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Multitask deep learning on mammography to predict extensive intraductal component in invasive breast cancer. 蔡蕙怡, 高毓崴, 王若璟, 蔡宗育, 許瑞昇, 侯明鋒, 翁世峰* - - 1 - EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY - EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY 2024 34卷(4期):2593-2604頁 (IF: 4.7, 領域排名: 22, 領域期刊數: 204, 領域排名: 10.78%) Multitask deep learning on mammography to predict extensive intraductal component in invasive breast cancer. Huei-Yi Tsai, Yu-Wei Kao, Jo-Ching Wang, Tsung-Yu Tsai, Wei-Shiuan Chung, Jui-Sheng Hsu, Ming-Feng Hou, Shih-Feng Weng - - 1 - EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY - EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY 2024;34(4):2593-2604 (IF: 4.7, Journal Ranking: 22, Number of Journals of this Field: 204, Ranking: 10.78%) |
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Increased risk of sudden sensorineural hearing loss in patients with cervical spondylosis 劉嘉鈞,陳以德,翁世峰* - - 1 - Scientific Reports - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2024 2024卷(Feb期):2024 Feb 5;14(1):2910頁 (IF: 4.6, 領域排名: 22, 領域期刊數: 73, 領域排名: 30.14%) Increased risk of sudden sensorineural hearing loss in patients with cervical spondylosis Chia-Chun Liu, I-Te Chen, Shih-Feng Weng* - - 1 - Scientific Reports - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2024;2024(Feb):2024 Feb 5;14(1):2910 (IF: 4.6, Journal Ranking: 22, Number of Journals of this Field: 73, Ranking: 30.14%) |
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Embryo transfer impact: a comprehensive national cohort analysis comparing maternal and neonatal outcomes across varied embryo stages in fresh and frozen transfers. 張至婷,翁世峰,莊惠瑜,徐以樂,許珈旖,蔡英美* - - 1 - FRONTIERS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY - FRONTIERS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY 2024 15卷(12期):1400255頁 (IF: 3.9, 領域排名: 51, 領域期刊數: 186, 領域排名: 27.42%) Embryo transfer impact: a comprehensive national cohort analysis comparing maternal and neonatal outcomes across varied embryo stages in fresh and frozen transfers. Chih-Ting Chang, Shih-Feng Weng, Hui-Yu Chuang, I-Le Hsu, Chia-Yi Hsu, Eing-Mei Tsai - - 1 - FRONTIERS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY - FRONTIERS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY 2024;15(12):1400255 (IF: 3.9, Journal Ranking: 51, Number of Journals of this Field: 186, Ranking: 27.42%) |
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Health-related quality of life by veterans RAND 12 and healthcare resource utilization in cancer patients with sleep disorders: insights from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Yuan Kao, 林螢佳, 翁世峰, 王志中, 李易蓁*, Chien-Cheng Huang - - 1 - SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER - SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER 2024 32卷(7期):443頁 (IF: 2.8, 領域排名: 16, 領域期刊數: 169, 領域排名: 9.47%) Health-related quality of life by veterans RAND 12 and healthcare resource utilization in cancer patients with sleep disorders: insights from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Yuan Kao, Ying-Jia Lin, Shih-Feng Weng, Jhi-Joung Wang, I-Chen Lee*, Chien-Cheng Huang* - - 1 - SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER - SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER 2024;32(7):443 (IF: 2.8, Journal Ranking: 16, Number of Journals of this Field: 169, Ranking: 9.47%) |
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Healthcare Utilization and Its Correlates in Comorbid Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. 黃俊仁,林清華,劉黛玲,林柏成,褚錦承,王志中,魏春旺*,翁世峰* - - 2 - THE PSYCHIATRIC QUARTERLY - PSYCHIATRIC QUARTERLY 2024 95卷(2期):233-252頁 (IF: 2.7, 領域排名: 109, 領域期刊數: 276, 領域排名: 39.49%) Healthcare Utilization and Its Correlates in Comorbid Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Chun-Jen Huang, Ching-Hua Lin, Tai-Ling Liu, Pai-Cheng Lin, Chin-Chen Chu, Jhi-Joung Wang, Chun-Wang Wei, Shih-Feng Weng - - 2 - THE PSYCHIATRIC QUARTERLY - PSYCHIATRIC QUARTERLY 2024;95(2):233-252 (IF: 2.7, Journal Ranking: 109, Number of Journals of this Field: 276, Ranking: 39.49%) |
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Seasonal variations in peptic ulcer disease incidence in Taiwan, a country spanning both tropical and subtropical regions: a real- world database analysis Yi-Chen Lai, Yu-Han Chen, Chien-An Chen, Chung-Han Ho, Yu-Cih Wu, Jhi-Joung Wang, 翁世峰, Yuan Kao - - A - BMJ Open Gastroenterology - BMJ OPEN GASTROENTEROLOGY 2024 2024卷(11期):e001522頁 (IF: 3.3, 領域排名: 46, 領域期刊數: 143, 領域排名: 32.17%) Seasonal variations in peptic ulcer disease incidence in Taiwan, a country spanning both tropical and subtropical regions: a real- world database analysis Yi-Chen Lai, Yu-Han Chen, Chien-An Chen, Chung-Han Ho, Yu-Cih Wu, Jhi-Joung Wang, 翁世峰, Yuan Kao - - A - BMJ Open Gastroenterology - BMJ OPEN GASTROENTEROLOGY 2024;2024(11):e001522 (IF: 3.3, Journal Ranking: 46, Number of Journals of this Field: 143, Ranking: 32.17%) |
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Health-related quality of life, medical resource use and physical function in patients with diabetes mellitus and depression: A cross-sectional analysis from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. 謝慧敏,林清華,翁世峰,林柏成,劉黛玲,黃俊仁* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS - JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS 2023 327卷(-期):93-100頁 (IF: 6.533, 領域排名: 29, 領域期刊數: 212, 領域排名: 13.68%) Health-related quality of life, medical resource use and physical function in patients with diabetes mellitus and depression: A cross-sectional analysis from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Hui-Min Hsieh, Ching-Hua Lin, Shih-Feng Weng, Pai-Cheng Lin, Tai-Ling Liu, Chun-Jen Huang* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS - JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS 2023;327(-):93-100 (IF: 6.533, Journal Ranking: 29, Number of Journals of this Field: 212, Ranking: 13.68%) |
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預測敗血症和敗血性休克外科患者死亡率和不良事件的四種評估工具:一項比較研究 朱怡瑾,劉怡*,翁世峰,陳昭文 - - 2 - THE JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH - JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH 2023 31卷(5期):e296頁 (IF: 2.7, 領域排名: 22, 領域期刊數: 123, 領域排名: 17.89%) Four Assessment Tools for Predicting Mortality and Adverse Events in Surgical Patients With Sepsis and Septic Shock: A Comparative Study Yi-Chin Chu, Yi Liu*, Shih-Feng Weng, Chao-Wen Chen - - 2 - THE JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH - JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH 2023;31(5):e296 (IF: 2.7, Journal Ranking: 22, Number of Journals of this Field: 123, Ranking: 17.89%) |
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Short- and long-term recurrence of early-stage invasive ductal carcinoma in middle-aged and old women with different treatments. Kao Y, 吳瓔真#, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Tian YF, 翁世峰*, Huang CC* - - 1 - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2022 12卷(1期):4422頁 (IF: 4.6, 領域排名: 22, 領域期刊數: 73, 領域排名: 30.14%) Short- and long-term recurrence of early-stage invasive ductal carcinoma in middle-aged and old women with different treatments. Yuan Kao, Ying-Jhen Wu, Chien-Chin Hsu, Hung-Jung Lin, Jhi-Joung Wang, Yu-Feng Tian, Shih-Feng Weng, Chien-Cheng Huang - - 1 - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2022;12(1):4422 (IF: 4.6, Journal Ranking: 22, Number of Journals of this Field: 73, Ranking: 30.14%) |
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Healthcare burden and factors of type 2 diabetes mellitus with Schizophrenia. 黃俊仁,劉黛玲,黃毓婷,謝慧敏,張志誠,褚錦承,魏春旺,翁世峰* - - 1 - EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE - EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE 2022 272卷(3期):519-529頁 (IF: 5.76, 領域排名: 41, 領域期刊數: 212, 領域排名: 19.34%) Healthcare burden and factors of type 2 diabetes mellitus with Schizophrenia. Chun-Jen Huang, Tai-Ling Liu, Yu-Ting Huang, Hui-Min Hsieh, Chih-Cheng Chang, Chin-Chen Chu, Chun-Wang Wei, Shih-Feng Weng - - 1 - EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE - EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE 2022;272(3):519-529 (IF: 5.76, Journal Ranking: 41, Number of Journals of this Field: 212, Ranking: 19.34%) |
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Clinical Patterns of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Ischemic Heart Disease Treatment: A Population-Based Cohort Study 王隆碩, 顏佩姿#, 翁世峰, 徐仲豪*, 葉竹來* - - 1 - Medicina - MEDICINA-LITHUANIA 2022 58卷(7期):879頁 (IF: 2.948, 領域排名: 87, 領域期刊數: 172, 領域排名: 50.58%) Clinical Patterns of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Ischemic Heart Disease Treatment: A Population-Based Cohort Study Lung-Shuo Wang, Pei-Tzu Yen#, Shih-Feng Weng, Jong-Hau Hsu*, Jwu-Lai Yeh* - - 1 - Medicina - MEDICINA-LITHUANIA 2022;58(7):879 (IF: 2.948, Journal Ranking: 87, Number of Journals of this Field: 172, Ranking: 50.58%) |
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Pelvic inflammatory disease is associated with ovarian cancer development in women with endometriosis: A cohort study in Taiwan. 羅匯文, 翁世峰, Hung-Sheng Chen, 蔡英美* - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS 2022 158卷(1期):145-152頁 (IF: 4.447, 領域排名: 17, 領域期刊數: 85, 領域排名: 20.00%) Pelvic inflammatory disease is associated with ovarian cancer development in women with endometriosis: A cohort study in Taiwan. Hui-Wen Lo, Shih-Feng Weng, Hung-Sheng Chen, Eing-Mei Tsai - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS 2022;158(1):145-152 (IF: 4.447, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 85, Ranking: 20.00%) |
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Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Offspring Conceived via In Vitro Fertilization vs Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection. 羅匯文, 翁世峰, 蔡英美* - - 1 - JAMA NETWORK OPEN - JAMA NETWORK OPEN 2022 5卷(12期):e2248141頁 (IF: 13.36, 領域排名: 15, 領域期刊數: 172, 領域排名: 8.72%) Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Offspring Conceived via In Vitro Fertilization vs Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection. Huiwen Lo, Shih-Feng Weng, Eing-Mei Tsai* - - 1 - JAMA NETWORK OPEN - JAMA NETWORK OPEN 2022;5(12):e2248141 (IF: 13.36, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 172, Ranking: 8.72%) |
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Associations between dietary patterns and stages of chronic kidney disease. Lin HI, Chen HM, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, 翁世峰, Kao Y, Huang CC - - 1 - BMC NEPHROLOGY - BMC NEPHROLOGY 2022 23卷(1期):115頁 (IF: 2.3, 領域排名: 56, 領域期刊數: 88, 領域排名: 63.64%) Associations between dietary patterns and stages of chronic kidney disease. Hsin-I Lin, Hui-Ming Chen, Chien-Chin Hsu, Hung-Jung Lin, Jhi-Joung Wang, Shih-Feng Weng, Yuan Kao, Chien-Cheng Huang - - 1 - BMC NEPHROLOGY - BMC NEPHROLOGY 2022;23(1):115 (IF: 2.3, Journal Ranking: 56, Number of Journals of this Field: 88, Ranking: 63.64%) |
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Clinical presentations and prognosis of metformin-associated lactic acidosis patients in the intensive care unit: A 20-year survey. Chun-Chieh Yang, 翁世峰, Kuei-Ling Tseng, Chung-Han Ho - - 1 - MEDICINE - MEDICINE 2022 101卷(27期):e29918頁 (IF: 1.6, 領域排名: 118, 領域期刊數: 167, 領域排名: 70.66%) Clinical presentations and prognosis of metformin-associated lactic acidosis patients in the intensive care unit: A 20-year survey. Chun-Chieh Yang, Shih-Feng Weng, Kuei-Ling Tseng, Chung-Han Ho - - 1 - MEDICINE - MEDICINE 2022;101(27):e29918 (IF: 1.6, Journal Ranking: 118, Number of Journals of this Field: 167, Ranking: 70.66%) |
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Mortality and related risk factors in the co-presentation of tuberculosis and type 2 diabetes mellitus: a population-based study. Po-Tsang Chen, Nai-Cheng Yeh, 翁世峰, Kai-Jen Tien - - 1 - ANNALS OF MEDICINE - ANNALS OF MEDICINE 2022 54卷(1期):2470-2476頁 (IF: 4.4, 領域排名: 49, 領域期刊數: 167, 領域排名: 29.34%) Mortality and related risk factors in the co-presentation of tuberculosis and type 2 diabetes mellitus: a population-based study. Po-Tsang Chen, Nai-Cheng Yeh, Shih-Feng Weng, Kai-Jen Tien - - 1 - ANNALS OF MEDICINE - ANNALS OF MEDICINE 2022;54(1):2470-2476 (IF: 4.4, Journal Ranking: 49, Number of Journals of this Field: 167, Ranking: 29.34%) |
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認知功能障礙患者合併尿液中塑化劑暴露醫療資源耗用分析之探討 鍾欣伶*,Hui-JuChung,翁世峰 - - 9 - 南臺灣醫學雜誌 - 2021 16卷(2期):82-93頁 (IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%) A Study on Health-Related Quality of Life and Health Care Resource Utilization Among Cognitive Impairment's Patients with Urine of Phthalates Hsin-Ling Chung* , Hui-Ju Chung , Shi-Feng Weng - - 9 - 南臺灣醫學雜誌 - 2021;16(2):82-93 (IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%) |
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Association between atopic keratoconjunctivitis and the risk of keratoconus 翁世峰, Jan RL, Wang JJ, Tseng SH, Chang YS* - - 1 - Acta Ophthalmol - ACTA OPHTHALMOLOGICA 2021 99卷(1期):e54-e61頁 (IF: 3.988, 領域排名: 18, 領域期刊數: 61, 領域排名: 29.51%) Association between atopic keratoconjunctivitis and the risk of keratoconus Weng SF, Jan RL, Wang JJ, Tseng SH, Chang YS* - - 1 - Acta Ophthalmol - ACTA OPHTHALMOLOGICA 2021;99(1):e54-e61 (IF: 3.988, Journal Ranking: 18, Number of Journals of this Field: 61, Ranking: 29.51%) |
