
School — Major — Degree Duration

馬里蘭大學 — 護理學研究所(畢) — 博士

Doctorate, School of Nursing/Graduate School, University of Maryland, Baltimore

2004/08 — 2008/05

美國馬里蘭大學 — 護理學院(畢) — 碩士

Master, School of Nursing/Graduate School, University of Maryland, Baltimore

1993/08 — 1995/05

高雄醫學院 — 護理學系(畢) — 學士

Bachelor, School of Nursing/ College of Nursing, Kaohsiung Medical University

1984/09 — 1988/06

 Intramural Experience

Office/Department/Institute Position Duration
院長室 Superintendent Office   Registered Nurse   —  
護理學系 School of Nursing   Associate Professor 2022/08/01 —  
護理學系 School of Nursing   Assistant Professor 2008/08/01 — 2022/07/31
護理學系 School of Nursing   Lecturer 1995/10/12 — 2008/07/31

 Extramural Experience



NO Discipline Expertise
1 生物醫農類 Biology, Medicine and Agriculture 護理 Nursing
2 生物醫農類 Biology, Medicine and Agriculture 神經內科 Division of Neurology
3 人文及社會科學類 Humanities and Social Sciences 管理一「一般管理組」 Management I (General)

 Research & Technology Platform Open to the Outside


 Interested Area(s)for Interdisciplinary Research


Occupational health, organizational behavior and management, healthcare management, patient safety and quality of care, human resource management, work environment and work stress, adult care, gerontological care, and case management.

 Area(s) of Expertise & Research

成人與老人照護,個案管理與持續性照護, 護理工作環境與工作壓力、病人安全與醫療照護品質管理, 組織行為與管理、人力資源管理、職業健康、智慧醫療

adult and elderly care, occupational health, case management and continuity of care, nursing work environment and work stress, quality of care, patient safety, organizational behavior and management, human resource management, intelligent medicine


NO Publication

黃天祥, 趙婉伶, 黃國勝, 陳幼梅*, 何文獻* - - 3 - International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation - 2024 14卷(2期):177-188頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

An Intelligent E-Pharmacopoeia Retrieval System Using Responsive Web Design
Tian-Hsiang Huang, Wan-Ling Chao, Kao-Shing Hwang, Yao-Mei Chen*, Wen-Hsien Ho* - - 3 - International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation - 2024;14(2):177-188
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


陳幼梅,張慈惠,張翠芬,曾雯琦* - - 1 - NURSE EDUCATION TODAY - NURSE EDUCATION TODAY 2024 143卷(-期):106405頁
(IF: 3.6, 領域排名: 9, 領域期刊數: 191, 領域排名: 4.71%)

Nursing department directors' perspectives on leadership training programme: A descriptive qualitative study
Yao-Mei Chen,Tsyr-Huei Chang,Tsui-Fen Chang,Wen-Chii Tzeng - - 1 - NURSE EDUCATION TODAY - NURSE EDUCATION TODAY 2024;143(-):106405
(IF: 3.6, Journal Ranking: 9, Number of Journals of this Field: 191, Ranking: 4.71%)


楊佩瑄,陳幼梅*,吳麗娟,陳美杏,謝秀芬 - - 1 - JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH - JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH 2023 31卷(1期):e254頁
(IF: 2.517, 領域排名: 39, 領域期刊數: 125, 領域排名: 31.20%)

Nursing Assistant Staffing Model: Implementation and Outcome Evaluation in Taiwan Hospitals
Pei-Hsuan Yang, Yao-Mei Chen*, Li-Chuan Wu, Mei-Hsing Chen, Hsiu-Fen Hsieh - - 1 - JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH - JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH 2023;31(1):e254
(IF: 2.517, Journal Ranking: 39, Number of Journals of this Field: 125, Ranking: 31.20%)


