
School — Major — Degree Duration

高雄醫學大學 — 藥學系(畢) — 博士

Doctorate, School of Pharmacy, Kaohsiung Medical University

2015/09 — 2019/06

高雄醫學大學 — 運動醫學系(畢) — 碩士

Master, Department of Sports Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University

2013/09 — 2015/06

嘉南藥理科技大學 — 藥學系(畢) — 學士

Bachelor, Department of Pharmacy, Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science

2009/09 — 2013/06

 Intramural Experience

Office/Department/Institute Position Duration
藥學系 School of Pharmacy   Associate Professor 2025/02/01 —  
藥學院綜合組 General Affairs Division   Head 2024/08/01 — 2025/07/31
藥學系 School of Pharmacy   Assistant Professor 2021/08/01 — 2025/01/31
藥學系 School of Pharmacy   Assistant Professor 2021/03/01 — 2021/07/31

 Extramural Experience



NO Discipline Expertise
1 生物醫農類 Biology, Medicine and Agriculture 藥學及中醫藥 Pharmacy and Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
2 人文及社會科學類 Humanities and Social Sciences 體育學 Physical Education
3 自然科學類 Natural Sciences 化學 Chemistry

 Research & Technology Platform Open to the Outside

Untargeted metabolomics strategies; Extraction & analytical procedures for biospecimens & natural products; Human & animal platforms for functional examination of health food

 Interested Area(s)for Interdisciplinary Research


Data science; Sports science

 Area(s) of Expertise & Research


Drugs in sport; Chromatography & mass spectrometry; Sports drug testing


NO Publication

Comparison of urinary excretion patterns among exposures to cosmetic preservative, herbicide, and nootropic stimulant in anti-doping analysis.
(IF: 2.8, 領域排名: 35, 領域期刊數: 85, 領域排名: 41.18%)

Comparison of urinary excretion patterns among exposures to cosmetic preservative, herbicide, and nootropic stimulant in anti-doping analysis.
(IF: 2.8, Journal Ranking: 35, Number of Journals of this Field: 85, Ranking: 41.18%)


Probing the hair detectability of prohibited substances in sports: an in vivo-in silico-clinical approach and analytical implications compared with plasma, urine, and faeces.
洪紹鑫,甘鴻霖,童俊維,林宜靜,陳亭亭,田喬,張值維* - - 1 - ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY - ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY 2024 0卷(0期):0頁
(IF: 4.8, 領域排名: 14, 領域期刊數: 106, 領域排名: 13.21%)

Probing the hair detectability of prohibited substances in sports: an in vivo-in silico-clinical approach and analytical implications compared with plasma, urine, and faeces.
Shao-Hsin Hung, Hung-Lin Kan, Chun-Wei Tung, Yi-Ching Lin, Ting-Ting Chen, Ciao Tian, William Chih-Wei Chang - - 1 - ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY - ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY 2024;0(0):0
(IF: 4.8, Journal Ranking: 14, Number of Journals of this Field: 106, Ranking: 13.21%)


Determination of Synephrine and Caffeine in Citrus Species Herbal Medicines and Weight-Loss Supplements from Taiwan by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
張值維,吳育澤,Chia-En Lin,Feng-Lang Lin,陳福安* - - 1 - Analytical Letters - 2024 0卷(0期):0頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Determination of Synephrine and Caffeine in Citrus Species Herbal Medicines and Weight-Loss Supplements from Taiwan by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
William Chih-Wei Chang,Yu-Tse Wu,Chia-En Lin,Feng-Lang Lin,Fu-An Chen - - 1 - Analytical Letters - 2024;0(0):0
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Determination of chlorphenesin in cosmetics, a preservative that can affect anti-doping test result interpretations.
呂奕雯, 詹貴惠, 吳育澤, 張值維* - - 1 - DRUG TESTING AND ANALYSIS - DRUG TESTING AND ANALYSIS 2024 16卷(5期):532-536頁
(IF: 2.9, 領域排名: 41, 領域期刊數: 86, 領域排名: 47.67%)

Determination of chlorphenesin in cosmetics, a preservative that can affect anti-doping test result interpretations.
Yi-Wen Lu, Kuei-Hui Chan, Yu-Tse Wu, William Chih-Wei Chang* - - 1 - DRUG TESTING AND ANALYSIS - DRUG TESTING AND ANALYSIS 2024;16(5):532-536
(IF: 2.9, Journal Ranking: 41, Number of Journals of this Field: 86, Ranking: 47.67%)


