
School ¡X Major ¡X Degree Duration

°ª¶¯Âå¾Ç¤j¾Ç ¡X ÃľǨt(²¦) ¡X ³Õ¤h

Doctorate, School of Pharmacy, Kaohsiung Medical University

2002/09 ¡X 2008/06

°ª¶¯Âå¾Ç¤j¾Ç ¡X ¤ÑµMÃĪ«¬ã¨s©Ò(²¦) ¡X ºÓ¤h

Master, Graduate Institute of Natural Products, Kaohsiung Medical University

2000/09 ¡X 2002/06

¹Å«nÃľDZM¬ì¾Ç®Õ ¡X ÃľǬì(²¦) ¡X ¤­±M

Five-year college, Department of Pharmacy, Chia Nan University of Pharmacy ¡® Science

1989/09 ¡X 1995/06

 Intramural Experience

Office/Department/Institute Position Duration
ÃľǬì Pharmacy Division   Pharmacist   ¡X  
ÃľǨt School of Pharmacy   Professor 2023/08/01 ¡X  
­»ùÛ«~¾Ç¨t Department of Fragrance and Cosmetic Science   Professor 2021/08/01 ¡X 2023/07/31
ÃľǨt School of Pharmacy   Professor 2020/02/01 ¡X 2021/07/31
ÃľǨt School of Pharmacy   Associate Professor 2016/03/01 ¡X 2020/01/31
ÃľǨt School of Pharmacy   Assistant Professor 2013/02/01 ¡X 2016/02/29

 Extramural Experience



NO Discipline Expertise
1 ¥Íª«Âå¹AÃþ Biology, Medicine and Agriculture ÃľǤΤ¤ÂåÃÄ Pharmacy and Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
2 ¦ÛµM¬ì¾ÇÃþ Natural Sciences ¤Æ¾Ç Chemistry

 Research & Technology Platform Open to the Outside

Synthesis and anticancer activity evaluation of small molecule compounds

 Interested Area(s)for Interdisciplinary Research


compounds with specific activity on a screening assay and molecular mechanism of action

 Area(s) of Expertise & Research


organic synthesis, medicinal chemistry, drug design, anticancer assay


NO Publication

Skin delivery of synthetic benzoyl pterostilbenes suppresses atopic dermatitis-like inflammation through the inhibition of keratinocyte and macrophage activation.
´öñZÞ³,Ching-Yun Hsu#, Ibrahim A Aljuffali, Ahmed Alalaiwe, Wang-Ni Lai, Pei-Yu Gu, ´¿§ÓµØ*,¤è¹Å¦ö* - - 1 - BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY = BIOMEDECINE & PHARMACOTHERAPIE - BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY 2024 170¨÷(-´Á):116073­¶
(IF: 7.5, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 23, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 277, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 8.30%)

Skin delivery of synthetic benzoyl pterostilbenes suppresses atopic dermatitis-like inflammation through the inhibition of keratinocyte and macrophage activation.
Kai-Wei Tang, Ching-Yun Hsu, Ibrahim A Aljuffali, Ahmed Alalaiwe, Wang-Ni Lai, Pei-Yu Gu, Chih-Hua Tseng*, Jia-You Fang* - - 1 - BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY = BIOMEDECINE & PHARMACOTHERAPIE - BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY 2024;170(-):116073
(IF: 7.5, Journal Ranking: 23, Number of Journals of this Field: 277, Ranking: 8.30%)


·¨Õ£Ä£#, §õÌÉ¿Ù#, ³¯¸qÀs, ¿½§g¥­, ½²¥Ã²», ·¨¨Î¹ç, ±i¾Ç°¶, ´¿§ÓµØ* - - 1 - International Journal of Molecular Sciences - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2023 24¨÷(7´Á):6034­¶
(IF: 5.6, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 66, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 285, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 23.16%)

Synthesis and Anticancer Evaluation of 4-Anilinoquinolinylchalcone Derivatives
Cheng-Yao Yang#, Min-Yu Lee#, Yeh-Long Chen, Jun-Ping Shiau, Yung-Hsiang Tsai, Chia-Ning Yang, Hsueh-Wei Chang , Chih-Hua Tseng* - - 1 - International Journal of Molecular Sciences - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2023;24(7):6034
(IF: 5.6, Journal Ranking: 66, Number of Journals of this Field: 285, Ranking: 23.16%)


Myricetin Nanofibers Enhanced Water Solubility and Skin Penetration for Increasing Antioxidant and Photoprotective Activities.
ªL¤l¹t, ·¨²E¯ô, Tzu-Hui Wu, ´¿§ÓµØ*, ÃC®pÀM* - - 1 - PHARMACEUTICS - PHARMACEUTICS 2023 15¨÷(3´Á):906­¶
(IF: 6.525, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 39, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 279, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13.98%)

Myricetin Nanofibers Enhanced Water Solubility and Skin Penetration for Increasing Antioxidant and Photoprotective Activities.
Tzu-Ching Lin, Chun-Yin Yang, Tzu-Hui Wu, Chih-Hua Tseng*, Feng-Lin Yen* - - 1 - PHARMACEUTICS - PHARMACEUTICS 2023;15(3):906
(IF: 6.525, Journal Ranking: 39, Number of Journals of this Field: 279, Ranking: 13.98%)


Determination of the Bacterial Community of Mustard Pickle Products and Their Microbial and Chemical Qualities.
Hung-I Chien, Yu-Fan Yen, Yi-Chen Lee*, Pi-Chen Wei, Chun-Yung Huang, ´¿§ÓµØ, ÃC®pÀM, ½²¥Ã²»* - - 1 - BIOLOGY - BIOLOGY-BASEL 2023 12¨÷(2´Á):258­¶
(IF: 5.168, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 21, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 94, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 22.34%)

Determination of the Bacterial Community of Mustard Pickle Products and Their Microbial and Chemical Qualities.
Hung-I Chien, Yu-Fan Yen, Yi-Chen Lee*, Pi-Chen Wei, Chun-Yung Huang, Chih-Hua Tseng, Feng-Lin Yen, Yung-Hsiang Tsai* - - 1 - BIOLOGY - BIOLOGY-BASEL 2023;12(2):258
(IF: 5.168, Journal Ranking: 21, Number of Journals of this Field: 94, Ranking: 22.34%)


A novel quinoline derivative, DFIQ, sensitizes NSCLC cells to ferroptosis by promoting oxidative stress accompanied by autophagic dysfunction and mitochondrial damage.
Àj¥Ã©w, ¬_´º¤¤, ±i¤åÀé, ªô¶h²[, ¬x¬K«º, ¶À¬L¬Â, ´¿§ÓµØ, ³¯¸qÀs*, §õ·ç¦~*, ªô«Ø´¼* - - 1 - CANCER CELL INTERNATIONAL - CANCER CELL INTERNATIONAL 2023 23¨÷(1´Á):171­¶
(IF: 5.3, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 61, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 322, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 18.94%)

A novel quinoline derivative, DFIQ, sensitizes NSCLC cells to ferroptosis by promoting oxidative stress accompanied by autophagic dysfunction and mitochondrial damage.
Yung-Ding Bow, Ching-Chung Ko, Wen-Tsan Chang, Sih-Yan Chou, Chun-Tzu Hung, Jau-Ling Huang, Chih-Hua Tseng, Yeh-Long Chen*, Ruei-Nian Li*, Chien-Chih Chiu* - - 1 - CANCER CELL INTERNATIONAL - CANCER CELL INTERNATIONAL 2023;23(1):171
(IF: 5.3, Journal Ranking: 61, Number of Journals of this Field: 322, Ranking: 18.94%)


Inhibition of gut microbial £]-glucuronidase effectively prevents carcinogen-induced microbial dysbiosis and intestinal tumorigenesis.
¾G³Í¤å, ´¿§ÓµØ#, ³¯©É¦p, ¶À¬f¸Û, ¼B¼z¦p, ¦ó·_¤å, ªL¤åÞ³, ²ø´¼¥°, ¶ÀÌÉ»ö, §f¥É¬Â, Steve R Roffler, ¤ýµK¼W, ³¯¸qÀs*, ¾G²K¸S* - - 1 - PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH - PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH 2022 177¨÷(1´Á):106115­¶
(IF: 10.334, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 279, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 5.38%)

Inhibition of gut microbial £]-glucuronidase effectively prevents carcinogen-induced microbial dysbiosis and intestinal tumorigenesis.
Kai-Wen Cheng, Chih-Hua Tseng#, I-Ju Chen, Bo-Cheng Huang, Hui-Ju Liu, Kai-Wen Ho, Wen-Wei Lin, Chih-Hung Chuang, Ming-Yii Huang, Yu-Lin Leu, Steve R Roffler, Jaw-Yuan Wang, Yeh-Long Chen*, Tian-Lu Cheng* - - 1 - PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH - PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH 2022;177(1):106115
(IF: 10.334, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 279, Ranking: 5.38%)


Effect of High-Pressure Treatment on Blue Marlin (Makaira nigricans) Quality During Storage
Lee Y. C., Kung H. F. Chen S. L., Lin, C. S., Huang C. Y., Arakawa O.,´¿§ÓµØ, ½²¥Ã²»* - - 1 - J. Aquat. Food Prod. Technol. - JOURNAL OF AQUATIC FOOD PRODUCT TECHNOLOGY 2022 31¨÷(0´Á):271-284­¶
(IF: 1.767, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 109, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 144, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 75.69%)

Effect of High-Pressure Treatment on Blue Marlin (Makaira nigricans) Quality During Storage
Lee, Y. C.; Kung, H. F.; Chen, S. L.; Lin, C. S.; Huang, C. Y.; Arakawa, O.; Tseng, C. H.; Tsai, Y. H.* - - 1 - J. Aquat. Food Prod. Technol. - JOURNAL OF AQUATIC FOOD PRODUCT TECHNOLOGY 2022;31(0):271-284
(IF: 1.767, Journal Ranking: 109, Number of Journals of this Field: 144, Ranking: 75.69%)


Effects of high-hydrostatic-pressure processing on the chemical and microbiological quality of raw ready-to-eat hard clam marinated in soy sauce during cold storage
Lee Y. C., Kung H. F., Cheng Q. L., Lin C. S.*, ´¿§ÓµØ, Chiu K., ½²¥Ã²»* - - 1 - LWT - LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2022 159¨÷(0´Á):113229­¶
(IF: 4.952, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 29, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 144, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 20.14%)

