
School ¡X Major ¡X Degree Duration

°ª¶¯Âå¾Ç¤j¾Ç ¡X Å@²z¾Ç¨t(²¦) ¡X ³Õ¤h

Doctorate, School of Nursing, Kaohsiung Medical Univeristy

2005/09 ¡X 2009/09

°ª¶¯Âå¾Ç¤j ¾Ç ¡X Å@²z¾Ç¬ã¨s©Ò(²¦) ¡X ºÓ¤h

Master, School of Nursing, Kaohsiung Medical Univeristy

1999/09 ¡X 2001/06

ªø©°Âå¾Ç°| ¡X Å@²z¾Ç¨t(²¦) ¡X ¾Ç¤h

Bachelor, School of Nursing, Chung Gung Medical College

1989/09 ¡X 1993/06

 Intramural Experience

Office/Department/Institute Position Duration
Å@²z¾Ç¨t School of Nursing   Professor 2019/08/01 ¡X  
Å@²z¾Ç¨t School of Nursing   Associate Professor 2016/02/01 ¡X 2019/07/31
Å@²z¾Ç¨t School of Nursing   Assistant Professor 2011/08/01 ¡X 2016/01/31

 Extramural Experience

DEPNO Position- Office/Department/Institute Duration
»²­^¬ì§Þ¤j¾ÇÅ@²z¾Ç¨t §U²z±Ð±Â 0990401 ¡X 1000731
»²­^¬ì§Þ¤j¾ÇÅ@²z¾Ç°| §U²z±Ð±Â 0990201 ¡X 0990331
»²­^¬ì§Þ¤j¾ÇÅ@²z¾Ç°| Á¿®v 0980801 ¡X 0990131
¬ü©M§Þ³N¾Ç°|Å@²z¨t Á¿®v 0900801 ¡X 0940731
¾ð¤H°ª¯ÅÂå¨Æ¾·~¾Ç®ÕÅ@²z¬ì ±Ð®v 0860201 ¡X 0870731
¤¸°öÂå¨Æ§Þ³N±M¬ì¾Ç®ÕÅ@²z¬ì §U±Ð 0850201 ¡X 0850731


NO Discipline Expertise
1 ¥Íª«Âå¹AÃþ Biology, Medicine and Agriculture Å@²z Nursing

 Research & Technology Platform Open to the Outside

pediatric cancer care, EBN¡Binstrument development, nursing education, pediatric palliative care

 Interested Area(s)for Interdisciplinary Research

Àù¯g·ÓÅ@¡B¹êÃÒ·ÓÅ@¡B¤u¨ãµo®i¡BÅ@²z±Ð¨|, ¨àµ£¦w¹ç½w©M·ÓÅ@

pediatric cancer care, EBN¡Binstrument development, nursing education, pediatric palliative care

 Area(s) of Expertise & Research


pediatric nursing, oncology nursing, instrument development, pediatric palliative care


NO Publication

Topical antibiotic Prophylaxis for preventing surgical site infections of clean wounds: A systematic review and meta-analysis
ªL¯¾ÄR, §dÄR±Ó*, Nguyen, T. H.-Y., Lin, Y. H., Chen, C. J., Huang, W. T., Guo, H. R., Chen, Y. H., Chuang, C. H., Chang, P. C., & Hung, H. K - - 1 - Surg Infect - SURGICAL INFECTIONS 2024 25¨÷(1´Á):32-38.­¶
(IF: 2, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 113, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 213, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 53.05%)

Topical antibiotic Prophylaxis for preventing surgical site infections of clean wounds: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Lin, W. L., Wu, L. M*., Nguyen, T. H.-Y., Lin, Y. H., Chen, C. J., Huang, W. T., Guo, H. R., Chen, Y. H., Chuang, C. H., Chang, P. C., & Hung, H. K - - 1 - Surg Infect - SURGICAL INFECTIONS 2024;25(1):32-38.
(IF: 2, Journal Ranking: 113, Number of Journals of this Field: 213, Ranking: 53.05%)


