
School ¡X Major ¡X Degree Duration

°ª¶¯Âå¾Ç¤j¾Ç ¡X Å@²z¾Ç¨t(²¦) ¡X ³Õ¤h

Doctorate, School of Nursing, Kaohsiung Medical University

2008/09 ¡X 2015/02

°ê¥ß¶§©ú¤j¾Ç ¡X Á{§ÉÅ@²z¬ã¨s©Ò(²¦) ¡X ºÓ¤h

Master, Institute of Clinical Nursing, National Yang-Ming University

2003/09 ¡X 2006/06

°ª¶¯Âå¾Ç¤j¾Ç ¡X Å@²z¾Ç¨t(²¦) ¡X ¾Ç¤h

Bachelor, School of Nursing, Kaohsiung Medical University

1996/09 ¡X 2000/06

 Intramural Experience

Office/Department/Institute Position Duration
Å@²z¾Ç¨t School of Nursing   Associate Professor 2019/08/01 ¡X  
Å@²z¾Ç¨t School of Nursing   Assistant Professor 2015/08/01 ¡X 2019/07/31
Å@²z¾Ç¨t School of Nursing   Assistant Professor 2015/03/16 ¡X 2015/07/31

 Extramural Experience



NO Discipline Expertise
1 ¥Íª«Âå¹AÃþ Biology, Medicine and Agriculture Å@²z Nursing

 Research & Technology Platform Open to the Outside

Dementia care, Long-term care, Meta-analysis

 Interested Area(s)for Interdisciplinary Research


Dementia care, Elderly care, Adult care

 Area(s) of Expertise & Research


Dementia Care, Nursing Care for Older Adult, Nursing Care for Adult


NO Publication

¯Î¤~¥É, §f¦p·N, ½²Âz¥ú, §d©yæ¢, ªL¨Ø¬L* - - 9 - »â¾ÉÅ@²z - 2025 0¨÷(0´Á):0­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Reducing the Incidence Density of Central Catheter-Associated Bloodstream Infections in a Medical Ward
Tsai-Yu Weng, Ru-Yi Lu, Pi-Kuang Tsai, Yi-Xuan Wu, Pei-Chao Lin* - - 9 - »â¾ÉÅ@²z - 2025;0(0):0
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Chinese version of the oral frailty five-item checklist.
¶À¾åÆF*, Koichiro Matsuo, ¶À¯Â¼w, ¦ó¨Ø¬À, ªL¨Ø¬L, ªL¨Øã¸, ³¹ÀõµØ - - 1 - GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL - GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL 2025 0¨÷(0´Á):0­¶
(IF: 2.4, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 16, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 47, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 34.04%)

Chinese version of the oral frailty five-item checklist.
Hsiao-Ling Huang*, Koichiro Matsuo, Shun-Te Huang, Pei-Shan Ho, Pei-Chao Lin, Pei-Chen Lin, Ai-Hua Chang - - 1 - GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL - GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL 2025;0(0):0
(IF: 2.4, Journal Ranking: 16, Number of Journals of this Field: 47, Ranking: 34.04%)


Áé¨Ø´@, ­J¹Å®Û, ªL¨Ø¬L* - - 9 - »â¾ÉÅ@²z - 2024 25¨÷(1´Á):35-51­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

The Nursing Experience of a Women With Scleroderma and First-Diagnosed Tuberculosis
Chung, P.T., Hu, C. K., & Lin, P.C. - - 9 - »â¾ÉÅ@²z - 2024;25(1):35-51
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


§õ¶®²N, ±i´´²Q, ªL¨Ø¬L* - - 9 - ºaÁ`Å@²z - 2024 41¨÷(1´Á):30-37­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

The Mild Dementia Elderly Care Experience of Patient with Stroke
Ya-Chi Li, Fei-Shu Chang, Pei-Chao Lin* - - 9 - ºaÁ`Å@²z - 2024;41(1):30-37
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


ªL¨Ø¬L,­J¹Å®Û,Áé¨Ø´@* - - 9 - ºaÁ`Å@²z - 2024 41¨÷(1´Á):15-20­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Social Isolation Care in the Elderly
Pei-Chao Lin, Chia-Kuei Hu, Pei-Ting Chung* - - 9 - ºaÁ`Å@²z - 2024;41(1):15-20
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


ªL¨Ø¬L, ³\¤Öªå, ³¯ÎëÀà, ¯Î²Qªâ* - - 2 - Journal of Nursing Research - JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH 2024 32¨÷(5´Á):e352­¶
(IF: 2.4, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 35, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 191, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 18.32%)

Dementia Training for Nurses in Acute Care Settings: Impacts and Barriers
Pei-Chao Lin, Shao-Yun Hsu, Chang-Chun Chen, Shu-Fen Wung* - - 2 - Journal of Nursing Research - JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH 2024;32(5):e352
(IF: 2.4, Journal Ranking: 35, Number of Journals of this Field: 191, Ranking: 18.32%)


·Å©{­i, ¾G©s°a, §õ°ê½e, ªL¨Ø¬L* - - 9 - Å@²zÂø»x - 2024 71¨÷(3´Á):43-51­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Accuracy in Operation of Inhalers and Related Factors in Elderly Pa-tients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Wan-Hung Wen, Meng-Hsuan Cheng, Kwo-Chen Lee, Pei-Chao Lin - - 9 - Å@²zÂø»x - 2024;71(3):43-51
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