Understanding the Workplace-Violence-Related Perceptions and Coping Strategies of Nurses in Emergency Rooms
謝秀芬,陳幼梅,陳淑玲,王秀紅∗ - - 2 - Journal of Nursing Research - JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH 2023 31卷(6期):e304頁
(IF: 2.7, 領域排名: 22, 領域期刊數: 123, 領域排名: 17.89%)

Understanding the Workplace-Violence-Related Perceptions and Coping Strategies of Nurses in Emergency Rooms
Hsieh, Hsiu-Fen, Chen, Yao-Mei, Chen, Shu-Lin, Wang, Hsiu-Hung∗ - - 2 - Journal of Nursing Research - JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH 2023;31(6):e304
(IF: 2.7, Journal Ranking: 22, Number of Journals of this Field: 123, Ranking: 17.89%)


陳幼梅, 周阜毅, 何文獻*, 蔡進聰* - - 1 - BMC Bioinformatics - BMC BIOINFORMATICS 2022 22卷(-期):615頁
(IF: 3.169, 領域排名: 16, 領域期刊數: 58, 領域排名: 27.59%)

Classifying microscopic images as acute lymphoblastic leukemia by Resnet ensemble model and Taguchi method
Chen, Y. M., F. I Chou, W. H. Ho*, J. T. Tsai* - - 1 - BMC Bioinformatics - BMC BIOINFORMATICS 2022;22(-):615
(IF: 3.169, Journal Ranking: 16, Number of Journals of this Field: 58, Ranking: 27.59%)


楊淑雅,陳幼梅* - - 9 - 護理雜誌 - 2022 69卷(6期):45-55頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

A Correlational Study of Leadership Styles and Nurses’ Morale and Intention to Stay
Shu-Ya YANG, Yao-Mei CHEN* - - 9 - 護理雜誌 - 2022;69(6):45-55
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


陳幼梅, 蔡進聰*, 何文獻* - - 1 - BMC BIOINFORMATICS - BMC BIOINFORMATICS 2022 22卷(0期):635頁
(IF: 3.307, 領域排名: 20, 領域期刊數: 57, 領域排名: 35.09%)

Automatic identifying and counting blood cells in smear images by using single shot detector and Taguchi method
Y. M. Chen, J. T. Tsai*, W. H. Ho* - - 1 - BMC BIOINFORMATICS - BMC BIOINFORMATICS 2022;22(0):635
(IF: 3.307, Journal Ranking: 20, Number of Journals of this Field: 57, Ranking: 35.09%)


Classification of Human Electrocardiograms by Multi-layer Convolutional Neural Network and Hyperparameter Optimization
陳幼梅,Yenming J. Chen, Yun-Kai Tsai, 何文獻*, Jinn-Tsong Tsai* - - 1 - Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems - JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS 2021 40卷(4期):7883-7891頁
(IF: 1.737, 領域排名: 112, 領域期刊數: 144, 領域排名: 77.78%)

Classification of Human Electrocardiograms by Multi-layer Convolutional Neural Network and Hyperparameter Optimization
Yao-Mei Chen, Yenming J. Chen , Yun-Kai Tsai, Wen-Hsien Ho, Jinn-Tsong Tsai - - 1 - Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems - JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS 2021;40(4):7883-7891
(IF: 1.737, Journal Ranking: 112, Number of Journals of this Field: 144, Ranking: 77.78%)


Fuzzy logic and Gagné learning hierarchy for assessing mathematics skills. Science Progress
Tang WL,TsaiJT*,陳幼梅* - - 1 - Science Progress - SCIENCE PROGRESS 2021 104卷(2期):1-21頁
(IF: 2.774, 領域排名: 31, 領域期刊數: 73, 領域排名: 42.47%)

Fuzzy logic and Gagné learning hierarchy for assessing mathematics skills. Science Progress
Tang WL, Tsai JT*, Chen YM* - - 1 - Science Progress - SCIENCE PROGRESS 2021;104(2):1-21
(IF: 2.774, Journal Ranking: 31, Number of Journals of this Field: 73, Ranking: 42.47%)


