
School ¡X Major ¡X Degree Duration

°ê¥ß¦¨¥\¤j¾Ç ¡X §÷®Æ¬ì¾Ç¤Î¤uµ{¾Ç¨t(²¦) ¡X ³Õ¤h

Doctorate, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Cheng Kung University

2005/09 ¡X 2010/10

°ê¥ß¦¨¥\¤j¾Ç ¡X §÷®Æ¬ì¾Ç¤Î¤uµ{¾Ç¨t(²¦) ¡X ºÓ¤h

Master, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Cheng Kung University

2003/09 ¡X 2005/06

°ê¥ß¦¨¥\¤j¾Ç ¡X §÷®Æ¬ì¾Ç¤Î¤uµ{¾Ç¨t(²¦) ¡X ¾Ç¤h

Bachelor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Cheng Kung University

1999/09 ¡X 2003/06

¤¤¤s¤k¤l°ª¯Å¤¤¾Ç ¡X  (²¦) ¡X °ª¤¤/¾

Senior/vocational high school,  ,  

1996/09 ¡X 1999/06

 Intramural Experience

Office/Department/Institute Position Duration
¾Ç¥Í¨Æ°È³B½Ò¥~¬¡°Ê²Õ Division of Extracurricular Activities   Head 2024/08/01 ¡X 2025/07/31
°ò¦¬ì¾Ç±Ð¨|¤¤¤ß Center for Fundamental Science Education   Professor 2023/08/01 ¡X  
°ò¦¬ì¾Ç±Ð¨|¤¤¤ß Center for Fundamental Science Education   Associate Professor 2019/08/01 ¡X 2023/07/31
°ò¦¬ì¾Ç±Ð¨|¤¤¤ß Center for Fundamental Science Education   Assistant Professor 2016/08/01 ¡X 2019/07/31
°ò¦¬ì¾Ç±Ð¨|¤¤¤ß Center for Fundamental Science Education   Assistant Professor 2016/02/01 ¡X 2016/07/31

 Extramural Experience



NO Discipline Expertise
1 ¤uµ{§Þ³NÃþ Engineering and Technology ¾÷±ñ©T¤O Solid Mechanics
2 ¤uµ{§Þ³NÃþ Engineering and Technology ¾÷±ñ¼ö¬y Mechanical Heat Flow
3 ¤uµ{§Þ³NÃþ Engineering and Technology Âå¾Ç¤uµ{ Medical Engineering
4 ¤uµ{§Þ³NÃþ Engineering and Technology §÷®Æ Materials

 Research & Technology Platform Open to the Outside

Materials Science, Optical Testing, Biomedical Materials, Surface Analysis

 Interested Area(s)for Interdisciplinary Research


Materials Science, Optical Testing, Biomedical Materials, Surface Analysis

 Area(s) of Expertise & Research

§÷®Æ¬ì¾Ç¡B¥ú¾ÇÀË´ú¡B¥ÍÂå§÷®Æ¡Bªí­±¤ÀªR¥ÍÂå§÷®Æ»Pªí­±¤ÀªR «D¯}Ãa©ÊÀË´ú Àù¯g²Ó­M¤§¥ú¾Ç¶EÂ_ ©`¦Ì¶g´Áµ²ºc¤§¿ç®g©Ê½è

Biomedical materials and surface analysis Non-destructive surface analysis Optical diagnosis for cancer cell lines Radiative property of periodical nano-structures


NO Publication

³Ì»´ªº©TÅé§÷®Æ ¹j¼ö¤S¨¾¤õªº®ð¾®½¦
¶Àªé²Þ* - - 9 - ¬ì¾Ç¤ë¥Z - 2024 650¨÷(0´Á):63-65­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

The lightest solid material, heat-insulating and fire-resistant aerogels
Chih-Ling Huang* - - 9 - ¬ì¾Ç¤ë¥Z - 2024;650(0):63-65
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


¾|¬Õø@, ªL«Ø«n, §f©É½n, §d®¶¹ü*, ¶Àªé²Þ* - - 9 - ³qÃѾǥZ¡G²z©À»P¹ê°È - 2024 12¨÷(1´Á):1-40­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Exploring the Teaching of Python Programming to Improve the Information Literacy Performance of College Students
Ying-Yan Lu, Chien-Nan Lin, I-Wei Lu, Chen-Chang Wu*, Chih-Ling Huang* - - 9 - ³qÃѾǥZ¡G²z©À»P¹ê°È - 2024;12(1):1-40
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