Effects of high-hydrostatic-pressure processing on the chemical and microbiological quality of raw ready-to-eat hard clam marinated in soy sauce during cold storage
Lee, Y. C.; Kung, H. F.; Cheng, Q. L.; Lin, C. S.*; Tseng, C. H.; Chiu, K.; Tsai, Y. H.* - - 1 - LWT - LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2022;159(0):113229
(IF: 4.952, Journal Ranking: 29, Number of Journals of this Field: 144, Ranking: 20.14%)


The effectiveness of synthetic methoxylated isoflavones in delivering to the skin and alleviating psoriasiform lesions via topical absorption
´¿§ÓµØ, Lin C. F., Aljuffali I. A., Huang J. R., Yang S. H.*, ¤è¹Å¦ö* - - 1 - Int. J. Pharm. - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS 2022 617¨÷(-´Á):121629­¶
(IF: 5.875, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 37, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 275, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13.45%)

The effectiveness of synthetic methoxylated isoflavones in delivering to the skin and alleviating psoriasiform lesions via topical absorption
Tseng, C. H.; Lin, C. F.; Aljuffali, I. A.; Huang, J. R.; Yang, S. H.*; Fang, J. Y.* - - 1 - Int. J. Pharm. - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS 2022;617(-):121629
(IF: 5.875, Journal Ranking: 37, Number of Journals of this Field: 275, Ranking: 13.45%)


Inhibitory Effects of High-Hydrostatic-Pressure Processing on Growth and Histamine Formation of Histamine-Forming Bacteria in Yellowfin Tuna Meat during Storage
Huang C-H, Hsieh C-Y, Lee Y-C*, Ou T-Y, Chang T-H, Lee S-H, ´¿§ÓµØ, ½²¥Ã²»* - - 1 - Biology - BIOLOGY-BASEL 2022 11¨÷(5´Á):702­¶
(IF: 5.079, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 16, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 93, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17.20%)

Inhibitory Effects of High-Hydrostatic-Pressure Processing on Growth and Histamine Formation of Histamine-Forming Bacteria in Yellowfin Tuna Meat during Storage
Huang C-H, Hsieh C-Y, Lee Y-C*, Ou T-Y, Chang T-H, Lee S-H, Tseng C-H, Tsai Y-H.* - - 1 - Biology - BIOLOGY-BASEL 2022;11(5):702
(IF: 5.079, Journal Ranking: 16, Number of Journals of this Field: 93, Ranking: 17.20%)


Quality Improvement in Mackerel Fillets Caused by Brine Salting Combined with High-Pressure Processing
Huang C. H., Lin C. S., Lee Y. C., Ciou J. W., Kuo C. H., Huang C. Y., Tseng C. H., Tsai, Y. H.* - - 1 - Biology - BIOLOGY-BASEL 2022 11¨÷(0´Á):1307­¶
(IF: 5.168, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 21, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 94, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 22.34%)

Quality Improvement in Mackerel Fillets Caused by Brine Salting Combined with High-Pressure Processing
Huang C. H., Lin C. S., Lee Y. C., Ciou J. W., Kuo C. H., Huang C. Y., ´¿§ÓµØ, ½²¥Ã²»* - - 1 - Biology - BIOLOGY-BASEL 2022;11(0):1307
(IF: 5.168, Journal Ranking: 21, Number of Journals of this Field: 94, Ranking: 22.34%)


Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammation and Antiaging Activities of Artocarpus altilis Methanolic Extract on Urban Particulate Matter-Induced HaCaT Keratinocytes Damage
·¨²E¯ô, Cheng-Chang Pan, ´¿§ÓµØ*, ÃC®pÀM* - - 1 - ANTIOXIDANTS (BASEL, SWITZERLAND) - ANTIOXIDANTS 2022 11¨÷(11´Á):2304­¶
(IF: 7.675, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 4, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 63, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 6.35%)

Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammation and Antiaging Activities of Artocarpus altilis Methanolic Extract on Urban Particulate Matter-Induced HaCaT Keratinocytes Damage
Chun-Yin Yang, Cheng-Chang Pan, Chih-Hua Tseng, Feng-Lin Yen - - 1 - ANTIOXIDANTS (BASEL, SWITZERLAND) - ANTIOXIDANTS 2022;11(11):2304
(IF: 7.675, Journal Ranking: 4, Number of Journals of this Field: 63, Ranking: 6.35%)


´öñZÞ³, ³\¤å«W#, Cheng-Ru Chen, ½²©ú¾Ë, Chia-Jung Yen, ´¿§ÓµØ* - - 1 - New Journal of Chemistry - NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 2021 45¨÷(7´Á):3589-3599­¶
(IF: 3.925, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 80, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 179, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 44.69%)

Discovery of triazolyl thalidomide derivatives as anti-fibrosis agents
Kai-Wei Tang, Wen-Li Hsu#, Cheng-Ru Chen, Ming-Hsien Tsai, Chia-Jung Yen, Chih-Hua Tseng* - - 1 - New Journal of Chemistry - NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 2021;45(7):3589-3599
(IF: 3.925, Journal Ranking: 80, Number of Journals of this Field: 179, Ranking: 44.69%)


Discovery of an Orally Efficacious MYC Inhibitor for Liver Cancer Using a GNMT-Based High-Throughput Screening System and Structure-Activity Relationship Analysis.
Kant R, Yang MH, ´¿§ÓµØ, ÃC¹Å§», Li WY, ¥Ð¨|¹ü, Chen M, ´¿¸Û»ô, Chen WC, You K, Wang WC, ³¯¸qÀs*, Chen YA* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY - JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 2021 64¨÷(13´Á):8992-9009­¶
(IF: 8.039, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 3, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 63, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 4.76%)

Discovery of an Orally Efficacious MYC Inhibitor for Liver Cancer Using a GNMT-Based High-Throughput Screening System and Structure-Activity Relationship Analysis.
Rajni Kant, Ming-Hui Yang, Chih-Hua Tseng, Chia-Hung Yen, Wei-You Li, Yu-Chang Tyan, Marcelo Chen, Cherng-Chyi Tzeng, Wei-Cheng Chen, Kaiting You, Wen-Chieh Wang, Yeh-Long Chen*, Yi-Ming Arthur Chen* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY - JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 2021;64(13):8992-9009
(IF: 8.039, Journal Ranking: 3, Number of Journals of this Field: 63, Ranking: 4.76%)


Enhancement of Anticancer Potential of Pterostilbene Derivative by Chalcone Hybridization
´öñZÞ³#, ¬_«Ø§Ó#, ´¿§ÓµØ, Yeh-Long Chen, Cherng-Chyi Tzeng, ³¯©É½@, ³\®aºö, À¹¾å´@, Á¶®¯ø* - - 1 - Molecules - MOLECULES 2021 26¨÷(16´Á):4840­¶
(IF: 4.927, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 65, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 179, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 36.31%)

Enhancement of Anticancer Potential of Pterostilbene Derivative by Chalcone Hybridization
Kai-Wei Tang#, Chien-Chih Ke#, Chih-Hua Tseng, Yeh-Long Chen, Cherng-Chyi Tzeng, Yi-Jin Chen, Chia-Chi Hsu, Hsiao-Ting Tai, Ya-Ju Hsieh* - - 1 - Molecules - MOLECULES 2021;26(16):4840
(IF: 4.927, Journal Ranking: 65, Number of Journals of this Field: 179, Ranking: 36.31%)


Topical Artocarpus communis Nanoparticles Improved the Water Solubility and Skin Permeation of Raw A. communis Extract, Improving Its Photoprotective Effect
·¨²E¯ô, ¶ÀÄ_¼_, ´¿§ÓµØ*, ÃC®pÀM* - - 1 - Pharmaceutics - PHARMACEUTICS 2021 13¨÷(9´Á):1372­¶
(IF: 6.525, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 39, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 279, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13.98%)

Topical Artocarpus communis Nanoparticles Improved the Water Solubility and Skin Permeation of Raw A. communis Extract, Improving Its Photoprotective Effect
Chun-Yin Yang, Pao-Hsien Huang, Chih-Hua Tseng*, Feng-Lin Yen* - - 1 - Pharmaceutics - PHARMACEUTICS 2021;13(9):1372
(IF: 6.525, Journal Ranking: 39, Number of Journals of this Field: 279, Ranking: 13.98%)


Pterostilbene Attenuates Particulate Matter-Induced Oxidative Stress, Inflammation and Aging in Keratinocytes
¼ðݪL, ¶ÀÄ_ùÜ, ¤ý´f§g, ´¿§ÓµØ, ÃC®pÀM* - - 1 - Antioxidants - ANTIOXIDANTS 2021 10¨÷(10´Á):1552­¶
(IF: 7.675, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 4, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 63, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 6.35%)

Pterostilbene Attenuates Particulate Matter-Induced Oxidative Stress, Inflammation and Aging in Keratinocytes
Wei-Lin Teng, Pao-Hsien Huang, Hui-Chun Wang, Chih-Hua Tseng, Feng-Lin Yen* - - 1 - Antioxidants - ANTIOXIDANTS 2021;10(10):1552
(IF: 7.675, Journal Ranking: 4, Number of Journals of this Field: 63, Ranking: 6.35%)


Synthetic Naphthofuranquinone Derivatives Are Effective in Eliminating Drug-Resistant Candida albicans in Hyphal, Biofilm, and Intracellular Forms: An Application for Skin-Infection Treatment
Fang J. Y., ´öñZÞ³, Yang S. H., Alalaiwe A., Yang Y. C., ´¿§ÓµØ*, Yang S. C.* - - 1 - Frontiers in Microbiology - FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY 2020 11¨÷(-´Á):2053­¶
(IF: 5.64, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 28, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 137, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 20.44%)

Synthetic Naphthofuranquinone Derivatives Are Effective in Eliminating Drug-Resistant Candida albicans in Hyphal, Biofilm, and Intracellular Forms: An Application for Skin-Infection Treatment
Fang, J. Y.; Tang, K. W.; Yang, S. H.; Alalaiwe, A.; Yang, Y. C.; Tseng C. H.*; Yang, S. C.* - - 1 - Frontiers in Microbiology - FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY 2020;11(-):2053
(IF: 5.64, Journal Ranking: 28, Number of Journals of this Field: 137, Ranking: 20.44%)