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Competing risk analysis of the association between dementia and major depressive disorder: a nationwide population-based study in Taiwan. 黃俊仁, 翁世峰, 王志中, 謝慧敏* - - 2 - Aging & mental health - AGING & MENTAL HEALTH 2021 25卷(4期):766-772頁 (IF: 3.514, 領域排名: 15, 領域期刊數: 37, 領域排名: 40.54%) Competing risk analysis of the association between dementia and major depressive disorder: a nationwide population-based study in Taiwan. Chun-Jen Huang, Shih-Feng Weng, Jhi-Joung Wang, Hui-Min Hsieh* - - 2 - Aging & mental health - AGING & MENTAL HEALTH 2021;25(4):766-772 (IF: 3.514, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 37, Ranking: 40.54%) |
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Association of hernia with subsequent aortic aneurysm in geriatric patients 洪國全, 張穎真, 孫灼均, 王志中, 陳怡蓁, 翁世峰*, 褚錦承* - - 1 - Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery - JOURNAL OF THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY 2021 162卷(6期):1668-1677.e2頁 (IF: 6.439, 領域排名: 15, 領域期刊數: 211, 領域排名: 7.11%) Association of hernia with subsequent aortic aneurysm in geriatric patients Hung KC, Chang YJ, Sun CK, Wang JJ, Chen YC, Weng SF*, Chu CC* - - 1 - Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery - JOURNAL OF THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY 2021;162(6):1668-1677.e2 (IF: 6.439, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 211, Ranking: 7.11%) |
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Association between atopic keratoconjunctivitis and the risk of corneal ulcer. Jan RL, 翁世峰, Wang JJ, Tseng SH, Chang YS* - - 1 - BRITISH JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY - BRITISH JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY 2021 105卷(12期):1632-1637頁 (IF: 5.908, 領域排名: 7, 領域期刊數: 61, 領域排名: 11.48%) Association between atopic keratoconjunctivitis and the risk of corneal ulcer. Jan RL, Weng SF, Wang JJ, Tseng SH, Chang YS* - - 1 - BRITISH JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY - BRITISH JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY 2021;105(12):1632-1637 (IF: 5.908, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 61, Ranking: 11.48%) |
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Association between chronic kidney disease and the most common corneal ectasia disease (keratoconus): a nationwide cohort study. 詹仁隆, 翁世峰, 王志中, 張昱欣 - - 1 - BMC NEPHROLOGY - BMC NEPHROLOGY 2021 22卷(1期):109頁 (IF: 2.585, 領域排名: 58, 領域期刊數: 90, 領域排名: 64.44%) Association between chronic kidney disease and the most common corneal ectasia disease (keratoconus): a nationwide cohort study. Ren-Long Jan, Shih-Feng Weng, Jhi-Joung Wang, Yuh-Shin Chang - - 1 - BMC NEPHROLOGY - BMC NEPHROLOGY 2021;22(1):109 (IF: 2.585, Journal Ranking: 58, Number of Journals of this Field: 90, Ranking: 64.44%) |
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Association Between Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis and the Risk of Recurrent Corneal Erosion. Ren-Long Jan, 翁世峰, Jhi-Joung Wang, Sung-Huei Tseng, Yuh-Shin Chang* - - 1 - FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE - FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE 2021 8卷(-期):688355頁 (IF: 5.058, 領域排名: 52, 領域期刊數: 172, 領域排名: 30.23%) Association Between Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis and the Risk of Recurrent Corneal Erosion. Ren-Long Jan, Shih-Feng Weng, Jhi-Joung Wang, Sung-Huei Tseng, Yuh-Shin Chang* - - 1 - FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE - FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE 2021;8(-):688355 (IF: 5.058, Journal Ranking: 52, Number of Journals of this Field: 172, Ranking: 30.23%) |
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骨質疏鬆病人合併憂鬱症的生活品質與醫療耗用 翁世峰, 許惠茹, 翁瑤苓, 田凱仁*, 高浩雲* - - 2 - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2020 17卷(3期):1124頁 (IF: 3.39, 領域排名: 41, 領域期刊數: 176, 領域排名: 23.30%) Health-Related Quality of Life and Medical Resource Use in Patients with Osteoporosis and Depression: A Cross-Sectional Analysis from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Shih-Feng Weng, Hui-Ru Hsu, Yao-Lin Weng, Kai-Jen Tien*, Hao-Yun Kao* - - 2 - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2020;17(3):1124 (IF: 3.39, Journal Ranking: 41, Number of Journals of this Field: 176, Ranking: 23.30%) |
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Clinical significance of electronegative low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in atherothrombosis 朱志生, 劉思慧, Lenzen D, 陳泳虹, 翁世峰, Ito E, Wu JC, Chen CH, 詹華蓁*, 柯良胤* - - 1 - Biomedicines - BIOMEDICINES 2020 8卷(8期):254頁 (IF: 4.717, 領域排名: 30, 領域期刊數: 139, 領域排名: 21.58%) Clinical significance of electronegative low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in atherothrombosis Chu CS, Law SH, Lenzen D, Tan YH, Weng SF, Ito E, Wu JC, Chen CH, Chan HC*, Ke LY* - - 1 - Biomedicines - BIOMEDICINES 2020;8(8):254 (IF: 4.717, Journal Ranking: 30, Number of Journals of this Field: 139, Ranking: 21.58%) |
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An increased plasma level of apoCIII-rich electronegative high-density lipoprotein may contribute to cognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s disease 詹華蓁, 柯良胤#, 盧筱婷, 翁世峰, 詹秀娟, 劉思慧, 林怡伶, 張權發, 盧怡旭, Chen CH, 朱志生* - - 1 - Biomedicines - BIOMEDICINES 2020 8卷(12期):542頁 (IF: 4.717, 領域排名: 30, 領域期刊數: 139, 領域排名: 21.58%) An increased plasma level of apoCIII-rich electronegative high-density lipoprotein may contribute to cognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s disease Chan HC, Ke LY#, Lu HT, Weng SF, Chan HCB, Law SH, Lin IL, Chang CF, Lu YH, Chen CH, Chu CS* - - 1 - Biomedicines - BIOMEDICINES 2020;8(12):542 (IF: 4.717, Journal Ranking: 30, Number of Journals of this Field: 139, Ranking: 21.58%) |
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Temporal Association between Topical Ophthalmic Corticosteroid and the Risk of Central Serous Chorioretinopathy. Yuh-Shin Chang, 翁世峰,J hi-Joung Wang, Ren-Long Jan* - - 2 - International journal of environmental research and public health - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2020 17卷(24期):9455頁 (IF: 3.39, 領域排名: 41, 領域期刊數: 176, 領域排名: 23.30%) Temporal Association between Topical Ophthalmic Corticosteroid and the Risk of Central Serous Chorioretinopathy. Yuh-Shin Chang, Shih-Feng Weng, Jhi-Joung Wang, Ren-Long Jan* - - 2 - International journal of environmental research and public health - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2020;17(24):9455 (IF: 3.39, Journal Ranking: 41, Number of Journals of this Field: 176, Ranking: 23.30%) |
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Association between exercise and health-related quality of life and medical resource use in elderly people with diabetes: a cross-sectional population-based study. Chien-Cheng Huang, Chien-Chin Hsu, Chong-Chi Chiu, Hung-Jung Lin, Jhi-Joung Wang, 翁世峰* - - 2 - BMC geriatrics - BMC GERIATRICS 2020 20卷(1期):331頁 (IF: 3.921, 領域排名: 6, 領域期刊數: 36, 領域排名: 16.67%) Association between exercise and health-related quality of life and medical resource use in elderly people with diabetes: a cross-sectional population-based study. Chien-Cheng Huang, Chien-Chin Hsu, Chong-Chi Chiu, Hung-Jung Lin, Jhi-Joung Wang, Shih-Feng Weng* - - 2 - BMC geriatrics - BMC GERIATRICS 2020;20(1):331 (IF: 3.921, Journal Ranking: 6, Number of Journals of this Field: 36, Ranking: 16.67%) |
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Risk of Mitral Valve Prolapse in Patients with Keratoconus in Taiwan: A Population-Based Cohort Study. Yuh-Shin Chang, Ming-Cheng Tai, 翁世峰, Jhi-Joung Wang, Sung-Huei Tseng, Ren-Long Jan* - - 2 - International journal of environmental research and public health - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2020 17卷(17期):6049頁 (IF: 3.39, 領域排名: 41, 領域期刊數: 176, 領域排名: 23.30%) Risk of Mitral Valve Prolapse in Patients with Keratoconus in Taiwan: A Population-Based Cohort Study. Yuh-Shin Chang, Ming-Cheng Tai, Shih-Feng Weng, Jhi-Joung Wang, Sung-Huei Tseng, Ren-Long Jan* - - 2 - International journal of environmental research and public health - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2020;17(17):6049 (IF: 3.39, Journal Ranking: 41, Number of Journals of this Field: 176, Ranking: 23.30%) |
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Association between keratoconus and the risk of adolescent- or adult-onset atopic dermatitis. Yuh-Shin Chang, 翁世峰, Jhi-Joung Wang, Sung-Huei Tseng, Jiu-Yao Wang, Han-Yi Jan, Shun-Yao Ko, Wen-Hui Tsai, Hsien-Yu Chen, Cheng-Wen Liou, Ren-Long Jan* - - 1 - Allergy - ALLERGY 2020 75卷(11期):2946-2948頁 (IF: 13.146, 領域排名: 1, 領域期刊數: 28, 領域排名: 3.57%) Association between keratoconus and the risk of adolescent- or adult-onset atopic dermatitis. Yuh-Shin Chang, Shih-Feng Weng, Jhi-Joung Wang, Sung-Huei Tseng, Jiu-Yao Wang, Han-Yi Jan, Shun-Yao Ko, Wen-Hui Tsai, Hsien-Yu Chen, Cheng-Wen Liou, Ren-Long Jan* - - 1 - Allergy - ALLERGY 2020;75(11):2946-2948 (IF: 13.146, Journal Ranking: 1, Number of Journals of this Field: 28, Ranking: 3.57%) |
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Diabetic ketoacidosis further increases risk of Alzheimer's disease in patients with type 2 diabetes. Chen YL, 翁世峰, Yang CY, Wang JJ, Tien KJ* - - 1 - Diabetes Res Clin Pract - DIABETES RESEARCH AND CLINICAL PRACTICE 2019 147卷(-期):55-61頁 (IF: 4.234, 領域排名: 34, 領域期刊數: 143, 領域排名: 23.78%) Diabetic ketoacidosis further increases risk of Alzheimer's disease in patients with type 2 diabetes. Chen YL, Weng SF, Yang CY, Wang JJ, Tien KJ* - - 1 - Diabetes Res Clin Pract - DIABETES RESEARCH AND CLINICAL PRACTICE 2019;147(-):55-61 (IF: 4.234, Journal Ranking: 34, Number of Journals of this Field: 143, Ranking: 23.78%) |
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Increased risk of central serous chorioretinopathy following end-stage renal disease: A nationwide population-based study. Chang YS, 翁世峰, Wang JJ, Jan RL* - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - MEDICINE 2019 98卷(11期):e14859頁 (IF: 1.552, 領域排名: 89, 領域期刊數: 165, 領域排名: 53.94%) Increased risk of central serous chorioretinopathy following end-stage renal disease: A nationwide population-based study. Chang YS, Weng SF, Wang JJ, Jan RL* - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - MEDICINE 2019;98(11):e14859 (IF: 1.552, Journal Ranking: 89, Number of Journals of this Field: 165, Ranking: 53.94%) |
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Reduced risk of new onset stroke after kidney transplantation in Asian dialysis patients: a propensity score-matched, competing risk study in Taiwan. 翁世峰, Shen YC, Wang JJ, Tien KJ* - - 1 - QJM-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICINE - QJM-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 2019 112卷(7期):489-495頁 (IF: 2.529, 領域排名: 49, 領域期刊數: 165, 領域排名: 29.70%) Reduced risk of new onset stroke after kidney transplantation in Asian dialysis patients: a propensity score-matched, competing risk study in Taiwan. Weng SF, Shen YC, Wang JJ, Tien KJ* - - 1 - QJM-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICINE - QJM-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 2019;112(7):489-495 (IF: 2.529, Journal Ranking: 49, Number of Journals of this Field: 165, Ranking: 29.70%) |
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Comparison of the risk of developing lumbar herniated intervertebral disc between dentists and other occupations: A nationwide population-based study in Taiwan. Huang WT, 翁世峰#, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Su SB, Wang JJ, Huang CC* - - 1 - Journal of Occupational Health - JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 2019 61卷(3期):227-234頁 (IF: 2.289, 領域排名: 84, 領域期刊數: 193, 領域排名: 43.52%) Comparison of the risk of developing lumbar herniated intervertebral disc between dentists and other occupations: A nationwide population-based study in Taiwan. Huang WT, Weng SF#, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Su SB, Wang JJ, Huang CC* - - 1 - Journal of Occupational Health - JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 2019;61(3):227-234 (IF: 2.289, Journal Ranking: 84, Number of Journals of this Field: 193, Ranking: 43.52%) |
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A longitudinal study of Healthcare Utilisation and expenditure in people with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with and without Major Depressive Disorder 黃俊仁,林清華,謝慧敏,張志誠,褚錦承,孫定平,翁世峰* - - 2 - General Hospital Psychiatry - GENERAL HOSPITAL PSYCHIATRY 2019 57卷(-期):50-58頁 (IF: 2.86, 領域排名: 39, 領域期刊數: 141, 領域排名: 27.66%) A longitudinal study of Healthcare Utilisation and expenditure in people with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with and without Major Depressive Disorder Chun-Jen Huang, Ching-Hua Lin, Hui-Min Hsieh, Chih-Cheng Chang, Chin-Chen Chu, Ding-Ping Sun, Shih-Feng Weng* - - 2 - General Hospital Psychiatry - GENERAL HOSPITAL PSYCHIATRY 2019;57(-):50-58 (IF: 2.86, Journal Ranking: 39, Number of Journals of this Field: 141, Ranking: 27.66%) |
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台灣50歲以上中老年人多重用藥與醫療資源利用 李季紋, 謝慧敏, 翁世峰, 李易蓁* - - 1 - Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health - ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2019 31卷(3期):257-266頁 (IF: 1.743, 領域排名: 73, 領域期刊數: 164, 領域排名: 44.51%) Polypharmacy and utilization of healthcare services: A cohort study on people aged over 50 in Taiwan. Li JW, Hsieh HM, Weng SF, Lee IC. - - 1 - Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health - ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2019;31(3):257-266 (IF: 1.743, Journal Ranking: 73, Number of Journals of this Field: 164, Ranking: 44.51%) |