Cross-cultural translation and validation of the Chinese version Distress Tolerance Scale for adolescents with chronic physical disease.
§õ²Q²ú,§dÄR±Ó,ªL²Q´D,³¯¤l²[,ªL­³´@* - - 1 - CHILD: CARE, HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT - CHILD CARE HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT 2024 50¨÷(3´Á):e13270­¶
(IF: 1.8, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 74, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 186, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 39.78%)

Cross-cultural translation and validation of the Chinese version Distress Tolerance Scale for adolescents with chronic physical disease.
Shu-Li Lee, Li-Min Wu, Shu-Yuan Lin, Tzu-Han Chen, Wei-Ting Lin - - 1 - CHILD: CARE, HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT - CHILD CARE HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT 2024;50(3):e13270
(IF: 1.8, Journal Ranking: 74, Number of Journals of this Field: 186, Ranking: 39.78%)


A mindfulness-based intervention improves perceived stress and mindfulness in university nursing students: a quasi-experimental study
Liu, Y. L., Lee, C. H.,§dÄR±Ó¡¯ - - 1 - Scientific Reports - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2024 14¨÷(1´Á):13220­¶
(IF: 3.8, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 25, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 134, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 18.66%)

A mindfulness-based intervention improves perceived stress and mindfulness in university nursing students: a quasi-experimental study
Liu, Y. L., Lee, C. H., Wu, L. M.¡¯ - - 1 - Scientific Reports - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2024;14(1):13220
(IF: 3.8, Journal Ranking: 25, Number of Journals of this Field: 134, Ranking: 18.66%)


Factors influencing the willingness of older cancer patients to receive palliative care in advance care planning in southern Taiwan
Liu Y.L.,§dÄR±Ó, Tsai W.I., Lee C. H. - - 2 - Educational Gerontology - EDUCATIONAL GERONTOLOGY 2024 0¨÷(0´Á):1-12­¶
(IF: 1.1, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 398, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 756, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 52.65%)

Factors influencing the willingness of older cancer patients to receive palliative care in advance care planning in southern Taiwan
Liu Y.L.,Wu L. M., Tsai W.I., Lee C. H. - - 2 - Educational Gerontology - EDUCATIONAL GERONTOLOGY 2024;0(0):1-12
(IF: 1.1, Journal Ranking: 398, Number of Journals of this Field: 756, Ranking: 52.65%)


ÅÇ´ðÏÉ, Áé¨Ø´@, Ö߶®²b, ¿à«Â§Ê, ³¯¬f¿«, Ĭ¸t¥É, Ĭ¥H«C, §dÄR±Ó* - - 9 - °¨°ºÅ@²zÂø»x - 2024 18¨÷(2´Á):1-8­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

A Conceptual Analysis of Spiritual Care
Kung, Hsiang-Chia, Chung, Pei-Ting, Nien, Ya-Ching., Lai, Wei-Ting., Chen, Po-Han., Su, Sheng-Yu., Su, Yi-Ching., & Wu, Li-Min.* - - 9 - °¨°ºÅ@²zÂø»x - 2024;18(2):1-8
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Developing a prenatal health literacy tool for Filipino women
Felipe-Dimog, E. B*., Hung, C.-H., Liang, F.-W., Realce Tumulak, M.-A. J., Wu, L.-M. & Dumalhin, Y. J. B. - - 9 - Philippine Journal of Nursing - 2024 94¨÷(2´Á):4-11­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Developing a prenatal health literacy tool for Filipino women
Felipe-Dimog, E. B*., Hung, C.-H., Liang, F.-W., Realce Tumulak, M.-A. J., Wu, L.-M. & Dumalhin, Y. J. B. - - 9 - Philippine Journal of Nursing - 2024;94(2):4-11
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