Facile skin targeting of a thalidomide analog containing benzyl chloride moiety alleviates experimental psoriasis via the suppression of MAPK/NF-£eB/AP-1 phosphorylation in keratinocytes
´öñZÞ³, ªL¸ê®i, Wang P. W., Alalaiwe A., ´¿§ÓµØ*, ¤è¹Å¦ö* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGICAL SCIENCE - JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGICAL SCIENCE 2020 99¨÷(2´Á):90-99­¶
(IF: 4.563, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 14, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 68, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 20.59%)

Facile skin targeting of a thalidomide analog containing benzyl chloride moiety alleviates experimental psoriasis via the suppression of MAPK/NF-£eB/AP-1 phosphorylation in keratinocytes
Tang K. W., Lin Z. C., Wang P. W., Alalaiwe A., Tseng C. H.*, Fang J. Y.* - - 1 - JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGICAL SCIENCE - JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGICAL SCIENCE 2020;99(2):90-99
(IF: 4.563, Journal Ranking: 14, Number of Journals of this Field: 68, Ranking: 20.59%)


Discovery of 4-Anilinoquinolinylchalcone Derivatives as Potential NRF2 Activators.
°ª·¶¿A, ³¯©y§µ, ´ö³Í°¶, §õ´º´Ü, ´¿§ÓµØ, ´¿¸Û»ô, ÃC¹Å§»*, ³¯¸qÀs* - - 1 - Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) - MOLECULES 2020 25¨÷(14´Á):3133­¶
(IF: 4.411, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 63, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 179, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 35.20%)

Discovery of 4-Anilinoquinolinylchalcone Derivatives as Potential NRF2 Activators.
Yu-Tse Kao, Yi-Siao Chen, Kai-Wei Tang, Jin-Ching Lee, Chih-Hua Tseng, Cherng-Chyi Tzeng, Chia-Hung Yen*, Yeh-Long Chen* - - 1 - Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) - MOLECULES 2020;25(14):3133
(IF: 4.411, Journal Ranking: 63, Number of Journals of this Field: 179, Ranking: 35.20%)


Pharmacological inhibition of bacterial £]-glucuronidase prevents irinotecan-induced diarrhea without impairing its antitumor efficacy in vivo
¾G³Í¤å#, ´¿§ÓµØ#, ´¿¸Û»ô, §f¥É¬Â, ¾G¹FÂ@, ¤ý·Ó¤¸, ±i¹Å»Ê, §fÃýºö, ¾G¬î±Ó, ³¯©É¦p, ¾G¥H¦w, ³¯¸qÀs*, ¾G²K¸S* - - 1 - Pharmacological Research - PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH 2019 139¨÷(-´Á):41-49­¶
(IF: 5.893, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 19, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 270, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 7.04%)

Pharmacological inhibition of bacterial £]-glucuronidase prevents irinotecan-induced diarrhea without impairing its antitumor efficacy in vivo
Cheng, K. W. #; Tseng, C. H.#; Tzeng, C. C.; Leu, Y. L.; Cheng, T. C.; Wang, J. Y.; Chang J. M.; Lu, Y. C.; Cheng, C. M.; Chen, I. J.; Cheng, Y. A.; Chen Y. L.*; Cheng, T. L.* - - 1 - Pharmacological Research - PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH 2019;139(-):41-49
(IF: 5.893, Journal Ranking: 19, Number of Journals of this Field: 270, Ranking: 7.04%)


Phytochemical Naphtho[1,2-b] furan-4,5-dione Induced Topoisomerase II-mediated DNA Damage Response in Human Non-small-Cell Lung Cancer
²±Ò¥Á, Juan-Cheng Yang, Pin-Hsuan Wu, §dªø¯q, Guan-Yu Chen, Yang-Chang Wu, ±ä«T³Ç, ´¿§ÓµØ, ³¯¸qÀs*, ¤ýÄRªÚ*, ªô«Ø´¼* - - 1 - Phytomedicine - PHYTOMEDICINE 2019 54¨÷(-´Á):109-119­¶
(IF: 4.268, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 2, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 28, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 7.14%)

Phytochemical naphtho[1,2-b] furan-4,5‑dione induced topoisomerase II-mediated DNA damage response in human non-small-cell lung cancer.
Ching-Ming Chien, Juan-Cheng Yang, Pin-Hsuan Wu, Chang-Yi Wu, Guan-Yu Chen, Yang-Chang Wu, Chon-Kit Chou, Chih-Hua Tseng, Yeh-Long Chen*, Li-Fang Wang*, Chien-Chih Chiu* - - 1 - Phytomedicine - PHYTOMEDICINE 2019;54(-):109-119
(IF: 4.268, Journal Ranking: 2, Number of Journals of this Field: 28, Ranking: 7.14%)


Liposomal Avicequinone-B formulations: Aqueous solubility, physicochemical properties and apoptotic effects on cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma cells
­J·¡ªQ,Ĭ¹l¶¶,¿à©ÉãÈ,´¿§ÓµØ,ÃC®pÀM* - - 1 - Phytomedicine - PHYTOMEDICINE 2019 58¨÷(-´Á):152870­¶
(IF: 4.268, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 2, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 28, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 7.14%)

Liposomal Avicequinone-B formulations: Aqueous solubility, physicochemical properties and apoptotic effects on cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma cells
Hu SC, Su YS, Lai YC, Tseng CH, Yen FL*. - - 1 - Phytomedicine - PHYTOMEDICINE 2019;58(-):152870
(IF: 4.268, Journal Ranking: 2, Number of Journals of this Field: 28, Ranking: 7.14%)


Discovery of Furanoquinone Derivatives as a Novel Class of DNA Polymerase and Gyrase Inhibitors for MRSA Eradication in Cutaneous Infection
·¨¥@Â@, ´öñZÞ³, ªL§ÓÂE, Alalaiwe A., ´¿§ÓµØ*, ¤è¹Å¦ö* - - 1 - Frontiers in Microbiology - FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY 2019 10¨÷(-´Á):1197­¶
(IF: 4.235, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 34, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 135, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 25.19%)

Discovery of Furanoquinone Derivatives as a Novel Class of DNA Polymerase and Gyrase Inhibitors for MRSA Eradication in Cutaneous Infection
Yang S. C., Tang K. W., Lin C. H., Alalaiwe A., Tseng C. H.*, Fang J. Y.* - - 1 - Frontiers in Microbiology - FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY 2019;10(-):1197
(IF: 4.235, Journal Ranking: 34, Number of Journals of this Field: 135, Ranking: 25.19%)


Improvement of skin penetration, antipollutant activity and skin hydration of 7,3¡¬,4¡¬- trihydroxyisoflavone cyclodextrin inclusion complex
¶ÀÄ_¼_,­J·¡ªQ, ÃC®pÀM*, ´¿§ÓµØ* - - 1 - Pharmaceutics - PHARMACEUTICS 2019 11¨÷(0´Á):399­¶
(IF: 4.421, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 44, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 270, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 16.30%)

Improvement of skin penetration, antipollutant activity and skin hydration of 7,3¡¬,4¡¬- trihydroxyisoflavone cyclodextrin inclusion complex
Huang, P.H.; Hu, S.C.S.; Yen, F.L.*; Tseng, C.H.* - - 1 - Pharmaceutics - PHARMACEUTICS 2019;11(0):399
(IF: 4.421, Journal Ranking: 44, Number of Journals of this Field: 270, Ranking: 16.30%)


Design, synthesis, and anti-bacterial evaluation of triazolyl-pterostilbene derivatives
´öñZÞ³, ·¨¥@Â@*, ´¿§ÓµØ* - - 1 - International Journal of Molecular Sciences - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2019 20¨÷(18´Á):4564­¶
(IF: 4.556, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 74, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 297, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 24.92%)

Design, synthesis, and anti-bacterial evaluation of triazolyl-pterostilbene derivatives
Kai-Wei Tang, Shih-Chun Yang *, Chih-Hua Tseng* - - 1 - International Journal of Molecular Sciences - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2019;20(18):4564
(IF: 4.556, Journal Ranking: 74, Number of Journals of this Field: 297, Ranking: 24.92%)


Discovery of 3-Arylquinoxaline Derivatives as Potential Anti-Dengue Virus Agents
´¿§ÓµØ*, Áú©ÓºÍ, ´öñZÞ³ - - 1 - International Journal of Molecular Sciences - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2019 20¨÷(19´Á):4786­¶
(IF: 4.556, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 74, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 297, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 24.92%)

Discovery of 3-Arylquinoxaline Derivatives as Potential Anti-Dengue Virus Agents
Tseng, C. H.*; Han, C. R.; Tang, K. W. - - 1 - International Journal of Molecular Sciences - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2019;20(19):4786
(IF: 4.556, Journal Ranking: 74, Number of Journals of this Field: 297, Ranking: 24.92%)


Discovery of 2-Substituted 3-Arylquinoline Derivatives as Potential Anti-Inflammatory Agents Through Inhibition of LPS-Induced Inflammatory Responses in Macrophages.
Cheng-Yao Yang, Yung-Li Hung, ´öñZÞ³, ¤ý­zºö, ´¿§ÓµØ, ´¿¸Û»ô, ¼B³Õ¨Ú, §õ¨Î¶§*, ³¯¸qÀs* - - 1 - Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) - MOLECULES 2019 24¨÷(6´Á):1162­¶
(IF: 3.267, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 141, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 297, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 47.47%)

Discovery of 2-Substituted 3-Arylquinoline Derivatives as Potential Anti-Inflammatory Agents Through Inhibition of LPS-Induced Inflammatory Responses in Macrophages.
Cheng-Yao Yang,Yung-Li Hung,Kai-Wei Tang,Shu-Chi Wang,Chih-Hua Tseng,Cherng-Chyi Tzeng,Po-Len Liu,Chia-Yang Li*,Yeh-Long Chen* - - 1 - Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) - MOLECULES 2019;24(6):1162
(IF: 3.267, Journal Ranking: 141, Number of Journals of this Field: 297, Ranking: 47.47%)