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Risk for cervical herniated intervertebral disc in dentists: a nationwide population-based study. Chien-Cheng Huang*, Ping-Jang Kuo, Chien-Chin Hsu, Hung-Jung Lin, Shih-Bin Su, Jhi-Joung Wang, 翁世峰* - - 1 - BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS - BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS 2019 20卷(-期):189頁 (IF: 1.879, 領域排名: 44, 領域期刊數: 82, 領域排名: 53.66%) Risk for cervical herniated intervertebral disc in dentists: a nationwide population-based study. Chien-Cheng Huang*, Ping-Jang Kuo, Chien-Chin Hsu, Hung-Jung Lin, Shih-Bin Su, Jhi-Joung Wang, Shih-Feng Weng* - - 1 - BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS - BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS 2019;20(-):189 (IF: 1.879, Journal Ranking: 44, Number of Journals of this Field: 82, Ranking: 53.66%) |
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Physicians as well as nonphysician health care professionals in Taiwan have higher risk for lumbar herniated intervertebral disc than general population. Chan FK, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Su SB, Huang CC*, 翁世峰* - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - MEDICINE 2018 97卷(1期):e9561頁 (IF: 1.87, 領域排名: 69, 領域期刊數: 160, 領域排名: 43.13%) Physicians as well as nonphysician health care professionals in Taiwan have higher risk for lumbar herniated intervertebral disc than general population. Chan FK, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Su SB, Huang CC, Weng SF* - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - MEDICINE 2018;97(1):e9561 (IF: 1.87, Journal Ranking: 69, Number of Journals of this Field: 160, Ranking: 43.13%) |
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Long-term mortality of acetaminophen poisoning: a nationwide population-based cohort study with 10-year follow-up in Taiwan. Huang HS, Ho CH, 翁世峰, Hsu CC, Wang JJ, Su SB, Lin HJ, Huang CC - - 1 - Scandinavian Journal of Trauma Resuscitation & Emergency Medicine - SCAND J TRAUMA RESUS 2018 26卷(1期):5頁 (IF: 2.185, 領域排名: 7, 領域期刊數: 29, 領域排名: 24.14%) Long-term mortality of acetaminophen poisoning: a nationwide population-based cohort study with 10-year follow-up in Taiwan. Huang HS, Ho CH, Weng SF, Hsu CC, Wang JJ, Su SB, Lin HJ, Huang CC - - 1 - Scandinavian Journal of Trauma Resuscitation & Emergency Medicine - SCAND J TRAUMA RESUS 2018;26(1):5 (IF: 2.185, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 29, Ranking: 24.14%) |
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Risk of Urinary Tract Carcinoma among Subjects with Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis: A Nationwide Population-Based Study. Wu MP, Luo HL, 翁世峰, Ho CH, Chancellor MB, Chuang YC - - 1 - Biomed Research International - BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 2018 2018卷(-期):7495081頁 (IF: 2.583, 領域排名: 66, 領域期刊數: 160, 領域排名: 41.25%) Risk of Urinary Tract Carcinoma among Subjects with Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis: A Nationwide Population-Based Study. Wu MP, Luo HL, Weng SF, Ho CH, Chancellor MB, Chuang YC - - 1 - Biomed Research International - BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 2018;2018(-):7495081 (IF: 2.583, Journal Ranking: 66, Number of Journals of this Field: 160, Ranking: 41.25%) |
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Risk of corneal ulcer in patients with end-stage renal disease: a retrospective large-scale cohort study. Jan RL, Tai MC, 翁世峰, Chang C, Wang JJ, Chang YS - - 1 - BRITISH JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY - BRITISH JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY 2018 102卷(7期):868-872頁 (IF: 3.384, 領域排名: 10, 領域期刊數: 59, 領域排名: 16.95%) Risk of corneal ulcer in patients with end-stage renal disease: a retrospective large-scale cohort study. Jan RL, Tai MC, Weng SF, Chang C, Wang JJ, Chang YS - - 1 - BRITISH JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY - BRITISH JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY 2018;102(7):868-872 (IF: 3.384, Journal Ranking: 10, Number of Journals of this Field: 59, Ranking: 16.95%) |
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Pregnancy outcomes following nonobstetric surgery during gestation: a nationwide population-based case-control study in Taiwan Yu CH, 翁世峰, Ho CH, Chen YC, Chen JY, Chang YJ, Wang JJ, Wu MP, Chu CC - - 1 - BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth - BMC PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH 2018 18卷(-期):460頁 (IF: 2.331, 領域排名: 31, 領域期刊數: 82, 領域排名: 37.80%) Pregnancy outcomes following nonobstetric surgery during gestation: a nationwide population-based case-control study in Taiwan Yu CH, Weng SF, Ho CH, Chen YC, Chen JY, Chang YJ, Wang JJ, Wu MP, Chu CC - - 1 - BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth - BMC PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH 2018;18(-):460 (IF: 2.331, Journal Ranking: 31, Number of Journals of this Field: 82, Ranking: 37.80%) |
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衰弱,牙齒脫落與生活品質 李易蓁, 翁世峰,何佩珊* - - 9 - J Aging Res Clin Practice - 2018 2018卷(7期):85-90頁 (IF: 0, 領域排名: 0, 領域期刊數: 0, 領域排名: -%) FRAILTY, LOSS OF NATURAL TEETH AND QUALITY OF LIFE IC Lee, SF Weng, PS Ho*. - - 9 - J Aging Res Clin Practice - 2018;2018(7):85-90 (IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%) |
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末期腎臟疾病透析患者的癌症流行病學:台灣全國性世代研究 簡志強,韓明明,邱毓賢,王志中,褚錦承,洪千雅,孫啟書,葉乃誠,何忠翰,林志慶,高浩雲,翁世峰* - - 1 - Journal of Cancer - J CANCER 2017 8卷(1期):9-18頁 (IF: 2.916, 領域排名: 113, 領域期刊數: 217, 領域排名: 52.07%) Epidemiology of cancer in end-stage renal disease dialysis patients: a national cohort study in Taiwan Chih-Chiang Chien,Ming-Ming Han,Yu-Hsien Chiu,Jhi-Joung Wang,Chin-Chen Chu,Chien-Ya Hung,Yih-Min Sun,Nai-Cheng Yeh,Chung-Han Ho,Chih-Ching Lin,Hao-Yun Kao*,Shih-Feng Weng* - - 1 - Journal of Cancer - J CANCER 2017;8(1):9-18 (IF: 2.916, Journal Ranking: 113, Number of Journals of this Field: 217, Ranking: 52.07%) |
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Analysis of Levator Function and Ptosis Severity in Involutional Blepharoptosis 賴昕隄(R),翁世峰,張智豪,黃書鴻,李書欣,張高評,賴春生* - - 1 - Annals of Plastic Surgery - Ann Plas Surg 2017 78卷(3期):S58-60頁 (IF: 1.596, 領域排名: 108, 領域期刊數: 196, 領域排名: 55.10%) Analysis of Levator Function and Ptosis Severity in Involutional Blepharoptosis - - 1 - Annals of Plastic Surgery - Ann Plas Surg 2017;78(3):S58-60 (IF: 1.596, Journal Ranking: 108, Number of Journals of this Field: 196, Ranking: 55.10%) |
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復發性失眠會增加罹患焦慮和憂鬱風險:以族群為基礎的4年世代研究實證 陳炳仁, Charles Lung-Cheng Huang ,翁世峰 , Ming-Ping Wu,Chung-Han Ho g, Jhi-Joung Wang, Wan-Chi Tsai j,許雅雯*. - - 1 - Sleep Medicine - 2017 38卷(0期):122-129頁 (IF: 3.391, 領域排名: 58, 領域期刊數: 194, 領域排名: 29.90%) Relapse insomnia increases greater risk of anxiety and depression: evidence from a population-based 4-year cohort study Ping-Jen Chen, Charles Lung-Cheng Huang , Shih-Feng Weng , Ming-Ping Wu,Chung-Han Ho g, Jhi-Joung Wang, Wan-Chi Tsai j, Ya-Wen Hsu - - 1 - Sleep Medicine - 2017;38(0):122-129 (IF: 3.391, Journal Ranking: 58, Number of Journals of this Field: 194, Ranking: 29.90%) |
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Is insomnia a risk factor for new-onset asthma? A population-based study in Taiwan. Lin YC, Lai CC, Chien CC, Chen CM, Chiang SR, Ho CH, 翁世峰, Cheng KC* - - 1 - BMJ Open - BMJ Open 2017 7卷(11期):e018714頁 (IF: 2.369, 領域排名: 38, 領域期刊數: 155, 領域排名: 24.52%) Is insomnia a risk factor for new-onset asthma? A population-based study in Taiwan. Lin YC, Lai CC, Chien CC, Chen CM, Chiang SR, Ho CH, Weng SF, Cheng KC* - - 1 - BMJ Open - BMJ Open 2017;7(11):e018714 (IF: 2.369, Journal Ranking: 38, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 24.52%) |
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The Risk of Stroke in Physicians: A Population-based Cohort Study in Taiwan. Tam HP, Lin HJ, 翁世峰, Hsu CC, Wang JJ, Su SB, Huang CC, Guo HR - - 1 - Epidemiology - Epidemiology 2017 28卷(0期):S48–S53頁 (IF: 5.986, 領域排名: 9, 領域期刊數: 176, 領域排名: 5.11%) The Risk of Stroke in Physicians: A Population-based Cohort Study in Taiwan. Tam HP, Lin HJ, Weng SF, Hsu CC, Wang JJ, Su SB, Huang CC, Guo HR - - 1 - Epidemiology - Epidemiology 2017;28(0):S48–S53 (IF: 5.986, Journal Ranking: 9, Number of Journals of this Field: 176, Ranking: 5.11%) |
49 |
Septic arthritis significantly increased the long-term mortality in geriatric patients. Wu CJ, Huang CC, 翁世峰, Chen PJ, Hsu CC, Wang JJ, Guo HR, Lin HJ - - 1 - BMC Geriatrics - BMC Geriatr 2017 17卷(1期):178頁 (IF: 2.611, 領域排名: 24, 領域期刊數: 49, 領域排名: 48.98%) Septic arthritis significantly increased the long-term mortality in geriatric patients. Wu CJ, Huang CC, Weng SF, Chen PJ, Hsu CC, Wang JJ, Guo HR, Lin HJ - - 1 - BMC Geriatrics - BMC Geriatr 2017;17(1):178 (IF: 2.611, Journal Ranking: 24, Number of Journals of this Field: 49, Ranking: 48.98%) |
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Risk of serous retinal detachment in patients with end-stage renal disease on dialysis. Chang YS,翁世峰, Chang C, Wang JJ, Chen HI, Ko SY, Tu IT, Chien CC, Wang JJ, Wang CM, Jan RL* - - 1 - PLoS One - PLoS One 2017 12卷(6期):e0180133頁 (IF: 2.806, 領域排名: 15, 領域期刊數: 64, 領域排名: 23.44%) Risk of serous retinal detachment in patients with end-stage renal disease on dialysis. Chang YS, Weng SF, Chang C, Wang JJ, Chen HI, Ko SY, Tu IT, Chien CC, Wang JJ, Wang CM, Jan RL* - - 1 - PLoS One - PLoS One 2017;12(6):e0180133 (IF: 2.806, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 64, Ranking: 23.44%) |
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Epidemiology and outcomes of hypoglycemia in patients with advanced diabetic kidney disease on dialysis: A national cohort study. Chu YW, Lin HM, Wang JJ, 翁世峰, Lin CC, Chien CC* - - 1 - PLoS One - PLoS One 2017 12卷(3期):e0174601頁 (IF: 2.806, 領域排名: 15, 領域期刊數: 64, 領域排名: 23.44%) Epidemiology and outcomes of hypoglycemia in patients with advanced diabetic kidney disease on dialysis: A national cohort study. Chu YW, Lin HM, Wang JJ, Weng SF, Lin CC, Chien CC* - - 1 - PLoS One - PLoS One 2017;12(3):e0174601 (IF: 2.806, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 64, Ranking: 23.44%) |
52 |
Bidirectional association between ESRD dialysis and diabetes: National cohort study. Chu YW, Wu WS, Hsu CF, Wang JJ, 翁世峰, Chien CC* - - 1 - PLoS One - PLoS One 2017 12卷(3期):e0173785頁 (IF: 2.806, 領域排名: 15, 領域期刊數: 64, 領域排名: 23.44%) Bidirectional association between ESRD dialysis and diabetes: National cohort study. Chu YW, Wu WS, Hsu CF, Wang JJ, Weng SF, Chien CC* - - 1 - PLoS One - PLoS One 2017;12(3):e0173785 (IF: 2.806, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 64, Ranking: 23.44%) |
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Standing Posture at Work Does Not Increase the Risk of Varicose Veins among Health Care Providers in Taiwan. Huang HK, 翁世峰, Su SB, Wang JJ, Guo HR, Hsu CC, Huang CC*, Lin HJ. - - 1 - Medical Principles and Practice - Med. Princ. Pract. 2017 26卷(3期):266-272頁 (IF: 1.469, 領域排名: 72, 領域期刊數: 155, 領域排名: 46.45%) Standing Posture at Work Does Not Increase the Risk of Varicose Veins among Health Care Providers in Taiwan. Huang HK, Weng SF, Su SB, Wang JJ, Guo HR, Hsu CC, Huang CC*, Lin HJ. - - 1 - Medical Principles and Practice - Med. Princ. Pract. 2017;26(3):266-272 (IF: 1.469, Journal Ranking: 72, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 46.45%) |
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Increased risk of brain cancer incidence in stroke patients: a clinical case series, population-based and longitudinal follow-up study. Chen CW, Cheng TJ, Ho CH, Wang JJ, 翁世峰, Hou YC, Cheng HC, Chio CC, Shan YS, Chang WT - - 1 - Oncotarget - Oncotarget 2017 8卷(65期):108989-108999頁 (IF: 5.168, 領域排名: 44, 領域期刊數: 217, 領域排名: 20.28%) Increased risk of brain cancer incidence in stroke patients: a clinical case series, population-based and longitudinal follow-up study. Chen CW, Cheng TJ, Ho CH, Wang JJ, Weng SF, Hou YC, Cheng HC, Chio CC, Shan YS, Chang WT - - 1 - Oncotarget - Oncotarget 2017;8(65):108989-108999 (IF: 5.168, Journal Ranking: 44, Number of Journals of this Field: 217, Ranking: 20.28%) |
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Long-term risk of stroke in type 2 diabetes patients with diabetic ketoacidosis: A population-based, propensity score-matched, longitudinal follow-up study. Chen YL, 翁世峰, Yang CY, Wang JJ, Tien KJ - - 1 - DIABETES & METABOLISM - Diabetes Metab 2017 43卷(3期):223-228.頁 (IF: 4.101, 領域排名: 33, 領域期刊數: 138, 領域排名: 23.91%) Long-term risk of stroke in type 2 diabetes patients with diabetic ketoacidosis: A population-based, propensity score-matched, longitudinal follow-up study. Chen YL, Weng SF, Yang CY, Wang JJ, Tien KJ - - 1 - DIABETES & METABOLISM - Diabetes Metab 2017;43(3):223-228. (IF: 4.101, Journal Ranking: 33, Number of Journals of this Field: 138, Ranking: 23.91%) |
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Relapse insomnia increases greater risk of anxiety and depression: evidence from a population-based 4-year cohort study Chen PJ, Huang CL, 翁世峰, Wu MP, Ho CH, Wang JJ, Tsai WC, Hsu YW - - 1 - Sleep Medicine - Sleep Med 2017 38卷(-期):122-129頁 (IF: 3.391, 領域排名: 58, 領域期刊數: 194, 領域排名: 29.90%) Relapse insomnia increases greater risk of anxiety and depression: evidence from a population-based 4-year cohort study Chen PJ, Huang CL, Weng SF, Wu MP, Ho CH, Wang JJ, Tsai WC, Hsu YW - - 1 - Sleep Medicine - Sleep Med 2017;38(-):122-129 (IF: 3.391, Journal Ranking: 58, Number of Journals of this Field: 194, Ranking: 29.90%) |
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Death Does Matter—Cancer Risk in Patients With End-Stage Renal Disease A Nationwide Population-Based Study With Competing Risk Analyses 翁世峰,邱毓賢,詹仁隆,陳怡蓁,簡志強, 王志中, 褚錦承* - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - MEDICINE 2016 95卷(3期):e2512頁 (IF: 2.133, 領域排名: 40, 領域期刊數: 155, 領域排名: 25.81%) Death Does Matter—Cancer Risk in Patients With End-Stage Renal Disease A Nationwide Population-Based Study With Competing Risk Analyses Weng SF, Chiu YH, Jan RL, Chen YC, Chien CC, Wang JJ, Chu CC - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - MEDICINE 2016;95(3):e2512 (IF: 2.133, Journal Ranking: 40, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 25.81%) |