The public's perception of the nursing profession: Validity and reliability of the Chinese version of the nursing image scale in Taiwan
Hu, Shui-Tao*, Chou, Pei-Chun, Wu, Li-Min, Feng, Jui-Ying, & Yeh, Tzu-Pei - - 2 - Nursing Health Science - NURSING & HEALTH SCIENCES 2024 26¨÷(3´Á):e13137­¶
(IF: 2.1, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 52, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 191, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 27.23%)

The public's perception of the nursing profession: Validity and reliability of the Chinese version of the nursing image scale in Taiwan
Hu, Shui-Tao*, Chou, Pei-Chun, Wu, Li-Min, Feng, Jui-Ying, & Yeh, Tzu-Pei - - 2 - Nursing Health Science - NURSING & HEALTH SCIENCES 2024;26(3):e13137
(IF: 2.1, Journal Ranking: 52, Number of Journals of this Field: 191, Ranking: 27.23%)


Experiences and preferences of truth-telling in families of children with cancer: A phenomenological study.
Chiou, Yen-Gan., Chen, Shih-Ying., Wu, Li-Min., Shyu, Yea-Ing Lotus., & Chiang, Yi-Chien* - - 2 - ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY NURSING - ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY NURSING 2024 11¨÷(6´Á):100500­¶
(IF: 2.4, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 35, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 191, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 18.32%)

Experiences and preferences of truth-telling in families of children with cancer: A phenomenological study.
Chiou, Yen-Gan., Chen, Shih-Ying., Wu, Li-Min., Shyu, Yea-Ing Lotus., & Chiang, Yi-Chien* - - 2 - ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY NURSING - ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY NURSING 2024;11(6):100500
(IF: 2.4, Journal Ranking: 35, Number of Journals of this Field: 191, Ranking: 18.32%)


Sarcopenia and survival in colorectal cancer without distant metastasis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
ªL¯¾ÄR, Nguyen, T. H., Huang, W. T., Guo, H. R., & §dÄR±Ó* - - 1 - Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology - JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY 2024 0¨÷(0´Á):n/a - n/a­¶
(IF: 3.7, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 40, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 143, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 27.97%)

Sarcopenia and survival in colorectal cancer without distant metastasis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Lin, W. L., Nguyen, T. H., Huang, W. T., Guo, H. R., & Wu, L. M.¡¯ - - 1 - Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology - JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY 2024;0(0):n/a - n/a
(IF: 3.7, Journal Ranking: 40, Number of Journals of this Field: 143, Ranking: 27.97%)


Impact of Interprofessional Collaborative Practice on Functional Improvements Among Post-Acute Stroke Survivors: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study
³¯§Â¨Ø., Lin, Y. J., Wang, Y. L.,§dÄR±Ó¡¯., & Ho, C. H. - - 1 - Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare - JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY HEALTHCARE 2024 17¨÷(0´Á):3945¡V3956­¶
(IF: 2.7, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 60, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 174, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 34.48%)

Impact of Interprofessional Collaborative Practice on Functional Improvements Among Post-Acute Stroke Survivors: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study
Chen, T. P., Lin, Y. J., Wang, Y. L., Wu, L. M., & Ho, C. H. - - 1 - Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare - JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY HEALTHCARE 2024;17(0):3945¡V3956
(IF: 2.7, Journal Ranking: 60, Number of Journals of this Field: 174, Ranking: 34.48%)


Osteosarcopenia in patients with cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Wang, Chien-Chieh Liu, Hsuan-Chih Lin, Wen-Li Wu, Li-Min Guo, How-Ran Huang, Soon-Cen Huang, Wen-Tsung Lin, Cheng-Yao Nguyen, Thi-Hoang-Yen - - 1 - Medicine - MEDICINE 2024 103¨÷(45´Á):e40476­¶
(IF: 1.3, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 143, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 325, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 44.00%)