Discovery of naphtho[1,2-d]oxazole derivatives as potential anti-HCV agents through inducing heme oxygenase-1 expression
´¿§ÓµØ*,ªL«T¥ú,³¯¸qÀs,´¿·q³Í,§õ¨Î¨|,§õ´º´Ü* - - 1 - European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry - EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 2018 143¨÷(0´Á):970-982­¶
(IF: 4.816, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 4, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 59, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 6.78%)

Discovery of naphtho[1,2-d]oxazole derivatives as potential anti-HCV agents through inducing heme oxygenase-1 expression
Tseng C. H.*; Lin, C. K.; Chen Y. L.; Tseng C. K.; Lee J. Y.; Lee J. C.* - - 1 - European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry - EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 2018;143(0):970-982
(IF: 4.816, Journal Ranking: 4, Number of Journals of this Field: 59, Ranking: 6.78%)


Discovery of pyrazolo[4,3-c]quinolines derivatives as potential anti-inflammatory agents through inhibiting of NO production
´¿§ÓµØ*,µ£«Tºû,´^ÄɽË,³¯¸qÀs,´¿¸Û»ô,¾G´¼¬ü* - - 1 - MOLECULES - MOLECULES 2018 23¨÷(5´Á):1036­¶
(IF: 3.098, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 68, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 170, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 40.00%)

Discovery of pyrazolo[4,3-c]quinolines derivatives as potential anti-inflammatory agents through inhibiting of NO production
Tseng, C. H.*; Tung, C. W.; Peng, S. I.; Chen Y. L.; Tzeng, C. C.; Cheng C. M.* - - 1 - MOLECULES - MOLECULES 2018;23(5):1036
(IF: 3.098, Journal Ranking: 68, Number of Journals of this Field: 170, Ranking: 40.00%)


Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Thalidomide Derivatives as Potential Anti-Psoriasis Agents
´öñZÞ³, ªL¸ê®i, ³¯¸qÀs, ´¿¸Û»ô, ¤è¹Å¦ö*, ´¿§ÓµØ* - - 1 - International Journal of Molecular Sciences - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2018 19¨÷(10´Á):3061­¶
(IF: 4.183, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 78, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 299, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 26.09%)

Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Thalidomide Derivatives as Potential Anti-Psoriasis Agents
Tang, K. W.; Lin, Z. C.; Chen, Y. L.; Tzeng, C. C.; Fang, J. Y.*; Tseng C. H.* - - 1 - International Journal of Molecular Sciences - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2018;19(10):3061
(IF: 4.183, Journal Ranking: 78, Number of Journals of this Field: 299, Ranking: 26.09%)


Discovery of 3-amino-2-hydroxypropoxyisoflavone derivatives as potential anti-HCV agents
§õ´º´Ü,ªL«T¥ú,´¿·q³Í,³¯¸qÀs,´¿¸Û»ô,´¿§ÓµØ* - - 1 - Molecules - MOLECULES 2018 23¨÷(11´Á):2863­¶
(IF: 3.098, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 68, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 170, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 40.00%)

Discovery of 3-amino-2-hydroxypropoxyisoflavone derivatives as potential anti-HCV agents
Lee J. C.; Lin, C. K.; Tseng C. K.; Chen Y. L.; Tzeng, C. C.; Tseng C. H.* - - 1 - Molecules - MOLECULES 2018;23(11):2863
(IF: 3.098, Journal Ranking: 68, Number of Journals of this Field: 170, Ranking: 40.00%)


Preparation, characterizations and anti-pollutant activity of 7,3¡¬,4¡¬-trihydroxyisoflavone nanoparticles in particulate matter- induced HaCaT keratinocytes
¶ÀÄ_¼_,´¿§ÓµØ,ªL¨Î«\,§õ¦¿¤å,ÃC®pÀM* - - 1 - International Journal of Nanomedicine - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOMEDICINE 2018 13¨÷(0´Á):3279-3293­¶
(IF: 4.37, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 31, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 261, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 11.88%)

Preparation, characterizations and anti-pollutant activity of 7,3¡¬,4¡¬-trihydroxyisoflavone nanoparticles in particulate matter- induced HaCaT keratinocytes
Huang P. H., Tseng C. H., Lin C, Lee C. W., Yen F. L.* - - 1 - International Journal of Nanomedicine - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOMEDICINE 2018;13(0):3279-3293
(IF: 4.37, Journal Ranking: 31, Number of Journals of this Field: 261, Ranking: 11.88%)


9-bis[2-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)ethoxy]-6-{4-[2-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)ethoxy]phenyl}-11H-indeno[1,2-c]quinolin-11-one (BPIQ), a quinoline derivative inhibits human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by inducing ER stress and apoptosis.
±i¤åÀé, ¶¾º½, ²ø¥@©÷, ±ä«T³Ç, ©P¿«ªL, ·¨«T®p, ´¿§ÓµØ, ³¯¸qÀs*, ªô«Ø´¼* - - 1 - Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry - ANTI-CANCER AGENT ME 2017 17¨÷(0´Á):692-700­¶
(IF: 2.598, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 129, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 217, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 59.45%)

9-bis[2-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)ethoxy]-6-{4-[2-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)ethoxy]phenyl}-11H-indeno[1,2-c]quinolin-11-one (BPIQ), a quinoline derivative inhibits human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by inducing ER stress and apoptosis.
Chang WT, Fong Y, Chuang SC, Chou CK, Chou HL, Yang CF, Tseng CH, Chen YL, Chiu CC - - 1 - Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry - ANTI-CANCER AGENT ME 2017;17(0):692-700
(IF: 2.598, Journal Ranking: 129, Number of Journals of this Field: 217, Ranking: 59.45%)


Dual roles of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in quinoline compound BPIQ-induced apoptosis and anti-migration of human non-small cell lung cancer cells.
¶¾³ó, §dªø¯q(¦@¦P²Ä¤@), ±i°ê®p, ³¯¬±§», ©PÚ{¾§, ´¿§ÓµØ, ³¯ø@§g, ¤ý´f¥Á, ³¯¸qÀs*, ªô«Ø´¼* - - 1 - Cancer Cell International - Cancer Cell Int. 2017 17¨÷(37´Á):1-13­¶
(IF: 2.74, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 121, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 217, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 55.76%)

Dual roles of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in quinoline compound BPIQ-induced apoptosis and anti-migration of human non-small cell lung cancer cells.
Fong Y, Wu CY, Chang KF, Chen BH, Chou WJ, Tseng CH, Chen YC, Wang HD, Chen YL, Chiu CC - - 1 - Cancer Cell International - Cancer Cell Int. 2017;17(37):1-13
(IF: 2.74, Journal Ranking: 121, Number of Journals of this Field: 217, Ranking: 55.76%)


Discovery of Indeno[1,2-c]quinoline Derivatives as Potent Dual Antituberculosis and Anti-Inflammatory Agents
´¿§ÓµØ,µ£«Tºû,§d¬FÍQ,´¿¸Û»ô,³¯«Û¦°*,¶ÀÁoÀs*,³¯¸qÀs* - - 1 - MOLECULES - MOLECULES 2017 22¨÷(6´Á):1001­¶
(IF: 2.861, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 59, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 28.81%)

Discovery of Indeno[1,2-c]quinoline Derivatives as Potent Dual Antituberculosis and Anti-Inflammatory Agents
Tseng CH, Tung CW, Wu CH, Tzeng CC, Chen YH*, Hwang TL*, Chen YL* - - 1 - MOLECULES - MOLECULES 2017;22(6):1001
(IF: 2.861, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 59, Ranking: 28.81%)


Naphtho[1,2-b]furan-4,5-dione is a potent anti-MRSA agent against planktonic, biofilm, and intracellular bacteria
·¨¥@Â@, ÃC®pÀM, ¤ý»_¶², Aljuffali I. A., ¯Î¨Ì²[, ´¿§ÓµØ*, ¤è¹Å¦ö* - - 1 - Future Microbiology - Future Microbiol. 2017 0¨÷(0´Á):0­¶
(IF: 3.19, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 47, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 125, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 37.60%)

Naphtho[1,2-b]furan-4,5-dione is a potent anti-MRSA agent against planktonic, biofilm, and intracellular bacteria
Yang, S. C.; Yen, F. L.; Wang, P. W.; Aljuffali, I. A.; Weng, Y. H.; Tseng, C. H.*; Fang, J. Y.* - - 1 - Future Microbiology - Future Microbiol. 2017;0(0):0
(IF: 3.19, Journal Ranking: 47, Number of Journals of this Field: 125, Ranking: 37.60%)


Pterostilbene, a methoxylated resveratrol derivative, efficiently eradicates planktonic, biofilm, and intracellular MRSA by topical application
·¨¥@Â@, ´¿§ÓµØ, ¤ý»_¶², ¿c¬f¼Ù, ¯Î¨Ì²[, ÃC®pÀM*, ¤è¹Å¦ö* - - 1 - Frontiers in Microbiology - Front. Microbiol. 2017 8¨÷(0´Á):1103­¶
(IF: 4.076, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 26, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 125, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 20.80%)

Pterostilbene, a methoxylated resveratrol derivative, efficiently eradicates planktonic, biofilm, and intracellular MRSA by topical application
Yang, S. C.; Tseng, C. H.; Wang, P. W.; Lu, P. L.; Weng, Y. H.; Yen, F. L.*; Fang, J. Y.* - - 1 - Frontiers in Microbiology - Front. Microbiol. 2017;8(0):1103
(IF: 4.076, Journal Ranking: 26, Number of Journals of this Field: 125, Ranking: 20.80%)


Discovery of novel diarylpyrazolylquinoline derivatives as potent anti-dengue virus agents
§õ´º´Ü,´¿·q³Í,ªL«T¥ú,´¿§ÓµØ* - - 1 - European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry - Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2017 141¨÷(0´Á):282-292­¶
(IF: 4.519, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 4, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 60, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 6.67%)

Discovery of novel diarylpyrazolylquinoline derivatives as potent anti-dengue virus agents
Lee, J. C.; Tseng, C. K.; Lin, C. K.; Tseng C. H.* - - 1 - European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry - Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2017;141(0):282-292
(IF: 4.519, Journal Ranking: 4, Number of Journals of this Field: 60, Ranking: 6.67%)