Trends in exposure to drugs and prohibited substances among sports: A nationwide analysis of 2008-2022 inquiry records.
陳政嘉, 許美智, 吳育澤, 陳琦華, 林子鈺, 何暐, 張值維* - - 1 - DRUG TESTING AND ANALYSIS - DRUG TESTING AND ANALYSIS 2024 0卷(0期):0頁
(IF: 2.6, 領域排名: 173, 領域期刊數: 354, 領域排名: 48.87%)

Trends in exposure to drugs and prohibited substances among sports: A nationwide analysis of 2008-2022 inquiry records.
Cheng-Chia Chen, Mei-Chich Hsu, Yu-Tse Wu, Chi-Hua Chen, Tzu-Yu Lin, Wei Ho, William Chih-Wei Chang - - 1 - DRUG TESTING AND ANALYSIS - DRUG TESTING AND ANALYSIS 2024;0(0):0
(IF: 2.6, Journal Ranking: 173, Number of Journals of this Field: 354, Ranking: 48.87%)


Urinary excretion patterns and potential risks of beta-blocker ophthalmic drops in sports.
林益安, 姜威宇, 張值維, 郭明澤, 陳冠博*, 許美智* - - 1 - DRUG TESTING AND ANALYSIS - DRUG TESTING AND ANALYSIS 2023 15卷(1期):75-83頁
(IF: 2.6, 領域排名: 53, 領域期刊數: 106, 領域排名: 50.00%)

Urinary excretion patterns and potential risks of beta-blocker ophthalmic drops in sports.
Yi-An Lin, Wei-Yu Chiang, William Chih-Wei Chang, Ming-Tse Kuo, Alexander Chen*, Mei-Chich Hsu* - - 1 - DRUG TESTING AND ANALYSIS - DRUG TESTING AND ANALYSIS 2023;15(1):75-83
(IF: 2.6, Journal Ranking: 53, Number of Journals of this Field: 106, Ranking: 50.00%)


Detection of emerging patterns of drug misuse in sports via wastewater monitoring: A mini-review and potential strategies.
張值維, 許美智, 廖寶琦* - - 1 - ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION (BARKING, ESSEX : 1987) - ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 2023 333卷(-期):122087頁
(IF: 7.6, 領域排名: 37, 領域期刊數: 358, 領域排名: 10.34%)

Detection of emerging patterns of drug misuse in sports via wastewater monitoring: A mini-review and potential strategies.
William Chih-Wei Chang, Mei-Chich Hsu, Pao-Chi Liao* - - 1 - ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION (BARKING, ESSEX : 1987) - ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 2023;333(-):122087
(IF: 7.6, Journal Ranking: 37, Number of Journals of this Field: 358, Ranking: 10.34%)


Assessing anti-doping knowledge among Taiwanese pharmacists.
李昀臻, 陳崇鈺, 鄭雅勻, 許美智, 陳亭亭, 張值維* - - 2 - BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION - BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION 2023 23卷(1期):808頁
(IF: 2.7, 領域排名: 109, 領域期刊數: 756, 領域排名: 14.42%)

Assessing anti-doping knowledge among Taiwanese pharmacists.
Yun-Chen Lee, Chung-Yu Chen, Ya-Yun Cheng, Mei-Chich Hsu, Ting-Ting Chen, William Chih-Wei Chang* - - 2 - BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION - BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION 2023;23(1):808
(IF: 2.7, Journal Ranking: 109, Number of Journals of this Field: 756, Ranking: 14.42%)


王致遠,吳育澤,張值維,林逸茜,許美智* - - 9 - 臺灣體育學術研究 - 2023 74卷(1期):123-134頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Development and Progress of Mobile App "Inquiry System for Prohibited Medicine in Sports" in Taiwan
Chih-Yuan Wang,Yu-Tse Wu,William Chih-Wei Chang,I-Chien Lin,Mei‐Chich Hsu* - - 9 - 臺灣體育學術研究 - 2023;74(1):123-134
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


LCMD: Lung Cancer Metabolome Database
吳謂勝, 吳欣怡, Wang, P.H., Chen, T.Y., Chen, K.R., Chang, C.W., Lee, D.E., Lin, B.H., 張值維, 廖寶琦* - - 1 - Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal - COMPUTATIONAL AND STRUCTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 2022 20卷(-期):65-78頁
(IF: 7.271, 領域排名: 45, 領域期刊數: 298, 領域排名: 15.10%)