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Increased Risk of Parkinson's Disease in Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Population-Based, Propensity Score-Matched, Longitudinal Follow-Up Study. Yeh NC, Tien KJ, Yang CM, Wang JJ, 翁世峰* - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - MEDICINE 2016 95卷(2期):e2293頁 (IF: 2.133, 領域排名: 40, 領域期刊數: 155, 領域排名: 25.81%) Increased Risk of Parkinson's Disease in Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Population-Based, Propensity Score-Matched, Longitudinal Follow-Up Study. Yeh NC, Tien KJ, Yang CM, Wang JJ, Weng SF* - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - MEDICINE 2016;95(2):e2293 (IF: 2.133, Journal Ranking: 40, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 25.81%) |
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The Outcomes and Prognostic Factors of the Very Elderly Requiring Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation in a Single Respiratory Care Center Lai CC, Ko SC, Chen CM, 翁世峰, Tseng KL, Cheng KC* - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - MEDICINE 2016 95卷(2期):e2479頁 (IF: 2.133, 領域排名: 40, 領域期刊數: 155, 領域排名: 25.81%) The Outcomes and Prognostic Factors of the Very Elderly Requiring Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation in a Single Respiratory Care Center Lai CC, Ko SC, Chen CM, Weng SF, Tseng KL, Cheng KC* - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - MEDICINE 2016;95(2):e2479 (IF: 2.133, Journal Ranking: 40, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 25.81%) |
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Impact of HCV Infection on Diabetes Patients for the Risk of End-Stage Renal Failure. Hwang JC*, Jiang MY, Lu YH, 翁世峰 - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - MEDICINE 2016 95卷(3期):e2431頁 (IF: 2.133, 領域排名: 40, 領域期刊數: 155, 領域排名: 25.81%) Impact of HCV Infection on Diabetes Patients for the Risk of End-Stage Renal Failure. Hwang JC*, Jiang MY, Lu YH, Weng SF - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - MEDICINE 2016;95(3):e2431 (IF: 2.133, Journal Ranking: 40, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 25.81%) |
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Relationship between arsenic-containing drinking water and skin cancers in the arseniasis endemic areas in Taiwan Cheng PS, 翁世峰, Chiang CH, Lai FJ - - 1 - JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY - J Dermatol 2016 43卷(2期):181-6頁 (IF: 1.577, 領域排名: 30, 領域期刊數: 61, 領域排名: 49.18%) Relationship between arsenic-containing drinking water and skin cancers in the arseniasis endemic areas in Taiwan Cheng PS, Weng SF, Chiang CH, Lai FJ - - 1 - JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY - J Dermatol 2016;43(2):181-6 (IF: 1.577, Journal Ranking: 30, Number of Journals of this Field: 61, Ranking: 49.18%) |
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RISK OF RETINAL VEIN OCCLUSION WITH CENTRAL SEROUS CHORIORETINOPATHY Chang YS, Chang C, 翁世峰, Wang JJ, Jan RL - - 1 - RETINA-THE JOURNAL OF RETINAL AND VITREOUS DISEASES - RETINA 2016 36卷(4期):798-804頁 (IF: 3.039, 領域排名: 9, 領域期刊數: 56, 領域排名: 16.07%) RISK OF RETINAL VEIN OCCLUSION WITH CENTRAL SEROUS CHORIORETINOPATHY Chang YS, Chang C, Weng SF, Wang JJ, Jan RL - - 1 - RETINA-THE JOURNAL OF RETINAL AND VITREOUS DISEASES - RETINA 2016;36(4):798-804 (IF: 3.039, Journal Ranking: 9, Number of Journals of this Field: 56, Ranking: 16.07%) |
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EBV-associated Burkitt lymphoma in Taiwan is not age-related. Chen BJ, Chang ST, 翁世峰, Huang WT, Chu PY, Hsieh PP, Jung YC, Kuo CC, Chuang YT, Chuang SS - - 1 - LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA - Leuk Lymphoma 2016 57卷(3期):644-53頁 (IF: 3.093, 領域排名: 95, 領域期刊數: 213, 領域排名: 44.60%) EBV-associated Burkitt lymphoma in Taiwan is not age-related. Chen BJ, Chang ST, Weng SF, Huang WT, Chu PY, Hsieh PP, Jung YC, Kuo CC, Chuang YT, Chuang SS - - 1 - LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA - Leuk Lymphoma 2016;57(3):644-53 (IF: 3.093, Journal Ranking: 95, Number of Journals of this Field: 213, Ranking: 44.60%) |
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Subsequent mortality after hyperglycemic crisis episode in the non-elderly: a national population-based cohort study Kao Y, Hsu CC, 翁世峰, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Su SB, Huang CC, Guo HR - - 1 - Endocrine - Endocrine 2016 51卷(1期):72-82頁 (IF: 3.279, 領域排名: 51, 領域期刊數: 133, 領域排名: 38.35%) Subsequent mortality after hyperglycemic crisis episode in the non-elderly: a national population-based cohort study Kao Y, Hsu CC, Weng SF, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Su SB, Huang CC, Guo HR - - 1 - Endocrine - Endocrine 2016;51(1):72-82 (IF: 3.279, Journal Ranking: 51, Number of Journals of this Field: 133, Ranking: 38.35%) |
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The impact of ambient temperature on HbA1c in Taiwanese type 2 diabetic patients: The most vulnerable subgroup. Tien KJ, Yang CY, 翁世峰, Liu SY, Hsieh MC, Chou CW - - 1 - JOURNAL OF THE FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION - J FORMOS MED ASSOC 2016 115卷(5期):343-349頁 (IF: 2.018, 領域排名: 46, 領域期刊數: 155, 領域排名: 29.68%) The impact of ambient temperature on HbA1c in Taiwanese type 2 diabetic patients: The most vulnerable subgroup. Tien KJ, Yang CY, Weng SF, Liu SY, Hsieh MC, Chou CW - - 1 - JOURNAL OF THE FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION - J FORMOS MED ASSOC 2016;115(5):343-349 (IF: 2.018, Journal Ranking: 46, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 29.68%) |
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The Association Between Peptic Ulcer Disease and Ischemic Stroke Cheng TJ, Guo HR, Chang CY, 翁世峰, Li PI, Wang JJ, Wu WS - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - Medicine 2016 95卷(22期):e3797頁 (IF: 2.133, 領域排名: 40, 領域期刊數: 155, 領域排名: 25.81%) The Association Between Peptic Ulcer Disease and Ischemic Stroke Cheng TJ, Guo HR, Chang CY, Weng SF, Li PI, Wang JJ, Wu WS - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - Medicine 2016;95(22):e3797 (IF: 2.133, Journal Ranking: 40, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 25.81%) |
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Factors Associated With Small Bowel Obstruction Following Appendectomy: A Population-Based Study. Tseng CJ, Sun DP, 李易蓁, 翁世峰, Chou CL* - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - Medicine 2016 95卷(18期):e3541頁 (IF: 2.133, 領域排名: 40, 領域期刊數: 155, 領域排名: 25.81%) Factors Associated With Small Bowel Obstruction Following Appendectomy: A Population-Based Study. Tseng CJ, Sun DP, Lee IC, Weng SF, Chou CL - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - Medicine 2016;95(18):e3541 (IF: 2.133, Journal Ranking: 40, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 25.81%) |
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Risk of Retinal Vein Occlusion Following End-Stage Renal Disease Chang YS, 翁世峰, Chang C, Wang JJ, Tseng SH, Wang JY, Jan RL - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - Medicine 2016 95卷(16期):e3474頁 (IF: 2.133, 領域排名: 40, 領域期刊數: 155, 領域排名: 25.81%) Risk of Retinal Vein Occlusion Following End-Stage Renal Disease Chang YS, Weng SF, Chang C, Wang JJ, Tseng SH, Wang JY, Jan RL - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - Medicine 2016;95(16):e3474 (IF: 2.133, Journal Ranking: 40, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 25.81%) |
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The Ratio of Partial Pressure Arterial Oxygen and Fraction of Inspired Oxygen 1 Day After Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Onset Can Predict the Outcomes of Involving Patients. Lai CC, Sung MI, Liu HH, Chen CM, Chiang SR, Liu WL, Chao CM, Ho CH, 翁世峰, Hsing SC, Cheng KC. - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - Medicine 2016 95卷(14期):e3333頁 (IF: 2.133, 領域排名: 40, 領域期刊數: 155, 領域排名: 25.81%) The Ratio of Partial Pressure Arterial Oxygen and Fraction of Inspired Oxygen 1 Day After Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Onset Can Predict the Outcomes of Involving Patients. Lai CC, Sung MI, Liu HH, Chen CM, Chiang SR, Liu WL, Chao CM, Ho CH, Weng SF, Hsing SC, Cheng KC. - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - Medicine 2016;95(14):e3333 (IF: 2.133, Journal Ranking: 40, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 25.81%) |
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Chronic osteomyelitis increases long-term mortality risk in the elderly: a nationwide population-based cohort study. Huang CC, Tsai KT, 翁世峰, Lin HJ, Huang HS, Wang JJ, Guo HR3, Hsu CC - - 1 - BMC Geriatrics - BMC Geriatrics 2016 16卷(1期):72頁 (IF: 2.371, 領域排名: 24, 領域期刊數: 49, 領域排名: 48.98%) Chronic osteomyelitis increases long-term mortality risk in the elderly: a nationwide population-based cohort study. Huang CC, Tsai KT, Weng SF, Lin HJ, Huang HS, Wang JJ, Guo HR3, Hsu CC - - 1 - BMC Geriatrics - BMC Geriatrics 2016;16(1):72 (IF: 2.371, Journal Ranking: 24, Number of Journals of this Field: 49, Ranking: 48.98%) |
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Risk of Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Following End-Stage Renal Disease. Chang YS, 翁世峰, Chang C, Wang JJ, Su SB, Huang CC, Wang JY, Jan - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - Medicine 2016 95卷(12期):e3174頁 (IF: 2.133, 領域排名: 40, 領域期刊數: 155, 領域排名: 25.81%) Risk of Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Following End-Stage Renal Disease. Chang YS, Weng SF, Chang C, Wang JJ, Su SB, Huang CC, Wang JY, Jan - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - Medicine 2016;95(12):e3174 (IF: 2.133, Journal Ranking: 40, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 25.81%) |
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The outcomes and prognostic factors of patients requiring prolonged mechanical ventilation. Lai CC, Shieh JM, Chiang SR, Chiang KH, 翁世峰, Ho CH, Tseng KL, Cheng KC - - 1 - Scientific Reports - Sci Rep 2016 0卷(6期):28034頁 (IF: 5.228, 領域排名: 7, 領域期刊數: 63, 領域排名: 11.11%) The outcomes and prognostic factors of patients requiring prolonged mechanical ventilation. Lai CC, Shieh JM, Chiang SR, Chiang KH, Weng SF, Ho CH, Tseng KL, Cheng KC - - 1 - Scientific Reports - Sci Rep 2016;0(6):28034 (IF: 5.228, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 63, Ranking: 11.11%) |
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Risk of Retinal Artery Occlusion in Patients With End-Stage Renal Disease: A Retrospective Large-Scale Cohort Study Chang YS, 翁世峰, Chang C, Wang JJ, Tseng SH, Ko SY, Su SB, Huang CC, Wang JY, Jan RL - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - Medicine 2016 95卷(14期):e3281頁 (IF: 2.133, 領域排名: 40, 領域期刊數: 155, 領域排名: 25.81%) Risk of Retinal Artery Occlusion in Patients With End-Stage Renal Disease: A Retrospective Large-Scale Cohort Study Chang YS, Weng SF, Chang C, Wang JJ, Tseng SH, Ko SY, Su SB, Huang CC, Wang JY, Jan RL - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - Medicine 2016;95(14):e3281 (IF: 2.133, Journal Ranking: 40, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 25.81%) |
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Increased risk of sudden sensorineural hearing loss in patients with depressive disorders: population-based cohort study Lin CS, Lin YS, Liu CF, 翁世峰, Lin C, Lin BS - - 1 - JOURNAL OF LARYNGOLOGY AND OTOLOGY - 2016 130卷(1期):42-9頁 (IF: 0.736, 領域排名: 38, 領域期刊數: 43, 領域排名: 88.37%) Increased risk of sudden sensorineural hearing loss in patients with depressive disorders: population-based cohort study Lin CS, Lin YS, Liu CF, Weng SF, Lin C, Lin BS - - 1 - JOURNAL OF LARYNGOLOGY AND OTOLOGY - 2016;130(1):42-9 (IF: 0.736, Journal Ranking: 38, Number of Journals of this Field: 43, Ranking: 88.37%) |
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Risk of Band Keratopathy in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease. 翁世峰, Jan RL, Chang C, Wang JJ, Su SB, Huang CC, Tseng SH, Chang YS - - 1 - Scientific Reports - SCI REP-UK 2016 2016卷(6期):28675頁 (IF: 5.228, 領域排名: 7, 領域期刊數: 63, 領域排名: 11.11%) Risk of Band Keratopathy in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease. Weng SF, Jan RL, Chang C, Wang JJ, Su SB, Huang CC, Tseng SH, Chang YS - - 1 - Scientific Reports - SCI REP-UK 2016;2016(6):28675 (IF: 5.228, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 63, Ranking: 11.11%) |
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Prognosis of alcohol-associated lactic acidosis in critically ill patients: an 8-year study Yang CC, Chan KS, Tseng KL, 翁世峰*. - - 1 - Scientific Reports - Sci Rep 2016 2016卷(6期):35368頁 (IF: 5.228, 領域排名: 7, 領域期刊數: 63, 領域排名: 11.11%) Prognosis of alcohol-associated lactic acidosis in critically ill patients: an 8-year study Yang CC, Chan KS, Tseng KL, Weng SF*. - - 1 - Scientific Reports - Sci Rep 2016;2016(6):35368 (IF: 5.228, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 63, Ranking: 11.11%) |
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Higher risk for cervical herniated intervertebral disc in physicians: A retrospective nationwide population-based cohort study with claims analysis Liu C, Huang CC, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Guo HR, Su SB, Wang JJ, 翁世峰* - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - Medicine 2016 95卷(41期):e5055頁 (IF: 2.133, 領域排名: 40, 領域期刊數: 155, 領域排名: 25.81%) Higher risk for cervical herniated intervertebral disc in physicians: A retrospective nationwide population-based cohort study with claims analysis Liu C, Huang CC, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Guo HR, Su SB, Wang JJ, Weng SF*. - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - Medicine 2016;95(41):e5055 (IF: 2.133, Journal Ranking: 40, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 25.81%) |