Specific inhibition of bacterial -glucuronidase by pyrazolo[4,3-c]quinoline derivatives via a pH-dependent manner to suppress chemotherapy-induced intestinal toxicity
¾G³Í¤å#, ´¿§ÓµØ#, ·¨¨Î¹ç, ´¿¸Û»ô, ¾G¹FÂ@, §f¥É¬Â, ²ø¯§¥ò, ¤ý·Ó¤¸, §fÃýºö, ³¯¸qÀs*, ¾G²K¸S* - - 1 - Journal of Medicinal Chemistry - J. Med. Chem. 2017 60¨÷(22´Á):9222-9238­¶
(IF: 6.253, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 3, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 59, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 5.08%)

Specific inhibition of bacterial -glucuronidase by pyrazolo[4,3-c]quinoline derivatives via a pH-dependent manner to suppress chemotherapy-induced intestinal toxicity
Cheng, K. W. #; Tseng, C. H.#; Yang, C. N.; Tzeng, C. C.; Cheng, T. C.; Leu, Y. L.; Chuang, Y. C.; Wang, J. W.; Lu, Y.C.; Chen Y. L.*; Cheng, T. L.* - - 1 - Journal of Medicinal Chemistry - J. Med. Chem. 2017;60(22):9222-9238
(IF: 6.253, Journal Ranking: 3, Number of Journals of this Field: 59, Ranking: 5.08%)


±´¯Áindeno[1,2-b]quinoxaline ­l¥Íª«¦¨¬°¨ã¦³¼ç¤O¤§§ÜÀùÃľ¯
´¿§ÓµØ,³¯«É¥ô,´¿¸Û»ô,¼B©ô¹F,±ä«T³Ç,ªô«Ø´¼*,³¯¸qÀs* - - 1 - European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry - Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2016 108¨÷(0´Á):258-273­¶
(IF: 3.902, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 6, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 59, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 10.17%)

Discovery of indeno[1,2-b]quinoxaline derivatives as potential anticancer agents
Tseng, C. H.; Chen, Y. R.; Tzeng, C. C.; Liu, W.; Chou, C. K.; Chiu, C. C.*; Chen, Y. L.* - - 1 - European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry - Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2016;108(0):258-273
(IF: 3.902, Journal Ranking: 6, Number of Journals of this Field: 59, Ranking: 10.17%)


¶ÀÄ_ùÜ, ­J·¡ªQ(¦@¦P²Ä¤@), §õ¦¿¤å, ¸­¦w¸R, ´¿§ÓµØ*, ÃC®pÀM* - - 1 - International Journal of Nanomedicine - INT J NANOMED 2016 11¨÷(-´Á):1615-1627­¶
(IF: 4.32, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 41, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 255, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 16.08%)

Design of acid-responsive polymeric nanoparticles for 7,3¡¬,4¡¬-trihydroxyisoflavone topical administration
Huang PH (equal first author), Hu SC (equal first author), Lee CW, Yeh AC, Tseng CH*, Yen FL*. - - 1 - International Journal of Nanomedicine - INT J NANOMED 2016;11(-):1615-1627
(IF: 4.32, Journal Ranking: 41, Number of Journals of this Field: 255, Ranking: 16.08%)


TCH1036, a indeno[1,2-c]quinoline derivative, potentially inhibited the growth of human brain malignant glioma (GBM) 8401 cells via suppression of the expression of Suv39h1 and PARP
Liao H. F., §õ«Ø§Ó, Hsiao P. C., Chen Y. F., ´¿§ÓµØ, ´¿¸Û»ô, ³¯¸qÀs, Chen J. C., Chang Y. S.*, ±i«Ø°ê* - - 1 - BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY - BIOMED PHARMACOTHER 2016 82¨÷(-´Á):649¡V659­¶
(IF: 2.326, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 129, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 255, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 50.59%)

TCH1036, a indeno[1,2-c]quinoline derivative, potentially inhibited the growth of human brain malignant glioma (GBM) 8401 cells via suppression of the expression of Suv39h1 and PARP
Liao H. F., Lee C. C., Hsiao P. C., Chen Y. F., Tseng C. H., Tzeng C. C., Chen Y. L., Chen J. C., Chang Y. S.*, Chang J. G.* - - 1 - BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY - BIOMED PHARMACOTHER 2016;82(-):649¡V659
(IF: 2.326, Journal Ranking: 129, Number of Journals of this Field: 255, Ranking: 50.59%)


Quinoline-Based Compound BPIQ Exerts Anti-Proliferative Effects on Human Retinoblastoma Cells via Modulating Intracellular Reactive Oxygen Species
¾G³ÍÂ@, ¬x¬K«º,³¯°ê¥ô, §d¤åÅv, ®]¬L¬Â, ±i¥à½å, §fÀÙ¦t, ´¿§ÓµØ, ³¯¸qÀs*, ªô«Ø´¼* - - 1 - ARCHIVUM IMMUNOLOGIAE ET THERAPIAE EXPERIMENTALIS - ARCH IMMUNOL THER EX 2016 64¨÷(2´Á):139-147­¶
(IF: 2.04, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 116, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 150, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 77.33%)

Quinoline-Based Compound BPIQ Exerts Anti-Proliferative Effects on Human Retinoblastoma Cells via Modulating Intracellular Reactive Oxygen Species
Kai-Chun Cheng, Chun-Tzu Hung, Kuo-Jen Chen, Wen-Chuan Wu, Jau-Ling Suen, Cheng-Hsien Chang, Chi-Yu Lu, Chih-Hua Tseng, Yeh-Long Chen, Chien-Chih Chiu* - - 1 - ARCHIVUM IMMUNOLOGIAE ET THERAPIAE EXPERIMENTALIS - ARCH IMMUNOL THER EX 2016;64(2):139-147
(IF: 2.04, Journal Ranking: 116, Number of Journals of this Field: 150, Ranking: 77.33%)


±´¯Á2-[2-(5-nitrofuran-2-yl)vinyl]quinoline ¬°·s«¬§Ü¸~½FÂಾÃľ¯
´¿§ÓµØ,´¿¸Û»ô,ªô«Ø´¼,³\´¼³ó,±ä«T³Ç,³¯¸qÀs* - - 1 - BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY - BIOORGAN MED CHEM 2015 23¨÷(1´Á):141-148­¶
(IF: 2.793, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 58, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 25.86%)

Discovery of 2-[2-(5-nitrofuran-2-yl)vinyl]quinoline derivatives as a novel type of antimetastatic agents
Tseng, C. H.; Tzeng, C. C.; Chiu, C. C.; Hsu, C. Y.; Chou, C. K.; Chen Y. L.* - - 1 - BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY - BIOORGAN MED CHEM 2015;23(1):141-148
(IF: 2.793, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 58, Ranking: 25.86%)


³¯«É¥ô,´¿§ÓµØ,³¯¸qÀs,¶ÀÁoÀs*,´¿¸Û»ô* - - 1 - International Journal of Molecular Sciences - Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2015 16¨÷(3´Á):6532-6544­¶
(IF: 3.257, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 51, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 163, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 31.29%)

Discovery of Benzo[f]indole-4,9-dione Derivatives as New Types of Anti-Inflammatory Agents
Chen, Y. R.; Tseng, C. H.; Chen, Y. L.; Hwang, T. L.*; Tzeng, C. C.* - - 1 - International Journal of Molecular Sciences - Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2015;16(3):6532-6544
(IF: 3.257, Journal Ranking: 51, Number of Journals of this Field: 163, Ranking: 31.29%)


±´¯Á·s«¬N-alkyl 4-anilinofuro[2,3-b]quinoline (CIL-102)­l¥Íª«¹ï«e¦C¸¢Àù²Ó­M¤§§@¥Î
ù°¶´Ù,©P¨|½n,´¿§ÓµØ,³\¶®´f,³¯­§ÌÉ, ·¨¥@¸s,³¯¸qÀs,ªL©úÂ×*,´¿¸Û»ô* - - 1 - Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry - ANTI-CANCER AGENT ME 2015 15¨÷(4´Á):493-500­¶
(IF: 2.722, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 27, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 59, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 45.76%)

Discovery of Novel N-alkyl 4-anilinofuro[2,3-b]quinoline Derivatives (CIL-102 Derivatives) Against Castration-Resistant Human Prostate Cancers
Lo, W. F.; Chou, Y. W.; Tseng, C. H.; Shiu, Y. H.; Chen, Y. W.; Yang, S. C.; Chen, Y. L.; Lin, M. F.* Tzeng, C. C.* - - 1 - Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry - ANTI-CANCER AGENT ME 2015;15(4):493-500
(IF: 2.722, Journal Ranking: 27, Number of Journals of this Field: 59, Ranking: 45.76%)


´¿§ÓµØ,´¿¸Û»ô,³\´¼³ó,¾G´¼¬ü,·¨¨Î¹ç*,³¯¸qÀs* - - 1 - European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry - Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2015 97¨÷(0´Á):306-319­¶
(IF: 3.902, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 6, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 59, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 10.17%)

Discovery of 3-phenylquinolinylchalcone derivatives as potent and selective anticancer agents against breast cancers
Tseng, C. H.; Tzeng, C. C.; Hsu, C. Y.; Cheng, C. M.; Yang C. N.*; Chen Y. L.* - - 1 - European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry - Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2015;97(0):306-319
(IF: 3.902, Journal Ranking: 6, Number of Journals of this Field: 59, Ranking: 10.17%)


Naphtho[1,2-b]furan-4,5-dioneÂǥѧí¨î Src-mediated «H¸¹³~®|§í¨î MDA-MB-231 ²Ó­M¾E²¾©M«Iŧ
½²¨K­Å,¦¶¥©­Û,³ÅÄ£½å,´¿§ÓµØ,³¯¸qÀs,±iºa½å,ªL«H¤¯¡¯ - - 1 - MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY - MOL CELL BIOCHEM 2014 387¨÷(1-2´Á):101¡V111­¶
(IF: 2.388, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 123, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 185, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 66.49%)

Naphtho[1,2-b]furan-4,5-dione inhibits MDA-MB-231 cell migration and invasion by suppressing Src-mediated signaling pathways
Pei-Chien Tsai, Chiao-Lun Chu, Yaw-Syan Fu, Chih-Hua Tseng, Yeh-long Chen, Long-Sen Chang, Shinne-Ren Lin¡¯ - - 1 - MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY - MOL CELL BIOCHEM 2014;387(1-2):101¡V111
(IF: 2.388, Journal Ranking: 123, Number of Journals of this Field: 185, Ranking: 66.49%)