Osteosarcopenia in patients with cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Wang, Chien-Chieh Liu, Hsuan-Chih Lin, Wen-Li Wu, Li-Min Guo, How-Ran Huang, Soon-Cen Huang, Wen-Tsung Lin, Cheng-Yao Nguyen, Thi-Hoang-Yen - - 1 - Medicine - MEDICINE 2024;103(45):e40476
(IF: 1.3, Journal Ranking: 143, Number of Journals of this Field: 325, Ranking: 44.00%)


Effectiveness of Digital Education on Human Papillomavirus Knowledge, Vaccination Intent and Completion Rates in Adolescents and Young Adults: A Meta-Analysis
Yudisa Diaz Lutfi Sandi, ·¨ÄR¥É, Esti Andarini, Dewi Maryam, §dÄR±Ó* - - 2 - Journal of Advanced Nursing - JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING 2024 0¨÷(0´Á):1-15­¶
(IF: 3.8, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 6, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 191, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 3.14%)

Effectiveness of Digital Education on Human Papillomavirus Knowledge, Vaccination Intent and Completion Rates in Adolescents and Young Adults: A Meta-Analysis
Yudisa Diaz Lutfi Sandi, Li-Yu Yang, Esti Andarini, Dewi Maryam, Li-Min Wu* - - 2 - Journal of Advanced Nursing - JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING 2024;0(0):1-15
(IF: 3.8, Journal Ranking: 6, Number of Journals of this Field: 191, Ranking: 3.14%)


Psychometric evaluation of the spiritual perspective scale for adolescents and young adults with cancer
(IF: 2.4, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 35, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 191, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 18.32%)

Psychometric evaluation of the spiritual perspective scale for adolescents and young adults with cancer
(IF: 2.4, Journal Ranking: 35, Number of Journals of this Field: 191, Ranking: 18.32%)


Anticancer Therapy and Mortality of Adult Patients with Hematologic Malignancy and COVID-19: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
ªL¯¾ÄR, ¨¿¤ó¶À¿P, §dÄR±Ó*, ¶À¤åÁo*, Ĭ¥@Ùy* - - 1 - Life - LIFE-BASEL 2023 13¨÷(2´Á):381­¶
(IF: 3.2, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 34, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 92, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 36.96%)

Anticancer Therapy and Mortality of Adult Patients with Hematologic Malignancy and COVID-19: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Wen-Li Lin, Thi-Hoang-Yen Nguyen, Li-Min Wu*, Wen-Tsung Huang*, Shih-Bin Su* - - 1 - Life - LIFE-BASEL 2023;13(2):381
(IF: 3.2, Journal Ranking: 34, Number of Journals of this Field: 92, Ranking: 36.96%)


Wen-Li Lin, Thi-Hoang-Yen Nguyen, Li-Min Wu*, Wen-Tsung Huang*, How-Ran Guo*
ªL¯¾ÄR, ¨¿¤ó¶À¿P, Cheng-Yao Lin, §dÄR±Ó*, ¶À¤åÁo*, ³¢¯EµM* - - 1 - Frontiers in Oncology - FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY 2023 12¨÷(-´Á):1037796­¶
(IF: 4.7, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 85, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 241, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 35.27%)

Association between sarcopenia and survival in patients with gynecologic cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Wen-Li Lin, Thi-Hoang-Yen Nguyen, Cheng-Yao Lin, Li-Min Wu*, Wen-Tsung Huang*, How-Ran Guo* - - 1 - Frontiers in Oncology - FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY 2023;12(-):1037796
(IF: 4.7, Journal Ranking: 85, Number of Journals of this Field: 241, Ranking: 35.27%)


Quality of Self-Report Coping Measures for Children and Adolescents with Cancer: A Systematic Review
Dewi Maryam, ¼ï«w§Ê, ªL¯¾ÄR, Susilo Harianto, §dÄR±Ó* - - 2 - WORLDVIEWS ON EVIDENCE-BASED NURSING - WORLDVIEWS ON EVIDENCE-BASED NURSING 2023 20¨÷(3´Á):191-201­¶
(IF: 4.3, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 5, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 125, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 4.00%)