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Gender ratios of administrative prevalence and incidence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) across the lifespan: A nationwide population-based study in Taiwan Huang CL, 翁世峰, Ho CH. - - 1 - PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH - Psychiatry Res 2016 244卷(0期):382-387頁 (IF: 2.466, 領域排名: 62, 領域期刊數: 142, 領域排名: 43.66%) Gender ratios of administrative prevalence and incidence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) across the lifespan: A nationwide population-based study in Taiwan Huang CL, Weng SF, Ho CH. - - 1 - PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH - Psychiatry Res 2016;244(0):382-387 (IF: 2.466, Journal Ranking: 62, Number of Journals of this Field: 142, Ranking: 43.66%) |
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Higher migraine risk in healthcare professionals than in general population: a nationwide population-based cohort study in Taiwan Kuo WY, Huang CC,翁世峰 , Lin HJ, Su SB, Wang JJ, Guo HR, Hsu CC - - 1 - JOURNAL OF HEADACHE AND PAIN - J Headache Pain 2015 2015卷(16期):102頁 (IF: 2.801, 領域排名: 69, 領域期刊數: 192, 領域排名: 35.94%) Higher migraine risk in healthcare professionals than in general population: a nationwide population-based cohort study in Taiwan Kuo WY, Huang CC, Weng SF, Lin HJ, Su SB, Wang JJ, Guo HR, Hsu CC - - 1 - JOURNAL OF HEADACHE AND PAIN - J Headache Pain 2015;2015(16):102 (IF: 2.801, Journal Ranking: 69, Number of Journals of this Field: 192, Ranking: 35.94%) |
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Cancer Incidence in Physicians: A Taiwan National Population-based Cohort Study Lee YS, Hsu CC, 翁世峰, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Su SB, Huang CC, Guo HR - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - Medicine 2015 94卷(47期):e2079頁 (IF: 5.723, 領域排名: 15, 領域期刊數: 154, 領域排名: 9.74%) Cancer Incidence in Physicians: A Taiwan National Population-based Cohort Study Lee YS, Hsu CC, Weng SF, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Su SB, Huang CC, Guo HR - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - Medicine 2015;94(47):e2079 (IF: 5.723, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 154, Ranking: 9.74%) |
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Acute Myocardial Infarction Risk in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease Doubled after Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Bleeding: A Nationwide Nested Case-Control Study. Wu CJ, Lin HJ, 翁世峰, Hsu CC, Wang JJ, Su SB, Huang CC, Guo HR - - 1 - PLoS One - PLoS One 2015 10卷(11期):e0142000頁 (IF: 3.234, 領域排名: 9, 領域期刊數: 57, 領域排名: 15.79%) Acute Myocardial Infarction Risk in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease Doubled after Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Bleeding: A Nationwide Nested Case-Control Study. Wu CJ, Lin HJ, Weng SF, Hsu CC, Wang JJ, Su SB, Huang CC, Guo HR - - 1 - PLoS One - PLoS One 2015;10(11):e0142000 (IF: 3.234, Journal Ranking: 9, Number of Journals of this Field: 57, Ranking: 15.79%) |
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Effect of end-stage renal disease on long-term survival after a first-ever mechanical ventilation: a population-based study. Chen CM, Lai CC, Cheng KC, 翁世峰, Liu WL, Shen HN - - 1 - CRITICAL CARE - CRIT CARE 2015 19卷(1期):354頁 (IF: 4.476, 領域排名: 5, 領域期刊數: 27, 領域排名: 18.52%) Effect of end-stage renal disease on long-term survival after a first-ever mechanical ventilation: a population-based study. Chen CM, Lai CC, Cheng KC, Weng SF, Liu WL, Shen HN - - 1 - CRITICAL CARE - CRIT CARE 2015;19(1):354 (IF: 4.476, Journal Ranking: 5, Number of Journals of this Field: 27, Ranking: 18.52%) |
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Hemodialysis with end-stage renal disease did not raise the risk of intracranial hemorrhage after a head injury. Chen HH, Hsu CC, 翁世峰, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Guo HR, Su SB, Huang CC, Chen JH - - 1 - Scandinavian Journal of Trauma Resuscitation & Emergency Medicine - Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2015 23卷(1期):82頁 (IF: 2.025, 領域排名: 5, 領域期刊數: 24, 領域排名: 20.83%) Hemodialysis with end-stage renal disease did not raise the risk of intracranial hemorrhage after a head injury. Chen HH, Hsu CC, Weng SF, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Guo HR, Su SB, Huang CC, Chen JH - - 1 - Scandinavian Journal of Trauma Resuscitation & Emergency Medicine - Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2015;23(1):82 (IF: 2.025, Journal Ranking: 5, Number of Journals of this Field: 24, Ranking: 20.83%) |
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Gallstone is correlated with an increased risk of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss: a retrospective cohort study Chiu CC, Lee KJ, 翁世峰, Yang YM, Lin YS - - 1 - BMJ Open - BMJ OPEN 2015 5卷(9期):e009018頁 (IF: 2.271, 領域排名: 40, 領域期刊數: 154, 領域排名: 25.97%) Gallstone is correlated with an increased risk of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss: a retrospective cohort study Chiu CC, Lee KJ, Weng SF, Yang YM, Lin YS - - 1 - BMJ Open - BMJ OPEN 2015;5(9):e009018 (IF: 2.271, Journal Ranking: 40, Number of Journals of this Field: 154, Ranking: 25.97%) |
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Risks of Treated Insomnia, Anxiety, and Depression in Health Care-Seeking Physicians: A Nationwide Population-Based Study. Huang CL, 翁世峰, Wang JJ, Hsu YW, Wu MP - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - Medicine 2015 94卷(35期):e1323頁 (IF: 5.723, 領域排名: 15, 領域期刊數: 154, 領域排名: 9.74%) Risks of Treated Insomnia, Anxiety, and Depression in Health Care-Seeking Physicians: A Nationwide Population-Based Study. Huang CL, Weng SF, Wang JJ, Hsu YW, Wu MP - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - Medicine 2015;94(35):e1323 (IF: 5.723, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 154, Ranking: 9.74%) |
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Risk of Shingles in Adults with Primary Sjogren's Syndrome and Treatments: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study Chen JY, Wang LK, Feng PH, Chu CC, Cheng TJ, 翁世峰, Wu SZ, Lu TH, Chang CY. - - 1 - PLoS One - PLoS One 2015 10卷(8期):e0134930頁 (IF: 3.234, 領域排名: 9, 領域期刊數: 57, 領域排名: 15.79%) Risk of Shingles in Adults with Primary Sjogren's Syndrome and Treatments: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study Chen JY, Wang LK, Feng PH, Chu CC, Cheng TJ, Weng SF, Wu SZ, Lu TH, Chang CY. - - 1 - PLoS One - PLoS One 2015;10(8):e0134930 (IF: 3.234, Journal Ranking: 9, Number of Journals of this Field: 57, Ranking: 15.79%) |
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Associations Between Topical Ophthalmic Corticosteroids and Central Serous Chorioretinopathy: A Taiwanese Population-Based Study. Chang YS, 翁世峰, Chang C, Wang JJ, Wang JY, Jan RL - - 1 - INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE - Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2015 56卷(6期):4083-9頁 (IF: 3.404, 領域排名: 7, 領域期刊數: 57, 領域排名: 12.28%) Associations Between Topical Ophthalmic Corticosteroids and Central Serous Chorioretinopathy: A Taiwanese Population-Based Study. Chang YS, Weng SF, Chang C, Wang JJ, Wang JY, Jan RL - - 1 - INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE - Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2015;56(6):4083-9 (IF: 3.404, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 57, Ranking: 12.28%) |
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Increased Risk of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Patients With Osteoporosis: A Population-based, Propensity Score-matched, Longitudinal Follow-Up Study Yeh MC, 翁世峰, Shen YC, Chou CW, Yang CY, Wang JJ, Tien KJ - - 1 - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM - J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2015 100卷(6期):2413-9頁 (IF: 6.31, 領域排名: 13, 領域期刊數: 124, 領域排名: 10.48%) Increased Risk of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Patients With Osteoporosis: A Population-based, Propensity Score-matched, Longitudinal Follow-Up Study Yeh MC, Weng SF, Shen YC, Chou CW, Yang CY, Wang JJ, Tien KJ - - 1 - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM - J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2015;100(6):2413-9 (IF: 6.31, Journal Ranking: 13, Number of Journals of this Field: 124, Ranking: 10.48%) |
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Propensity Score-matched Comparison of Postoperative Adverse Outcomes between Geriatric Patients Given a General or a Neuraxial Anesthetic for Hip Surgery: A Population-based Study Chu CC, 翁世峰, Chen KT, Chien CC, Shieh JP, Chen JY, Wang JJ - - 1 - Anesthesiology - Anesthesiology 2015 123卷(1期):136-47頁 (IF: 5.879, 領域排名: 1, 領域期刊數: 30, 領域排名: 3.33%) Propensity Score-matched Comparison of Postoperative Adverse Outcomes between Geriatric Patients Given a General or a Neuraxial Anesthetic for Hip Surgery: A Population-based Study Chu CC, Weng SF, Chen KT, Chien CC, Shieh JP, Chen JY, Wang JJ - - 1 - Anesthesiology - Anesthesiology 2015;123(1):136-47 (IF: 5.879, Journal Ranking: 1, Number of Journals of this Field: 30, Ranking: 3.33%) |
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Long-term Mortality Risk After Hyperglycemic Crisis Episodes in Geriatric Patients With Diabetes: A National Population-Based Cohort Study Huang CC, 翁世峰, Tsai KT, Chen PJ, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Su SB, Chou W, Guo HR, Hsu CC - - 1 - Diabetes Care - Diabetes Care 2015 38卷(5期):746-51頁 (IF: 8.42, 領域排名: 7, 領域期刊數: 128, 領域排名: 5.47%) Long-term Mortality Risk After Hyperglycemic Crisis Episodes in Geriatric Patients With Diabetes: A National Population-Based Cohort Study Huang CC, Weng SF, Tsai KT, Chen PJ, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Su SB, Chou W, Guo HR, Hsu CC - - 1 - Diabetes Care - Diabetes Care 2015;38(5):746-51 (IF: 8.42, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 128, Ranking: 5.47%) |
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Peptic Ulcer Disease in Healthcare Workers: A Nationwide Population- Based Cohort Study Lin HY, 翁世峰, Lin HJ, Hsu CC, Wang JJ, Su SB, Guo HR - - 1 - PLoS One - PLoS One 2015 10卷(8期):e0135456頁 (IF: 3.234, 領域排名: 9, 領域期刊數: 57, 領域排名: 15.79%) Peptic Ulcer Disease in Healthcare Workers: A Nationwide Population- Based Cohort Study Lin HY, Weng SF, Lin HJ, Hsu CC, Wang JJ, Su SB, Guo HR - - 1 - PLoS One - PLoS One 2015;10(8):e0135456 (IF: 3.234, Journal Ranking: 9, Number of Journals of this Field: 57, Ranking: 15.79%) |
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Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Are Associated with Increased Risk of Dementia among the Elderly: A Nationwide Study Chiang CH, Wu MP, Ho CH, 翁世峰, Huang CC, Hsieh WT, Hsu YW, Chen PJ - - 1 - Biomed Research International - Biomed Res Int 2015 2015卷(0期):187819頁 (IF: 1.579, 領域排名: 107, 領域期刊數: 163, 領域排名: 65.64%) Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Are Associated with Increased Risk of Dementia among the Elderly: A Nationwide Study Chiang CH, Wu MP, Ho CH, Weng SF, Huang CC, Hsieh WT, Hsu YW, Chen PJ - - 1 - Biomed Research International - Biomed Res Int 2015;2015(0):187819 (IF: 1.579, Journal Ranking: 107, Number of Journals of this Field: 163, Ranking: 65.64%) |
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Increased Risk of Dementia in Patients With Erectile Dysfunction: A Population-Based, Propensity Score-Matched, Longitudinal Follow-Up Study. Yang CM, Shen YC, 翁世峰, Wang JJ, Tien KJ - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - Medicine (Baltimore) 2015 94卷(24期):e990頁 (IF: 5.723, 領域排名: 15, 領域期刊數: 154, 領域排名: 9.74%) Increased Risk of Dementia in Patients With Erectile Dysfunction: A Population-Based, Propensity Score-Matched, Longitudinal Follow-Up Study. Yang CM, Shen YC, Weng SF, Wang JJ, Tien KJ - - 1 - Medicine (Baltimore) - Medicine (Baltimore) 2015;94(24):e990 (IF: 5.723, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 154, Ranking: 9.74%) |
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Risk of sudden sensorineural hearing loss in patients with psoriasis: a retrospective cohort study Yen YC, Lin YS, 翁世峰, Lai FJ. - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL DERMATOLOGY - AM J CLIN DERMATOL 2015 16卷(3期):213-20頁 (IF: 2.725, 領域排名: 13, 領域期刊數: 63, 領域排名: 20.63%) Risk of sudden sensorineural hearing loss in patients with psoriasis: a retrospective cohort study Yen YC, Lin YS, Weng SF, Lai FJ. - - 1 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL DERMATOLOGY - AM J CLIN DERMATOL 2015;16(3):213-20 (IF: 2.725, Journal Ranking: 13, Number of Journals of this Field: 63, Ranking: 20.63%) |
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The association of healthcare seeking behavior for anxiety and depression among patients with lower urinary tract symptoms: a nationwide populationbased study. Lung-Cheng Huang C, Ho CH, 翁世峰, Hsu YW, Wang JJ, Wu MP - - 1 - PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH - Psychiatry Res 2015 226卷(1期):247-51頁 (IF: 2.467, 領域排名: 61, 領域期刊數: 140, 領域排名: 43.57%) The association of healthcare seeking behavior for anxiety and depression among patients with lower urinary tract symptoms: a nationwide populationbased study. Lung-Cheng Huang C, Ho CH, Weng SF, Hsu YW, Wang JJ, Wu MP - - 1 - PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH - Psychiatry Res 2015;226(1):247-51 (IF: 2.467, Journal Ranking: 61, Number of Journals of this Field: 140, Ranking: 43.57%) |