LCMD: Lung Cancer Metabolome Database
Wu, W.S., Wu, H.Y., Wang, P.H., Chen, T.Y., Chen, K.R., Chang, C.W., Lee, D.E., Lin, B.H., ​Chang, W.C.W., Liao, P.C.* - - 1 - Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal - COMPUTATIONAL AND STRUCTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 2022;20(-):65-78
(IF: 7.271, Journal Ranking: 45, Number of Journals of this Field: 298, Ranking: 15.10%)


Exploration of long-term exposure markers for phthalate esters in human hair using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
許菁芳, 張值維#, 何玟穎, 廖寶琦* - - 1 - Analytica Chimica Acta - ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 2022 0卷(1200期):339610頁
(IF: 6.558, 領域排名: 10, 領域期刊數: 83, 領域排名: 12.05%)

Exploration of long-term exposure markers for phthalate esters in human hair using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
Jing-Fang Hsu, William Chih-Wei Chang#, Wen-Ying Ho, Pao-Chi Liao* - - 1 - Analytica Chimica Acta - ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 2022;0(1200):339610
(IF: 6.558, Journal Ranking: 10, Number of Journals of this Field: 83, Ranking: 12.05%)


張值維*, 洪紹鑫, 吳育澤, 許美智 - - 9 - 大專體育 - 2022 0卷(160期):41–50頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Embracing a New Chapter of Anti-Doping Testing in Sports: Finger-Prick Dried Blood Spot
William Chih-Wei Chang, Shao-Hsin Hung, Yu-Tse Wu, Mei-Chich Hsu - - 9 - 大專體育 - 2022;0(160):41–50
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Extraction strategies for tackling complete hair metabolome using LC-HRMS-based analysis.
張值維, 王品璿, 張志瑋, 陳垣志, 廖寶琦* - - 1 - Talanta - TALANTA 2021 223卷(Pt 1期):121708頁
(IF: 6.057, 領域排名: 12, 領域期刊數: 83, 領域排名: 14.46%)

Extraction strategies for tackling complete hair metabolome using LC-HRMS-based analysis.
William Chih-Wei Chang, Pin-Hsuan Wang, Chih-Wei Chang, Yuan-Chih Chen, Pao-Chi Liao* - - 1 - Talanta - TALANTA 2021;223(Pt 1):121708
(IF: 6.057, Journal Ranking: 12, Number of Journals of this Field: 83, Ranking: 14.46%)


Visualization of statistically processed LC-MS-based metabolomics data for identifying significant features in a multiple-group comparison
潘宥亦, 陳垣志, 張值維, 馬瀰嘉*, 廖寶琦* - - 1 - Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems - CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS 2021 210卷(-期):104271頁
(IF: 4.175, 領域排名: 12, 領域期刊數: 125, 領域排名: 9.60%)

Visualization of statistically processed LC-MS-based metabolomics data for identifying significant features in a multiple-group comparison
Yu-Yi Pan, Yuan-Chih Chen, William Chih-Wei Chang, Mi-Chia Ma*, Pao-Chi Liao* - - 1 - Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems - CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS 2021;210(-):104271
(IF: 4.175, Journal Ranking: 12, Number of Journals of this Field: 125, Ranking: 9.60%)


Discovery of Spoilage Markers for Chicken Eggs Using Liquid Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry-Based Untargeted and Targeted Foodomics.
張值維, 吳欣怡, 甘鴻霖, 林英琦, 蔡佩珍, 陳允杰, 潘宥亦, 廖寶琦* - - 1 - Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry - JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 2021 69卷(14期):4331-4341頁
(IF: 5.895, 領域排名: 6, 領域期刊數: 59, 領域排名: 10.17%)

Discovery of Spoilage Markers for Chicken Eggs Using Liquid Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry-Based Untargeted and Targeted Foodomics.
William Chih-Wei Chang, Hsin-Yi Wu, Hung-Lin Kan, Ying-Chi Lin, Pei-Jane Tsai, Yun-Chieh Chen, Yu-Yi Pan, Pao-Chi Liao* - - 1 - Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry - JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 2021;69(14):4331-4341
(IF: 5.895, Journal Ranking: 6, Number of Journals of this Field: 59, Ranking: 10.17%)