Quality of Self-Report Coping Measures for Children and Adolescents with Cancer: A Systematic Review
Dewi Maryam, Hsien-Ting Pan, Wen-Li Lin, Susilo Harianto, L.i-Min Wu* - - 2 - WORLDVIEWS ON EVIDENCE-BASED NURSING - WORLDVIEWS ON EVIDENCE-BASED NURSING 2023;20(3):191-201
(IF: 4.3, Journal Ranking: 5, Number of Journals of this Field: 125, Ranking: 4.00%)


Age as a modifier of the effects of sarcopenia on survival among colon cancer patients after surgery
Wen-Li Lin, §dÄR±Ó*, Wen-Tsung Huang*, How-Ran Guo*, Jyh-Jou Chen - - 1 - J Surg Oncol - JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY 2023 128¨÷(7´Á):1121-1132­¶
(IF: 2.5, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 80, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 212, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 37.74%)

Age as a modifier of the effects of sarcopenia on survival among colon cancer patients after surgery
Wen-Li Lin, Li-Min Wu*, Wen-Tsung Huang*, How-Ran Guo*, Jyh-Jou Chen - - 1 - J Surg Oncol - JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY 2023;128(7):1121-1132
(IF: 2.5, Journal Ranking: 80, Number of Journals of this Field: 212, Ranking: 37.74%)


ªLªö»T, ¨H®Ûªâ, §dÄR±Ó* - - 9 - ¹êÃÒ°·±d·ÓÅ@ª¾ÃÑÀ] - 2023 X¨÷(X´Á):X­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Preventive‐effect‐of‐calendula‐cream‐on‐dermatitis‐of‐breast‐cancerpatients‐ treated‐with‐radiotherapy
ªLªö»T, ¨H®Ûªâ, §dÄR±Ó* - - 9 - ¹êÃÒ°·±d·ÓÅ@ª¾ÃÑÀ] - 2023;X(X):X
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


(IF: 2.09, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 85, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 109, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 77.98%)

Exploring the Taiwanese Anticipatory Experience of Grief Among Primary Caregivers in Palliative Home Care.
(IF: 2.09, Journal Ranking: 85, Number of Journals of this Field: 109, Ranking: 77.98%)


§dÄR±Ó,·Å²Q¼z,³¯«H§»,Ĭ¥H«C - - 9 - ºaÁ`Å@²z - 2022 39¨÷(1´Á):35-40­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

New Trend in Palliative Care for Pediatric Cancer
Li-Min Wu, Shu-Hui Wen, Shin-Hong Chen, Yi-Ching Su* - - 9 - ºaÁ`Å@²z - 2022;39(1):35-40
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


§õ²Q²ú, §dÄR±Ó, Yen-Yin Chou, Fei-Chen Lai, ªL²Q´D* - - 1 - Journal of Pediatric Nursing - JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC NURSING-NURSING CARE OF CHILDREN & FAMILIES 2022 64¨÷(-´Á):143-150­¶
(IF: 2.145, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 48, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 124, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 38.71%)

Developing the Chinese version problem areas in diabetes-teen for measuring diabetes distress in adolescents with type 1 diabetes
Shu-Li Lee, Li-Min Wu, Yen-Yin Chou, Fei-Chen Lai, Shu-Yuan Lin* - - 1 - Journal of Pediatric Nursing - JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC NURSING-NURSING CARE OF CHILDREN & FAMILIES 2022;64(-):143-150
(IF: 2.145, Journal Ranking: 48, Number of Journals of this Field: 124, Ranking: 38.71%)


§dÄR±Ó* - - 9 - Å@²zÂø»x - 2022 6969¨÷(4´Á):13-19­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Shared Decision-Making in Care for Pediatric Patients With Cancer: Practices and Challenges
Wu, L. M.* - - 9 - Å@²zÂø»x - 2022;6969(4):13-19
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