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Higher risk of developing sudden sensorineural hearing loss in patients with chronic otitis media Yen YC, Lin C, 翁世峰, Lin YS - - 1 - JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery - JAMA OTOLARYNGOL 2015 141卷(5期):429-35頁 (IF: 1.794, 領域排名: 16, 領域期刊數: 44, 領域排名: 36.36%) Higher risk of developing sudden sensorineural hearing loss in patients with chronic otitis media Yen YC, Lin C, Weng SF, Lin YS - - 1 - JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery - JAMA OTOLARYNGOL 2015;141(5):429-35 (IF: 1.794, Journal Ranking: 16, Number of Journals of this Field: 44, Ranking: 36.36%) |
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Increased risks of healthcare-seeking behaviors of anxiety, depression and insomnia among patients with bladder pain syndrome/interstitial cystitis: a nationwide populationbased study Chuang YC, 翁世峰, Hsu YW, Huang CL, Wu MP - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL UROLOGY AND NEPHROLOGY - Int Urol Nephrol 2015 47卷(2期):275-81頁 (IF: 1.519, 領域排名: 46, 領域期刊數: 78, 領域排名: 58.97%) Increased risks of healthcare-seeking behaviors of anxiety, depression and insomnia among patients with bladder pain syndrome/interstitial cystitis: a nationwide populationbased study Chuang YC, Weng SF, Hsu YW, Huang CL, Wu MP - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL UROLOGY AND NEPHROLOGY - Int Urol Nephrol 2015;47(2):275-81 (IF: 1.519, Journal Ranking: 46, Number of Journals of this Field: 78, Ranking: 58.97%) |
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Extranodal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type in Taiwan: a relatively higher frequency of Tcell lineage and poor survival for extranasal tumors. Jhuang JY, Chang ST, 翁世峰, Pan ST, Chu PY, Hsieh PP, Wei CH, Chou SC, Koo CL, Chen CJ, Hsu JD, Chuang SS - - 1 - HUMAN PATHOLOGY - Hum Pathol 2015 46卷(2期):313-21頁 (IF: 2.769, 領域排名: 21, 領域期刊數: 76, 領域排名: 27.63%) Extranodal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type in Taiwan: a relatively higher frequency of Tcell lineage and poor survival for extranasal tumors. Jhuang JY, Chang ST, Weng SF, Pan ST, Chu PY, Hsieh PP, Wei CH, Chou SC, Koo CL, Chen CJ, Hsu JD, Chuang SS - - 1 - HUMAN PATHOLOGY - Hum Pathol 2015;46(2):313-21 (IF: 2.769, Journal Ranking: 21, Number of Journals of this Field: 76, Ranking: 27.63%) |
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Epidemiologic features and long-term outcome of dialysis patients with infective endocarditis in Taiwan. Chou MT, Wang JJ, Wu WS, 翁世峰, Ho CH, Lin ZZ, Cheng TJ, Chien CC - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY - Int J Cardiol, 2015 179卷(0期):465-9頁 (IF: 4.036, 領域排名: 28, 領域期刊數: 123, 領域排名: 22.76%) Epidemiologic features and long-term outcome of dialysis patients with infective endocarditis in Taiwan. Chou MT, Wang JJ, Wu WS, Weng SF, Ho CH, Lin ZZ, Cheng TJ, Chien CC - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY - Int J Cardiol, 2015;179(0):465-9 (IF: 4.036, Journal Ranking: 28, Number of Journals of this Field: 123, Ranking: 22.76%) |
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Acute Anticholinesterase Pesticide Poisoning Caused a Long-Term Mortality Increase: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. Huang HS, Hsu CC, 翁世峰, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Su SB, Huang CC, Guo HR. - - 1 - Medicine - Medicine 2015 94卷(30期):e1222頁 (IF: 5.723, 領域排名: 15, 領域期刊數: 154, 領域排名: 9.74%) Acute Anticholinesterase Pesticide Poisoning Caused a Long-Term Mortality Increase: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. Huang HS, Hsu CC, Weng SF, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Su SB, Huang CC, Guo HR. - - 1 - Medicine - Medicine 2015;94(30):e1222 (IF: 5.723, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 154, Ranking: 9.74%) |
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RISK OF RETINAL VEIN OCCLUSION IN PATIENTS WITH PSORIASIS: A Population-Based Cohort Study. Yen YC, 翁世峰, Lai FJ, Lin YS - - 1 - Retina - Retina 2015 35卷(9期):1786-94頁 (IF: 3.243, 領域排名: 10, 領域期刊數: 57, 領域排名: 17.54%) RISK OF RETINAL VEIN OCCLUSION IN PATIENTS WITH PSORIASIS: A Population-Based Cohort Study. Yen YC, Weng SF, Lai FJ, Lin YS - - 1 - Retina - Retina 2015;35(9):1786-94 (IF: 3.243, Journal Ranking: 10, Number of Journals of this Field: 57, Ranking: 17.54%) |
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Can Early Rehabilitation after Total Hip Arthroplasty Reduce Its Major Complications and Medical Expenses? Report from a Nationally Representative Cohort. Chiung-Jui Su D, Yuan KS, 翁世峰, Hong RB, Wu MP, Wu HM, Chou W - - 1 - Biomed Research International - BIOMED RES INT 2015 2015卷(-期):641958頁 (IF: 1.579, 領域排名: 107, 領域期刊數: 163, 領域排名: 65.64%) Can Early Rehabilitation after Total Hip Arthroplasty Reduce Its Major Complications and Medical Expenses? Report from a Nationally Representative Cohort. Chiung-Jui Su D, Yuan KS, Weng SF, Hong RB, Wu MP, Wu HM, Chou W - - 1 - Biomed Research International - BIOMED RES INT 2015;2015(-):641958 (IF: 1.579, Journal Ranking: 107, Number of Journals of this Field: 163, Ranking: 65.64%) |
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Acute myocardial infarction: a comparison of the risk between physicians and the general population. Chen YT, Huang CC, 翁世峰, Hsu CC, Wang JJ, Lin HJ, Su SB, Guo HR, Juan - - 1 - Biomed Research International - Biomed Res Int 2015 0卷(0期):904328頁 (IF: 1.579, 領域排名: 107, 領域期刊數: 163, 領域排名: 65.64%) Acute myocardial infarction: a comparison of the risk between physicians and the general population. Chen YT, Huang CC, Weng SF, Hsu CC, Wang JJ, Lin HJ, Su SB, Guo HR, Juan - - 1 - Biomed Research International - Biomed Res Int 2015;0(0):904328 (IF: 1.579, Journal Ranking: 107, Number of Journals of this Field: 163, Ranking: 65.64%) |
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The surgical trends and time-frame comparison of various approaches for stress urinary incontinence, 2006-2010 vs. 1997-2005: A population-based nation-wide follow-up descriptive study. Wu CJ, Tong YC, Hsiao SM, Liang CC, Liang SJ, 翁世峰, Wu MP - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL UROGYNECOLOGY JOURNAL - Int Urogynecol J 2014 25卷(12期):1683-91頁 (IF: 2.161, 領域排名: 26, 領域期刊數: 77, 領域排名: 33.77%) The surgical trends and time-frame comparison of various approaches for stress urinary incontinence, 2006-2010 vs. 1997-2005: A population-based nation-wide follow-up descriptive study. Wu CJ, Tong YC, Hsiao SM, Liang CC, Liang SJ, Weng SF, Wu MP - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL UROGYNECOLOGY JOURNAL - Int Urogynecol J 2014;25(12):1683-91 (IF: 2.161, Journal Ranking: 26, Number of Journals of this Field: 77, Ranking: 33.77%) |
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Recurrence of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss: a retrospective cohort study Wu CM, Lee KJ, Chang SL, 翁世峰, Lin YS - - 1 - OTOLOGY & NEUROTOLOGY - Otol Neurotol 2014 35卷(10期):1736-41頁 (IF: 1.598, 領域排名: 15, 領域期刊數: 44, 領域排名: 34.09%) Recurrence of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss: a retrospective cohort study Wu CM, Lee KJ, Chang SL, Weng SF, Lin YS - - 1 - OTOLOGY & NEUROTOLOGY - Otol Neurotol 2014;35(10):1736-41 (IF: 1.598, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 44, Ranking: 34.09%) |
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Sex Difference for Urologic Malignancy Risk in Uremic Patients After Kidney Transplantation: A Population- Based Study. Hwang JC, Jiang MY, Lu YH, 翁世峰 - - 1 - Transplantation - Transplantation 2014 99卷(4期):818-22頁 (IF: 3.535, 領域排名: 18, 領域期刊數: 204, 領域排名: 8.82%) Sex Difference for Urologic Malignancy Risk in Uremic Patients After Kidney Transplantation: A Population- Based Study. Hwang JC, Jiang MY, Lu YH, Weng SF - - 1 - Transplantation - Transplantation 2014;99(4):818-22 (IF: 3.535, Journal Ranking: 18, Number of Journals of this Field: 204, Ranking: 8.82%) |
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The risk of acute coronary syndrome after retinal artery occlusion: a population-based cohort study Chang YS, Chu CC,翁世峰, Chang C, Wang JJ, Jan RL - - 1 - British Journal of Ophthalmology - Br J Ophthalmol 2014 99卷(2期):227-31頁 (IF: 2.809, 領域排名: 10, 領域期刊數: 58, 領域排名: 17.24%) The risk of acute coronary syndrome after retinal artery occlusion: a population-based cohort study Chang YS, Chu CC, Weng SF, Chang C, Wang JJ, Jan RL - - 1 - British Journal of Ophthalmology - Br J Ophthalmol 2014;99(2):227-31 (IF: 2.809, Journal Ranking: 10, Number of Journals of this Field: 58, Ranking: 17.24%) |
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Long-Term Prognosis of Patients with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: A Nationwide Cohort Study. Huang CC, Chung MH, 翁世峰, Chien CC, Lin SJ, Lin HJ, Guo HR, Su SB, Hsu CC, Juan CW - - 1 - PLoS One - PLoS One 2014 9卷(8期):e105503頁 (IF: 0, 領域排名: 8, 領域期刊數: 55, 領域排名: 14.55%) Long-Term Prognosis of Patients with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: A Nationwide Cohort Study. Huang CC, Chung MH, Weng SF, Chien CC, Lin SJ, Lin HJ, Guo HR, Su SB, Hsu CC, Juan CW - - 1 - PLoS One - PLoS One 2014;9(8):e105503 (IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 8, Number of Journals of this Field: 55, Ranking: 14.55%) |
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Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Risk of Osteoporosis: A Population-Based Cohort Study in Taiwan. Chen YL, 翁世峰, Shen YC, Chou CW, Yang CY, Wang JJ, Tien KJ - - 1 - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM - J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2014 99卷(7期):2441-2447頁 (IF: 6.31, 領域排名: 13, 領域期刊數: 124, 領域排名: 10.48%) Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Risk of Osteoporosis: A Population-Based Cohort Study in Taiwan. Chen YL, Weng SF, Shen YC, Chou CW, Yang CY, Wang JJ, Tien KJ - - 1 - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM - J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2014;99(7):2441-2447 (IF: 6.31, Journal Ranking: 13, Number of Journals of this Field: 124, Ranking: 10.48%) |
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Erectile dysfunction and risk of end stage renal disease requiring dialysis: a nationwide population-based study. Shen YC, 翁世峰, Wang JJ, Tien KJ - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2014 9卷(7期):e102055頁 (IF: 3.534, 領域排名: 8, 領域期刊數: 56, 領域排名: 14.29%) Erectile dysfunction and risk of end stage renal disease requiring dialysis: a nationwide population-based study. Shen YC, Weng SF, Wang JJ, Tien KJ - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2014;9(7):e102055 (IF: 3.534, Journal Ranking: 8, Number of Journals of this Field: 56, Ranking: 14.29%) |
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Risk of Head and Neck Cancer in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus: A Retrospective Cohort Study in Taiwan. Tseng KS, Lin C, Lin YS, 翁世峰 - - 1 - JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery - JAMA OTOLARYNGOL 2014 140卷(8期):746-753頁 (IF: 1.794, 領域排名: 44, 領域期刊數: 44, 領域排名: 100.00%) Risk of Head and Neck Cancer in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus: A Retrospective Cohort Study in Taiwan. Tseng KS, Lin C, Lin YS, Weng SF - - 1 - JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery - JAMA OTOLARYNGOL 2014;140(8):746-753 (IF: 1.794, Journal Ranking: 44, Number of Journals of this Field: 44, Ranking: 100.00%) |
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Trends in reoperation for female stress urinary incontinence: A nationwide study Wu MP, Long CY, Liang CC, 翁世峰, Tong YC - - 1 - NEUROUROLOGY AND URODYNAMICS - Neurourol Urodynam 2014 34卷(7期):693-8頁 (IF: 2.458, 領域排名: 24, 領域期刊數: 77, 領域排名: 31.17%) Trends in reoperation for female stress urinary incontinence: A nationwide study Wu MP, Long CY, Liang CC, Weng SF, Tong YC - - 1 - NEUROUROLOGY AND URODYNAMICS - Neurourol Urodynam 2014;34(7):693-8 (IF: 2.458, Journal Ranking: 24, Number of Journals of this Field: 77, Ranking: 31.17%) |
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Renal Transplantation: Relationship between Hospital/Surgeon Volume and Postoperative Severe Sepsis/Graft-Failure. A Nationwide Population-Based Study. 翁世峰, Chu CC, Chien CC, Wang JJ, Chen YC, Chiou SJ - - 1 - International Journal of Medical Sciences - INT J MED SCI 2014 11卷(9期):918-924頁 (IF: 1.552, 領域排名: 65, 領域期刊數: 156, 領域排名: 41.67%) Renal Transplantation: Relationship between Hospital/Surgeon Volume and Postoperative Severe Sepsis/Graft-Failure. A Nationwide Population-Based Study. Weng SF, Chu CC, Chien CC, Wang JJ, Chen YC, Chiou SJ - - 1 - International Journal of Medical Sciences - INT J MED SCI 2014;11(9):918-924 (IF: 1.552, Journal Ranking: 65, Number of Journals of this Field: 156, Ranking: 41.67%) |
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Insomnia Subtypes and the Subsequent Risks of Stroke: Report From a Nationally Representative Cohort. Wu MP, Lin HJ, 翁世峰, Ho CH, Wang JJ, Hsu YW - - 1 - STROKE - STROKE 2014 45卷(5期):1349-1354頁 (IF: 6.018, 領域排名: 11, 領域期刊數: 194, 領域排名: 5.67%) Insomnia Subtypes and the Subsequent Risks of Stroke: Report From a Nationally Representative Cohort. Wu MP, Lin HJ, Weng SF, Ho CH, Wang JJ, Hsu YW - - 1 - STROKE - STROKE 2014;45(5):1349-1354 (IF: 6.018, Journal Ranking: 11, Number of Journals of this Field: 194, Ranking: 5.67%) |