©PºÑ¬Â,ªL¨Ø¬L,ªL¨ÎÀR,§õ­»§g,¶À¬RÀû* - - 2 - Inquiry: A Journal of Medical Care Organization, Provision and Financing - INQUIRY-THE JOURNAL OF HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATION PROVISION AND FINANCING 2024 61¨÷(.´Á):1-10­¶
(IF: 1.7, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 76, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 118, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 64.41%)

Trends and Changes in Intensive Care Use for Patients With Heart Failure in the Last Month of Life
Pi-Ling Chou, PhD1, Pei-Chao Lin, PhD, Chia-Chin Lin, PhD, Hsiang-Chun Lee, MD, PhD, and Yu-Tung Huang, PhD - - 2 - Inquiry: A Journal of Medical Care Organization, Provision and Financing - INQUIRY-THE JOURNAL OF HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATION PROVISION AND FINANCING 2024;61(.):1-10
(IF: 1.7, Journal Ranking: 76, Number of Journals of this Field: 118, Ranking: 64.41%)


ªL¨Ø¬L, ¯Î²Qªâ, ªL¨Øã¸, ªL©yÀR, ªL©Ó¦t, ¶À¾åÆF* - - 1 - BMC Oral Health - BMC ORAL HEALTH 2024 24¨÷(NA´Á):Article 627­¶
(IF: 2.6, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 39, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 157, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 24.84%)

Virtual reality-based simulation learning on geriatric oral health care for nursing students: a pilot study
Pei-Chao Lin, Shu-Fen Wung, Pei-Chen Lin, Yi-Ching Lin, Cheng-Yu Lin, Hsiao-Ling Huang* - - 1 - BMC Oral Health - BMC ORAL HEALTH 2024;24(NA):Article 627
(IF: 2.6, Journal Ranking: 39, Number of Journals of this Field: 157, Ranking: 24.84%)


(IF: 2.2, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 19, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 47, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 40.43%)

Effectiveness of Exercise on Fatigue for Patients With Heart Failure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
(IF: 2.2, Journal Ranking: 19, Number of Journals of this Field: 47, Ranking: 40.43%)


¿à«a¤å*,ªL¨Ø¬L,³¯ÀR»ö - - 9 - ¹ü¤ÆÅ@²z - 2024 31¨÷(4´Á):77-88­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

The nursing experience of helping post acute COVID-19 syndrome and prolonged mechanical ventilation patient discharge
Kuan-Wen Lai*, Pei-Chao Lin, Ching-Yi Chen - - 9 - ¹ü¤ÆÅ@²z - 2024;31(4):77-88
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Liu SM, Xin YM, Wang F, ªL¨Ø¬L, ¶À¾åÆF* - - 1 - BMC Oral Health - BMC ORAL HEALTH 2024 24¨÷(1´Á):1497­¶
(IF: 2.6, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 39, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 157, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 24.84%)

Parental health belief model constructs associated with oral health behaviors, dental caries, and quality of life among preschool children in China: a cross-sectional study
Shu-Mei Liu, Yu-Meng Xin, Feng Wang, Pei-Chao Lin, Hsiao-Ling Huang - - 1 - BMC Oral Health - BMC ORAL HEALTH 2024;24(1):1497
(IF: 2.6, Journal Ranking: 39, Number of Journals of this Field: 157, Ranking: 24.84%)


¶À¹t´f, ªL¨Ø¬L* - - 9 - °ª¶¯Å@²zÂø»x - 2023 40¨÷(1´Á):142-152­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Nursing Experience of a Frail Older Adult with Acute Hypoglycemia
Jing-Huei Huang, Pei-Chao Lin* - - 9 - °ª¶¯Å@²zÂø»x - 2023;40(1):142-152
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


ÀF«T¦p,³\¤ß«ï,Á¨qªâ,³¯¬M¾§,¶À©ú½å,ªL¨Ø¬L* - - 2 - JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH - JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH 2023 31¨÷(3´Á):e275­¶
(IF: 2.7, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 22, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 123, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17.89%)

Supportive Care Needs Trajectories in Patients With Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy: A Longitudinal Study
Chun-Ju Yen, Hsin-Tien Hsu, Hsiu-Fen Hsieh, Ying-Ju Chen, Ming-Shyan Huang, Pei-Chao Lin* - - 2 - JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH - JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH 2023;31(3):e275
(IF: 2.7, Journal Ranking: 22, Number of Journals of this Field: 123, Ranking: 17.89%)


¿½²Q®S, §õºa¯u, ¼B¨Ø§D, ªL¨Ø¬L* - - 9 - »â¾ÉÅ@²z - 2023 24¨÷(2´Á):84-100­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

The Nursing Experience of a Middle-aged Male Patient with an Amputation Due to Peripheral Arterial Disease
Shu-Chuan Hsiao, Jung-Chen Lee, Pei-Lin Liu, Pei-Chao Lin* - - 9 - »â¾ÉÅ@²z - 2023;24(2):84-100
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


³¯¥ß¾ì, Áªö®¦, Áé¨Ø´@, ªZ­»§g, ªL¨Ø¬L* - - 9 - »â¾ÉÅ@²z - 2023 24¨÷(3´Á):23-36­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Integrated care for pulmonary tuberculosis: The construction experience of a negative pressure isolation ward head nurse with advanced practice nurse certification
Li-Hua Chen, Tsai-En Hsien, Pei-Ting Chung, Shiang-Jiun Wu, Pei-Chao Lin* - - 9 - »â¾ÉÅ@²z - 2023;24(3):23-36
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Combining augmented and virtual reality simulation training to improve geriatric oral care performance in healthcare assistants: A randomized controlled trial.
ªL©yÀR, ªL¨Øã¸, ªL¨Ø¬L, Cheng-Yu Lin, Yuji Kabasawa, Yong-Keum Choi, ¶À¾åÆF* - - 2 - DIGITAL HEALTH - DIGITAL HEALTH 2023 9¨÷(-´Á):20552076231203891­¶
(IF: 3.9, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 87, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 19.54%)