Chinese herbal medicine significantly impacts the haematological variables of the Athlete Biological Passport
張值維, 王致遠, 劉宛怡, Tsai C.C., 吳育澤*, 許美智* - - 2 - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021 18卷(18期):9533頁
(IF: 4.614, 領域排名: 45, 領域期刊數: 182, 領域排名: 24.73%)

Chinese herbal medicine significantly impacts the haematological variables of the Athlete Biological Passport
Chang, W.C.W., Wang, C.Y., Liu, W.Y., Tsai, C.C., Wu, Y.T.*, Hsu, M.C.* - - 2 - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021;18(18):9533
(IF: 4.614, Journal Ranking: 45, Number of Journals of this Field: 182, Ranking: 24.73%)


Blood-to-muscle distribution and urinary excretion of higenamine in rats
張值維, 顏清棋, 劉宛怡, 謝昀珊, 許美智, 吳育澤* - - 1 - DRUG TESTING AND ANALYSIS - DRUG TESTING AND ANALYSIS 2021 13卷(10期):1776-1782頁
(IF: 3.234, 領域排名: 41, 領域期刊數: 87, 領域排名: 47.13%)

Blood-to-muscle distribution and urinary excretion of higenamine in rats
William Chih-Wei Chang, Ching-Chi Yen, Wan-Yi Liu, Yun-Shan Hsieh, Mei-Chich Hsu, Yu-Tse Wu* - - 1 - DRUG TESTING AND ANALYSIS - DRUG TESTING AND ANALYSIS 2021;13(10):1776-1782
(IF: 3.234, Journal Ranking: 41, Number of Journals of this Field: 87, Ranking: 47.13%)


Potential Risk of Higenamine Misuse in Sports: Evaluation of Lotus Plumule Extract Products and a Human Study
顏清棋, 童俊維, 張值維, 蔡金川, 許美智*, 吳育澤* - - 1 - Nutrients - NUTRIENTS 2020 12卷(2期):285頁
(IF: 5.717, 領域排名: 17, 領域期刊數: 89, 領域排名: 19.10%)

Potential Risk of Higenamine Misuse in Sports: Evaluation of Lotus Plumule Extract Products and a Human Study
Ching-Chi Yen, Chun-Wei Tung, Chih-Wei Chang, Chin-Chuan Tsai, Mei-Chich Hsu*, Yu-Tse Wu* - - 1 - Nutrients - NUTRIENTS 2020;12(2):285
(IF: 5.717, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 89, Ranking: 19.10%)


Chinese herbal decoction (Danggui Buxue Tang) supplementation augments physical performance and facilitates physiological adaptations in swimming rats.
張值維, 顏清棋, 鄭釗沛, 吳育澤, 許美智* - - 1 - Pharmaceutical biology - PHARMACEUTICAL BIOLOGY 2020 58卷(1期):545-552頁
(IF: 3.503, 領域排名: 56, 領域期刊數: 235, 領域排名: 23.83%)

Chinese herbal decoction (Danggui Buxue Tang) supplementation augments physical performance and facilitates physiological adaptations in swimming rats.
William Chih-Wei Chang, Ching-Chi Yen, Chao-Pei Cheng, Yu-Tse Wu, Mei-Chich Hsu* - - 1 - Pharmaceutical biology - PHARMACEUTICAL BIOLOGY 2020;58(1):545-552
(IF: 3.503, Journal Ranking: 56, Number of Journals of this Field: 235, Ranking: 23.83%)


Determination of anabolic steroids in dried blood using microsampling and gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry: Application to a testosterone gel administration study.
張值維*,DavidACowan,ChristopherJWalker,NickWojek,AlanDBrailsford - - 1 - Journal of Chromatography A - JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A 2020 1628卷(-期):461445頁
(IF: 4.049, 領域排名: 14, 領域期刊數: 86, 領域排名: 16.28%)

Determination of anabolic steroids in dried blood using microsampling and gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry: Application to a testosterone gel administration study.
William Chih-Wei Chang*, David A Cowan, Christopher J Walker, Nick Wojek, Alan D Brailsford - - 1 - Journal of Chromatography A - JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A 2020;1628(-):461445
(IF: 4.049, Journal Ranking: 14, Number of Journals of this Field: 86, Ranking: 16.28%)