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Effect of metformin on the incidence of head and neck cancer in diabetes Yen YC, Lin C, Lin SW, Lin YS, 翁世峰 - - 1 - HEAD AND NECK-JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENCES AND SPECIALTIES OF THE HEAD AND NECK - HEAD NECK-J SCI SPEC 2014 37卷(9期):1268-1273頁 (IF: 3.006, 領域排名: 1, 領域期刊數: 44, 領域排名: 2.27%) Effect of metformin on the incidence of head and neck cancer in diabetes Yen YC, Lin C, Lin SW, Lin YS, Weng SF - - 1 - HEAD AND NECK-JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENCES AND SPECIALTIES OF THE HEAD AND NECK - HEAD NECK-J SCI SPEC 2014;37(9):1268-1273 (IF: 3.006, Journal Ranking: 1, Number of Journals of this Field: 44, Ranking: 2.27%) |
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Epstein-Barr virus is rarely associated with diffuse large B cell lymphoma in Taiwan and carries a trend for a shorter median survival time. Chang ST, Lu YH, Lu CL, 翁世峰, Lin SH, Kuo SY, Chuang YT, Takeuchi K, Ohshima K, Chuang SS - - 1 - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY - J CLIN PATHOL 2014 67卷(4期):326-332頁 (IF: 2.551, 領域排名: 25, 領域期刊數: 76, 領域排名: 32.89%) Epstein-Barr virus is rarely associated with diffuse large B cell lymphoma in Taiwan and carries a trend for a shorter median survival time. Chang ST, Lu YH, Lu CL, Weng SF, Lin SH, Kuo SY, Chuang YT, Takeuchi K, Ohshima K, Chuang SS - - 1 - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY - J CLIN PATHOL 2014;67(4):326-332 (IF: 2.551, Journal Ranking: 25, Number of Journals of this Field: 76, Ranking: 32.89%) |
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Epidemiology of Treated Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) across the Lifespan in Taiwan: A Nationwide Population-Based Longitudinal Study. Huang CL, Chu CC, Cheng TJ, 翁世峰* - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2014 9卷(4期):e95014頁 (IF: 3.534, 領域排名: 8, 領域期刊數: 55, 領域排名: 14.55%) Epidemiology of Treated Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) across the Lifespan in Taiwan: A Nationwide Population-Based Longitudinal Study. Huang CL, Chu CC, Cheng TJ, Weng SF* - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2014;9(4):e95014 (IF: 3.534, Journal Ranking: 8, Number of Journals of this Field: 55, Ranking: 14.55%) |
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Association between mechanical ventilation and neurodevelopmental disorders in a nationwide cohort of extremely low birth weight infants. Tsai WH, Hwang YS, Hung TY, 翁世峰, Lin SJ, Chang WT - - 1 - RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES - RES DEV DISABIL 2014 35卷(7期):1544-1550頁 (IF: 2.735, 領域排名: 1, 領域期刊數: 37, 領域排名: 2.70%) Association between mechanical ventilation and neurodevelopmental disorders in a nationwide cohort of extremely low birth weight infants. Tsai WH, Hwang YS, Hung TY, Weng SF, Lin SJ, Chang WT - - 1 - RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES - RES DEV DISABIL 2014;35(7):1544-1550 (IF: 2.735, Journal Ranking: 1, Number of Journals of this Field: 37, Ranking: 2.70%) |
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Hypercholesterolemia is correlated with an increased risk of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss: a historical prospective cohort study. Chang SL, Hsieh CC, Tseng KS, 翁世峰, Lin YS - - 1 - EAR AND HEARING - EAR HEARING 2014 35卷(2期):256-261頁 (IF: 2.833, 領域排名: 3, 領域期刊數: 44, 領域排名: 6.82%) Hypercholesterolemia is correlated with an increased risk of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss: a historical prospective cohort study. Chang SL, Hsieh CC, Tseng KS, Weng SF, Lin YS - - 1 - EAR AND HEARING - EAR HEARING 2014;35(2):256-261 (IF: 2.833, Journal Ranking: 3, Number of Journals of this Field: 44, Ranking: 6.82%) |
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Risk of developing sudden sensorineural hearing loss in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a population-based cohort study. Lin C, Lin SW, 翁世峰, Lin YS - - 1 - HEAD AND NECK-JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENCES AND SPECIALTIES OF THE HEAD AND NECK - HEAD NECK-J SCI SPEC 2014 36卷(2期):203-208頁 (IF: 3.006, 領域排名: 1, 領域期刊數: 44, 領域排名: 2.27%) Risk of developing sudden sensorineural hearing loss in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a population-based cohort study. Lin C, Lin SW, Weng SF, Lin YS - - 1 - HEAD AND NECK-JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENCES AND SPECIALTIES OF THE HEAD AND NECK - HEAD NECK-J SCI SPEC 2014;36(2):203-208 (IF: 3.006, Journal Ranking: 1, Number of Journals of this Field: 44, Ranking: 2.27%) |
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Risk of second primary malignancies after nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a population-based cohort study in Taiwan. Lin C, Lin SW, 翁世峰, Lin YS - - 1 - HEAD AND NECK-JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENCES AND SPECIALTIES OF THE HEAD AND NECK - HEAD NECK-J SCI SPEC 2014 36卷(2期):209-214頁 (IF: 3.006, 領域排名: 1, 領域期刊數: 44, 領域排名: 2.27%) Risk of second primary malignancies after nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a population-based cohort study in Taiwan. Lin C, Lin SW, Weng SF, Lin YS - - 1 - HEAD AND NECK-JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENCES AND SPECIALTIES OF THE HEAD AND NECK - HEAD NECK-J SCI SPEC 2014;36(2):209-214 (IF: 3.006, Journal Ranking: 1, Number of Journals of this Field: 44, Ranking: 2.27%) |
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Obstructive sleep apnea and the risk of atopic dermatitis: a population-based case control study. Tien KJ, Chou CW, Lee SY, Yeh NC, Yang CY, Yen FC, Wang JJ, 翁世峰* - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2014 9卷(2期):e89656頁 (IF: 3.534, 領域排名: 8, 領域期刊數: 55, 領域排名: 14.55%) Obstructive sleep apnea and the risk of atopic dermatitis: a population-based case control study. Tien KJ, Chou CW, Lee SY, Yeh NC, Yang CY, Yen FC, Wang JJ, Weng SF - - 1 - PLoS One - PLOS ONE 2014;9(2):e89656 (IF: 3.534, Journal Ranking: 8, Number of Journals of this Field: 55, Ranking: 14.55%) |
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Increased incidence of herpes zoster in adult patients with peptic ulcer disease: a population-based cohort study. Chen JY, Cheng TJ, Chang CY, Lan KM, 翁世峰, Sheu MJ, Tseng SF, Hu ML - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY - Int J Epidemiol 2013 42卷(6期):1873-81頁 (IF: 6.982, 領域排名: 3, 領域期刊數: 161, 領域排名: 1.86%) Increased incidence of herpes zoster in adult patients with peptic ulcer disease: a population-based cohort study. Chen JY, Cheng TJ, Chang CY, Lan KM, Weng SF, Sheu MJ, Tseng SF, Hu ML - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY - Int J Epidemiol 2013;42(6):1873-81 (IF: 6.982, Journal Ranking: 3, Number of Journals of this Field: 161, Ranking: 1.86%) |
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Epidemiology and mortality among dialysis patients with parathyroidectomy: Taiwan National Cohort Study 翁世峰,Chuang CH, Wang JJ, Chung KM, Chen YP, Huang CC, Yang CM, Chien CC - - 1 - JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY - J Nephrol 2013 26卷(6期):1143-50頁 (IF: 2.015, 領域排名: 32, 領域期刊數: 73, 領域排名: 43.84%) Epidemiology and mortality among dialysis patients with parathyroidectomy: Taiwan National Cohort Study Weng SF,Chuang CH, Wang JJ, Chung KM, Chen YP, Huang CC, Yang CM, Chien CC - - 1 - JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY - J Nephrol 2013;26(6):1143-50 (IF: 2.015, Journal Ranking: 32, Number of Journals of this Field: 73, Ranking: 43.84%) |
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Impact of head and neck malignancies on risk factors and survival in systemic lupus erythematosus. Chang SL, Hsu HT, 翁世峰, Lin YS - - 1 - ACTA OTO-LARYNGOLOGICA - Acta Oto-Laryngol. 2013 133卷(10期):1088-95頁 (IF: 1.106, 領域排名: 24, 領域期刊數: 44, 領域排名: 54.55%) Impact of head and neck malignancies on risk factors and survival in systemic lupus erythematosus. Chang SL, Hsu HT, Weng SF, Lin YS - - 1 - ACTA OTO-LARYNGOLOGICA - Acta Oto-Laryngol. 2013;133(10):1088-95 (IF: 1.106, Journal Ranking: 24, Number of Journals of this Field: 44, Ranking: 54.55%) |
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Cancer survival in patients with HIV/AIDS in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy in Taiwan: A population-based cohort study. Lin CS, Lin C, 翁世峰, Lin SW, Lin YS - - 1 - Cancer Epidemiology - Cancer Epidemiol. 2013 37卷(5期):719-24頁 (IF: 0, 領域排名: 48, 領域期刊數: 161, 領域排名: 29.81%) Cancer survival in patients with HIV/AIDS in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy in Taiwan: A population-based cohort study. Lin CS, Lin C, Weng SF, Lin SW, Lin YS - - 1 - Cancer Epidemiology - Cancer Epidemiol. 2013;37(5):719-24 (IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 48, Number of Journals of this Field: 161, Ranking: 29.81%) |
127 |
Epidemiology and mortality among dialysis patients with acute coronary syndrome: Taiwan National Cohort Study Chou MT, Wang JJ, Sun YM, Sheu MJ, Chu CC, 翁世峰, Chio CC, Kan WC, Chien CC - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY - Int J Cardiol 2013 167卷(6期):2719-23頁 (IF: 5.509, 領域排名: 16, 領域期刊數: 124, 領域排名: 12.90%) Epidemiology and mortality among dialysis patients with acute coronary syndrome: Taiwan National Cohort Study Chou MT, Wang JJ, Sun YM, Sheu MJ, Chu CC, Weng SF, Chio CC, Kan WC, Chien CC - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY - Int J Cardiol 2013;167(6):2719-23 (IF: 5.509, Journal Ranking: 16, Number of Journals of this Field: 124, Ranking: 12.90%) |
128 |
Longitudinal trends of the healthcare-seeking prevalence and incidence of insomnia in Taiwan: An 8-year nationally representative study. Hsu YW, Ho CH, Wang JJ, Hsieh KY, 翁世峰*, Wu MP - - 1 - SLEEP MEDICINE - Sleep Med 2013 14卷(9期):843-9頁 (IF: 3.487, 領域排名: 41, 領域期刊數: 193, 領域排名: 21.24%) Longitudinal trends of the healthcare-seeking prevalence and incidence of insomnia in Taiwan: An 8-year nationally representative study. Hsu YW, Ho CH, Wang JJ, Hsieh KY, Weng SF, Wu MP - - 1 - SLEEP MEDICINE - Sleep Med 2013;14(9):843-9 (IF: 3.487, Journal Ranking: 41, Number of Journals of this Field: 193, Ranking: 21.24%) |
129 |
Higher prevalence of autism in Taiwanese children born prematurely: a nationwide population-based study. Hwang YS, 翁世峰, Cho CY, Tsai WH - - 1 - RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES - Res Dev Disabil 2013 34卷(9期):2462-8頁 (IF: 2.483, 領域排名: 4, 領域期刊數: 67, 領域排名: 5.97%) Higher prevalence of autism in Taiwanese children born prematurely: a nationwide population-based study. Hwang YS, Weng SF, Cho CY, Tsai WH - - 1 - RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES - Res Dev Disabil 2013;34(9):2462-8 (IF: 2.483, Journal Ranking: 4, Number of Journals of this Field: 67, Ranking: 5.97%) |
130 |
Risk of retinal vein occlusion in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: a population-based cohort study. Yen YC, 翁世峰, Chen HA, Lin YS - - 1 - Br J Ophthalmol - Br J Ophthalmol 2013 97卷(9期):1192-6頁 (IF: 2.725, 領域排名: 9, 領域期刊數: 59, 領域排名: 15.25%) Risk of retinal vein occlusion in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: a population-based cohort study. Yen YC, Weng SF, Chen HA, Lin YS - - 1 - Br J Ophthalmol - Br J Ophthalmol 2013;97(9):1192-6 (IF: 2.725, Journal Ranking: 9, Number of Journals of this Field: 59, Ranking: 15.25%) |
131 |
Sudden sensorineural hearing loss is correlated with an increased risk of acute myocardial infarction: A population-based cohort study. Lin C, Lin SW, Lin YS,翁世峰, Lee TM - - 1 - Laryngoscope - Laryngoscope 2013 123卷(9期):2254-8頁 (IF: 1.979, 領域排名: 7, 領域期刊數: 44, 領域排名: 15.91%) Sudden sensorineural hearing loss is correlated with an increased risk of acute myocardial infarction: A population-based cohort study. Lin C, Lin SW, Lin YS, Weng SF, Lee TM - - 1 - Laryngoscope - Laryngoscope 2013;123(9):2254-8 (IF: 1.979, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 44, Ranking: 15.91%) |
132 |
Frequency and pattern of Chinese herbal medicine prescriptions for urticaria in Taiwan during 2009: analysis of the national health insurance database. Chien PS, Tseng YF, Hsu YC, Lai YK, 翁世峰 - - 1 - BMC Complement Altern Med - BMC Complement Altern Med 2013 13卷(1期):209頁 (IF: 2.082, 領域排名: 7, 領域期刊數: 22, 領域排名: 31.82%) Frequency and pattern of Chinese herbal medicine prescriptions for urticaria in Taiwan during 2009: analysis of the national health insurance database. Chien PS, Tseng YF, Hsu YC, Lai YK, Weng SF - - 1 - BMC Complement Altern Med - BMC Complement Altern Med 2013;13(1):209 (IF: 2.082, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 22, Ranking: 31.82%) |
133 |
The new comorbidity index for predicting survival in elderly dialysis patients: a long-term population-based study. Kan WC, Wang JJ, Wang SY, Sun YM, Hung CY, Chu CC, Lu CL, 翁世峰, Chio CC, Chien CC - - 1 - PLoS One - PLoS One 2013 8卷(8期):e68748頁 (IF: 3.73, 領域排名: 7, 領域期刊數: 56, 領域排名: 12.50%) The new comorbidity index for predicting survival in elderly dialysis patients: a long-term population-based study. Kan WC, Wang JJ, Wang SY, Sun YM, Hung CY, Chu CC, Lu CL, Weng SF, Chio CC, Chien CC - - 1 - PLoS One - PLoS One 2013;8(8):e68748 (IF: 3.73, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 56, Ranking: 12.50%) |
134 |
Role for gender in colorectal cancer risk: a Taiwan population-based study Chou CL, 翁世峰, Lin JK, Chang SC - - 1 - Internal Journal of Colorectal Disease - Internal Journal of Colorectal Disease 2013 28卷(7期):1001-8頁 (IF: 2.238, 領域排名: 51, 領域期刊數: 199, 領域排名: 25.63%) Role for gender in colorectal cancer risk: a Taiwan population-based study Chou CL, Weng SF, Lin JK, Chang SC - - 1 - Internal Journal of Colorectal Disease - Internal Journal of Colorectal Disease 2013;28(7):1001-8 (IF: 2.238, Journal Ranking: 51, Number of Journals of this Field: 199, Ranking: 25.63%) |
135 |