The journey of embracing life: Mothers' perspectives of living with their children with retinoblastoma
Dewi Maryam, §dÄR±Ó*, Ĭ¥H«C, ³\±Ó®ç, Susilo Harianto - - 2 - Journal of Pediatric Nursing - JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC NURSING-NURSING CARE OF CHILDREN & FAMILIES 2022 66¨÷(-´Á):46-53­¶
(IF: 2.4, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 38, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 123, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 30.89%)

The journey of embracing life: Mothers' perspectives of living with their children with retinoblastoma
Dewi Maryam, Li-MinWu*, Yi-Ching Su, Min-Tao Hsu, Susilo Harianto - - 2 - Journal of Pediatric Nursing - JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC NURSING-NURSING CARE OF CHILDREN & FAMILIES 2022;66(-):46-53
(IF: 2.4, Journal Ranking: 38, Number of Journals of this Field: 123, Ranking: 30.89%)


´¿´f¬Ã, ¬_ÂȶQ, ¤ý¨q¬õ*, ¤ý·çÁø, §dÄR±Ó - - 2 - Journal of Nursing Research - JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH 2022 30¨÷(5´Á):e232­¶
(IF: 2.7, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 22, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 123, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17.89%)

Psychometric evaluation of the Capstone Core Competency scale on nursing students in Taiwan.
Hui-Chen Tseng, Hsun-Kuei Ko, Hsiu-Hung Wang*, Ruey-Hsia Wang, Li-Min Wu - - 2 - Journal of Nursing Research - JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH 2022;30(5):e232
(IF: 2.7, Journal Ranking: 22, Number of Journals of this Field: 123, Ranking: 17.89%)


Decisional conflicts, anxiety, and perceptions of shared decision-making in cancer treatment trajectory among adolescents with cancer: A longitudinal study.
§dÄR±Ó*, ªô¥@ªY, ªL¨Ø½@, ¹ùÀu¬ü, Ĭ¨qÄõ - - 2 - JOURNAL OF NURSING SCHOLARSHIP - JOURNAL OF NURSING SCHOLARSHIP 2022 54¨÷(5´Á):589-597­¶
(IF: 3.4, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 123, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 10.57%)

Decisional conflicts, anxiety, and perceptions of shared decision-making in cancer treatment trajectory among adolescents with cancer: A longitudinal study.
Li-Min Wu*, Shyh-Shin Chiou, Pei-Chin Lin, Yu Mei Liao, Hsiu-Lan Su - - 2 - JOURNAL OF NURSING SCHOLARSHIP - JOURNAL OF NURSING SCHOLARSHIP 2022;54(5):589-597
(IF: 3.4, Journal Ranking: 13, Number of Journals of this Field: 123, Ranking: 10.57%)


Interventions to support adolescents with cancer in decision-making: A systematic review and meta-analysis
§dÄR±Ó, ¶À©ÉÀR, Ĭ¨qÄõ, §õ²Q²ú* - - 2 - Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing - WORLDVIEWS ON EVIDENCE-BASED NURSING 2021 18¨÷(6´Á):339-349­¶
(IF: 4.347, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 5, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 123, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 4.07%)

Interventions to support adolescents with cancer in decision-making: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Wu, L. M., Huang, I. C., Su, H. L., Lee, S. L.* - - 2 - Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing - WORLDVIEWS ON EVIDENCE-BASED NURSING 2021;18(6):339-349
(IF: 4.347, Journal Ranking: 5, Number of Journals of this Field: 123, Ranking: 4.07%)


Health-Promoting Lifestyle and Its Predictors in Adolescent Survivors of Childhood Cancer
¶À©É»T, §õ²Q²ú, §dÄR±Ó* - - 2 - Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing - JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC ONCOLOGY NURSING 2021 38¨÷(4´Á):233-241­¶
(IF: 1.966, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 65, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 123, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 52.85%)