´¿§ÓµØ*, ªL«T¥ú,³¯¸qÀs, ³\´¼³ó, §d´f«n, ´¿·q³Í, §õ´º´Ü* - - 1 - European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry - Eur. J. Med Chem. 2014 79¨÷(0´Á):66-76­¶
(IF: 3.432, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 58, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 22.41%)

Synthesis, antiproliferative and anti-dengue virus evaluations of 2-aroyl-3-arylquinoline derivatives.
Tseng CH*, Lin CK, Chen YL, Hsu CY, Wu HN, Tseng CK, Lee JC* - - 1 - European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry - Eur. J. Med Chem. 2014;79(0):66-76
(IF: 3.432, Journal Ranking: 13, Number of Journals of this Field: 58, Ranking: 22.41%)


Furano-1,2-Naphthoquinone §í¨î Ca9-22 ¤HÃþ¤fµÄÅìÀù²Ó­M¤§Src ©M PI3K/Akt «H¸¹³~®|¡C
ªL®Û²ú, ²±Ò¥Á, ´¿§ÓµØ, ±iºa½å, ªL«H¤¯* - - 1 - Integrative Cancer Therapies - Integr Cancer Ther 2014 13¨÷(3´Á):18-28­¶
(IF: 2.354, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 4, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 18, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 22.22%)

Furano-1,2-Naphthoquinone Inhibits Src and PI3K/Akt Signaling Pathways in Ca9-22 Human Oral Squamous Carcinoma Cells.
Lin KL, Chien CM, Tseng CH, Chen YL, Chang LS, Lin SR - - 1 - Integrative Cancer Therapies - Integr Cancer Ther 2014;13(3):18-28
(IF: 2.354, Journal Ranking: 4, Number of Journals of this Field: 18, Ranking: 22.22%)


¦X¦¨9-methoxy-6-(piperazin-1-yl)-11H-indeno[1,2-c] quinoline-11-one­l¥Íª«¨Ãµû¦ô¨ä§Ü¼W¥Í¬¡©Ê-²Ä¥|³¡¤À
´¿§ÓµØ, ´¿¸Û»ô, ªô«Ø´¼, ·¨¥©ÄR, §f¨Ø¿Ä, ©P«T³Ç, ¼B«T«Û, ³¯¸qÀs* - - 1 - Medicinal Chemistry Communications - Med. Chem. Comm. 2014 5¨÷(0´Á):937-948­¶
(IF: 2.626, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 26, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 58, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 44.83%)

Synthesis and antiproliferative evaluation of 9-methoxy-6-(piperazin-1-yl)-11H-indeno[1,2-c] quinoline-11-one derivatives. Part 4.
Tseng, C. H.; Tzeng, C. C.; Chiu, C. C.; Yang, C. L.; Lu, P. J.; Chou, C. K.; Liu, C. Y.; Chen Y. L.* - - 1 - Medicinal Chemistry Communications - Med. Chem. Comm. 2014;5(0):937-948
(IF: 2.626, Journal Ranking: 26, Number of Journals of this Field: 58, Ranking: 44.83%)


NFD ¹ï©ó¨x²Ó­M¥Íªø¦]¤l»¤¾É MDA-MB-231 ²Ó­Mªº¾E²¾»P«Iŧ¤§§í¨î§@¥Î¡G§@¥Î¾÷¨î
½²¨K­Å,¦¶¥©­Û,´¿§ÓµØ,³¯¸qÀs,±iºa½å,ªL«H¤¯* - - 1 - Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology - Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 2014 41¨÷(9´Á):716-726­¶
(IF: 2.405, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 118, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 256, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 46.09%)

Inhibitory action of naphtho[1,2-b]furan-4,5-dione on hepatocyte growth factor-induced migration and invasion of MDA-MB-231 cells: Mechanisms of action
Pei-Chien Tsai, Chiao-Lun Chu, Chih-Hua Tseng, Yeh-long Chen, Long-Sen Chang, and Shinne-Ren Lin* - - 1 - Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology - Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 2014;41(9):716-726
(IF: 2.405, Journal Ranking: 118, Number of Journals of this Field: 256, Ranking: 46.09%)


¦X¦¨3-phenylquinolinylchalcone ­l¥Íª«¨Ãµû¦ô¨ä§ÜªÍÀù»P§Ü¨ÅÀù¬¡©Ê
´¿§ÓµØ,³¯¸qÀs,³\´¼³ó,³¯¦Û±j,¾G´¼¬ü,¥ª¥ý¥¿,¿c«Û¹Å,´¿¸Û»ô* - - 1 - European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry - EUR J MED CHEM 2013 59¨÷(-´Á):274-282­¶
(IF: 3.499, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 59, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 22.03%)

Synthesis and antiproliferative evaluation of 3-phenylquinolinylchalcone derivatives against non-small cell lung cancers and breast cancers
Tseng CH, Chen YL, Hsu CY, Chen TC, Cheng CM, Tso HC, Lu YJ, Tzeng CC.* - - 1 - European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry - EUR J MED CHEM 2013;59(-):274-282
(IF: 3.499, Journal Ranking: 13, Number of Journals of this Field: 59, Ranking: 22.03%)


¦X¦¨£]-lapachone ­l¥Íª«¨Ãµû¦ô¨ä§Üµoª¢¬¡©Ê
´¿§ÓµØ,¾G´¼¬ü,´¿¸Û»ô,´^ÄɽË,·¨¥©ÄR,³¯¸qÀs* - - 1 - BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY - BIOORGAN MED CHEM 2013 21¨÷(2´Á):523-531­¶
(IF: 2.903, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 20, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 59, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 33.90%)

Synthesis and anti-inflammatory evaluations of £]-lapachone derivatives
Tseng CH, Cheng CM, Tzeng CC, Peng SI, Yang CL, Chen YL.* - - 1 - BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY - BIOORGAN MED CHEM 2013;21(2):523-531
(IF: 2.903, Journal Ranking: 20, Number of Journals of this Field: 59, Ranking: 33.90%)


Á©_¿o,½²¨K­Å,´¿§ÓµØ,³¯¸qÀs,±iºa½å,ªL«H¤¯* - - 1 - TOXICOLOGY IN VITRO - TOXICOL IN VITRO 2013 27¨÷(1´Á):1-10­¶
(IF: 2.65, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 34, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 85, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 40.00%)

Inhibition of EGF/EGFR activation with naphtho[1,2-b]furan-4,5-dione blocks migration and invasion of MDA-MB-231 cells
Hsieh CY, Tsai PC, Tseng CH, Chen YL, Chang LS, Lin SR. - - 1 - TOXICOLOGY IN VITRO - TOXICOL IN VITRO 2013;27(1):1-10
(IF: 2.65, Journal Ranking: 34, Number of Journals of this Field: 85, Ranking: 40.00%)


TCH-1030 targeting on topoisomerase I induces S-phase arrest, DNA fragmentation, and cell death of breast cancer cells
Liu, Y. P., Chen, H. L.,´¿¸Û»ô, §f¨Ø¿Ä, Lo, C. W., Lee, Y. C., ´¿§ÓµØ, ³¯¸qÀs*, ·¨¨Î¹ç* - - 1 - Breast Cancer Res. Treat. - BREAST CANCER RES TR 2013 138¨÷(2´Á):383-393­¶
(IF: 4.859, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 34, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 182, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 18.68%)

TCH-1030 targeting on topoisomerase I induces S-phase arrest, DNA fragmentation, and cell death of breast cancer cells
Liu, Y. P.; Chen, H. L.; Tzeng, C. C.; Lu, P. J.; Lo, C. W.; Lee, Y. C.; Tseng , C. H.; Chen, Y. L., Yang, C. N. - - 1 - Breast Cancer Res. Treat. - BREAST CANCER RES TR 2013;138(2):383-393
(IF: 4.859, Journal Ranking: 34, Number of Journals of this Field: 182, Ranking: 18.68%)


¦X¦¨Aminoalkoxy 4,5-Diphenylisoxazole §@¬°§Ü°©½è²¨ÃP¸Õ¾¯
³¯¸qÀs,´¿§ÓµØ,ù¤Í§Ó,ªL¾§½n,³¯«Ø´_,¤ý°ê·Ó,¦ó¬üª~,´¿¸Û»ô* - - 1 - Medicinal Chemistry - Med. Chem. 2013 9¨÷(5´Á):748-755­¶
(IF: 1.373, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 48, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 59, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 81.36%)

Synthesis of Aminoalkoxy Substituted 4,5-Diphenylisoxazole Derivatives as Potential Anti-osteoporotic Agents
Chen YL, Tseng CH, Lo YC, Lin RW, Chen CF, Wang GJ, Ho ML, Tzeng CC - - 1 - Medicinal Chemistry - Med. Chem. 2013;9(5):748-755
(IF: 1.373, Journal Ranking: 48, Number of Journals of this Field: 59, Ranking: 81.36%)


´¿§ÓµØ, ´¿¸Û»ô, ·¨¥©ÄR, §f¨Ø¿Ä, Liu YP, Chen HL, Chen CY, ·¨¨Î¹ç, ³¯¸qÀs* - - 1 - Molecular Diversity - Mol. Divers. 2013 17¨÷(4´Á):781-799­¶
(IF: 2.861, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 71, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 18.31%)

Discovery of indeno[1, 2 - c] quinoline derivatives as dual topoisomerases I/II inhibitors: part 3
Tseng CH, Tzeng CC, Yang CL, Lu PJ, Liu YP, Chen HL, Chen CY, Yang CN, Chen YL* - - 1 - Molecular Diversity - Mol. Divers. 2013;17(4):781-799
(IF: 2.861, Journal Ranking: 13, Number of Journals of this Field: 71, Ranking: 18.31%)


½T»{furo[3', 2':3,4]naphtho[1,2-d]imidazole ­l¥Íª«¬°¤fªAmPGES-1§í¨î¾¯
´¿§ÓµØ,´¿¸Û»ô,¬IªÃ©°,·¨¨Î¹ç,´^ÄɽË,ªLºsÁn,¾G´¼¬ü,³¯¸qÀs* - - 1 - MOLECULAR DIVERSITY - MOL DIVERS 2012 16¨÷(2´Á):215-229­¶
(IF: 3.153, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 9, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 71, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 12.68%)