陳幼梅, 黃惟泰, 何文獻*, 蔡進聰* - - 1 - BMC Bioinformatics - BMC BIOINFORMATICS 2021 22卷(5期):99頁
(IF: 3.307, 領域排名: 20, 領域期刊數: 57, 領域排名: 35.09%)

Classification of age‑related macular degeneration using convolutional‑neural‑network‑based transfer learning
Yao‑Mei Chen, Wei‑Tai Huang, Wen‑Hsien Ho*, Jinn‑Tsong Tsai* - - 1 - BMC Bioinformatics - BMC BIOINFORMATICS 2021;22(5):99
(IF: 3.307, Journal Ranking: 20, Number of Journals of this Field: 57, Ranking: 35.09%)


李建宏, 張科, 陳幼梅, 蔡進聰, 陳彥銘*, 何文獻* - - 1 - BMC Bioinformatics - BMC BIOINFORMATICS 2021 22卷(5期):118頁
(IF: 3.307, 領域排名: 20, 領域期刊數: 57, 領域排名: 35.09%)

Epidemic prediction of dengue fever based on vector compartment model and Markov chain Monte Carlo method
Chien‑Hung Lee, Ko Chang, Yao‑Mei Chen, Jinn‑Tsong Tsai, Yenming J. Chen*, Wen‑Hsien Ho* - - 1 - BMC Bioinformatics - BMC BIOINFORMATICS 2021;22(5):118
(IF: 3.307, Journal Ranking: 20, Number of Journals of this Field: 57, Ranking: 35.09%)


應用卷積神經網路集成模型和均勻實驗設計方法於胸部 CT 影像分類為 COVID-19陽性/陰性
陳幼梅, 陳彥銘, 何文獻*, 蔡進聰* - - 1 - BMC Bioinformatics - BMC BIOINFORMATICS 2021 22卷(0期):147頁
(IF: 3.169, 領域排名: 16, 領域期刊數: 58, 領域排名: 27.59%)

Classifying chest CT images as COVID‑19 positive/negative using a convolutional neural network ensemble model and uniform experimental design method
Yao‑Mei Chen, Yenming J. Chen, Wen‑Hsien Ho*, Jinn‑Tsong Tsai* - - 1 - BMC Bioinformatics - BMC BIOINFORMATICS 2021;22(0):147
(IF: 3.169, Journal Ranking: 16, Number of Journals of this Field: 58, Ranking: 27.59%)


林佩昭, 林麗嬋, 謝秀芬, 陳幼梅, 周碧玲, 李建勳* - - 2 - International Psychogeriatrics - INTERNATIONAL PSYCHOGERIATRICS 2020 32卷(1期):97-104頁
(IF: 2.94, 領域排名: 7, 領域期刊數: 36, 領域排名: 19.44%)

Primary diagnoses and outcomes of emergency department visits in older people with dementia: a hospital-based retrospective study in Taiwan
Pei-Chao Lin, Li-Chan Lin, Hsiu-Fen Hsieh, Yao-Mei Chen, Pi-Ling Chou, Chien-Hsun Li - - 2 - International Psychogeriatrics - INTERNATIONAL PSYCHOGERIATRICS 2020;32(1):97-104
(IF: 2.94, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 36, Ranking: 19.44%)


陳幼梅*,蔡淳娟 - - 9 - 台灣擬真醫學教育期刊 - 2020 7卷(1期):30 - 44頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

The Intelligent Innovation in Nursing Diagnosis and Treatment Education: From the Viewpoint of Holistic Health Care
Yao-Mei Chen*, Tsuen-Chiuan Tsai - - 9 - 台灣擬真醫學教育期刊 - 2020;7(1):30 - 44
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


陳幼梅, 何文獻*, 陳彥銘*, 陳冠珊, 劉偉修 - - 1 - Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems - JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS 2019 36卷(2期):1049-1055頁
(IF: 1.851, 領域排名: 79, 領域期刊數: 136, 領域排名: 58.09%)