Combining augmented and virtual reality simulation training to improve geriatric oral care performance in healthcare assistants: A randomized controlled trial.
Yi-Ching Lin, Pei-Chen Lin, Pei-Chao Lin, Cheng-Yu Lin, Yuji Kabasawa, Yong-Keum Choi, Hsiao-Ling Huang* - - 2 - DIGITAL HEALTH - DIGITAL HEALTH 2023;9(-):20552076231203891
(IF: 3.9, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 87, Ranking: 19.54%)


COVID-19 ¤j¬y¦æ´Á¶¡´¼¼z«¬¤â¾÷À³¥Îµ{¦¡¦b¼W±j«äı¥¢½Õ¯g±wªÌªºÃĪ«¨Ì±q©Ê©M·Ç½T©Ê¤è­±ªº¥\®Ä¡GÀH¾÷¹ï·Ó¸ÕÅç
Huan Hwa Chen, ³\¤ß«ï, ªL¨Ø¬L, Chin-Yin Chen, Á¨qªâ*, ¬_§ÓÂE - - 1 - JMIR MENTAL HEALTH - JMIR MENTAL HEALTH 2023 10¨÷(-´Á):e50806­¶
(IF: 5.2, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 48, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 155, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 30.97%)

Efficacy of a Smartphone App in Enhancing Medication Adherence and Accuracy in Individuals With Schizophrenia During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Randomized Controlled Trial
Huan Hwa Chen, ³\¤ß«ï, ªL¨Ø¬L, Chin-Yin Chen, Á¨qªâ*, ¬_§ÓÂE - - 1 - JMIR MENTAL HEALTH - JMIR MENTAL HEALTH 2023;10(-):e50806
(IF: 5.2, Journal Ranking: 48, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 30.97%)


ªL¨Ø¬L,ªL¼z«º,·¨­§²»,·¨²WÁú* - - 2 - AGING & MENTAL HEALTH - AGING & MENTAL HEALTH 2022 26¨÷(2´Á):263-269­¶
(IF: 3.514, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 69, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 142, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 48.59%)

The effects of caregiver characteristics on behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia of patients with dementia
Pei-Chao Lin , Hui-Tzu Lin , Yu-Hsiang Yang & Yuan-Han Yang* - - 2 - AGING & MENTAL HEALTH - AGING & MENTAL HEALTH 2022;26(2):263-269
(IF: 3.514, Journal Ranking: 69, Number of Journals of this Field: 142, Ranking: 48.59%)


Effectiveness of Virtual Reality-Based Training on Oral Healthcare for Disabled Elderly Persons: A Randomized Controlled Trial
³¹ÀõµØ, ªL¨Øã¸, ªL¨Ø¬L, ªL©yÀR, Kabasawa Yuji, Lin CY, ¶À¾åÆF* - - 1 - Journal of Personalized Medicine - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2022 12¨÷(2´Á):218­¶
(IF: 3.508, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 42, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 109, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 38.53%)

Effectiveness of Virtual Reality-Based Training on Oral Healthcare for Disabled Elderly Persons: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Chang AH, Lin PC, Lin PC, Lin YC, Kabasawa Y, Lin CY, Huang HL* - - 1 - Journal of Personalized Medicine - JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2022;12(2):218
(IF: 3.508, Journal Ranking: 42, Number of Journals of this Field: 109, Ranking: 38.53%)


§õ¯§¹ç,ªL¨Ø¬L,¶ÀÄR®S* - - 9 - »â¾ÉÅ@²z - 2022 23¨÷(1´Á):49-62­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Nursing Experiences of Intensive Care for a Influenza Patient with Acute Myocarditis
Yu-Ning Lee, Li-Chun Huang, Pei-Chao Lin - - 9 - »â¾ÉÅ@²z - 2022;23(1):49-62
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


³¯¥ß¾ì,Áé¨Ø´@,¸â°¶§g,¤ýÄR¬Â,¼B¹ÅµÓ,Ĭ¬Â´f,ªL¨Ø¬L* - - 9 - 39¨÷ 2´Á 26-37­¶ - 2022 39¨÷(2´Á):26-37­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Improving the Correct Rate of Vaccine injection Procedures In Pediatric Outpatient Clinics
Li-Hua Chen,Pei-Ting Chung,Wei-Jean Jan,Li-Ling Wang,Chia-Ping Liu,Ling-Hui Su,Pei-Chao Lin* - - 9 - 39¨÷ 2´Á 26-37­¶ - 2022;39(2):26-37
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


§f¦p·N,§õ¸a²[,ªL¨Ø¬L,·Å©{­i* - - 9 - »â¾ÉÅ@²z - 2022 23¨÷(3´Á):59-72­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Nursing experience of caring for a patient with alveolar proteinosis
Ru-Yi Lu, Yun-Han Lee, Pei-Chao Lin, Wan-Hung Wen* - - 9 - »â¾ÉÅ@²z - 2022;23(3):59-72
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


³¯¬î¬Ã, ­JѪ´r*, ¤ý¬ü´f, ªL¨Ø¬L, ³¯²Q´f - - 9 - ¥xÆW±M¬ìÅ@²z®v¾Ç¥Z - 2021 8¨÷(1´Á):50-59­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Improving the Accuracy of Medical Records: A Project for Surgical Nurse Practitioners
Chiu-Chen Chen, Chuan-Yu Hu*, Mei-Hui Wang, Pei-Chao Lin,Shu-hui Chen - - 9 - ¥xÆW±M¬ìÅ@²z®v¾Ç¥Z - 2021;8(1):50-59
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