Increased risk of pulmonary tuberculosis in patients with previous non-tuberculous mycobacterial disease. Hsing SC, 翁世峰, Cheng KC, Shieh JM, Chen CH, Chiang SR, Wang JJ - - 1 - Int J Tuberc Lung Dis - Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2013 17卷(7期):928-33頁 (IF: 2.61, 領域排名: 23, 領域期刊數: 50, 領域排名: 46.00%) Increased risk of pulmonary tuberculosis in patients with previous non-tuberculous mycobacterial disease. Hsing SC, Weng SF, Cheng KC, Shieh JM, Chen CH, Chiang SR, Wang JJ - - 1 - Int J Tuberc Lung Dis - Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2013;17(7):928-33 (IF: 2.61, Journal Ranking: 23, Number of Journals of this Field: 50, Ranking: 46.00%) |
136 |
Increased risk of erectile dysfunction in patients with sudden sensorineural hearing loss: a nationwide, population-based cohort study. Hsu HT, Chen JY, 翁世峰, Huang KH, Lin YS - - 1 - OTOLOGY & NEUROTOLOGY - Otol Neurotol 2013 34卷(5期):862-7頁 (IF: 2.014, 領域排名: 6, 領域期刊數: 44, 領域排名: 13.64%) Increased risk of erectile dysfunction in patients with sudden sensorineural hearing loss: a nationwide, population-based cohort study. Hsu HT, Chen JY, Weng SF, Huang KH, Lin YS - - 1 - OTOLOGY & NEUROTOLOGY - Otol Neurotol 2013;34(5):862-7 (IF: 2.014, Journal Ranking: 6, Number of Journals of this Field: 44, Ranking: 13.64%) |
137 |
Hyperthyroidism and thyroid cancer risk: a population-based cohort study. Yeh NC, Chou CW, 翁世峰, Yang CY, Yen FC, Lee SY, Wang JJ, Tien KJ - - 1 - EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & DIABETES - Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 2013 121卷(7期):402-6頁 (IF: 1.555, 領域排名: 97, 領域期刊數: 122, 領域排名: 79.51%) Hyperthyroidism and thyroid cancer risk: a population-based cohort study. Yeh NC, Chou CW, Weng SF, Yang CY, Yen FC, Lee SY, Wang JJ, Tien KJ - - 1 - EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & DIABETES - Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 2013;121(7):402-6 (IF: 1.555, Journal Ranking: 97, Number of Journals of this Field: 122, Ranking: 79.51%) |
138 |
Risk of hospitalization for acute cardiovascular events among subjects with lower urinary tract symptoms: a nationwide population-based study. Lin HJ, 翁世峰, Yang CM, Wu MP - - 1 - PLoS One - PLoS One 2013 8卷(6期):e66661頁 (IF: 3.73, 領域排名: 7, 領域期刊數: 56, 領域排名: 12.50%) Risk of hospitalization for acute cardiovascular events among subjects with lower urinary tract symptoms: a nationwide population-based study. Lin HJ, Weng SF, Yang CM, Wu MP - - 1 - PLoS One - PLoS One 2013;8(6):e66661 (IF: 3.73, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 56, Ranking: 12.50%) |
139 |
Increased risk of getting sudden sensorineural hearing loss in patients with chronic kidney disease: A populationbased cohort study. Lin C, Hsu HT, Lin YS,翁世峰 - - 1 - Laryngoscope - Laryngoscope 2013 123卷(3期):767-73頁 (IF: 1.979, 領域排名: 7, 領域期刊數: 44, 領域排名: 15.91%) Increased risk of getting sudden sensorineural hearing loss in patients with chronic kidney disease: A populationbased cohort study. Lin C, Hsu HT, Lin YS, Weng SF - - 1 - Laryngoscope - Laryngoscope 2013;123(3):767-73 (IF: 1.979, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 44, Ranking: 15.91%) |
140 |
Increased risk of deep neck infection among HIV-infected patients in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy---a population-based follow-up study. Liu CF, 翁世峰, Lin YS, Lin CS, Lien CF, Wang JJ - - 1 - BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES - BMC Infect. Dis. 2013 13卷(1期):183頁 (IF: 3.025, 領域排名: 24, 領域期刊數: 70, 領域排名: 34.29%) Increased risk of deep neck infection among HIV-infected patients in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy---a population-based follow-up study. Liu CF, Weng SF, Lin YS, Lin CS, Lien CF, Wang JJ - - 1 - BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES - BMC Infect. Dis. 2013;13(1):183 (IF: 3.025, Journal Ranking: 24, Number of Journals of this Field: 70, Ranking: 34.29%) |
141 |
Increased risk of sudden sensorineural hearing loss in patients with human immunodeficiency virus aged 18 to 35 years: a population-based cohort study. Lin C, Lin SW, 翁世峰, Lin YS - - 1 - JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery - JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2013 139卷(3期):251-5頁 (IF: 1.794, 領域排名: 16, 領域期刊數: 44, 領域排名: 36.36%) Increased risk of sudden sensorineural hearing loss in patients with human immunodeficiency virus aged 18 to 35 years: a population-based cohort study. Lin C, Lin SW, Weng SF, Lin YS - - 1 - JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery - JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2013;139(3):251-5 (IF: 1.794, Journal Ranking: 16, Number of Journals of this Field: 44, Ranking: 36.36%) |
142 |
Medical attendance for lower urinary tract symptoms is associated with subsequent increased risk of outpatient visits and hospitalizations based on a nationwide population-based database. Wu MP, 翁世峰, Hsu YW, Wang JJ, Kuo HC - - 1 - PLoS One - PLoS One 2013 8卷(3期):e57825頁 (IF: 3.73, 領域排名: 7, 領域期刊數: 56, 領域排名: 12.50%) Medical attendance for lower urinary tract symptoms is associated with subsequent increased risk of outpatient visits and hospitalizations based on a nationwide population-based database. Wu MP, Weng SF, Hsu YW, Wang JJ, Kuo HC - - 1 - PLoS One - PLoS One 2013;8(3):e57825 (IF: 3.73, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 56, Ranking: 12.50%) |
143 |
Risk of sudden sensorineural hearing loss in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: a population-based cohort study. Lin C, Lin SW, 翁世峰, Lin YS. - - 1 - Audiol Neurootol - Audiol Neurootol 2013 18卷(2期):95-100頁 (IF: 2.318, 領域排名: 5, 領域期刊數: 22, 領域排名: 22.73%) Risk of sudden sensorineural hearing loss in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: a population-based cohort study. Lin C, Lin SW, Weng SF, Lin YS. - - 1 - Audiol Neurootol - Audiol Neurootol 2013;18(2):95-100 (IF: 2.318, Journal Ranking: 5, Number of Journals of this Field: 22, Ranking: 22.73%) |
144 |
Genome-wide association study reveals novel genetic determinants of DNA repair capacity in lung cancer. Wang LE, Gorlova OY, Ying J, Qiao Y, 翁世峰, Lee AT, Gregersen PK, Spitz MR, Amos CI, Wei - - 1 - Cancer Research - Cancer Research 2013 73卷(1期):256-64頁 (IF: 8.65, 領域排名: 11, 領域期刊數: 197, 領域排名: 5.58%) Genome-wide association study reveals novel genetic determinants of DNA repair capacity in lung cancer. Wang LE, Gorlova OY, Ying J, Qiao Y, Weng SF, Lee AT, Gregersen PK, Spitz MR, Amos CI, Wei - - 1 - Cancer Research - Cancer Research 2013;73(1):256-64 (IF: 8.65, Journal Ranking: 11, Number of Journals of this Field: 197, Ranking: 5.58%) |
145 |
Healthcareseeking Prevalence of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Among National Health Insurance Enrollees in Taiwan 2000-2009 Wu MP, Hsu YW, 翁世峰, Ho CH, Wang JJ, Tong YC - - 1 - Urology - Urology 2013 81卷(1期):61-5頁 (IF: 2.424, 領域排名: 22, 領域期刊數: 73, 領域排名: 30.14%) Healthcareseeking Prevalence of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Among National Health Insurance Enrollees in Taiwan 2000-2009 Wu MP, Hsu YW, Weng SF, Ho CH, Wang JJ, Tong YC - - 1 - Urology - Urology 2013;81(1):61-5 (IF: 2.424, Journal Ranking: 22, Number of Journals of this Field: 73, Ranking: 30.14%) |
146 |
Performance of confidence interval tests for the ratio of two lognormal means applied to Weibull and gamma distribution data 翁世峰*, Myers L. - - 1 - Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation - J STAT COMPUT SIM 2012 82卷(7期):1035-54頁 (IF: 0.497, 領域排名: 89, 領域期刊數: 116, 領域排名: 76.72%) Performance of confidence interval tests for the ratio of two lognormal means applied to Weibull and gamma distribution data Weng SF*, Myers L - - 1 - Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation - J STAT COMPUT SIM 2012;82(7):1035-54 (IF: 0.497, Journal Ranking: 89, Number of Journals of this Field: 116, Ranking: 76.72%) |
147 |
Retinal Artery Occlusion and the 3 Year-risk of Stroke in Taiwan: A Nationwide Population-Based Study Chang YS, Jan RL, 翁世峰, Wang JJ, Chio CC, Wei FT, Chu CC - - 1 - The American Journal of Ophthalmology, - The American Journal of Ophthalmology, 2012 154卷(4期):645-652頁 (IF: 4.223, 領域排名: 3, 領域期刊數: 58, 領域排名: 5.17%) Retinal Artery Occlusion and the 3 Year-risk of Stroke in Taiwan: A Nationwide Population-Based Study Chang YS, Jan RL, Weng SF, Wang JJ, Chio CC, Wei FT, Chu CC - - 1 - The American Journal of Ophthalmology, - The American Journal of Ophthalmology, 2012;154(4):645-652 (IF: 4.223, Journal Ranking: 3, Number of Journals of this Field: 58, Ranking: 5.17%) |
148 |
High Incidence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in ESRD Patients: Caused by High Hepatitis Rate or 'Uremia'? A Population-based Study. Hwang JC, 翁世峰, Weng RH - - 1 - Jpn J Clin Oncol - Jpn J Clin Oncol 2012 42卷(9期):780-6頁 (IF: 1.783, 領域排名: 135, 領域期刊數: 196, 領域排名: 68.88%) High Incidence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in ESRD Patients: Caused by High Hepatitis Rate or 'Uremia'? A Population-based Study. Hwang JC, Weng SF, Weng RH - - 1 - Jpn J Clin Oncol - Jpn J Clin Oncol 2012;42(9):780-6 (IF: 1.783, Journal Ranking: 135, Number of Journals of this Field: 196, Ranking: 68.88%) |
149 |
Long-term survival and predictors for mortality among dialysis patients in an endemic area for chronic liver disease: a national cohort study in Taiwan Chien CC, Wang JJ, Sun YM, Sun DP, Sheu MJ, 翁世峰, Chu CC, Chen HA, Chio CC, Hwang JC, Lu YH, Wang HY, Kan WC - - 1 - BMC Nephrol - BMC Nephrol 2012 13卷(43期):0頁 (IF: 2.176, 領域排名: 29, 領域期刊數: 73, 領域排名: 39.73%) Long-term survival and predictors for mortality among dialysis patients in an endemic area for chronic liver disease: a national cohort study in Taiwan Chien CC, Wang JJ, Sun YM, Sun DP, Sheu MJ, Weng SF, Chu CC, Chen HA, Chio CC, Hwang JC, Lu YH, Wang HY, Kan WC - - 1 - BMC Nephrol - BMC Nephrol 2012;13(43):0 (IF: 2.176, Journal Ranking: 29, Number of Journals of this Field: 73, Ranking: 39.73%) |
150 |
Risk of Developing Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Diabetic Patients: A Population-Based Cohort Study Lin SW, Lin YS, 翁世峰, Chou CW - - 1 - OTOLOGY & NEUROTOLOGY - Otol Neurotol 2012 33卷(9期):1482-8頁 (IF: 1.904, 領域排名: 9, 領域期刊數: 41, 領域排名: 21.95%) Risk of Developing Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Diabetic Patients: A Population-Based Cohort Study Lin SW, Lin YS, Weng SF, Chou CW - - 1 - OTOLOGY & NEUROTOLOGY - Otol Neurotol 2012;33(9):1482-8 (IF: 1.904, Journal Ranking: 9, Number of Journals of this Field: 41, Ranking: 21.95%) |
151 |
Dietary patterns affect lung cancer risk in never smokers. Nutrition and Cancer Gorlova OY, 翁世峰, Hernandez L, Spitz MR, Forman MR - - 1 - An International Journal - An International Journal 2011 63卷(6期):842-9頁 (IF: 2.553, 領域排名: 26, 領域期刊數: 70, 領域排名: 37.14%) Dietary patterns affect lung cancer risk in never smokers. Nutrition and Cancer Gorlova OY, Weng SF, Hernandez L, Spitz MR, Forman MR - - 1 - An International Journal - An International Journal 2011;63(6):842-9 (IF: 2.553, Journal Ranking: 26, Number of Journals of this Field: 70, Ranking: 37.14%) |
152 |
Genome-wide association study of systemic sclerosis identifies CD247 as a new susceptibility locus. Radstake TR, Gorlova O, Rueda B, Martin JE, Alizadeh BZ, Palomino-Morales R, Coenen MJ, Vonk MC, Voskuyl AE, Schuerwegh AJ, Broen JC, van Riel PL, van 't Slot R, Italiaander A, Ophoff RA, Riemekasten G, Hunzelmann N, Simeon CP, Ortego-Centeno N,...,翁世峰,..etc. - - 1 - Nature Genetics - NAT GENET 2010 42卷(5期):426-9頁 (IF: 34.284, 領域排名: 1, 領域期刊數: 146, 領域排名: 0.68%) Genome-wide association study of systemic sclerosis identifies CD247 as a new susceptibility locus. Radstake TR, Gorlova O, Rueda B, Martin JE, Alizadeh BZ, Palomino-Morales R, Coenen MJ, Vonk MC, Voskuyl AE, Schuerwegh AJ, Broen JC, van Riel PL, van 't Slot R, Italiaander A, Ophoff RA, Riemekasten G, Hunzelmann N, Simeon CP, Ortego-Centeno N,...,Weng SF,..etc. - - 1 - Nature Genetics - NAT GENET 2010;42(5):426-9 (IF: 34.284, Journal Ranking: 1, Number of Journals of this Field: 146, Ranking: 0.68%) |
153 |
DNA repair capacity and lung cancer risk in never smokers. Gorlova OY*, 翁世峰, Zhang Y, Amos CI, Spitz MR, Wei Q - - 0 - Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention - CANCER EPIDEM BIOMAR 2008 17卷(6期):1322-8頁 (IF: 4.642, 領域排名: 8, 領域期刊數: 100, 領域排名: 8.00%) DNA repair capacity and lung cancer risk in never smokers. Gorlova OY*, Weng SF, Zhang Y, Amos CI, Spitz MR, Wei Q. - - 0 - Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention - CANCER EPIDEM BIOMAR 2008;17(6):1322-8 (IF: 4.642, Journal Ranking: 8, Number of Journals of this Field: 100, Ranking: 8.00%) |
154 |
Aggregation of cancer among relatives of never-smoking lung cancer patients Gorlova OY, 翁世峰, Zhang Y, Amos CI, Spitz MR. - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER - Int J Cancer 2007 121卷(1期):111-8頁 (IF: 4.693, 領域排名: 30, 領域期刊數: 132, 領域排名: 22.73%) Aggregation of cancer among relatives of never-smoking lung cancer patients Gorlova OY, Weng SF, Zhang Y, Amos CI, Spitz MR. - - 1 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER - Int J Cancer 2007;121(1):111-8 (IF: 4.693, Journal Ranking: 30, Number of Journals of this Field: 132, Ranking: 22.73%) |
155 |
Imprinting detection by extending a regression-based QTL analysis method. Gorlova OY, Lei L, Zhu D,翁世峰, Shete S, Zhang Y, Li WD, Price RA, Amos CI - - 0 - HUMAN GENETICS - Hum Genet 2007 122卷(2期):159-74頁 (IF: 3.662, 領域排名: 44, 領域期刊數: 131, 領域排名: 33.59%) Imprinting detection by extending a regression-based QTL analysis method. Gorlova OY, Lei L, Zhu D, Weng SF, Shete S, Zhang Y, Li WD, Price RA, Amos CI. - - 0 - HUMAN GENETICS - Hum Genet 2007;122(2):159-74 (IF: 3.662, Journal Ranking: 44, Number of Journals of this Field: 131, Ranking: 33.59%) |