Identification of furo[3', 2':3,4]naphtho[1,2-d]imidazole derivatives as orally active and selective inhibitors of microsomal prostaglandin E(2) synthase-1 (mPGES-1)
Tseng CH, Tzeng CC, Shih PK, Yang CN, Chuang YC, Peng SI, Lin CS, Wang JP, Cheng CM, Chen YL.* - - 1 - MOLECULAR DIVERSITY - MOL DIVERS 2012;16(2):215-229
(IF: 3.153, Journal Ranking: 9, Number of Journals of this Field: 71, Ranking: 12.68%)


¦X¦¨6-substituted 9-methoxy-11H-indeno[1,2-c]quinoline-11-one¬°¨ã¦³¼ç¤O¤§§ÜÀù¸Õ¾¯
´¿§ÓµØ,³¯¸qÀs,·¨¥©ÄR,¾G´¼¬ü,Áú«ØµØ,´¿¸Û»ô* - - 1 - Bioorg. Med. Chem. - BIOORGAN MED CHEM 2012 20¨÷(14´Á):4397-4404­¶
(IF: 2.978, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 54, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 27.78%)

Synthesis of 6-substituted 9-methoxy-11H-indeno[1,2-c]quinoline-11-one derivatives as potential anticancer agents
Tseng CH,Chen YL,Yang CL,Cheng CM,Han CH,Tzeng CC.* - - 1 - Bioorg. Med. Chem. - BIOORGAN MED CHEM 2012;20(14):4397-4404
(IF: 2.978, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 54, Ranking: 27.78%)


Combretastatin A-4­l¥Íª«:¦X¦¨2,4,5-triaryl-1H-imidazoles¬°§ÜªÍÀùH1299¸Õ¾¯
´¿§ÓµØ,§õ©_¶h,ªô«Ø´¼,­J´f´@,Áú«ØµØ,³¯¸qÀs,´¿¸Û»ô* - - 1 - Mol. Divers. - MOL DIVERS 2012 16¨÷(4´Á):697-709­¶
(IF: 3.721, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 2, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 70, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 2.86%)

Combretastatin A-4 derivatives: synthesis and evaluation of 2,4,5-triaryl-1H-imidazoles as potential agents against H1299 (non-small cell lung cancer cell)
Tseng CH, Li CY, Chiu CC, Hu HT, Han CH, Chen YL, Tzeng CC.* - - 1 - Mol. Divers. - MOL DIVERS 2012;16(4):697-709
(IF: 3.721, Journal Ranking: 2, Number of Journals of this Field: 70, Ranking: 2.86%)


´¿§ÓµØ,ªL¾§½n,³¯¸qÀs,¤ý°ê·Ó,¦ó¬üª~,´¿¸Û»ô* - - 1 - J. Med. Chem. - J MED CHEM 2011 54¨÷(8´Á):3103¡V3107­¶
(IF: 5.207, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 3, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 54, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 5.56%)

Discovery of indeno[1,2-c]quinoline derivatives as inhibitors of osteoclastogenesis induced by receptor activator of NF-£eB ligand (RANKL)
Tseng CH, Lin RW, Chen YL, Wang GJ, Ho ML, Tzeng CC.* - - 1 - J. Med. Chem. - J MED CHEM 2011;54(8):3103¡V3107
(IF: 5.207, Journal Ranking: 3, Number of Journals of this Field: 54, Ranking: 5.56%)


2,3-diarylquinoline ­l¥Íª«¤§¦X¦¨¥H¤Î§Ü¼W¥Í¤§¬ã¨s
´¿§ÓµØ,³¯¸qÀs,Áé©ø¦t,¤ý°O¼z,´^ÄɽË,¾G´¼¬ü,´¿¸Û»ô* - - 1 - Org. Biomol. Chem. - 2011 9¨÷(9´Á):3205¡V3216­¶
(IF: 3.451, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 12, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 56, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 21.43%)

Synthesis and antiproliferative evaluation of 2,3-diarylquinoline derivatives
Tseng CH, Chen YL, Chung KY, Wang CH, Peng SI, Cheng CM, Tzeng CC.* - - 1 - Org. Biomol. Chem. - 2011;9(9):3205¡V3216
(IF: 3.451, Journal Ranking: 12, Number of Journals of this Field: 56, Ranking: 21.43%)


6-aryl-11-iminoindeno[1,2-c]quinoline ­l¥Íª«¦X¦¨»P§Ü¼W¥Í¬¡©Êµû¦ô
´¿§ÓµØ,´¿¸Û»ô,Áé©ø¦t,°ª¨ÎÅï,³\´¼³ó,¾G´¼¬ü,¶À¯Õ²»,³¯¸qÀs* - - 1 - Bioorg Med Chem. - BIOORGAN MED CHEM 2011 19¨÷(24´Á):7653-7663­¶
(IF: 2.978, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 54, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 27.78%)

Synthesis and antiproliferative evaluation of 6-aryl-11-iminoindeno[1,2-c]quinoline derivatives
Tseng CH, Tzeng CC, Chung KY, Kao CL, Hsu CY, Cheng CM, Huang KS, Chen YL.* - - 1 - Bioorg Med Chem. - BIOORGAN MED CHEM 2011;19(24):7653-7663
(IF: 2.978, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 54, Ranking: 27.78%)


µo²{4-anilinofuro[2,3-b]quinoline ­l¥Íª«¬°¤fªA§ÜªÍÀù¸Õ¾¯
³¯­§ÌÉ,³¯¸qÀs,´¿§ÓµØ,±çªv¤¤,·¨¨Î¹ç,«À¶³´Ü,§f¨Ø¿Ä,´¿¸Û»ô* - - 1 - J Med Chem. - J MED CHEM 2011 54¨÷(13´Á):4446-4461­¶
(IF: 5.207, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 3, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 54, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 5.56%)

Discovery of 4-anilinofuro[2,3-b]quinoline derivatives as selective and orally active compounds against non-small-cell lung cancers
Chen YW, Chen YL, Tseng CH, Liang CC, Yang CN, Yao YC, Lu PJ, Tzeng CC.* - - 1 - J Med Chem. - J MED CHEM 2011;54(13):4446-4461
(IF: 5.207, Journal Ranking: 3, Number of Journals of this Field: 54, Ranking: 5.56%)


´¿§ÓµØ,´¿¸Û»ô,·¨¥©ÄR,§f¨Ø¿Ä*,³¯¼zµY,·¨¨Î¹ç,;³¯¸qÀs* - - 1 - J. Med. Chem. - J MED CHEM 2010 53¨÷(16´Á):6164¡V6179­¶
(IF: 5.207, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 3, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 54, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 5.56%)

Synthesis and antiproliferative evaluation of certain indeno[1,2-c]quinoline derivatives. Part 2
Tseng CH, Tzeng CC, Yang CL, Lu PJ*, Chen HL, Li HY, Chuang YC, Yang CN, Chen YL.* - - 1 - J. Med. Chem. - J MED CHEM 2010;53(16):6164¡V6179
(IF: 5.207, Journal Ranking: 3, Number of Journals of this Field: 54, Ranking: 5.56%)


½T»{benzofuro[2,3-b]quinoline ­l¥Íª«¬°§ÜªÍµ²®Ö¸Õ¾¯
·¨¥©ÄR,´¿§ÓµØ,³¯¸qÀs,¿c´¼©ú,°ª¨ÎÅï,§d©úÄò,´¿¸Û»ô* - - 1 - Eur. J. Med. Chem. - EUR J MED CHEM 2010 45¨÷(2´Á):602-607­¶
(IF: 3.193, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 11, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 54, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 20.37%)

Identification of benzofuro[2,3-b]quinoline derivatives as a new class of antituberculosis agents
Yang CL, Tseng CH, Chen YL, Lu CM, Kao CL, Wu MH, Tzeng CC.* - - 1 - Eur. J. Med. Chem. - EUR J MED CHEM 2010;45(2):602-607
(IF: 3.193, Journal Ranking: 11, Number of Journals of this Field: 54, Ranking: 20.37%)


´¿§ÓµØ,ªLºsÁn,¬IªÃ©°,±äù®­,¤ýÄ~¥­,¾G´¼¬ü*,´¿¸Û»ô,³¯¸qÀs* - - 1 - Bioorg. Med Chem. - BIOORGAN MED CHEM 2009 17¨÷(18´Á):6773¡V6779­¶
(IF: 2.978, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 54, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 27.78%)

Furo[3',2':3,4]naphtho[1,2-d]imidazole derivatives as potential inhibitors of inflammatory factors in sepsis.
Tseng CH, Lin CS, Shih PK, Tsao LT, Wang JP, Cheng CM*, Tzeng CC, Chen YL* - - 1 - Bioorg. Med Chem. - BIOORGAN MED CHEM 2009;17(18):6773¡V6779
(IF: 2.978, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 54, Ranking: 27.78%)


´¿§ÓµØ,³¯¸qÀs,¿c´¼©ú,¤ý§Ó¥ú,½²»È´É,ªL¾§½n,³¯«Ø´_,±i¥ÉªÚ,¤ý°ê·Ó,¦ó¬üª~*,´¿¸Û»ô*¡@ - - 1 - Eur. J. Med. Chem. - EUR J MED CHEM 2009 44¨÷(9´Á):3621¡V3626­¶
(IF: 3.193, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 11, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 54, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 20.37%)

Synthesis and anti-osteoporotic evaluation of certain 3-amino-2-hydroxypropoxyisoflavone derivatives
Tseng CH, Chen YL, Lu CM, Wang CK, Tsai YT, Lin RW, Chen CF, Chang YF, Wang GJ, Ho ML*, Tzeng CC* - - 1 - Eur. J. Med. Chem. - EUR J MED CHEM 2009;44(9):3621¡V3626
(IF: 3.193, Journal Ranking: 11, Number of Journals of this Field: 54, Ranking: 20.37%)


´¿§ÓµØ,³¯¸qÀs,Áé©ø¦t,¾G´¼¬ü,¤ý°O¼z,´¿«°»ô* - - 1 - Bioorg. Med. Chem. - BIOORGAN MED CHEM 2009 17¨÷(21´Á):7465¡V7476­¶
(IF: 2.978, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 54, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 27.78%)