¨¿¦w¸q, ÅÇ«a¦Ú, ³¯þ²¥ò, ®}©Ó°¶, ¶Àªé²Þ, §õ¿A¥Á* - - 1 - Journal of Dental Sciences - JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES 2024 19¨÷(3´Á):1426-1433­¶
(IF: 3.4, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 157, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 10.83%)

Characteristics and biological responses of selective laser melted Ti6Al4V modified by micro-arc oxidation
An-Nghia Nguyen, Kuan-Chen Kung, Ken-Chung Chen, Cheng-Wei Hsu, Chih-Ling Huang, Tzer-Min Lee* - - 1 - Journal of Dental Sciences - JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES 2024;19(3):1426-1433
(IF: 3.4, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 157, Ranking: 10.83%)


Development of a flexible film made of polyvinyl alcohol with chitosan based thermosensitive hydrogel
¶Àªé²Þ, ¶ÀÂÈ¥É, ³°Þ·§Â, ¾G¹ÅâÎ*, §õ¿A¥Á* - - 1 - Journal of Dental Sciences - JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES 2023 18¨÷(2´Á):822-832­¶
(IF: 3.5, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 26, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 91, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 28.57%)

Development of a flexible film made of polyvinyl alcohol with chitosan based thermosensitive hydrogel
Chih-Ling Huang, Hsun-Yu Huang, Yu-Chen Lu, Chia-Jung Cheng*, Tzer-Min Lee* - - 1 - Journal of Dental Sciences - JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES 2023;18(2):822-832
(IF: 3.5, Journal Ranking: 26, Number of Journals of this Field: 91, Ranking: 28.57%)


The biological responses of osteoblasts on titanium: effect of oxygen level and surface roughness
¶Àªé²Þ, ¶À·¢´@, §õ¿A¥Á* - - 1 - Journal of the Formosan Medical Association - JOURNAL OF THE FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 2023 122¨÷(7´Á):584-592­¶
(IF: 3.2, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 69, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 167, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 41.32%)

The biological responses of osteoblasts on titanium: effect of oxygen level and surface roughness
Chih-Ling Huang, Kai-Ting Huang, Tzer-Min Lee* - - 1 - Journal of the Formosan Medical Association - JOURNAL OF THE FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 2023;122(7):584-592
(IF: 3.2, Journal Ranking: 69, Number of Journals of this Field: 167, Ranking: 41.32%)


Fabrication of bioactive glass scaffolds by stereolithography: Influence of particle size and surfactant concentration
ªô«a»y, ¶Àªé²Þ, ¶À«Ø¤¸, §õ¿A¥Á, ¸³°ê©¾, ³¯§J®¥*, ¤ý«Û¶¯* - - 1 - Ceramics International - CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 2023 49¨÷(10´Á):15295-15303­¶
(IF: 5.1, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 3, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 31, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 9.68%)

Fabrication of bioactive glass scaffolds by stereolithography: Influence of particle size and surfactant concentration
Kuan-Yu Chiu, Chih-Ling Huang, Jian-Yuan Huang, Tzer-Min Lee, Guo-Chung Dong, Ker-Kong Chen*, Yan-Hsiung Wang* - - 1 - Ceramics International - CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 2023;49(10):15295-15303
(IF: 5.1, Journal Ranking: 3, Number of Journals of this Field: 31, Ranking: 9.68%)


Abnormal cell-selective surface modification by phenylboronic acid functionalized carbon dots on hierarchical bioceramic coating
§õ¿A¥Á, ³¢¤Dºû, ¶Àªé²Þ* - - 1 - Journal of Material Research - JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH 2023 38¨÷(3´Á):654-663­¶
(IF: 2.7, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 207, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 342, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 60.53%)

Abnormal cell-selective surface modification by phenylboronic acid functionalized carbon dots on hierarchical bioceramic coating
Tzer-Min Lee, Nai-Wei Kuo, Chih-Ling Huang* - - 1 - Journal of Material Research - JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH 2023;38(3):654-663
(IF: 2.7, Journal Ranking: 207, Number of Journals of this Field: 342, Ranking: 60.53%)


¦]À³ÄY­«¯S®í¶Ç¬V©ÊªÍª¢ ¡]COVID-19¡^±Ä¥Î»·¶Z±Ð¾Ç «¬ºAªº³qÃѽҵ{¦¨®Ä¡G ¥H°ª¶¯Âå¾Ç¤j¾Ç¬°¨Ò
¾|¬Õø@, ¶Àªé²Þ*, §õ«Ø§», µÎ¥ò·ì, ±iºaúâ - - 9 - ³qÃѾǥZ¡G²z©À»P¹ê°È - 2023 11¨÷(2´Á):63-102­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Exploring the Effect of General Education Courses Using Distance Teaching Format in Response to the COVID-19: A case of Kaohsiung Medical University
Ying-Yan Lu, Chih-Ling Huang*, Chien-Hung Lee, Chung-Yu Shu, Jung-San Chang - - 9 - ³qÃѾǥZ¡G²z©À»P¹ê°È - 2023;11(2):63-102
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