ªL¨Ø¬L, ªLÄR¼`, Á¨qªâ, ³¯¥®±ö, ©PºÑ¬Â, §õ«Ø¾±* - - 2 - International Psychogeriatrics - INTERNATIONAL PSYCHOGERIATRICS 2020 32¨÷(1´Á):97-104­¶
(IF: 2.94, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 7, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 36, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 19.44%)

Primary diagnoses and outcomes of emergency department visits in older people with dementia: a hospital-based retrospective study in Taiwan
Pei-Chao Lin, Li-Chan Lin, Hsiu-Fen Hsieh, Yao-Mei Chen, Pi-Ling Chou, Chien-Hsun Li - - 2 - International Psychogeriatrics - INTERNATIONAL PSYCHOGERIATRICS 2020;32(1):97-104
(IF: 2.94, Journal Ranking: 7, Number of Journals of this Field: 36, Ranking: 19.44%)


³\¤ß«ï,§dÄR±Ó,ªL¨Ø¬L,¨¿Ã£¼z,¶À¥É¿P,©PºÑ¬Â*,³¯«º§Q - - 1 - Medicine. - MEDICINE 2020 99¨÷(6´Á):e19029­¶
(IF: 1.552, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 89, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 165, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 53.94%)

Emotional Distress and Quality of Life During Folinic Acid, Fluorouracil, and oxaliplatin In Colorectal Cancer Patients With and Without Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy
Hsu, H. T., Wu, L. M., Lin,P. C., Juan, C. H., Huang,Y.Y., Chou*,P. L., Chen, J. L., - - 1 - Medicine. - MEDICINE 2020;99(6):e19029
(IF: 1.552, Journal Ranking: 89, Number of Journals of this Field: 165, Ranking: 53.94%)


The Effect of Age, Gender, and Job on Skin Conductance Response among Smartphone Users Who are Prohibited from Using Their Smartphone
Á¨qªâ, ³\¤ß«ï, ªL¨Ø¬L, ·¨¨|¤¯, ¶À¬RÀû, ¬_§ÓÂE, ¤ý¨q¬õ* - - 2 - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2020 17¨÷(7´Á):2313­¶
(IF: 3.39, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 41, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 176, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 23.30%)

The Effect of Age, Gender, and Job on Skin Conductance Response among Smartphone Users Who are Prohibited from Using Their Smartphone
Hsiu-Fen Hsieh, Hsin-Tien Hsu, Pei-Chao Lin, Yu-Jen Yang, Yu-Tung Huang, Chih-Hung Ko, Hsiu-Hung Wang* - - 2 - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2020;17(7):2313
(IF: 3.39, Journal Ranking: 41, Number of Journals of this Field: 176, Ranking: 23.30%)


Áªö®¦, ½²¶M´@, ªL¨Ø¬L, ³¯©É®Ë, ³¯¥ß¾ì* - - 9 - °ª¶¯Å@²zÂø»x - 2020 37¨÷(1´Á):13-24­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Improving Accuracy of Care Provided to Patients with Scabies in Quarantine
Tsai-En Chie, Yi-Ting Tsai, Pei-Chao Lin, Yi-Yan Chen, Li-Hua Chen* - - 9 - °ª¶¯Å@²zÂø»x - 2020;37(1):13-24
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


ªL¨Ø¬L, ©PºÑ¬Â, ´¿´f¬Ã, Á¬ü¼z, ªLÄR¼`* - - 2 - Journal of Nursing Research - JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH 2020 28¨÷(3´Á):e87­¶
(IF: 1.682, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 74, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 122, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 60.66%)

Psychometric Evaluation of the Chinese Version of the Knowledge and Beliefs about Pain in Elderly Patients with Dementia Questionnaire
Pei-Chao Lin, Pi-Ling Chou, Hui-Chen Tseng, Mei-Hui Hsieh, Li-Chan Lin* - - 2 - Journal of Nursing Research - JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH 2020;28(3):e87
(IF: 1.682, Journal Ranking: 74, Number of Journals of this Field: 122, Ranking: 60.66%)


­J¹Å®Û, ªL¨Ø¬L* - - 9 - »â¾ÉÅ@²z - 2020 21¨÷(3´Á):24-35­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Continuous Care for Patients with Spinal Cord Injury
Hu CK, Lin PC* - - 9 - »â¾ÉÅ@²z - 2020;21(3):24-35
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


·¨¶®¶²,ªL¨KµØ,¸­¬ü§û*,ªL¨Ø¬L - - 9 - »â¾ÉÅ@²z - 2020 21¨÷(4´Á):118-134­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Improving the Accuracy Rate of Urinary Catheter Care by Caregivers in the Rehabilitation Ward
Ya-Wen Yang,Pei-Hua Lin,Mei-Chi Yeh*,Pei-Chao Lin - - 9 - »â¾ÉÅ@²z - 2020;21(4):118-134
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


¿à§°»ñ,ªL¨Ø¬L,³¯±R®Ù,³¯«º§Q,³\¤ß«ï* - - 1 - Journal of Clinical Medicine - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2019 8¨÷(2´Á):221­¶
(IF: 3.303, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 36, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 165, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 21.82%)

Current Status and Changes in Pain and Activities of Daily Living in Elderly Patients with Osteoarthritis Before and After Unilateral Total Knee Replacement Surgery
Yen-Feng Lai , Pei-Chao Lin , Chung-Hwan Chen , Jyu-Lin Chen, Hsin-Tien Hsu * - - 1 - Journal of Clinical Medicine - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2019;8(2):221
(IF: 3.303, Journal Ranking: 36, Number of Journals of this Field: 165, Ranking: 21.82%)