Health-Promoting Lifestyle and Its Predictors in Adolescent Survivors of Childhood Cancer
Yi-Jung Huang, Shu-Li Lee, Li-Min Wu* - - 2 - Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing - JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC ONCOLOGY NURSING 2021;38(4):233-241
(IF: 1.966, Journal Ranking: 65, Number of Journals of this Field: 123, Ranking: 52.85%)


ÃCÌɸ©,·¨Âí¦t,¬I­Å¹a,½²¼z¤_,ÁµשÉ,©^¨q¬Õ,¿½¤D¹Å,§dÄR±Ó* - - 9 - ºaÁ`Å@²z - 2021 38¨÷(3´Á):269-278­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

A Conceptual Analysis of Clinical Decision-Making From a Nursing Perspective
Min-Syuan Yen, Cheng-Yu Yang, Chien-Ling Shih, Hui-Yu Tsai, Ching-Yi Hseh, Shion-Ying Fong, Nai-Chia Hsiao, Li-Min Wu* - - 9 - ºaÁ`Å@²z - 2021;38(3):269-278
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


·¨©yÀR,§dÄR±Ó* - - 9 - ªø©°Å@²zÂø»x - 2021 32¨÷(3´Á):95-105­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Nursing Experience of Caring a Preschool-Child with Pneumonia Using Therapeutic Games to Enhances Resilience
Yang, Yi-Ching; Wu, Li Min* - - 9 - ªø©°Å@²zÂø»x - 2021;32(3):95-105
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


³\¤ß«ï,§dÄR±Ó,ªL¨Ø¬L,¨¿Ã£¼z,¶À¥É¿P,©PºÑ¬Â*,³¯«º§Q - - 1 - Medicine. - MEDICINE 2020 99¨÷(6´Á):e19029­¶
(IF: 1.552, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 89, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 165, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 53.94%)

Emotional Distress and Quality of Life During Folinic Acid, Fluorouracil, and oxaliplatin In Colorectal Cancer Patients With and Without Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy
Hsu, H. T., Wu, L. M., Lin,P. C., Juan, C. H., Huang,Y.Y., Chou*,P. L., Chen, J. L., - - 1 - Medicine. - MEDICINE 2020;99(6):e19029
(IF: 1.552, Journal Ranking: 89, Number of Journals of this Field: 165, Ranking: 53.94%)


The longitudinal learning outcomes of using different teaching sequences in a nursing administration project
ªL­³´@, ªL²Q´D, ©P¦ÆæP, §dÄR±Ó, §õºÑ®Z* - - 2 - Journal of Nursing Management - JOURNAL OF NURSING MANAGEMENT 2019 27¨÷(6´Á):1304-1313­¶
(IF: 2.243, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 12, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 121, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 9.92%)

The longitudinal learning outcomes of using different teaching sequences in a nursing administration project
Lin,W.T., Lin,S.Y., Chou,F.H., Wu,L.M., Lee,B.O.* - - 2 - Journal of Nursing Management - JOURNAL OF NURSING MANAGEMENT 2019;27(6):1304-1313
(IF: 2.243, Journal Ranking: 12, Number of Journals of this Field: 121, Ranking: 9.92%)


Tailored education enhances healthy behaviour self-efficacy in childhood cancer survivors: A randomised controlled study with a 4-month follow-up.
§dÄR±Ó*, ³¯ª÷À±, ³\¤ß«ï, ¼B©É, Ĭ¨qÄõ - - 2 - European Journal of Cancer Care - EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE 2019 28¨÷(4´Á):e13063­¶
(IF: 2.161, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 16, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 121, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13.22%)

