School — Major — Degree | Duration |
國立中正大學 — 成人及繼續教育學系(畢) — 博士 Doctorate, , |
2012/09 — 2016/06 |
國立陽明大學 — 衛生福利研究所(畢) — 碩士 Master, , |
2004/09 — 2007/01 |
世新大學 — 社會心理學系(畢) — 學士 Bachelor, , |
1998/09 — 2003/06 |
Intramural Experience
Office/Department/Institute | Position | Duration |
高齡長期照護碩士學位學程 Master Program of Long-Term Care in Aging | Professor | 2025/02/01 — |
高齡長期照護碩士學位學程 Master Program of Long-Term Care in Aging | Chair | 2024/08/01 — 2025/07/31 |
高齡長期照護碩士學位學程 Master Program of Long-Term Care in Aging | Associate Professor | 2021/02/01 — 2025/01/31 |
高齡長期照護碩士學位學程 Master Program of Long-Term Care in Aging | Assistant Professor | 2017/02/01 — 2021/01/31 |
Extramural Experience
DEPNO | Position- Office/Department/Institute | Duration |
南華大學生死學系 | 助理教授 | 1050801 — 1060131 |
NO | Discipline | Expertise |
1 | 人文及社會科學類 Humanities and Social Sciences | 教育學 Education Science |
2 | 人文及社會科學類 Humanities and Social Sciences | 社會學、社會福利與工作 Sociology, Social Welfare and Work |
Research & Technology Platform Open to the Outside
Interested Area(s)for Interdisciplinary Research
Area(s) of Expertise & Research
Community-Based Long-Term Care, Gerontological Social Work, Gerontological Mental Health, Health Behavior and Education for the Elderly, Gerontological Graceful Death and Terminal Care
NO | Publication |
1 | Emerging Digital Technologies Used for Fall Detection in Older Adults in Aged Care: A Scoping Review Emerging Digital Technologies Used for Fall Detection in Older Adults in Aged Care: A Scoping Review |
2 | 台灣社區精神衛生設施設立過程中的鄰避主義與因應抗議策略:第一線健康照護專業人員的觀點 NIMBYism and Strategies for Coping with Managing Protests during the Establishment of Community Mental Health Facilities in Taiwan: Insights from Frontline Healthcare Professionals |
3 | 表達性藝術治療對台灣MCI老年人認知功能與憂鬱情緒影響之效果 Effects of expressive arts therapy on cognitive function and depression among older adults with MCI in Taiwan |
4 | 社區心理衛生會所模式社區融合經驗:心理衛生專業者的觀點 Community Inclusion Experiences While Establishing Community Mental Health Clubhouses in Taiwan: Perspectives from Mental Health Professionals |
5 | 音樂療法介入對於台灣長照機構失智個案躁動行為成效探討 Evaluation of the music therapy program interventions on agitated behavior for people with dementia in Taiwan institutional care |
6 | 椅子瑜伽療法對台灣退化性膝關節炎女性老人體適能和日常生活活動功能成效探討:準實驗研究 Effect of Chair Yoga Therapy on Functional Fitness and Daily Life Activities among Older Female Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis in Taiwan: A Quasi-Experimental Study |
7 | 高雄地區都市文化健康站運作現況與困境之探討─照顧服務員觀點 Research on Operational Situation and Difficulties in the Kaohsiung City Cultural and Health Stations: Care Workers Viewpoint |
8 | 台灣社區心理健康照護中心營運現況與挑戰之探索:健康照護專業人員觀點的質性研究 Exploring the Operational Status and Challenges of Community-Based Mental Healthcare Centers in Taiwan: A Qualitative Analysis of Healthcare Professionals’ Insights |
9 | 老化到幸福:社區據點老人參與正向心理取向式學習方案之轉變與效果探究 Effects of participation in positive psychology-oriented learning programs on the elderly in community care stations |
10 | An Evaluation of Improving Psychosocial Life Satisfaction among Older Adults in Taiwan Day Care Centers Using Life Review Work An Evaluation of Improving Psychosocial Life Satisfaction among Older Adults in Taiwan Day Care Centers Using Life Review Work |
11 | Effects of Reminiscence Therapy in People with Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Effects of Reminiscence Therapy in People with Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis |
12 | 懷舊活動對於台灣長期照顧機構失智老人問題行為之研究 A study of reminiscence activities program on dementia behavioral problems care for long-term care older adults in Taiwan |
13 | 台灣鼻胃留置居家護理個案吸入性肺炎與餵養照護之關係:初步研究 Relationship between Aspiration Pneumonia and Feeding Care among Home Care Patients with an In-Dwelling Nasogastric Tube in Taiwan: A Preliminary Study |
14 | 布農族女性居家照顧服務員工作經驗之研究 Study of the Work Experience of Female Bunun Home Care Workers |
15 | 社區老人生命意義團體方案設計、參與歷程與效果探究 Design, the Process of Participation, and Effects of Group Programs Focusing on the Meaning of Life among Community-Dwelling Elders |
16 | 國立空中大學高齡學生學習參與對賦權增能效果之研究 A study on the learning participation and empowerment of older students in national open university |
17 | 以桌遊為基礎的口腔衛生教育方案介入對於成人智能障礙者口腔衛生知識和菌斑指數之效果:前驅性研究 The Effectiveness of a Board Game-Based Oral Hygiene Education Program on Oral Hygiene Knowledge and Plaque Index of Adults with Intellectual Disability: A Pilot Study |
18 | 台灣社區高齡者老化、咀嚼和吞嚥困難關係著舌壓降低 Decreased Tongue Pressure Associated with Aging, Chewing and Swallowing Difficulties of Community-Dwelling Older Adults in Taiwan |
19 | 台灣醫護學生照顧老人意願之橫斷性研究 Cross-sectional assessment of medical students willingness to care toward older people in Taiwan |
20 | 社會變遷下的原住民女性家庭照顧者照顧經驗之初探 The Exploratory Research of Indigenous Female Family Caregivers Care Experience in the Changing Society |
21 | 團體懷舊療法對護理之家失智榮民憂鬱和生命意義改善之介入成效探討 Effect of group reminiscence therapy on depression and perceived meaning of life of veterans diagnosed with dementia at veteran homes |
22 | 桌遊活動對台灣日間照顧中心老人憂鬱降低之成效探討:準實驗研究 Effectiveness of board game activities for reducing depression among older adults in adult day care centers of Taiwan: a quasi-experimental study |
23 | Self-evaluation by community older adults on the applicability of the healthy beat acupunch exercise program Self-evaluation by community older adults on the applicability of the healthy beat acupunch exercise program |
24 | Applicability of an elastic band exercise program to wheelchair-bound older adults with and without dementia: A self-rating survey Applicability of an elastic band exercise program to wheelchair-bound older adults with and without dementia: A self-rating survey |
25 | 桌遊活動對社區日間照顧中心老人認知功能改善之成效探討 Effect of board game activities on cognitive function improvement among older adults in adult day care centers |
26 | 椅子瑜珈於社區低身體活動量女性老人功能性體適和幸福感之改善成紹 Effectiveness of Chair Yoga for Improving the Functional Fitness and Well-being of Female Community-Dwelling Older Adults With Low Physical Activities |
27 | Effects of structured group reminiscence therapy on the life satisfaction of institutionalized older adults in Taiwan Effects of structured group reminiscence therapy on the life satisfaction of institutionalized older adults in Taiwan |
28 | 中高齡參與社區服務學習動機及改變歷程之初探─以高雄市為例 A Study on the Motivation and Change Process of Middle-aged People Participating in Community Service Learning: A Case of Kaohsiung City |
29 | 藝術治療對於護理之家老人憂鬱及提升自尊之改善成效 Positive effects of art therapy on depression and self-esteem of older adults in nursing homes |
30 | 音樂療法活動方案介入對失智老人基本日常生活功能改善之成效探討 Effectiveness of Music Therapy Activity Program on the Basic Activities of Daily Living of the Elderly with Dementia |
31 | 社區老人參與藝術治療懷舊團體對其生命意義與自我生命統整成效之探討 The Effect of Participation in Art therapy Reminiscence Group on the Community Elderly’s Life Meaning and Self Integrity |