¶ÀÄR®S, ¸³©M¾U, ªL¨Ø¬L* - - 1 - PLOS ONE - PLOS ONE 2019 14¨÷(10´Á):e0223754­¶
(IF: 2.74, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 27, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 71, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 38.03%)

Associations among knowledge, attitudes, and practices toward palliative care consultation service in healthcare staffs: A cross-sectional study
Li-Chun Huang, Ho-Jui Tung, Pei-Chao Lin* - - 1 - PLOS ONE - PLOS ONE 2019;14(10):e0223754
(IF: 2.74, Journal Ranking: 27, Number of Journals of this Field: 71, Ranking: 38.03%)


¨H©u­», §d»ö§Â, ·Å©{­i, ªL¨Ø¬L* - - 9 - Âå°|Âø»x - Âå°| 2019 52¨÷(3´Á):14-25­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Application of Visual Management to Enhance the Completion Rate of Clinical Pathways
Chi-Hsiang Shen, Yi-Tsen Wu, Wan-Hung Wen, Pei-Chao Lin* - - 9 - Âå°|Âø»x - Âå°| 2019;52(3):14-25
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


¼B°Ò¬Õ, ¤Nºö¼z, ªL¨Ø¬L* - - 9 - »â¾ÉÅ@²z - 2019 20¨÷(4´Á):32-45­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Nursing Experience for an Intracranial Aneurysm Rupture Twice Patient in the Intensive Care Unit
Man-Ying Liu, Chi-Hui Tiao, Pei-Chao Lin* - - 9 - »â¾ÉÅ@²z - 2019;20(4):32-45
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


¶À綉¶³,ªL¨Ø¬L,©PºÑ¬Â,´¿¤ë¬ü,§dÄR®S*¡C - - 9 - ¸~½FÅ@²zÂø»x¡@ - ¸~½FÅ@²zÂø»x¡@ 2019 19¨÷(¼W­q¥Z¢¹´Á):183-193­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

The Experiences and Outcomes of Promoting Cancer Painless College at a Medical Center
Hsiu-Yun Huang,Pei-Chao Lin,Pi-Ling Chou ,Yueh-Mei Tseng,Li-Chuan Wu* - - 9 - ¸~½FÅ@²zÂø»x¡@ - ¸~½FÅ@²zÂø»x¡@ 2019;19(¼W­q¥Z¢¹):183-193
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Ò\Ú{ºÂ,½²¯ÀµØ,ªL¨Ø¬L,±iÀA³¶* - - 9 - °ª¶¯Å@²zÂø»x - 2019 36¨÷(2´Á):109-119­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Nursing Experience of a Patient with Brain Arteriovenous Malformation Hemorrhage
Wan-Chen Tu, Su-Hua Tsai, Pei-Chao Lin, Chin-Chueh Chang* - - 9 - °ª¶¯Å@²zÂø»x - 2019;36(2):109-119
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


ªL¨Ø¬L,Á¬ü¼z,³¯©s¶Ô,·¨µú±ö,ªLÄR¼`* - - 2 - Geriatrics & Gerontology International - GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL 2018 18¨÷(2´Á):276-285.­¶
(IF: 2.656, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 9, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 36, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 25.00%)

Knowledge gap regarding dementia care amongst nurses in acute care hospitals, Taiwan: A cross-sectional study
Lin, P. C., Hsieh, M. H., Chen, M. C., Yang, Y. M., & Lin, L. C.* - - 2 - Geriatrics & Gerontology International - GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL 2018;18(2):276-285.
(IF: 2.656, Journal Ranking: 9, Number of Journals of this Field: 36, Ranking: 25.00%)


(IF: 2.548, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 90, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 142, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 63.38%)

Geographic diversity in genotype frequencies and meta-analysis of the association between rs1801282 polymorphisms and gestational diabetes mellitus
(IF: 2.548, Journal Ranking: 90, Number of Journals of this Field: 142, Ranking: 63.38%)


­J¹Å®Û, ªL¨Ø¬L* - - 9 - »â¾ÉÅ@²z - 2018 19¨÷(3´Á):34-49­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Nursing experience in utilizing Swason¡¦s caring theory for hopelessness in a cancer patient with recurrent intramedullary tumors.
Chia-Kuei Hu, Pei-Chao Lin - - 9 - »â¾ÉÅ@²z - 2018;19(3):34-49
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


ªL¨Ø¬L, §õ«Ø¾±, ©PºÑ¬Â, ³¯¥®±ö, ªLÄR¼`* - - 1 - Journal of Pain Research - JOURNAL OF PAIN RESEARCH 2018 11¨÷(NA´Á):1589-1598­¶
(IF: 2.645, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 99, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 197, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 50.25%)

Prevalence of pain-related diagnoses in patients with dementia: a nationwide study
Pei-Chao Lin, Chien-Hsun Li, Pi-Ling Chou, Yao-Mei Chen, Li-Chan Lin* - - 1 - Journal of Pain Research - JOURNAL OF PAIN RESEARCH 2018;11(NA):1589-1598
(IF: 2.645, Journal Ranking: 99, Number of Journals of this Field: 197, Ranking: 50.25%)


³¯¾å¼z, ªL¨Ø¬L* - - 9 - ¸~½FÅ@²zÂø»x - 2018 18¨÷(2´Á):47-57­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Nursing experience of a women with advanced breast cancer with fungating wound pain
Hsiao-Hui Chen, Pei-Chao Lin - - 9 - ¸~½FÅ@²zÂø»x - 2018;18(2):47-57
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