Synthesis and antiproliferative evaluation of 6-arylindeno[1,2-c]quinoline derivatives
Tseng CH, Chen YL, Chung KY, Cheng CM, Wang CH, Tzeng CC* - - 1 - Bioorg. Med. Chem. - BIOORGAN MED CHEM 2009;17(21):7465¡V7476
(IF: 2.978, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 54, Ranking: 27.78%)


indeno[1,2-c]quinoline ­l¥Íª«ªº¦X¦¨»P§Ü¼W¥Í¬¡©Êµû¦ô
´¿§ÓµØ,³¯¸qÀs,§f¨Ø¿Ä,·¨¨Î¹ç,´¿¸Û»ô* - - 1 - Bioorg. Med Chem. - BIOORGAN MED CHEM 2008 16¨÷(6´Á):3153¡V3162­¶
(IF: 2.978, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 54, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 27.78%)

Synthesis and antiproliferative evaluation of certain indeno[1,2-c]quinoline derivatives
Tseng CH, Chen YL, Lu PJ, Yang CN, Tzeng CC* - - 1 - Bioorg. Med Chem. - BIOORGAN MED CHEM 2008;16(6):3153¡V3162
(IF: 2.978, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 54, Ranking: 27.78%)


4-anilino-8-methoxy-2-phenylquinoline »P 4-anilino-8-hydroxy-2-phenylquinoline­l¥Íª«¦X¦¨¤Î§Ü¼W¥Í¬¡©Êµû¦ô
³¯¸qÀs,¶À·Ó³Ç,¶À´L»·,´¿§ÓµØ,±i®pºÓ,·¨³Ó´f,ªL«H¤¯,´¿¸Û»ô* - - 1 - Bioorg. Med Chem. - BIOORGAN MED CHEM 2006 14¨÷(9´Á):3098¡V3105­¶
(IF: 2.978, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 15, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 54, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 27.78%)

Synthesis and antiproliferative evaluation of certain 4-anilino-8-methoxy-2-phenylquinoline and 4-anilino-8-hydroxy-2-phenylquinoline derivatives
Chen YL, Huang CJ, Huang ZY, Tseng CH, Chang FS, Yang SH, Lin SR, Tzeng CC* - - 1 - Bioorg. Med Chem. - BIOORGAN MED CHEM 2006;14(9):3098¡V3105
(IF: 2.978, Journal Ranking: 15, Number of Journals of this Field: 54, Ranking: 27.78%)


YEAR ¡X Source ¡X No ¡X Type
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113 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST111-2320-B-037-021-MY3 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
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2024/08/01 ~ 2025/07/31
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2023/01/01 ~ 2023/12/31
112 ¡X Z ¤j±M¾Ç¥Í¬ã¨s­pµe¤Î³Õ¤h«á ¡X NSTC112-2811-B-037-023 ¡X 9 ³Õ¤h«á¬ã¨s­û
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2023/10/01 ~ 2024/07/31
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2022/11/01 ~ 2023/10/31
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2021/11/05 ~ 2022/11/04
110 ¡X M °ªÂå(ºØ¤l­pµe) ¡X KMU-M111005 ¡X  
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2022/01/01 ~ 2022/12/31
109 ¡X KI °ªÂå°ê½Ã°| ¡X KMU-KI110003 ¡X  
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2020/08/01 ~ 2021/07/31
109 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST108-2320-B-037-026-MY2 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
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2020/08/01 ~ 2021/07/31
108 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST108-2320-B-037-026-MY2 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
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2019/08/01 ~ 2021/07/31
107 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST107-2320-B-037-015 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
³]­p¦X¦¨§t¦³1,2,3-¤TÐüµ²ºcªºÂøÀô¤Æ¦Xª«§@¬°§Üµn­²¯f¬rÃÄ( )
2018/08/01 ~ 2019/07/31
107 ¡X Z ¤j±M¾Ç¥Í¬ã¨s­pµe¤Î³Õ¤h«á ¡X MOST108-2813-C-037-040-B ¡X 8 ¤j±M¾Ç¥Í¬ã¨s­pµe
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2019/07/01 ~ 2020/02/29
107 ¡X Z ¤j±M¾Ç¥Í¬ã¨s­pµe¤Î³Õ¤h«á ¡X MOST108-2813-C-037-042-B ¡X 8 ¤j±M¾Ç¥Í¬ã¨s­pµe
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2019/07/01 ~ 2020/02/29
106 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST106-2320-B-037-015 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
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2017/08/01 ~ 2018/07/31
105 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST103-2320-B-037-011-MY3 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
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2016/08/01 ~ 2017/07/31
105 ¡X TP ³»¦y­pµe(°ªÂå) ¡X KMU-TP105E16 ¡X  
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2016/11/01 ~ 2017/10/31
105 ¡X TP ³»¦y­pµe(°ªÂå) ¡X KMU-TP105H08 ¡X  
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2016/11/01 ~ 2017/10/31
104 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST103-2320-B-037-011-MY3 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
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2015/08/01 ~ 2017/07/31
104 ¡X TP ³»¦y­pµe(°ªÂå) ¡X KMU-TP104E16 ¡X  
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2015/10/01 ~ 2016/09/30
104 ¡X TP ³»¦y­pµe(°ªÂå) ¡X KMU-TP104H08 ¡X  
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2015/10/01 ~ 2016/09/30
103 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST103-2320-B-037-011-MY3 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
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2014/08/01 ~ 2017/07/31
103 ¡X Q ·s¸u±Ð®v­pµe(®Õ¤º) ¡X KMU-Q104016 ¡X  
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2015/01/01 ~ 2015/12/31
103 ¡X TP ³»¦y­pµe(°ªÂå) ¡X KMU-TP103H08 ¡X  
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2014/08/01 ~ 2015/07/31
102 ¡X Q ·s¸u±Ð®v­pµe(®Õ¤º) ¡X KMU-Q103028 ¡X  
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2014/01/01 ~ 2014/12/31
101 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X NSC102-2320-B-037-001 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
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2013/05/01 ~ 2014/07/31


NO Patent Name Country Certified Date Patent No
1 7, 3¡¦, 4¡¦-¤j¨§²§¶À଻s¾¯ªº»s³Æ¤èªk ¤¤µØ¥Á°ê 2017/05/21 I583404
2 ¨ã§í¨î²Óµß¸²µåÁÞîÇ»Ä?¬¡©Ê¤§?Ðü¨Ã [4¡A3-c] ??­l¥Íª« ¤¤µØ¥Á°ê 2018/02/11 I614251
3 ?Ðü°ò??¤Æ¦Xª«¤Î¨ä»s³Æ¤èªk»PÂåÃIJզ¨ª« ¤¤µØ¥Á°ê 2018/04/01 I619708
4 ¨ã§í¨î²Óµß¸²µåÁÞîÇ»Ä?¬¡©Ê¤§?Ðü¨Ã [4¡A3-c] ??­l¥Íª« ¥@¬É±M§Q(¤¤°ê) 2021/08/27 4641308
5 ¨ã§í¨î²Óµß¸²µåÁÞîÇ»Ä?¬¡©Ê¤§?Ðü¨Ã[4¡A3-c]??­l¥Íª«(¼w¡B­^¡Bªk) ¥@¬É±M§Q(¼Ú·ù) 2020/02/12 3302060
6 ¨ã§í¨î²Óµß¸²µåÁÞîÇ»Ä?¬¡©Ê¤§?Ðü¨Ã [4¡A3-c] ??­l¥Íª« ¥@¬É±M§Q(¬ü°ê) 2021/10/05 11,135,206
7 ¨ã§í¨î²Óµß¸²µåÁÞîÇ»Ä?¬¡©Ê¤§?Ðü¨Ã [4¡A3-c] ??­l¥Íª« ¥@¬É±M§Q(¤é¥») 2019/11/01 6607962
8 ¶Ý¤¤©Ê¥Õ¦å²yµoª¢§í¨î¾¯¤Î¨ä¥Î³~ ¤¤µØ¥Á°ê 2020/01/01 I680973
9 ¶Ý¤¤©Ê¥Õ¦å²yµoª¢§í¨î¾¯¤Î¨äÀ³¥Î ¬ü°ê 2020/05/19 10,654,848
10 ?Ðü°ò??¤Æ¦Xª«¤Î¨ä»s³Æ¤èªk»PÂåÃIJզ¨ª« ¥@¬É±M§Q(·s¥[©Y) 2020/03/23 11201900865P
11 ?Ðü°ò??­l¥Íª«¡A¨ä»s³Æ¤èªk¥H¤Î¥]§t¦³¦¹µ¥­l¥Íª«ªºÃľDzզ¨ª« ¥@¬É±M§Q(¤¤°ê) 2022/10/11 5501385
12 ¨ã§í¨î²Óµß¸²µåÁÞîÇ»Ä?¬¡©Ê¤§?Ðü¨Ã[4¡A3-c]??­l¥Íª« ¥@¬É±M§Q(¬ü°ê) 2021/07/06 11,052,072
13 ¨ã§í¨î²Óµß¸²µåÁÞîÇ»Ä?¬¡©Ê¤§?Ðü¨Ã[4¡A3-c]??­l¥Íª« ¥@¬É±M§Q(¼Ú·ù) 2021/10/13 3662751
14 ¨ã§í¨î²Óµß¸²µåÁÞîÇ»Ä?¬¡©Ê¤§?Ðü¨Ã [4¡A3-c] ??­l¥Íª« ¥@¬É±M§Q(¤¤°ê) 2021/10/26 4751135
15 ¥ÌÓi»ÄN-¥Ò°òÂಾ?¼W±j¾¯¡B¨ä»s³Æ¤èªk¤Î¨ä¥Î³~ ¤¤µØ¥Á°ê 2022/03/01 I757011
16 ¶Ý¤¤©Ê¥Õ¦å²yµoª¢§í¨î¾¯¤Î¨äÀ³¥Î ¥@¬É±M§Q(¼Ú·ù) 2023/09/13 3876933
17 ¥ÌÓi»ÄN-¥Ò°òÂಾ?¼W±j¾¯¡B¨ä»s³Æ¤èªk¤Î¨ä¥Î³~ ¥@¬É±M§Q(¤¤°ê) 2024/04/19 6928457