³s·ù®a, ¶Àªé²Þ*, §õ¿A¥Á* - - 1 - LASERS IN MEDICAL SCIENCE - LASERS IN MEDICAL SCIENCE 2022 37¨÷(1´Á):215-224­¶
(IF: 2.1, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 106, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 212, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 50.00%)

Novel system in vitro of classifying oral carcinogenesis based on feature extraction for gray-level co-occurrence matrix using scanned laser pico projector.
Meng-Jia Lian, Chih-Ling Huang*, Tzer-Min Lee* - - 1 - LASERS IN MEDICAL SCIENCE - LASERS IN MEDICAL SCIENCE 2022;37(1):215-224
(IF: 2.1, Journal Ranking: 106, Number of Journals of this Field: 212, Ranking: 50.00%)


¶Àªé²Þ* - - 9 - ³qÃѾǥZ¡G²z©À»P¹ê°È - 2022 10¨÷(2´Á):41-78­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Explore the Learning Outcome of Introducing Inquiry & Practice into General Education Courses - Illustration of the Biomimetic Materials
Chih-Ling Huang* - - 9 - ³qÃѾǥZ¡G²z©À»P¹ê°È - 2022;10(2):41-78
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Effect of thermocycling-induced stress on properties of orthodontic NiTi wires
¶Àªé²Þ, ±iºÕ®e, ³¯þ²¥ò, ¾G²Q¶², ¼B¨ÎÆ[, §õ¿A¥Á* - - 1 - Journal of Dental Sciences - JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES 2022 17¨÷(4´Á):1788-1795­¶
(IF: 3.5, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 26, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 91, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 28.57%)

Effect of thermocycling-induced stress on properties of orthodontic NiTi wires
Chih-Ling Huang, Chen-Jung Chang, Ken-Chung Chen, Shu-Wen Cheng, Jia-Kuang Liu, Tzer-Min Lee* - - 1 - Journal of Dental Sciences - JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES 2022;17(4):1788-1795
(IF: 3.5, Journal Ranking: 26, Number of Journals of this Field: 91, Ranking: 28.57%)


³¯Öö»¨, §õ¿A¥Á*, ¶Àªé²Þ* - - 1 - gels - GELS 2021 7¨÷(1´Á):31­¶
(IF: 4.432, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 23, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 90, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 25.56%)

Biopolymers Hybrid Particles Used in Dentistry
I-Hao Chen, Tzer-Min Lee*, Chih-Ling Huang* - - 1 - gels - GELS 2021;7(1):31
(IF: 4.432, Journal Ranking: 23, Number of Journals of this Field: 90, Ranking: 25.56%)


¶Àªé²Þ*, §õ¿A¥Á, ¼B¤¯¸q, ¬x­^¶¯ - - 9 - ±Ð¾Ç¹ê½î¬ã¨s - 2021 1¨÷(3´Á):141-152­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Innovation Design of General Course-popular Science Education Starting from Kaohsiung Hometown
Chih-Ling Huang*, Tzer-Min Lee, Jen-Yi Liu, Hero Hong - - 9 - ±Ð¾Ç¹ê½î¬ã¨s - 2021;1(3):141-152
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


³¯þ²¥ò, §õ¿A¥Á#, ³¢¤Dºû, ¼B¼á, ¶Àªé²Þ* - - 1 - Materials - MATERIALS 2020 13¨÷(7´Á):1548­¶
(IF: 3.623, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 80, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 21.25%)

Nano/Micro Hierarchical Bioceramic Coatings for Bone Implant Surface Treatments
Ken-Chung Chen, Tzer-Min Lee#, Nai-Wei Kuo, Cheng Liu, and Chih-Ling Huang* - - 1 - Materials - MATERIALS 2020;13(7):1548
(IF: 3.623, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 80, Ranking: 21.25%)


¶Àªé²Þ*, ¤èÝÂ, ¶À¬f·ç, ¤ý«Û¶¯, ¸³°ê©¾, §õ¿A¥Á* - - 1 - Applied Sciences - APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 2020 10¨÷(7´Á):2595­¶
(IF: 2.679, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 73, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 160, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 45.63%)