ªL¨Ø¬L, ¬x§Ó¨q*, ¶À·ç¨å, ¸â¼w´I - - 2 - Japan Journal of Nursing Science - JPN J NURS SCI 2016 13¨÷(1´Á):3-9­¶
(IF: 0.458, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 103, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 114, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 90.35%)

Predictors of type 2 diabetes among Taiwanese women with prior gestational diabetes mellitus.
Lin, P. C., Hung, C. H.*, Huang, R. D., Chan, T. F. - - 2 - Japan Journal of Nursing Science - JPN J NURS SCI 2016;13(1):3-9
(IF: 0.458, Journal Ranking: 103, Number of Journals of this Field: 114, Ranking: 90.35%)


TCF7L2 rs7903146°ò¦]¦h«¬©Ê¬°§³®W¿}§¿¯fªº¦MÀI¦]¤l¡G²Î¦X¤ÀªR
ªL¨Ø¬L,ªL­³´@,¸­Â`¥ý,¯Î²Qªâ* - - 1 - PLoS ONE - PLoS ONE 2016 11¨÷(4´Á):e0153044­¶
(IF: 3.057, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 11, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 62, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17.74%)

Transcription Factor 7-Like 2 (TCF7L2) rs7903146 Polymorphism as A Risk Factor for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Meta-Analysis
Pei-Chao Lin, Wei-Ting Lin, Yao-Hsien Yeh, Shu-Fen Wung* - - 1 - PLoS ONE - PLoS ONE 2016;11(4):e0153044
(IF: 3.057, Journal Ranking: 11, Number of Journals of this Field: 62, Ranking: 17.74%)


ªL¨Ø¬L, ¬x§Ó¨q*, ¸â¼w´I, ªL¼e¨Î, ³\¥É¶³, ´¿¶®¬Â - - 2 - MIDWIFERY - MIDWIFERY 2016 42¨÷(-´Á):16-20­¶
(IF: 1.867, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 11, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 114, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 9.65%)

The risk factors for gestational diabetes mellitus: A retrospective study
Pei-Chao Lin, Chich-Hsiu Hung, Te-Fu Chan, Kuan-Chia Lin, Yu-Yun Hsu, Ya-Ling Tzeng - - 2 - MIDWIFERY - MIDWIFERY 2016;42(-):16-20
(IF: 1.867, Journal Ranking: 11, Number of Journals of this Field: 114, Ranking: 9.65%)


¶À­§º¬, ¼B²Q¼z, ªL¨Ø¬L* - - 9 - §Ó¬°Å@²z - 2016 15¨÷(5´Á):132-140­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

A Nursing Experience of a Cholangiocarcinoma Patient Undergoing Chemotherapy with Emotional Distress
Yu-I Huang, Shu-Hui Liu, Pei-Chao Lin* - - 9 - §Ó¬°Å@²z - 2016;15(5):132-140
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


³¯ÄR¤å¡BªL¨Ø¬L* - - 9 - ¸~½FÅ@²zÂø»x - 2016 16¨÷(1´Á):61-72­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Nursing Care for a Teenage Patient with Lymphoma Receiving Autologous Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation
Li-Wen Chen, Pei-Chao Lin* - - 9 - ¸~½FÅ@²zÂø»x - 2016;16(1):61-72
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Health empowerment among immigrant women in transnational marriages in Taiwan
·¨µú±ö,¤ý¨q¬õ*,§õªÚªY,ªL§®¦p,ªL¨Ø¬L - - 2 - Journal of Nursing Scholarship - JNS 2015 47¨÷(2´Á):134-142­¶
(IF: 1.772, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 14, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 105, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13.33%)

Health empowerment among immigrant women in transnational marriages in Taiwan
Yang, Y. M., Wang, H. H.*, Lee, F. H., Lin, M. L., & Lin, P. C. - - 2 - Journal of Nursing Scholarship - JNS 2015;47(2):134-142
(IF: 1.772, Journal Ranking: 14, Number of Journals of this Field: 105, Ranking: 13.33%)


ªL¨Ø¬L, ¬x§Ó¨q*, ¸â¼w´I, ½²­^¬ü, ÁÂ¥ÍÄõ - - 2 - JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE AND INFANT PSYCHOLOGY - J REPROD INFANT PSYC 2015 33¨÷(2´Á):180¡V189­¶
(IF: 0.723, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 80, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 129, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 62.02%)

Comparison of paternal and maternal factors on intended paternal childbirth participation in southern Taiwan
Pei-Chao Lin , Chich-Hsiu Hung*, Te-Fu Chan, Eing-Mei Tsai,Sheng-Lan Hsieh - - 2 - JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE AND INFANT PSYCHOLOGY - J REPROD INFANT PSYC 2015;33(2):180¡V189
(IF: 0.723, Journal Ranking: 80, Number of Journals of this Field: 129, Ranking: 62.02%)


ªL¨Ø¬L, ¬x§Ó¨q* - - 2 - Journal of Clinical Nursing - J CLIN NURS 2015 24¨÷(11-12´Á):1585-1593­¶
(IF: 1.384, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 31, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 114, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 27.19%)

Mental health trajectories and related factors among perinatal women.
Pei-Chao Lin, Chich-Hsiu Hung - - 2 - Journal of Clinical Nursing - J CLIN NURS 2015;24(11-12):1585-1593
(IF: 1.384, Journal Ranking: 31, Number of Journals of this Field: 114, Ranking: 27.19%)