Untargeted foodomics strategy using high-resolution mass spectrometry reveals potential indicators for fish freshness.
張值維,吳欣怡#,葉芸,廖寶琦* - - 1 - Analytica Chimica Acta - ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 2020 1127卷(-期):98-105頁
(IF: 5.977, 領域排名: 10, 領域期刊數: 86, 領域排名: 11.63%)

Untargeted foodomics strategy using high-resolution mass spectrometry reveals potential indicators for fish freshness.
William Chih-Wei Chang, Hsin-Yi Wu#, Yun Yeh, Pao-Chi Liao* - - 1 - Analytica Chimica Acta - ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 2020;1127(-):98-105
(IF: 5.977, Journal Ranking: 10, Number of Journals of this Field: 86, Ranking: 11.63%)


Comparative UHPLC-Q-Orbitrap HRMS-Based Metabolomics Unveils Biochemical Changes of Black Garlic during Aging Process.
張值維,陳儀庭,陳宏彰*,謝昌衛,廖寶琦* - - 1 - Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry - JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 2020 68卷(47期):14049-14058頁
(IF: 4.192, 領域排名: 4, 領域期刊數: 58, 領域排名: 6.90%)

Comparative UHPLC-Q-Orbitrap HRMS-Based Metabolomics Unveils Biochemical Changes of Black Garlic during Aging Process.
William Chih-Wei Chang, Yi-Ting Chen, Hong-Jhang Chen*, Chang-Wei Hsieh, Pao-Chi Liao* - - 1 - Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry - JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 2020;68(47):14049-14058
(IF: 4.192, Journal Ranking: 4, Number of Journals of this Field: 58, Ranking: 6.90%)


2019 未來科技展 「運動禁藥一手掌握 & 抗炎保胃讚」
顏清棋,張值維,何健章,吳育澤,許美智* - - 0 - 人文與社會科學簡訊 - 2020 21卷(2期):24-30頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

2019 未來科技展 「運動禁藥一手掌握 & 抗炎保胃讚」
顏清棋,張值維,何健章,吳育澤,許美智* - - 0 - 人文與社會科學簡訊 - 2020;21(2):24-30
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Ephedra alkaloid content of Chinese herbal formulae sold in Taiwan
張值維, 胡斯雲, 黃冠倩, 許美智* - - 1 - Drug Testing and Analysis - DRUG TESTING AND ANALYSIS 2018 10卷(2期):350-356頁
(IF: 2.993, 領域排名: 19, 領域期刊數: 83, 領域排名: 22.89%)

Ephedra alkaloid content of Chinese herbal formulae sold in Taiwan
Chang, C.W., Hu, S.Y., Huang, G.Q., Hsu, M.C.* - - 1 - Drug Testing and Analysis - DRUG TESTING AND ANALYSIS 2018;10(2):350-356
(IF: 2.993, Journal Ranking: 19, Number of Journals of this Field: 83, Ranking: 22.89%)


Repressed exercise-induced hepcidin levels after Danggui Buxue Tang supplementation in male recreational runners
張值維, 陳昭彥, 顏清棋, 吳育澤, 許美智* - - 1 - Nutrients - NUTRIENTS 2018 10卷(9期):1318頁
(IF: 4.196, 領域排名: 18, 領域期刊數: 84, 領域排名: 21.43%)

Repressed exercise-induced hepcidin levels after Danggui Buxue Tang supplementation in male recreational runners
Chang, C.W., Chen, C.Y., Yen, C.C., Wu, Y.T., Hsu, M.C.* - - 1 - Nutrients - NUTRIENTS 2018;10(9):1318
(IF: 4.196, Journal Ranking: 18, Number of Journals of this Field: 84, Ranking: 21.43%)


Determination of cannabinoids in hemp nut products in Taiwan by HPLC-MS/MS coupled with chemometric analysis: quality evaluation and a pilot human study
張值維, 童俊維, 蔡金川, 吳育澤*, 許美智* - - 1 - Drug Testing and Analysis - Drug Testing and Analysis 2017 9卷(6期):888-897頁
(IF: 2.993, 領域排名: 18, 領域期刊數: 80, 領域排名: 22.50%)