Bioactive Glass as a Nanoporous Drug Delivery System for Teicoplanin
Chih-Ling Huang*, Wei Fang, Bo-Rui Huang, Yan-Hsiung Wang, Guo-Chung Dong, Tzer-Min Lee* - - 1 - Applied Sciences - APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 2020;10(7):2595
(IF: 2.679, Journal Ranking: 73, Number of Journals of this Field: 160, Ranking: 45.63%)


(IF: 0.973, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 135, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 169, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 79.88%)

A Study of Drynaria Fortunei in Modulation of BMP-2 Signalling by Bone Tissue Engineering.
(IF: 0.973, Journal Ranking: 135, Number of Journals of this Field: 169, Ranking: 79.88%)


¶Àªé²Þ*, ³s·ù®a, §d©É¸©, ³¯­³»ï, ªô¤å®õ - - 1 - Diagnostics (Basel) . - DIAGNOSTICS 2020 10¨÷(6´Á):389­¶
(IF: 3.706, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 45, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 169, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 26.63%)

Identification of Human Ovarian Adenocarcinoma Cells With Cisplatin-resistance by Feature Extraction of Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix Using Optical Images
Chih-Ling Huang*, Meng-Jia Lian, Yi-Hsuan Wu, Wei-Ming Chen, Wen-Tai Chiu - - 1 - Diagnostics (Basel) . - DIAGNOSTICS 2020;10(6):389
(IF: 3.706, Journal Ranking: 45, Number of Journals of this Field: 169, Ranking: 26.63%)


¶Àªé²Þ* - - 1 - Coatings - COATINGS 2020 10¨÷(8´Á):781­¶
(IF: 2.881, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 10, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 21, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 47.62%)

A Study of the Optical Properties and Fabrication of Coatings Made of Three-Dimensional Photonic Glass
Chih-Ling Huang* - - 1 - Coatings - COATINGS 2020;10(8):781
(IF: 2.881, Journal Ranking: 10, Number of Journals of this Field: 21, Ranking: 47.62%)


¶Àªé²Þ* - - 9 - °ªÂå³qÃѱШ|¾Ç³ø - 2020 15¨÷(15´Á):48-70­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

An exploratory study for the learning outcomes in the general education course "Materials and Life": A case of Kaohsiung Medical University
Chih-Ling Huang* - - 9 - °ªÂå³qÃѱШ|¾Ç³ø - 2020;15(15):48-70
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Fabrication of Bioactive Glass with Titanium Ion Doping via Various Reactive Environments
¤è ÝÂ, ¶À¬f·ç, ¼B¤l»¨, ³¯­P¦w, ±iÀRªâ*, ¶Àªé²Þ* - - 3 - Key engineering Materials - 2019 801¨÷(0´Á):21-26­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Fabrication of Bioactive Glass with Titanium Ion Doping via Various Reactive Environments
Wei Fang, Bo-Rui Huang, Tzu-Hao Liu, Jhih-An Chen, Ching-Fen Chang,* and Chih-Ling Huang* - - 3 - Key engineering Materials - 2019;801(0):21-26
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


³s·ù®a, ¶Àªé²Þ* - - 1 - Lasers in Medical Science - LASERS IN MEDICAL SCIENCE 2019 34¨÷(7´Á):1503-1508­¶
(IF: 2.342, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 74, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 210, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 35.24%)

Texture feature extraction of gray-level co-occurrence matrix for metastatic cancer cells using scanned laser pico-projection images
Meng-Jia Lian, Chih-Ling Huang - - 1 - Lasers in Medical Science - LASERS IN MEDICAL SCIENCE 2019;34(7):1503-1508
(IF: 2.342, Journal Ranking: 74, Number of Journals of this Field: 210, Ranking: 35.24%)


³¯Öö»¨, ³s·ù®a, ¤èÝÂ, ¶À¬f·ç, ¼B¤l»¨, ³¯­P¦w, ¶Àªé²Þ*, §õ¿A¥Á - - 1 - Applied Sciences - APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 2019 9¨÷(1´Á):66­¶
(IF: 2.474, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 32, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 91, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 35.16%)

In Vitro Properties for Bioceramics Composed of Silica and Titanium Oxide Composites
I-Hao Chen, Meng-Jia Lian, Wei Fang, Bo-Rui Huang, Tzu-Hao Liu, Jhih-An Chen, Chih-Ling Huang*, Tzer-Min Lee - - 1 - Applied Sciences - APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 2019;9(1):66
(IF: 2.474, Journal Ranking: 32, Number of Journals of this Field: 91, Ranking: 35.16%)