Disease severity assessment and ordering of patients in ICU by using a Bayesian network
Yao-Mei Chen, Wen-Hsien Ho*, Yenming J. Chen*, Kuan-Shan Chen, Wei-Hsiu Liu - - 1 - Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems - JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS 2019;36(2):1049-1055
(IF: 1.851, Journal Ranking: 79, Number of Journals of this Field: 136, Ranking: 58.09%)


林怡君, 顏正芳,王鵬為,Yu‐Te Huang,陳幼梅,莊玉仙, 胡慧芳* - - 1 - Public Health Nursing - PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING 2019 36卷(0期):525-533頁
(IF: 1.111, 領域排名: 76, 領域期刊數: 120, 領域排名: 63.33%)

Intention to care for gay and lesbian patients and knowledge about homosexuality: A comparison of Taiwanese nurses in 2005 and in 2017
Yi‐Chun Lin, Cheng‐Fang Yen, Peng‐Wei Wang,Yu‐Te Huang,Yao‐Mei Chen,Yu‐Hsien Chuang,Huei‐Fan Hu - - 1 - Public Health Nursing - PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING 2019;36(0):525-533
(IF: 1.111, Journal Ranking: 76, Number of Journals of this Field: 120, Ranking: 63.33%)


陳幼梅*,游顯妹,張淑真 - - 9 - 源遠護理 - 2019 13卷(1期):14-21頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

The Establishment of Advanced Practice Nurse Certification in Taiwan and International Prospected Future
Yao-Mei Chen*, Hsien-Mei Yu, Shu-Chen Chang - - 9 - 源遠護理 - 2019;13(1):14-21
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Optimizing Parameters of Multi-Layer Convolutional Neural Network by Modeling and Optimization Method
周阜毅, 蔡允愷, 陳幼梅,蔡進聰, CHUN-CHENG KUO - - 1 - IEEE Access - IEEE ACCESS 2019 7卷(2019期):68316-68330頁
(IF: 4.098, 領域排名: 23, 領域期刊數: 155, 領域排名: 14.84%)

Optimizing Parameters of Multi-Layer Convolutional Neural Network by Modeling and Optimization Method
(IF: 4.098, Journal Ranking: 23, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 14.84%)


許向妤, 陳幼梅* - - 9 - 護理雜誌 - 2019 66卷(5期):32-43頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

The Correlates of Nurses’ Self-Efficacy for End-of-Life Care
Hsang-Yu Hsu, Yao-Mei Chen - - 9 - 護理雜誌 - 2019;66(5):32-43
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


謝美慧, 陳幼梅 - - 9 - 領導護理 - 2019 20卷(4期):16-30頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Discussion in Regards to the Competency of Case Managers in Taiwan
Mei-Hui Hsieh, Yao-Mei Chen - - 9 - 領導護理 - 2019;20(4):16-30
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


徐琬茵,李佳頵,謝坤諺,陳幼梅* - - 9 - 高雄護理雜誌 - 高雄護理雜誌 2018 35卷(1期):29-41頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

A Project of Reducing Pressure Ulcer Incidence in Intensive Care Unit
Wan-Yin Hsu, Chia-Chun Li, Kun-Yan Xie, Yao-Mei Chen* - - 9 - 高雄護理雜誌 - 高雄護理雜誌 2018;35(1):29-41
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


林佩昭, 李建勳, 周碧玲, 陳幼梅, 林麗嬋* - - 1 - Journal of Pain Research - JOURNAL OF PAIN RESEARCH 2018 11卷(NA期):1589-1598頁
(IF: 2.645, 領域排名: 99, 領域期刊數: 197, 領域排名: 50.25%)