½²¶®µX, ¦¿ÃL¦W, 林¥l­Å, 林¨Ø¬L* - - 9 - ºaÁ`Å@理¡@ - 2015 32¨÷(1´Á):74-83­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

A Project to Improve the Patient Care Rate in a Diabetes Shared Care Network
Ya-Chi Tsai, Fu-Ming Chiang, Chao-Chien Lin, Pei-Chao Lin* - - 9 - ºaÁ`Å@理¡@ - 2015;32(1):74-83
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Marylyn Morris McEwen*, ªL¨Ø¬L, Alice Pasvogel - - 2 - DIABETES EDUCATOR - DIABETES EDUCATOR 2013 39¨÷(6´Á):742-751­¶
(IF: 1.936, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 85, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 122, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 69.67%)

Analysis of Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System Data to Assess the Health of Hispanics With Diabetes in US-Mexico Border Communities
Marylyn Morris McEwen*, Pei-Chao Lin, Alice Pasvogel - - 2 - DIABETES EDUCATOR - DIABETES EDUCATOR 2013;39(6):742-751
(IF: 1.936, Journal Ranking: 85, Number of Journals of this Field: 122, Ranking: 69.67%)


ªL¨Ø¬L,Á¬ü¼z,ªLÄR¼`* - - 2 - Journal of Nursing Research - J NURS RES 2012 20¨÷(3´Á):197-207­¶
(IF: 0.688, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 74, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 99, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 74.75%)

Hospital Nurse Knowledge of and Approach to Dementia Care.
Lin, P. C., Hsieh, M. H., & Lin, L. C. - - 2 - Journal of Nursing Research - J NURS RES 2012;20(3):197-207
(IF: 0.688, Journal Ranking: 74, Number of Journals of this Field: 99, Ranking: 74.75%)


Rather than interleukin-27, interleukin-6 expresses positive correlation with liver severity in naïve hepatitis B infection patients
°ªºa¹F, ¿à¾Ç¬w, ½²²Q¬ü, ªL¨Ø¬L, ²ø§BùÚ, §E©Ó¾§, ¾G©°¥Ó, Ĭ¤å¨¹, ³\ªÃ¹ç, ´^¦¨¤¸, §d©É¼ü* - - 1 - Liver International - Liver Int. 2012 32¨÷(6´Á):928-936­¶
(IF: 3.824, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 16, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 74, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 21.62%)

Rather than interleukin-27, interleukin-6 expresses positive correlation with liver severity in naïve hepatitis B infection patients
Jung-Ta Kao, Hsueh-Chou Lai, Shu-Mei Tsai, Pei-Chao Lin, Po-Heng Chuang, Cheng-Ju Yu, Ken-Sheng Cheng, Wen-Pang Su, Ping-Ning Hsu, Cheng-Yuan Peng, Yi-Ying Wu* - - 1 - Liver International - Liver Int. 2012;32(6):928-936
(IF: 3.824, Journal Ranking: 16, Number of Journals of this Field: 74, Ranking: 21.62%)


§õ¥É¶², ªL¥l­Å, §d²ï²ú, ªL¨Ø¬L* - - 9 - ·½»·Âø»x - 2012 6¨÷(2´Á):75-83­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Nursing Experience of a Patient with Septic Shock Received Early Goal-directed Therapy
Yu-Wen Lee, Chao-Chin Lin, Sha-Li Wu, Pei-Chao Lin* - - 9 - ·½»·Âø»x - 2012;6(2):75-83
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


ªL¨Ø¬L, ªLÄR¼`*,®}¨È·ë,ªá­Zµ` - - 2 - Journal of Clinical Nursing - 2011 20¨÷(13-14´Á):1849-1857­¶
(IF: 1.228, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 23, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 87, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 26.44%)

Predictors of pain in nursing home residents with dementia: a cross-sectional study
Pei-Chao Lin, Li-Chan Lin, Yea-Ing L Shyu and Mau-Sun Hua - - 2 - Journal of Clinical Nursing - 2011;20(13-14):1849-1857
(IF: 1.228, Journal Ranking: 23, Number of Journals of this Field: 87, Ranking: 26.44%)


¯Î²Qªâ*,ªL¨Ø¬L - - 9 - ANNUAL REVIEW OF NURSING RESEARCH - 2011 29¨÷(1´Á):227-260­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Shared Genomics of Type 2 and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Shu-Fen Wung and Pei-Chao Lin - - 9 - ANNUAL REVIEW OF NURSING RESEARCH - 2011;29(1):227-260
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


¤ýªh¶³, Á¬ü¼z, ªL¨Ø¬L* - - 9 - ¥xÆWµÇŦÅ@²z¾Ç·|Âø»x - 2011 10¨÷(3´Á):1-14­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Application of Multi-sensory Stimulation for a Coma Patient with Diabetes and Sepsis
Jan-Yu Wang, Mei-Hui Hsieh, Pei-Chao Lin* - - 9 - ¥xÆWµÇŦÅ@²z¾Ç·|Âø»x - 2011;10(3):1-14
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


±i¶®Ù«, ªL¨Ø¬L * - - 9 - °ª¶¯Å@²zÂø»x - 2011 28¨÷(2´Á):67-76­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Nursing Experience for a Patient with Severe Burns during the Recovery Period
Ya-Pou Jang, Pei-Chao Lin* - - 9 - °ª¶¯Å@²zÂø»x - 2011;28(2):67-76
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


ªL¨Ø¬L, ¤ý·çÁø* - - 9 - Å@²zÂø»x - 2011 58¨÷(2´Á):81-86­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Care of Hereditary Breast Cancer
Lin, P. C., & Wang, R. H.* - - 9 - Å@²zÂø»x - 2011;58(2):81-86
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