³s·ù®a, ¶Àªé²Þ*, §õ¿A¥Á* - - 9 - Computer Science & Information Technology - 2019 9¨÷(9´Á):33-39­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Construction Of an Oral Cancer Auto-Classify system Based On Machine-Learning for Artificial Intelligence
Meng-Jia Lian, Chih-Ling Huang*, and Tzer-Min Lee* - - 9 - Computer Science & Information Technology - 2019;9(9):33-39
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


¶Àªé²Þ* - - 9 - °ªÂå³qÃѱШ|¾Ç³ø - 2019 SI¨÷(SI´Á):1-9­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Communication skills integrated into general education courses- Illustration of the "Materials and Life
Chih-Ling Huang* - - 9 - °ªÂå³qÃѱШ|¾Ç³ø - 2019;SI(SI):1-9
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


³¯Öö»¨, ²±Ò¥Á, ¤ý¯Â´@, ¶Àªé²Þ*, ¤ý§Ó¥ú, ³¢Ä£¤¯ - - 3 - Key Engineering Materials - KEM 2018 765¨÷(´Á):119-123­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Development for Wound Dressing Based on Blended Chitosan and Gelatin Hydrogels
I-Hao Chen, Ching-Ming Chien, Chun-Ting Wang, Chih-Ling Huang*, Chih-Kuang Wang and Yur-Ren Kuo - - 3 - Key Engineering Materials - KEM 2018;765():119-123
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


ªLß»ª³, ¤èÝÂ, ³¯Öö»¨, ¬x·O¦ö, ¶Àªé²Þ* - - 3 - Key Engineering Materials - KEM 2018 765¨÷(´Á):136-139­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Fabrication of Mesoporous Bioactive Glass Nanoparticles by Sol-gel Method
Wei-Wen Lin, Wei Fang, I-Hao Chen, Tze-Yo Hung, and Chih-Ling Huang* - - 3 - Key Engineering Materials - KEM 2018;765():136-139
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


¶Àªé²Þ, Á©{¦¼, ªL­õ½n, ·¨§»½«, ¤ý§Ó¥ú* - - 1 - Ceramics International - CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 2018 44¨÷(11´Á):12442-12450­¶
(IF: 3.057, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 2, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 27, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 7.41%)

Multifunctional liposomal drug delivery with dual probes of magnetic resonance and fluorescence imaging
Chih-Ling Huang, Wan-Ru Hsieh, Che-Wei Lin, Hung-Wei Yang, Chih-Kuang Wang* - - 1 - Ceramics International - CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 2018;44(11):12442-12450
(IF: 3.057, Journal Ranking: 2, Number of Journals of this Field: 27, Ranking: 7.41%)


©P©{ÀR, ¤ý²M¥¿, ¶Àªé²Þ, §õ¿A¥Á* - - 1 - Journal of Dental Science - JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES 2018 13¨÷(3´Á):267-273­¶
(IF: 1.034, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 83, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 91, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 91.21%)

The effect of plasma treatment on the osseointegration of rough titanium implant: a histo-morphometric study in rabbits
Wan-Ching Chou, Rex C.-C. Wang, Chih-Ling Huang, Tzer-Min Lee* - - 1 - Journal of Dental Science - JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES 2018;13(3):267-273
(IF: 1.034, Journal Ranking: 83, Number of Journals of this Field: 91, Ranking: 91.21%)


³s·ù®a, ¶Àªé²Þ*, §õ¿A¥Á - - 9 - Journal of Image and Graphics - JIG 2018 6¨÷(1´Á):80-83­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Automation Characterization for Oral Cancer by Pathological Image Processing with Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix
Meng-Jia Lian, Chih-Ling Huang*, Tzer-Min Lee - - 9 - Journal of Image and Graphics - JIG 2018;6(1):80-83
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


¶Àªé²Þ*, ¤èÝÂ, ³¯Öö»¨, ¬x·O¦ö - - 1 - Ceramics International - CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 2018 44¨÷(14´Á):17224-17229­¶
(IF: 3.83, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 2, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 28, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 7.14%)

Manufacture and Biomimetic Mineral Deposition of Nanoscale Bioactive Glasses with Mesoporous Structures using Sol-gel Methods
Chih-Ling Huang*, Wei Fang, I-Hao Chen, Tze-Yo Hung - - 1 - Ceramics International - CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 2018;44(14):17224-17229
(IF: 3.83, Journal Ranking: 2, Number of Journals of this Field: 28, Ranking: 7.14%)