Prevalence of pain-related diagnoses in patients with dementia: a nationwide study
Pei-Chao Lin, Chien-Hsun Li, Pi-Ling Chou, Yao-Mei Chen, Li-Chan Lin* - - 1 - Journal of Pain Research - JOURNAL OF PAIN RESEARCH 2018;11(NA):1589-1598
(IF: 2.645, Journal Ranking: 99, Number of Journals of this Field: 197, Ranking: 50.25%)


某醫學中心加護病房運用Hendrich II 跌倒風險評估量表之現況探討
王鳳琴,胡潔瑩,廖玉美,陳淑惠,陳美杏,陳幼梅,李育珮,張偉洲* - - 9 - 醫務管理期刊 - 2018 19卷(3期):249頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Investigation on the status quo of using Hendrich II Assessment Tool in an Intensive Care Unit of Medical Center
- - 9 - 醫務管理期刊 - 2018;19(3):249
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


楊佩瑄,陳幼梅* - - 9 - 領導護理 - 2018 19卷(4期):21-41頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Clinical Nurses’ Work Perception on the Skill-Mixed Model and the Related Factors
Pei-Hsuan Yang, Yao-Mei Chen * - - 9 - 領導護理 - 2018;19(4):21-41
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


陳幼梅,王秀紅*,高靖秋,張淑真,張澤芸,曾惠珍,黃怡靜 - - 9 - 台灣專科護理師學刊 - 2016 2卷(1期):5-12頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Skill-Mixed Nursing Care Model in Taiwan
Chen, Y. M., Wang, H. H.* Kao, C. C., Chang, S. C., Chang, T. Y., Tseng, H. C., & Huang I. C. - - 9 - 台灣專科護理師學刊 - 2016;2(1):5-12
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Association among components of resilience and workplace violence-related depression among emergency department nurses in Taiwan: a cross-sectional study
謝秀芬,陳幼梅,王秀紅*,張淑真,馬淑清 - - 1 - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING - J CLIN NURS 2016 25卷(17-18期):2639–2647頁
(IF: 1.214, 領域排名: 52, 領域期刊數: 114, 領域排名: 45.61%)

Association among components of resilience and workplace violence-related depression among emergency department nurses in Taiwan: a cross-sectional study
Hsieh, H. F., Chen, Y. M. Wang, H. H.* Chang, S. C. & Ma, S. C - - 1 - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING - J CLIN NURS 2016;25(17-18):2639–2647
(IF: 1.214, Journal Ranking: 52, Number of Journals of this Field: 114, Ranking: 45.61%)


運用Time out概念建立加護單位移動病人安全作業
徐盈真,蘇佩真, 莊琇雯, 陳亞玲*,陳幼梅 - - 9 - 高雄護理雜誌 - 高雄護理雜誌 2016 33卷(1期):19-30頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

The Use of Time-Out as a Standard Safety Procedure for Transferring Patients in the Intensive Care Unit
Ying-Chen Hsu,Pei-Chen Su ,Hsiu-Wen Chuang,Ia-Ling Chen, Yao-Mei Chen - - 9 - 高雄護理雜誌 - 高雄護理雜誌 2016;33(1):19-30
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


The Association between Rotating Shift Work and Increased Occupational Stress in Nurses
林佩蓁, 陳彰惠, 潘純媚, 陳幼梅, 潘致弘, 洪信嘉*, 吳明蒼* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH - J OCCUP HEALTH 2015 57卷(4期):307-315頁
(IF: 1.109, 領域排名: 121, 領域期刊數: 165, 領域排名: 73.33%)

The Association between Rotating Shift Work and Increased Occupational Stress in Nurses
Pei-Chen Lin, Chung-Hey Chen, Shung-Mei Pan, Yao-Mei Chen, Chih-Hong Pan, Hsin-Chia Hung* Ming-Tsang Wu* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH - J OCCUP HEALTH 2015;57(4):307-315
(IF: 1.109, Journal Ranking: 121, Number of Journals of this Field: 165, Ranking: 73.33%)