ªL¨Ø¬L, ªLÄR¼`*,®}¨È·ë,ªá­Zµ` - - 2 - Journal of Advanced Nursing - 2010 66¨÷(10´Á):2360-2368­¶
(IF: 1.518, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 9, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 70, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 12.86%)

Chinese version of the Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia Scale: initial psychometric evaluation
Pei Chao Lin, Li Chan Lin, Yea Ing Lotus Shyu & Mau Sun Hua - - 2 - Journal of Advanced Nursing - 2010;66(10):2360-2368
(IF: 1.518, Journal Ranking: 9, Number of Journals of this Field: 70, Ranking: 12.86%)


·¨·ç®S, Á¬ü¼z, ªL¨Ø¬L* - - 9 - ªø´Á·ÓÅ@Âø»x - 2010 14¨÷(2´Á):199-210­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

The Home Care Experience for a Foreign Worker with Lumbar Fracture and Dislocation
Jui-Chuan Yang, Mei-Hui Hsieh, Pei-Chao Lin* - - 9 - ªø´Á·ÓÅ@Âø»x - 2010;14(2):199-210
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Ĭ¯³©ú*, ªL¨Ø¬L, ¤Ú¨qÁø, ªL§Ó¶© - - 0 - ¥xÆW®ð³Ý½Ã±Ð¾Ç·|·|¥Z - 2009 13¨÷(NA´Á):16-19­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Analysis of the network resources of "asthma health education".
Chin-Ming Su, Pei-Chao Lin, Shiu-Hsia Ba, Chi-Lung Lin - - 0 - ¥xÆW®ð³Ý½Ã±Ð¾Ç·|·|¥Z - 2009;13(NA):16-19
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Ĭ¯³©ú*, ªL¨Ø¬L, ¤Ú¨qÁø - - 0 - ¥xÆW®ð³Ý½Ã±Ð¾Ç·|·|¥Z - 2009 14¨÷(NA´Á):18-21­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Cockroach allergy
Chin-Ming Su*, Pei-Chao Lin, Shiu-Hsia Ba - - 0 - ¥xÆW®ð³Ý½Ã±Ð¾Ç·|·|¥Z - 2009;14(NA):18-21
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


ªL¨Ø¬L, ªLÄR¼`* - - 0 - ªø´Á·ÓÅ@Âø»x - 2008 12¨÷(4´Á):403-412­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Pain Assessment in Institutionalized Elders with Dementia
Pei-Chao Lin, Li-Chan Lin - - 0 - ªø´Á·ÓÅ@Âø»x - 2008;12(4):403-412
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


ªL¨Ø¬L, ªLÄR¼`* - - 9 - ªø´Á·ÓÅ@Âø»x - 2006 10¨÷(3´Á):307-316­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

The Application of Validation Therapy in Patients with Dementia
Pei-Chao Lin, Li-Chan Lin* - - 9 - ªø´Á·ÓÅ@Âø»x - 2006;10(3):307-316
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


YEAR ¡X Source ¡X No ¡X Type
Project Name
112 ¡X M °ªÂå(ºØ¤l­pµe) ¡X KMU-M113021 ¡X  
¥H¤H¬°¤¤¤ßªº¥¢´¼©~®a·ÓÅUªA°È²{ªpªì±´( )
2024/01/01 ~ 2024/12/31
112 ¡X Z ¤j±M¾Ç¥Í¬ã¨s­pµe¤Î³Õ¤h«á ¡X NSTC113-2813-C-037-017-B ¡X 8 ¤j±M¾Ç¥Í¬ã¨s­pµe
113¦~«×¤j±M¾Ç¥Í¬ã¨s­pµe-³\´¼´@(Å@²z2)( )
2024/07/01 ~ 2025/02/28
111 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST111-2314-B-037-022 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
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2022/08/01 ~ 2023/10/31
110 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST110-2314-B-037-132 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
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2021/08/01 ~ 2022/10/31
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111¦~«×¤j±M¾Ç¥Í¬ã¨s­pµe-§d«ÉÃY(Å@²z3)( )
2022/07/01 ~ 2023/02/28
109 ¡X Z ¤j±M¾Ç¥Í¬ã¨s­pµe¤Î³Õ¤h«á ¡X MOST110-2813-C-037-168-B ¡X 8 ¤j±M¾Ç¥Í¬ã¨s­pµe
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2021/07/01 ~ 2022/02/28
108 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST108-2314-B-037-053 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
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2019/08/01 ~ 2021/07/31
107 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST106-2314-B-037-048-MY2 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
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2018/08/01 ~ 2019/10/31
107 ¡X O ¨ä¥L³æ¦ì ¡X TWNA-1081013 ¡X  
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2019/01/01 ~ 2019/12/31
106 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST106-2314-B-037-048-MY2 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
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2017/08/01 ~ 2019/10/31
105 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST105-2314-B-037-071 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
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2016/08/01 ~ 2017/07/31
105 ¡X Q ·s¸u±Ð®v­pµe(®Õ¤º) ¡X KMU-Q106013 ¡X  
¥¢´¼¦Ñ¤H«æ¶E´NÂå»P¦í°|¤§²±¦æ²v¤Îµ²ªG:¥HÂå°|¬°°ò¦ªº¥@¥N¬ã¨s( )
2017/01/01 ~ 2017/12/31
104 ¡X Q ·s¸u±Ð®v­pµe(®Õ¤º) ¡X KMU-Q105009 ¡X  
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2016/01/01 ~ 2016/12/31