¶Àªé²Þ, ²ø¶@´Å, ¯Î§Ó±j, ¼B§Ó§», §õ©yã¸, ¼ï¤O¸Û, ¤ý§Ó¥ú* - - 9 - Journal of Automation and Smart Technology - 2018 8¨÷(4´Á):161-166­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Sterilization Efficacy of a Below 40¢XC Plasma Processes Assessed by a Biological Indicator
Chih-Ling Huang, Chao-Tang Chuang, Chih-Chiang Weng, Chih-Hung Liu, Yi-Zhen Li, Li-Cheng Pana, and Chih-Kuang Wang - - 9 - Journal of Automation and Smart Technology - 2018;8(4):161-166
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


±i¤S¤Ð, ù¸ÎÀs*, ªô¤å®õ, ¶Àªé²Þ, ±i«í·R, ¼ï°ê¿³ - - 1 - IEEE Photonics Journal - IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL 2018 10¨÷(6´Á):3901612­¶
(IF: 2.833, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 28, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 97, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 28.87%)

Scanned laser pico projection and Stokes-Mueller matrix imaging polarimetry for Detecting Cancer Cells with Different Cytoskeletal Organizations and Metastatic Potencies
You-Ren Chang, Yu-Lung Lo*, Wen-Tai Chiu, Chih-Ling Huang, Heng-Ai Chang, and Quoc-Hung Phan - - 1 - IEEE Photonics Journal - IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL 2018;10(6):3901612
(IF: 2.833, Journal Ranking: 28, Number of Journals of this Field: 97, Ranking: 28.87%)


³¯©þ­³, ¶Àªé²Þ, ù¸ÎÀs, ±i¤S¤Ð - - 1 - Journal of Biomedical Optics - JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS 2017 22¨÷(3´Á):035006-1­¶
(IF: 2.785, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 29, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 97, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 29.90%)

Analysis of Optically Anisotropic Properties of Biological Tissues under Stretching Based on Differential Mueller Matrix Formalism
Hao-Wei Chen, Chih-Ling Huang, Yu-Lung Lo*, and You-Ren Chang - - 1 - Journal of Biomedical Optics - JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS 2017;22(3):035006-1
(IF: 2.785, Journal Ranking: 29, Number of Journals of this Field: 97, Ranking: 29.90%)


¶Àªé²Þ*, ³¯¥É±l, ù¸ÎÀs - - 3 - Solid State Phenomena - SSP 2017 266¨÷(-´Á):226-230­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

A Thermosensitive Chitosan Based Hydrogel with Tunable Transmission at Visible Light
Chih-Ling Huang*, Yu-Bin Chen, and Yu-Lung Lo - - 3 - Solid State Phenomena - SSP 2017;266(-):226-230
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


¼ï°ê¿³, ù¸ÎÀs*, ¶Àªé²Þ - - 1 - Optics Express - OPTICS EXPRESS 2016 24¨÷(12´Á):12812-12824­¶
(IF: 3.669, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 19, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 97, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 19.59%)

Surface plasmon resonance prism coupler for enhanced circular dichroism sensing
Quoc-Hung Phan, Yu-Lung Lo*, and Chih-Ling Huang, - - 1 - Optics Express - OPTICS EXPRESS 2016;24(12):12812-12824
(IF: 3.669, Journal Ranking: 19, Number of Journals of this Field: 97, Ranking: 19.59%)


¶Àªé²Þ, ³¯¥É±l, ù¸ÎÀs, ªL¸Úµ¾ - - 1 - Carbohydrate Polymers - CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS 2016 147¨÷(-´Á):409-414­¶
(IF: 7.182, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 3, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 71, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 4.23%)

Development of chitosan/£]-glycerophosphate/glycerol hydrogel as a thermosensitive coupling agent
Chih-Ling Huang, Yu-Bin Chen*, Yu-Lung Lo, and Yi-Hsiang Lin - - 1 - Carbohydrate Polymers - CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS 2016;147(-):409-414
(IF: 7.182, Journal Ranking: 3, Number of Journals of this Field: 71, Ranking: 4.23%)


¶Àªé²Þ, ªô¤å®õ, ù¸ÎÀs*, ²øÀA©M, ³¯¥É±l, ¬_ªF§Ê, ±i²Q²b, ¾G§»¸R, §dµØªL - - 1 - Laser Physics Letters - Laser Physics Letters 2015 12¨÷(3´Á):35602­¶
(IF: 2.458, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 19, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 87, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 21.84%)