Determination of cannabinoids in hemp nut products in Taiwan by HPLC-MS/MS coupled with chemometric analysis: quality evaluation and a pilot human study
Chang, C.W., Tung, C.W., Tsai, C.C., Wu, Y.T.*, Hsu, M.C.* - - 1 - Drug Testing and Analysis - Drug Testing and Analysis 2017;9(6):888-897
(IF: 2.993, Journal Ranking: 18, Number of Journals of this Field: 80, Ranking: 22.50%)


Rapid determination of oxindole alkaloids in Cat's claw by HPLC using ionic liquid-based microwave-assisted extraction and silica monolithic column
張值維, 葉玉英, 張立青, 許美智, 吳育澤* - - 1 - Biomedical Chromatography - Biomedical Chromatography 2017 31卷(8期):e3925頁
(IF: 1.688, 領域排名: 46, 領域期刊數: 80, 領域排名: 57.50%)

Rapid determination of oxindole alkaloids in Cat's claw by HPLC using ionic liquid-based microwave-assisted extraction and silica monolithic column
Chang, C.W., Yeh, Y.Y., Chang, L.C., Hsu, M.C., Wu, Y.T.* - - 1 - Biomedical Chromatography - Biomedical Chromatography 2017;31(8):e3925
(IF: 1.688, Journal Ranking: 46, Number of Journals of this Field: 80, Ranking: 57.50%)


Ephedra alkaloid content of Chinese herbal formulae sold in Taiwan
張值維, 胡思雲, 黃冠倩, 許美智* - - 1 - Drug Testing and Analysis - Drug Testing and Analysis 2017 0卷(0期):0頁
(IF: 3.469, 領域排名: 15, 領域期刊數: 76, 領域排名: 19.74%)

Ephedra alkaloid content of Chinese herbal formulae sold in Taiwan
Chang, C.W., Hu, S.Y., Huang, G.Q., Hsu, M.C.* - - 1 - Drug Testing and Analysis - Drug Testing and Analysis 2017;0(0):0
(IF: 3.469, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 76, Ranking: 19.74%)


Self-Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery System for Resveratrol: Enhanced Oral Bioavailability and Reduced Physical Fatigue in Rats
顏清棋, 張值維, 許美智*, 吳育澤* - - 1 - International Journal of Molecular Sciences - Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2017 18卷(9期):1853頁
(IF: 3.687, 領域排名: 52, 領域期刊數: 171, 領域排名: 30.41%)

Self-Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery System for Resveratrol: Enhanced Oral Bioavailability and Reduced Physical Fatigue in Rats
Ching-Chi Yen, Chih-Wei Chang, Mei-Chich Hsu*, Yu-Tse Wu* - - 1 - International Journal of Molecular Sciences - Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2017;18(9):1853
(IF: 3.687, Journal Ranking: 52, Number of Journals of this Field: 171, Ranking: 30.41%)


Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Cannabinoids in Hemp Nut Using Response Surface Methodology: Optimization and Comparative Study
張值維, 顏清棋, 吳明倉, 許美智, 吳育澤* - - 1 - Molecules - Molecules 2017 22卷(11期):1894頁
(IF: 3.098, 領域排名: 68, 領域期刊數: 171, 領域排名: 39.77%)

Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Cannabinoids in Hemp Nut Using Response Surface Methodology: Optimization and Comparative Study
Chih-Wei Chang, Ching-Chi Yen, Ming-Tsang Wu, Mei-Chich Hsu, Yu-Tse Wu* - - 1 - Molecules - Molecules 2017;22(11):1894
(IF: 3.098, Journal Ranking: 68, Number of Journals of this Field: 171, Ranking: 39.77%)


張值維,許美智* - - 9 - 台灣醫學 - 2017 21卷(3期):297–301頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Doping Control: The Use of Glucocorticosteroids
Chih-Wei Chang, Mei-Chich Hsu* - - 9 - 台灣醫學 - 2017;21(3):297–301
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Development of a solid dispersion system for improving the oral bioavailability of resveratrol in rats
張值維, 黃正宇, 吳育澤*, 許美智* - - 1 - European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics - EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DRUG METABOLISM AND PHARMACOKINETICS 2016 42卷(2期):239-249頁
(IF: 1.68, 領域排名: 176, 領域期刊數: 255, 領域排名: 69.02%)

Development of a solid dispersion system for improving the oral bioavailability of resveratrol in rats
Chang, C.W., Wong, C.Y., Wu, Y.T. *, Hsu, M.C.* - - 1 - European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics - EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DRUG METABOLISM AND PHARMACOKINETICS 2016;42(2):239-249
(IF: 1.68, Journal Ranking: 176, Number of Journals of this Field: 255, Ranking: 69.02%)