黃玉燕, 陳秀月, 吳佳倩, 陳幼梅* - - 9 - 護理雜誌 - 護理雜誌 2015 62卷(3期):65-73頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

An Action Plan of Improving Stationary Bikes Utilization in a Health Promotion Exercise Program
- - 9 - 護理雜誌 - 護理雜誌 2015;62(3):65-73
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Predicting quality of life after breast cancer surgery using ANN-based models: performance comparison with MR
Tsai JT, 侯明鋒, 陳幼梅, Wan TT, 高浩雲, 許弘毅* - - 1 - SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER - SUPPORT CARE CANCER 2013 21卷(5期):1341-1350頁
(IF: 2.649, 領域排名: 6, 領域期刊數: 64, 領域排名: 9.38%)

Predicting quality of life after breast cancer surgery using ANN-based models: performance comparison with MR
Tsai JT, 侯明鋒, 陳幼梅, Wan TT, 高浩雲, 許弘毅* - - 1 - SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER - SUPPORT CARE CANCER 2013;21(5):1341-1350
(IF: 2.649, Journal Ranking: 6, Number of Journals of this Field: 64, Ranking: 9.38%)


蔡進聰,何文獻,陳幼梅* - - 3 - Int. J. of Innovative Computing, Information and Control - Int. J. of Innovative Computing, Information and Control 2013 9卷(7期):2821-2838頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Optimized drug scheduling for cancer chemotherapy using improved immune algorithm
Tsai, J. T., Ho, W. H. and Chen, Y. M.* - - 3 - Int. J. of Innovative Computing, Information and Control - Int. J. of Innovative Computing, Information and Control 2013;9(7):2821-2838
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Lipscomb J.*, London M., 陳幼梅, Flannery K., Watt M., Geiger-Brown J., Johnson J.V., McPhaul K. - - 9 - Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation - 2012 42卷(1期):47-56頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Safety climate and workplace violence prevention in state-run residential addiction treatment centers
Lipscomb, J.*, London, M., Chen, Y.-M., Flannery, K., Watt, M., Geiger Brown, J., Johnson, J.V., McPhaul, K. - - 9 - Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation - 2012;42(1):47-56
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


楊佩瑄, 洪志秀*, 陳幼梅, 胡悛愉, 謝生蘭 - - 2 - Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing - WORLDV EVID-BASED NU 2012 9卷(4期):227-233頁
(IF: 1.239, 領域排名: 23, 領域期刊數: 99, 領域排名: 23.23%)

The impact of different nursing skill mix models on patient outcomes in the respiratory care center
Yang PH, Hung CH*, Chen YM, Hu CY, Shieh SL. - - 2 - Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing - WORLDV EVID-BASED NU 2012;9(4):227-233
(IF: 1.239, Journal Ranking: 23, Number of Journals of this Field: 99, Ranking: 23.23%)


Atypical work schedules are associated with poor sleep quality and mental health in Taiwan female nurses.
林佩蓁, Chen CH, 潘純媚, Pan CH, Chen CJ, 陳幼梅, Hung HC*, 吳明蒼* - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - INT ARCH OCC ENV HEA 2012 85卷(8期):877-884頁
(IF: 1.889, 領域排名: 64, 領域期刊數: 158, 領域排名: 40.51%)

Atypical work schedules are associated with poor sleep quality and mental health in Taiwan female nurses.
(IF: 1.889, Journal Ranking: 64, Number of Journals of this Field: 158, Ranking: 40.51%)


Predicting two-year quality of life after breast cancer surgery using artificial neural network and linear regression models
許弘毅, Tsai JT, 陳幼梅, Culbertson R, Chang HT, 侯明鋒* - - 1 - BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT - BREAST CANCER RES TR 2012 135卷(1期):221-229頁
(IF: 4.431, 領域排名: 37, 領域期刊數: 196, 領域排名: 18.88%)