Optical detection of metastatic cancer cells using scanned laser pico-projection system
Chih-Ling Huang, Wen-Tai Chiu, Yu-Lung Lo*, Chin-Ho Chuang, Yu-Bin Chen, Tung-Ting Ke, Shu-Jing Chang, Hung-Chi Cheng and Hua-Lin Wu - - 1 - Laser Physics Letters - Laser Physics Letters 2015;12(3):35602
(IF: 2.458, Journal Ranking: 19, Number of Journals of this Field: 87, Ranking: 21.84%)


¶Àªé²Þ, ¦ó¬ö²E, ³¯¥É±l* - - 1 - Energy and Buildings - ENB 2015 86¨÷(-´Á):589-594­¶
(IF: 2.884, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 6, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 124, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 4.84%)

Development of an energy-saving glass using two-dimensional periodic nano-structures
Chih-Ling Huang, Chi-Chun Ho, and Yu-Bin Chen* - - 1 - Energy and Buildings - ENB 2015;86(-):589-594
(IF: 2.884, Journal Ranking: 6, Number of Journals of this Field: 124, Ranking: 4.84%)


¶Àªé²Þ, ²øÀA©M, ù¸ÎÀs* - - 1 - Carbohydrate Polymers - Carbohydrate Polymers 2013 96¨÷(2´Á):487¡V494­¶
(IF: 3.479, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 7, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 71, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 9.86%)

Evaluation of anisotropic chitosan hydrogels using analytical Mueller matrix method and scanned laser pico-projector
Chih-Ling Huang, Chin-Ho Chuang, and Yu-Lung Lo* - - 1 - Carbohydrate Polymers - Carbohydrate Polymers 2013;96(2):487¡V494
(IF: 3.479, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 71, Ranking: 9.86%)


²øÀA©M, §º¨f¤å, ¶Àªé²Þ, ù¸ÎÀs* - - 1 - Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - SNB 2012 173¨÷(-´Á):281¡V287­¶
(IF: 3.898, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 3, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 58, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 5.17%)

Relative two-dimensional nanoparticle concentration measurement based on scanned laser pico-projection
Chin-Ho Chuang, Ti-Wen Sung, Chih-Ling Huang, and Yu-Lung Lo* - - 1 - Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - SNB 2012;173(-):281¡V287
(IF: 3.898, Journal Ranking: 3, Number of Journals of this Field: 58, Ranking: 5.17%)


¯Î§Ó±j, ¹ù®m¼w*, ³¯«H§», ªLªF¼Ý, ¶Àªé²Þ - - 1 - International Journal of Radiation Biology - International Journal of Radiation Biology 2011 87¨÷(9´Á):936-43­¶
(IF: 1.861, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 2, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 35, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 5.71%)

Capillary-tube-based oxygen/argon micro-plasma system for the inactivation of bacteria suspended in aqueous solution
Chih-Chiang Weng, Juinn-Der Liao*, Hsin-Hung Chen, Tung-Yi Lin and Chih-Ling Huang, - - 1 - International Journal of Radiation Biology - International Journal of Radiation Biology 2011;87(9):936-43
(IF: 1.861, Journal Ranking: 2, Number of Journals of this Field: 35, Ranking: 5.71%)


¶Àªé²Þ, ¹ù®m¼w*, ·¨¹Åªâ, ±i®aºû, ¦¶»Ê²», ªL©z´¸ - - 0 - Thin Solid Films - Thin Solid Films 2009 517¨÷(17´Á):5386-5389­¶
(IF: 1.884, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 2, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 16, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 12.50%)

Cell adhesion over two distinct surfaces varied with chemical and mechanical properties
Chih-Ling Huang, Jiunn-Der Liao*, Chia-Fen Yang, Chia-Wei Chang, Ming-Shaung Ju, and Chou-Ching K. Lin - - 0 - Thin Solid Films - Thin Solid Films 2009;517(17):5386-5389
(IF: 1.884, Journal Ranking: 2, Number of Journals of this Field: 16, Ranking: 12.50%)


¶Àªé²Þ, ±i®aºû, ¹ù®m¼w*, §d«³¼w, ¦¶»Ê²», ªL©z´¸ - - 1 - Applied Surface Science - Applied Surface Science 2008 255¨÷(2´Á):301¡V303­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Cells anchored upon a thin organic film with different nano-mechanical properties
Chih-Ling Huang, Chia-Wei Chang, Jiunn-Der Liao*, Yi-Te Wu, Ming-Shaung Ju, and Chou-Ching K. Lin - - 1 - Applied Surface Science - Applied Surface Science 2008;255(2):301¡V303
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