Enhanced solubility, dissolution, and absorption of lycopene by a solid dispersion technique: The dripping pill delivery system
張值維, 王致遠, 吳育澤*, 許美智* - - 1 - Powder Technology - POWDER TECHNOLOGY 2016 301卷(-期):641-648頁
(IF: 2.759, 領域排名: 26, 領域期刊數: 135, 領域排名: 19.26%)

Enhanced solubility, dissolution, and absorption of lycopene by a solid dispersion technique: The dripping pill delivery system
Chih-Wei Chang, Chih-Yuan Wang, Yu-Tse Wu, Mei-Chich Hsu - - 1 - Powder Technology - POWDER TECHNOLOGY 2016;301(-):641-648
(IF: 2.759, Journal Ranking: 26, Number of Journals of this Field: 135, Ranking: 19.26%)


Acute Garcinia mangostana (mangosteen) supplementation does not alleviate physical fatigue during exercise: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial.
張值維, 黃姿蓉, 張文心, 曾怡鈞, 吳育澤*, 許美智* - - 1 - Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition - JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SPORTS NUTRITION 2016 13卷(20期):1-8頁
(IF: 1.811, 領域排名: 29, 領域期刊數: 82, 領域排名: 35.37%)

Acute Garcinia mangostana (mangosteen) supplementation does not alleviate physical fatigue during exercise: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial.
Chang CW, Huang TZ, Chang WH, Tseng YC, Wu YT, Hsu MC - - 1 - Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition - JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SPORTS NUTRITION 2016;13(20):1-8
(IF: 1.811, Journal Ranking: 29, Number of Journals of this Field: 82, Ranking: 35.37%)


Protective effects of the roots of Angelica sinensis on strenuous exercise-induced sports anemia in rats
張值維,陳奕鳴,徐藝洳,黃啟彰,吳育澤*,許美智* - - 1 - Journal of Ethnopharmacology - JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY 2016 193卷(-期):169-178頁
(IF: 3.055, 領域排名: 2, 領域期刊數: 24, 領域排名: 8.33%)

Protective effects of the roots of Angelica sinensis on strenuous exercise-induced sports anemia in rats
Chang CW, Chen YM, Hsu YJ, Huang CC, Wu YT, Hsu MC - - 1 - Journal of Ethnopharmacology - JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY 2016;193(-):169-178
(IF: 3.055, Journal Ranking: 2, Number of Journals of this Field: 24, Ranking: 8.33%)


Bioanalytical Method Development Using Liquid Chromatography with Amperometric Detection for the Pharmacokinetic Evaluation of Forsythiaside in Rats
吳育澤*, 蔡孟庭, 張值維, 顏清棋, 許美智 - - 1 - Molecules - Molecules 2016 2016卷(21期):1384頁
(IF: 2.465, 領域排名: 24, 領域期刊數: 59, 領域排名: 40.68%)

Bioanalytical Method Development Using Liquid Chromatography with Amperometric Detection for the Pharmacokinetic Evaluation of Forsythiaside in Rats
Yu-Tse Wu*, Meng-Ting Cai, Chih-Wei Chang, Ching-Chi Yen and Mei-Chich Hsu - - 1 - Molecules - Molecules 2016;2016(21):1384
(IF: 2.465, Journal Ranking: 24, Number of Journals of this Field: 59, Ranking: 40.68%)


張值維, 陳昭彥, 許美智* - - 9 - 運動教練科學 - 2016 0卷(42期):121-130頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Maria Sharapova and Meldonium Doping
Chih-Wei Chang, Chao-Yen Chen, Mei-Chich Hsu,* - - 9 - 運動教練科學 - 2016;0(42):121-130
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


張值維, 陳昭彥, 許美智* - - 9 - 運動生理暨體能學報 - 運動生理暨體能學報 2016 0卷(23期):13-22頁
(IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%)

