo Hemodialysis |
6 | Reduction in hemodialysis catheter-related bloodstream infections after implementation of a novel care program Reduction in hemodialysis catheter-related bloodstream infections after implementation of a novel care program |
7 | 探討胸腔物理治療對肺部感染病人住院天數、醫療費用之影響 Impact of Chest Physical Therapy on Length of Stay and Medical Expenditures for Patients With Pulmonary Infection |
8 | 肺炎住院病人特性及住院天數之影響因子 Characteristics and factors influencing length of stay in hospitalized patients with pneumonia |
9 | The effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on increasing salivary flow rate in hemodialysis patients. The effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on increasing salivary flow rate in hemodialysis patients. |
10 | 運用症狀處理模式照護一位肺炎合併肌肉無力患者之護理經驗 A Nursing Experience of a Patient with Pneumonia and Muscle Weakness: An Application of the Symptom Management Model |
11 | The Effects of Acupressure on Meridian Energy as well as Nausea and Vomiting in Lung Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy The Effects of Acupressure on Meridian Energy as well as Nausea and Vomiting in Lung Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy |
12 | 運用整體力量模式協助一位無力感之腎衰竭病患接受透析治療之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of Using a Holistic Power Model on a Chronic Renal Failure Case With Patient-perceived Powerlessness for Receiving Hemodialysis |
13 | Factors related to nausea/vomiting in lung cancer patients receiving chemotherapy Factors related to nausea/vomiting in lung cancer patients receiving chemotherapy |
14 | 第一年護生白天嗜睡的決定因素:問卷調查 Determinants of daytime sleepiness in first-year nursing students: A questionnaire survey |
15 | 加護病房護理人員手部衛生遵從性的影響因素 Factors Associated with Hand Hygiene Compliance among Critical Care Nurses |
16 | 影響加護病房護理人員對呼吸器病人口腔護理遵從性的因素探討 Factors related to compliance among critical care nurses with performing oral care protocols for mechanically ventilated patients in the intensive care unit |
17 | 抬高床頭遵從性對預防呼吸器相關肺炎的影響因素 Factors Associated with Head-of-Bed Elevation Compliance for Prevention of Ventilator- Associated Pneumonia |
18 | 加護病房護理人員對呼吸器相關肺炎知識之測量 Critical care nurses’ knowledge of measures to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia |
19 | 一位動靜脈畸形併腦出血青少年 術後恢復期之照護經驗 A Nursing Experience of an Adolescent Patient with Post-Operative Arteriovenous Malformation |
20 | 一位草魚膽中毒導致急性肝腎毒性傷害患者之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of a Patient with Grass Carp Gallbladder Poisoning experiencing Nephrotoxicity and Hepatotoxicity |
21 | 照顧一位肺癌骨轉移患者行人工髖關節置換術之護理經驗 The nursing experience of a lung cancer with bony metastases patient receiving total hip replacement |
22 | 照顧一位多次骨髓炎復發行膝下截肢病人之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of a Multiple Recurrent Osteomyelitis Patient Receiving Below-Knee Amputation |
23 | 穴位按壓對於血液透析患者口渴之成效 The effects of acupressure in reducing thirst for hemodialysis patients |
24 | 從生理觀點探討血液透析患者的口渴因素 Physilolgical viewpoint of thirst in hemodialysis patients |
25 | 一位血友病患者接受全膝關節置換術的照護經驗 The Nursing Experience of Hemophilia Patient with Total Knee Replacement |
26 | 照顧一位下肢壓碎傷接受膝上截肢手術患者之護理經驗 The Experience of Nursing a Patient Who Received Above-knee Amputation |
27 | 渴的概念分析 Thirst:A concept analysis |
28 | 病患服務員對培訓課程之滿意度 Satisfaction of Nurse Aides With Pre-Job Training Programs |
NO |
YEAR — Source — No — Type
Project Name
Duration |
1 |
111 — M 高醫(種子計畫) — KMU-M112025 —
接受化學治療之肺癌病人口乾症狀減輕介入計畫的發展和評值( )
2023/01/01 ~ 2023/12/31 |
2 |
104 — O 其他單位 — TWNA-1052018 —
應用混成學習策略於護理學生資訊素養之成效探討( )
2016/01/01 ~ 2016/12/31 |
3 |
102 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSC102-2314-B-037-003 — 1 個人型
經皮電刺激對於改善血液透析患者唾液流量及口腔舒適程度之成效( )
2013/08/01 ~ 2014/10/31 |
4 |
093 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSC93-2314-B-037-097- — 1 個人型
穴位按摩對於改善血液透析患者口渴及唾液分泌之成效( )
2004/08/01 ~ 2005/07/31 |
5 |
089 — M 高醫(種子計畫) — KMU90-A-01 —
高血磷症護理在職教育夫碟之成效( )
2000/08/01 ~ 2001/07/31 |