Predicting two-year quality of life after breast cancer surgery using artificial neural network and linear regression models
Shi HY, Tsai JT, Chen YM, Culbertson R, Chang HT, Hou MF* - - 1 - BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT - BREAST CANCER RES TR 2012;135(1):221-229
(IF: 4.431, Journal Ranking: 37, Number of Journals of this Field: 196, Ranking: 18.88%)


張淑貴, 陳幼梅, 金繼春* - - 9 - 志為護理-慈濟護理雜誌 (Tzu Chi Nursing Journal) - 2011 10卷(1期):66-77頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Patients' Nursing Needs and Satisfaction to Health Service during Gynecologic Ambulatory Surgery Period
Shu-Kuei Chang, Yao-Mei Chen, Chi-Chun Chin* - - 9 - 志為護理-慈濟護理雜誌 (Tzu Chi Nursing Journal) - 2011;10(1):66-77
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


馮明珠, 陳幼梅, 吳玲琨, 吳鈴珠* - - 9 - 護理暨健康照護研究 (Journal of Nursing and Healthcare Research) - 2011 7卷(2期):98-107頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Perceived stress and coping strategies of newly graduated nurses
Ming-Chu Feng, Yao-Mei Chen, Lin-Kun Wu, Ling-Chu Wu* - - 9 - 護理暨健康照護研究 (Journal of Nursing and Healthcare Research) - 2011;7(2):98-107
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Magnet Hospital attributes in European hospitals: A multi-level model of job satisfaction
陳幼梅*, Mary E. Johantgen - - 1 - International Journal of Nursing Studies - INT J NURS STUD 2010 47卷(2010期):1001-1012頁
(IF: 2.31, 領域排名: 2, 領域期刊數: 60, 領域排名: 3.33%)

Magnet Hospital attributes in European hospitals: A multi-level model of job satisfaction
Yao-Mei Chen*, Mary Johantgen - - 1 - International Journal of Nursing Studies - INT J NURS STUD 2010;47(2010):1001-1012
(IF: 2.31, Journal Ranking: 2, Number of Journals of this Field: 60, Ranking: 3.33%)


陳幼梅*, 陳淑惠, 蔡秋月, 羅良月 - - 1 - Journal of Advanced Nursing - J ADV NURS 2007 59卷(5期):497-509頁
(IF: 1.442, 領域排名: 4, 領域期刊數: 46, 領域排名: 8.70%)

Role stress and job satisfaction for nurse specialists
Yao-Mei Chen*, Sue-Hui Chen, Chiu-Yueh Tsai, Liang-Yueh Lo - - 1 - Journal of Advanced Nursing - J ADV NURS 2007;59(5):497-509
(IF: 1.442, Journal Ranking: 4, Number of Journals of this Field: 46, Ranking: 8.70%)


謝淑娟, 陳幼梅* - - 0 - 高雄護理雜誌 - 2004 20卷(2期):58-67頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

The spiritual care of a dying school-age child.
Su-Jan Shieh, Yao-Mei Chen* - - 0 - 高雄護理雜誌 - 2004;20(2):58-67
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


陳幼梅,余麗華,蕭美玉,黃惠滿,蘇貞瑛,阮慧沁 - - 0 - 長庚護理 - 2002 13卷(3期):205-215頁
(IF: , 領域排名: , 領域期刊數: , 領域排名: %)

The Effects of Health Education on Disease Cognition, Social Support, and Burden of Main Caregivers of Stroke Patients
Yao-Mei Chen, Lifa Yu, Mei-Yuh Shiau, Hui-man Huang, Chen-Ying Su, Hui-Shin Yuan - - 0 - 長庚護理 - 2002;13(3):205-215
(IF: , Journal Ranking: , Number of Journals of this Field: , Ranking: %)


余麗樺,陳幼梅,黃惠滿,蘇貞瑛,蕭美玉,阮慧沁*,劉家壽 - - 0 - 榮總護理 - 2001 18卷(1期):38-52頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