Telmisartan in the Doping Monitoring Program
Chih-Wei Chang1, Chao-Yen Chen2, Mei-Chich Hsu3* - - 9 - 運動生理暨體能學報 - 運動生理暨體能學報 2016;0(23):13-22
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Effects of combined extract of cocoa, coffee, green tea and garcinia on lipid profiles, glycaemic markers and inflammatory responses in hamsters
張值維, 徐藝洳, 陳奕鳴, 黃啟彰, 許美智* - - 1 - BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine - BMC COMPLEM ALTERN M 2015 15卷(-期):269頁
(IF: 2.02, 領域排名: 6, 領域期刊數: 24, 領域排名: 25.00%)

Effects of combined extract of cocoa, coffee, green tea and garcinia on lipid profiles, glycaemic markers and inflammatory responses in hamsters
Chih-Wei Chang, Yi-Ju Hsu, Yi-Ming Chen, Wen-Ching Huang, Chi-Chang Huang, Mei-Chich Hsu* - - 1 - BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine - BMC COMPLEM ALTERN M 2015;15(-):269
(IF: 2.02, Journal Ranking: 6, Number of Journals of this Field: 24, Ranking: 25.00%)


Positive doping results caused by the single-dose local injection of triamcinolone acetonide
張值維, 黃泰元, 曾怡鈞, 張簡國平, 林淑芬, 許美智* - - 1 - Forensic Science International - Forensic Sci Internat 2014 244卷(0期):1-6頁
(IF: 2.14, 領域排名: 3, 領域期刊數: 15, 領域排名: 20.00%)

Positive doping results caused by the single-dose local injection of triamcinolone acetonide
Chang, C.W., Huang, T.Y., Tseng, Y.C., Chang-Chien, G.P., Lin, S.F., Hsu, M.C.* - - 1 - Forensic Science International - Forensic Sci Internat 2014;244(0):1-6
(IF: 2.14, Journal Ranking: 3, Number of Journals of this Field: 15, Ranking: 20.00%)


YEAR — Source — No — Type
Project Name
113 — KK 高科大高醫產學合作補助 —   — 3 產學合作
結合食品體學、分子對接與網路藥學分析技術鑑定紅翎藻中的抗肝纖維化的天然活性物質( )
2025/01/01 ~ 2025/12/31
113 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSTC112-2410-H-037-015-MY2 — 1 個人型
乾血點用於分析賽內運動禁用物質糖皮質類固醇之開發與應用(2/2)( )
2024/08/01 ~ 2025/07/31
113 — NK 高醫-中山合作計畫 — NK113P12 — 1 個人型
臺灣醫師於診治運動員時之處方習慣與運動禁藥知識調查(Investigation of Taiwanese physicians' prescribing habits and anti-doping knowledge in the treatment of athletes)
2024/01/01 ~ 2024/12/31
112 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSTC112-2410-H-037-015-MY2 — 1 個人型
乾血點用於分析賽內運動禁用物質糖皮質類固醇之開發與應用(1/2)( )
2023/08/01 ~ 2025/07/31
112 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSTC112-2628-H-037-001 — 1 個人型
揭開運動員的用藥歷程:建立頭髮檢體與高解析質譜法之整合型藥檢平台(3/3)( )
2023/08/01 ~ 2024/07/31
112 — NK 高醫-中山合作計畫 —   — 1 個人型
探討執業藥師的運動禁藥知識與教育需求(Investigating anti-doping knowledge and educational needs for registered pharmacists)
2023/01/01 ~ 2023/12/31
112 — X 高奇合作計畫 — 113CM-KMU-01 —  
為電競運動開發與驗證分析口腔液中三種認知增強劑之極致效能液相層析串聯質譜法( )
2024/08/01 ~ 2025/07/31
111 — N 國科會(原科技部) — MOST111-2628-H-037-001 — 1 個人型
揭開運動員的用藥歷程:建立頭髮檢體與高解析質譜法之整合型藥檢平台(2/3)( )
2022/08/01 ~ 2023/07/31
110 — N 國科會(原科技部) — MOST110-2628-H-037-001 — 1 個人型
揭開運動員的用藥歷程:建立頭髮檢體與高解析質譜法之整合型藥檢平台(1/3)( )
2021/08/01 ~ 2022/07/31
110 — Q 新聘教師計畫(校內) — KMU-Q111003 —  
利用非標的代謝體學探勘本土特有植物具抗氧化活性之指標成分( )
2022/01/01 ~ 2022/12/31
109 — Q 新聘教師計畫(校內) — KMU-Q110010A —  
評估環境毒物以毛髮進行生物監測之可行性( )
2021/04/01 ~ 2021/12/31