YEAR ¡X Source ¡X No ¡X Type
Project Name
113 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X NSTC112-2221-E-037-003-MY2 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
¥H¥é¥Í³n·L¼v»sµ{¶}µo¿Ë²¨¤ô½Æ¦Xºwª¬§N¾®ªí­±(2/2)( )
2024/08/01 ~ 2025/07/31
112 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X NSTC112-2221-E-037-003-MY2 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
¥H¥é¥Í³n·L¼v»sµ{¶}µo¿Ë²¨¤ô½Æ¦Xºwª¬§N¾®ªí­±(1/2)( )
2023/08/01 ~ 2025/07/31
111 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST110-2221-E-037-003-MY2 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
¥H¥é¥ÍÄq¤Æ»sµ{¶}µo¤é¶¡³Q°Ê¿ç®g§N«o¹j¼ö½Æ§÷(2/2)( )
2022/08/01 ~ 2023/07/31
110 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST110-2221-E-037-003-MY2 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
¥H¥é¥ÍÄq¤Æ»sµ{¶}µo¤é¶¡³Q°Ê¿ç®g§N«o¹j¼ö½Æ§÷(1/2)( )
2021/08/01 ~ 2023/07/31
109 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST108-2221-E-037-001-MY2 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
ºÒºUÂø®ð¾®½¦¤§»sµ{¶}µo»P¼ö¶Ç¯S©Ê±´°Q(2/2)( )
2020/08/01 ~ 2021/07/31
108 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST108-2221-E-037-001-MY2 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
ºÒºUÂø®ð¾®½¦¤§»sµ{¶}µo»P¼ö¶Ç¯S©Ê±´°Q(1/2)( )
2019/08/01 ~ 2021/07/31
108 ¡X Z ¤j±M¾Ç¥Í¬ã¨s­pµe¤Î³Õ¤h«á ¡X MOST109-2813-C-037-093-B ¡X 8 ¤j±M¾Ç¥Í¬ã¨s­pµe
109¦~«×¤j±M¾Ç¥Í¬ã¨s­pµe-³¯Öö»¨(¤úÂå4)( )
2020/07/01 ~ 2021/02/28
107 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST107-2221-E-037-003 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
¥H·»½¦¾®½¦ªk»sµ{¶}µo¶tÜgÄq¨t®ð¾®½¦¹j¼ö½Æ§÷( )
2018/08/01 ~ 2019/07/31
107 ¡X Z ¤j±M¾Ç¥Í¬ã¨s­pµe¤Î³Õ¤h«á ¡X MOST108-2813-C-037-035-B ¡X 8 ¤j±M¾Ç¥Í¬ã¨s­pµe
108¦~«×¤j±M¾Ç¥Í¬ã¨s­pµe-¤èÝÂ(¤úÂå3)( )
2019/07/01 ~ 2020/02/29
107 ¡X Z ¤j±M¾Ç¥Í¬ã¨s­pµe¤Î³Õ¤h«á ¡X MOST108-2813-C-037-036-B ¡X 8 ¤j±M¾Ç¥Í¬ã¨s­pµe
108¦~«×¤j±M¾Ç¥Í¬ã¨s­pµe-³¯­P¦w(¤úÂå2)( )
2019/07/01 ~ 2020/02/29
106 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST106-2221-E-037-004 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
¥H¦Û²Õ¸Ë§Þ³N»s³Æ¨ã¦³µ²ºc¦â¤§¥ú¤l´¹Åé¤Î¨ä¥ú¾Ç¯S©Ê±´°Q( )
2017/08/01 ~ 2018/07/31
106 ¡X Q ·s¸u±Ð®v­pµe(®Õ¤º) ¡X KMU-Q107023 ¡X  
¥H·»½¦¾®½¦ªk¶}µo©`¦Ì¯Å¥Íª«¬¡©Ê¬Á¼þ( )
2018/01/01 ~ 2018/12/31
105 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST105-2218-E-037-002 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
¥H´X¤B»EÁÞ°ò½è¤ô¾®½¦¶}µo¼ö±Ó©Ê¶W­µªi¶Ç¾É½¦¤§¬ã¨s( )
2016/09/01 ~ 2017/10/31
105 ¡X Q ·s¸u±Ð®v­pµe(®Õ¤º) ¡X KMU-Q106007 ¡X  
¥H¦Û²Õ¸Ë§Þ³N»s³Æ¥ú¤l´¹ÅéÁ¡½¤¤§¥ú¾Ç¯S©Ê±´°Q»P¬ã¨s( )
2017/01/01 ~ 2017/12/31