The Effects of Cognitive Intervention on the Physical Function and Stroke Knowledge of Stroke Patients: A Longitudinal Study
Lifa Yu, Yu-mei Chen, Hui-man Huang, Chang-ying Su, Mei-yuh Hsiao, Hui-ching Juan*, Chia-shou Liu - - 0 - 榮總護理 - 2001;18(1):38-52
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


林福仁*, 周賢招, 潘純媚, 陳幼梅 - - 1 - International Journal of Medical Informatics - INT J MED INFORM 2001 62卷(1期):11-25頁
(IF: 1.178, 領域排名: 26, 領域期刊數: 78, 領域排名: 33.33%)

Mining time dependency patterns in clinical pathways
Fu-Ren Lin*, Shien-Chao Chou, Shung-Mei Pan, Yao-Mei Chen - - 1 - International Journal of Medical Informatics - INT J MED INFORM 2001;62(1):11-25
(IF: 1.178, Journal Ranking: 26, Number of Journals of this Field: 78, Ranking: 33.33%)


黃惠滿 ,陳幼梅 ,蘇貞瑛, 蕭美玉, 阮慧沁 - - 0 - 公共衛生 - 2001 28卷(2期):161-175頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

The Effects of Cognitive Education on the Bio-Psycho-Social Status of Stroke Patients
Huang Hui-Man, Chen Yao-Mei, Su Chen-Ying, Shiau Mei-Yuh, Yuan Hui-Shin - - 0 - 公共衛生 - 2001;28(2):161-175
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


吳鈴珠, 陳幼梅, 林盈慧, 潘純媚 - - 0 - 高雄醫學科學雜誌 - 1993 9卷(6期):361-370頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Staffing levels and patient needs in the intensive care unit.
Wu, L.-C., Chen, Y.-M., Lin, Y.-W., Pan, C.-M. - - 0 - 高雄醫學科學雜誌 - 1993;9(6):361-370
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


陳幼梅* - - 0 - 醫院 - 1993 26卷(2期):109-118頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

The methodology of staffing evaluation
Yao-Mei Chen* - - 0 - 醫院 - 1993;26(2):109-118
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


陳幼梅,余麗樺,蕭美玉,黃惠滿,蘇貞瑛,阮慧沁 - - 0 - 長庚護理雜誌 - 0000 13卷(3期):205-215頁
(IF: , 領域排名: , 領域期刊數: , 領域排名: %)

The Effect of Health Education on Disease Cognition, Social Support, and Burden of Main Caregiver of Stroke Patients
Yao-Mei Chen, Lifa Yu, Mei-Yuh Shiau, Hui-Man Huang, Chen-Ying Su, Hui-Shin Yuan. - - 0 - 長庚護理雜誌 - 0000;13(3):205-215
(IF: , Journal Ranking: , Number of Journals of this Field: , Ranking: %)


YEAR — Source — No — Type
Project Name
113 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSTC112-2410-H-037-024-MY2 — 1 個人型
個案管理師職能培訓成效評量系統的建構及測試:可信賴專業活動及勝任能力導向訓練之應用與推廣(2/2)( )
2024/08/01 ~ 2025/07/31
112 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSTC112-2410-H-037-024-MY2 — 1 個人型
個案管理師職能培訓成效評量系統的建構及測試:可信賴專業活動及勝任能力導向訓練之應用與推廣(1/2)( )
2023/08/01 ~ 2025/07/31
110 — N 國科會(原科技部) — MOST110-2511-H-037-007 — 1 個人型
以可信任專業活動建構個案管理師核心職能培訓課程及成效評量( )
2021/08/01 ~ 2022/12/31
108 — N 國科會(原科技部) — MOST108-2635-B-037-006 — 1 個人型
建構與測試台灣個案管理師核心職能( )
2019/08/01 ~ 2021/07/31
105 — O 其他單位 — TWNA-卓研106101 —  
台灣進階護理師現況與政策展望( )
2017/02/08 ~ 2017/12/15
