School — Major — Degree | Duration |
國立陽明大學 — 生物醫學影像暨放射科學系(畢) — 博士 Doctorate, Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, National Yang-Ming University |
2003/08 — 2009/07 |
國立陽明大學 — 生物醫學影像暨放射科學系(畢) — 學士 Bachelor, Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, National Yang-Ming University |
1999/08 — 2003/06 |
Intramural Experience
Office/Department/Institute | Position | Duration |
醫學影像暨放射科學系 Department of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences | Associate Professor | 2019/08/01 — |
Extramural Experience
DEPNO | Position- Office/Department/Institute | Duration |
慈濟科技大學醫學影像暨放射科學系 | 副教授 | 1020601 — 1080731 |
慈濟科技大學醫學影像暨放射科學系 | 助理教授 | 0980801 — 1020531 |
Research & Technology Platform Open to the Outside
Interested Area(s)for Interdisciplinary Research
Area(s) of Expertise & Research
多模式影像之醫學物理與量化分析; 放射醫學影像之蒙地卡羅模擬與數位假體
Medical physics and data quantification in multimodality medical imaging; Monte Carlo simulation and digital phantom in radiological sciences
NO | Publication |
1 | 利用U-Net於切割CT灌注影像之腦梗塞核心的可行性研究 Infarct core segmentation using U-Net in CT perfusion imaging: a feasibility study |
2 | 以電子密度假體影像訓練捲積神經網路於降低細切冠狀動脈鈣化影像之雜訊 A CNN-based denoising method trained with images acquired with electron density phantoms for thin-sliced coronary artery calcium scans |
3 | 以DenseNet強化切片厚度小於5毫米之多相位對比增強電腦斷層對於低血管性肝轉移病灶的偵測 Improving the detection of hypo-vascular liver metastases in multiphase contrast-enhanced CT with slice thickness less than 5 mm using DenseNet |
4 | 利用DenseNet提升電腦斷層冠狀動脈鈣化偵測的可行性研究 Investigating the Feasibility of Using DenseNet to Improve Coronary Calcification Detection in CT |
5 | 利用捲積神經網路降低Lu-177平面閃爍影像的掃描時間:蒙地卡羅模擬實驗 Reducing scan time in Lu-177 planar scintigraphy using convolutional neural network: A Monte Carlo simulation study |
6 | 探討身體質量指數對於256切電腦斷層之冠狀動脈血管攝影的影響 Effect of Body Mass Index in Coronary CT Angiography Performed on a 256-Slice Multi-Detector CT Scanner |
7 | 探討LEHRS準直儀對於不同體型病患在Tc-99m平面閃爍影像的病灶診斷能力:假體實驗 Investigating the lesion detectability of Tc-99m planar scintigraphy acquired with LEHRS collimator for patients with different body sizes: A phantom study |
8 | 自單一120kVp電腦斷層掃描生成雙能量影像的可行行探討:假體研究 Investigating the feasibility of generating dual-energy CT from one 120-kVp CT scan: a phantom study |
9 | 對MRI影像中非骨組織進行強度均一化校正以提升MRI轉換成虛擬CT的準確性 Applying MRI Intensity Normalization on Non-Bone Tissues to Facilitate Pseudo-CT Synthesis from MRI |
10 | 以捲積神經網路校正動物用正子照影的正子路徑效應:蒙地卡羅模擬 Compensating Positron Range Effects of Ga-68 in Preclinical PET Imaging by Using Convolutional Neural Network: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study. |
11 | 以疊代法重建切片厚度為0.5 mm的冠狀動脈鈣化掃描之HU閥值最佳化研究 Optimization of HU threshold for coronary artery calcium scans reconstructed at 0.5-mm slice thickness using iterative reconstruction |
12 | 探討影響電腦斷層輻射劑量的影響因子以最佳化病人劑量指標 Evaluation of impact of factors affecting CT radiation dose for optimizing patient dose levels |
13 | 探討256切電腦斷層血管攝影中病患心率與最佳重建相位之關係 Relationship between heart rate and optimal reconstruction phase in coronary CT angiography performed on a 256-slice multidetector CT |
NO |
YEAR — Source — No — Type
Project Name
Duration |
1 |
113 — M 高醫(種子計畫) — KMU-M114010 —
利用深度學習法實現超低劑量電腦斷層掃描於心肺疾病之可行性研究( )
2025/01/01 ~ 2025/12/31 |
2 |
113 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSTC114-2623-E-037-001-NU — 1 個人型
實現個人化Lu-177 DOTATATE標靶核種治療之可行性研究( )
2025/01/01 ~ 2025/12/31 |
3 |
112 — M 高醫(種子計畫) — KMU-M113022 —
提升電腦斷層灌注影像於缺血性中風診斷效益的可行性研究( )
2024/01/01 ~ 2024/12/31 |
4 |
111 — M 高醫(種子計畫) — KMU-M112023 —
利用深度神經網路改善Lu-177 DOTATATE肽受體放射性核種治療之個人化劑量計算( )
2023/01/01 ~ 2023/12/31 |
5 |
110 — N 國科會(原科技部) — MOST110-2314-B-037-076 — 1 個人型
利用磁振照影於影像引導放射治療以提升腫瘤治療成效的可行性研究( )
2021/08/01 ~ 2022/10/31 |
6 |
109 — Q 新聘教師計畫(校內) — KMU-Q110003A —
探討多模式影像整合技術於提升影像引導放射治療之癌症治療精準度( )
2021/01/01 ~ 2021/12/31 |
7 |
108 — T 其他政府單位 — NL1080699 —
頭部專用核醫造影系統之衰減校正方法研究與效能驗證( )
2019/08/29 ~ 2019/12/31 |
8 |
108 — Z 大專學生研究計畫及博士後 — MOST109-2813-C-037-061-B — 8 大專學生研究計畫
109年度大專學生研究計畫-陳昱瑄(醫放3)( )
2020/07/01 ~ 2021/02/28 |