32 | 社區老人身心健康狀況與生活感受之研究─成功老化觀點 The Study of Physical and Mental Health Status, Perceptions of Life for Community Elders from Successful Aging Viewpoint |
33 | 運用代間學習提升日間照顧中心老人人際互動之研究 Employing intergenerational learning to enhance the interpersonal interaction of elderly in day care center |
34 | From needs and dilemmas facing view of elderly people living with HIV/AIDS long-term care measures in Taiwan. Asian Social Science From needs and dilemmas facing view of elderly people living with HIV/AIDS long-term care measures in Taiwan. Asian Social Science |
35 | 臺灣高齡教育學相關學位論文研究取向之分析:2006年~2015年 Analysis of Research Orientation for Taiwan Educational Gerontology Thesis: 2006~2015 |
36 | 輕度失智榮民參與懷舊團體方案對其賦能成效之探討 Research on the Effectiveness of Empowerment for the Veterans with Mild Dementia Participating in a Reminiscence Group Therapy Program |
37 | 新加坡樂齡教育機構快樂學堂課程設計與教學模式之探究:Knowles 自我導向學習觀點 Curriculum Design and Instructional Model in a Center for Active Aging Learning Examined by Knowles’ Self-directed Learning Perspectives: A Case Study of Singapore YAH! Community College |
38 | 青年世代照顧人力培力方案之課程研發-以「長照種籽實驗計畫」為例 Curriculum Design of the Manpower Empowerment Program for Adolescent -An Example of Long-term Care Seed Experimental Program |
39 | 樂齡大學核心能力指標建構之研究 Building Core Competency Indicators for Teachers at Senior University |
40 | 臺灣青少年自殺防治之介入策略研究 Intervention strategies for suicide prevention among adolescents in Taiwan |
41 | 台灣社區心理衛生政策回顧、發展現況與未來展望 A Review of Taiwan's Community Mental Health Policies: Current Developments and Future Prospect |
42 | 台灣高齡教育學位論文研究取向分析探討與省思 Analysis, Exploration and Reflection of Research Orientation for Taiwan Elderly Education Dissertation |
43 | 從Knowles成人教育學模型觀點分析樂齡學習機構教學模式:以新加坡快樂學堂為例 Instructional Design Model in a Center for Active Aging Learning Examined by Knowles' Andragogical Model: A Case Study of Singapore YAH! Community College |
44 | 高齡學習與成功老化關係之探討 A study of the relationship between senior age learning and successful aging |
NO |
YEAR — Source — No — Type
Project Name
Duration |
1 |
113 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSTC112-2410-H-037-022-MY2 — 1 個人型
玩藝術,一起老:失智據點輕度認知障礙長者藝術治療實踐模式、實驗成效與統合分析探討(2/2)( )
2024/08/01 ~ 2025/07/31 |
2 |
113 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSTC113-2124-M-260-001 — 2 整合型
我國在地老化服務模式中防災訓練與災害風險溝通實踐策略之研究(1/3)-國立暨南國際大學轉撥款( )
2024/06/01 ~ 2025/05/31 |
3 |
112 — N 國科會(原科技部) — NSTC112-2410-H-037-022-MY2 — 1 個人型
玩藝術,一起老:失智據點輕度認知障礙長者藝術治療實踐模式、實驗成效與統合分析探討(1/2)( )
2023/08/01 ~ 2025/07/31 |
4 |
111 — M 高醫(種子計畫) — KMU-M112034 —
藝術照顧:失智據點輕度認知障礙長者介入藝術療法活動之統合分析與實驗成效探討( )
2023/01/01 ~ 2023/12/31 |
5 |
111 — T 其他政府單位 — 112農再-1.1.1-1.1-保-003(7) —
農村綠色照顧綠療育課程評估、實證成效與策略規劃-從在地老化到活耀老化之實踐( )
2023/02/08 ~ 2023/12/31 |
6 |
110 — N 國科會(原科技部) — MOST110-2410-H-037-006 — 1 個人型
「憶」起幸福:輕度認知障礙長者介入體智能混和訓練活動之實驗成效與後設分析探討( )
2021/08/01 ~ 2022/07/31 |
7 |
109 — N 國科會(原科技部) — MOST109-2410-H-037-009 — 1 個人型
活化銀髮腦力與情緒訓練方案:以桌遊活動改善社區關懷據點高齡者認知功能與憂鬱情緒之後設分析與實驗成效探討( )
2020/08/01 ~ 2021/07/31 |
8 |
109 — Z 大專學生研究計畫及博士後 — MOST110-2813-C-037-205-H — 8 大專學生研究計畫
110年度大專學生研究計畫-李慈恩(護理2)( )
2021/07/01 ~ 2022/02/28 |
9 |
108 — N 國科會(原科技部) — MOST108-2410-H-037-003-SSS — 1 個人型
醫護大學生的「老」問題:老化知識、態度與工作意向之調查與代間學習實驗成效研究( )
2019/08/01 ~ 2020/07/31 |
10 |
108 — Z 大專學生研究計畫及博士後 — MOST109-2813-C-037-080-H — 8 大專學生研究計畫
109年度大專學生研究計畫-張秋蓉(護理3)( )
2020/07/01 ~ 2021/02/28 |
11 |
106 — H 衛福部 — 方案序號:85 —
106年度「預防及延緩失能照護方案研發與人才培訓計畫」-躍動增肌高齡銀髮瑜珈實證應用方案( )
2017/07/11 ~ 2018/04/30 |
12 |
106 — Q 新聘教師計畫(校內) — KMU-Q107024 —
死亡態度對社區老人善終選擇之影響研究( )
2018/01/01 ~ 2018/12/31 |