Tailored education enhances healthy behaviour self-efficacy in childhood cancer survivors: A randomised controlled study with a 4-month follow-up.
Wu, Li-Min*, Chen, Chin-Mi, Hsu, Hsin-Tien, Liu, Yi, Sue, Hsiu-Lan - - 2 - European Journal of Cancer Care - EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE 2019;28(4):e13063
(IF: 2.161, Journal Ranking: 16, Number of Journals of this Field: 121, Ranking: 13.22%)


The experience of parents living with a child with cancer at the end-of-life.
¤ýÁJµ×, §dÄR±Ó*, ·¨µú±ö, ¨H«T©ú - - 2 - European Journal of Cancer Care - EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE 2019 28¨÷(4´Á):e13061­¶
(IF: 2.161, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 16, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 121, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13.22%)

The experience of parents living with a child with cancer at the end-of-life.
Wang, Sui-Ching, Wu, Li-Min*, Yang, Yung-Mei, Sheen, Jiunn-Ming. - - 2 - European Journal of Cancer Care - EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE 2019;28(4):e13061
(IF: 2.161, Journal Ranking: 16, Number of Journals of this Field: 121, Ranking: 13.22%)


­«¯g¯f±w¨Mµ¦¥N²z¤H¤§ÂåÀø¨Mµ¦¦æ¬°·N¦V¤Î ¨ä¬ÛÃö¦]¯À±´°Q
Ĭ«äå¢, §dÄR±Ó* - - 9 - Å@²zÂø»x - 2018 65¨÷(2´Á):32-42­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Intentions Affecting the Medical Decision-Making Behavior of Surrogate Decision Makers of Critically Ill Patients and Related Factors
Szu-Huei Su, Li-Min Wu* - - 9 - Å@²zÂø»x - 2018;65(2):32-42
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Determinants of Quality of Life in Lung Cancer Patients
Hsiu-Yu Hung, Li-Min Wu*, Kang-Pan Chen - - 1 - Journal of Nursing Scholarship - JOURNAL OF NURSING SCHOLARSHIP 2018 50¨÷(3´Á):257-264­¶
(IF: 2.662, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 2, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 118, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 1.69%)

Determinants of Quality of Life in Lung Cancer Patients
Hsiu-Yu Hung, Li-Min Wu*, Kang-Pan Chen - - 1 - Journal of Nursing Scholarship - JOURNAL OF NURSING SCHOLARSHIP 2018;50(3):257-264
(IF: 2.662, Journal Ranking: 2, Number of Journals of this Field: 118, Ranking: 1.69%)


Assessment of the effects of walking as an exercise intervention for children and adolescents with cancer: A feasibility study
Ĭ¨qÄõ,§dÄR±Ó*,ªô¥@ªY,ªL¨Ø½@,¹ùÀu¬ü - - 1 - European Journal of Oncology Nursing - EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY NURSING 2018 37¨÷(6´Á):29-34­¶
(IF: 1.812, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 21, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 118, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17.80%)

Assessment of the effects of walking as an exercise intervention for children and adolescents with cancer: A feasibility study
Hsiu-Lan Su,Li-Min Wu*,Shyh-Shin Chiou,Pei-Chin Lin,Yu-Mei Liao - - 1 - European Journal of Oncology Nursing - EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY NURSING 2018;37(6):29-34
(IF: 1.812, Journal Ranking: 21, Number of Journals of this Field: 118, Ranking: 17.80%)


Adverse health outcomes and health concerns among survivors of various childhood cancers: Perspectives from mothers
¿½¦Ü¸Û; ªô¥@ªY¡F³\¤ß«ï¡FªL¨Ø½@¡F¹ùÀu¬ü¡F§dÄR±Ó* - - 2 - European J of Cancer Care - EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE 2018 27¨÷(6´Á):1-10­¶
(IF: 2.409, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 5, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 118, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 4.24%)

Adverse health outcomes and health concerns among survivors of various childhood cancers: Perspectives from mothers
Hsiao, C.C., Chiou, S.S., Hsu, H. T., Lin, P. C., Liao, Y. M., Wu, Li-Min* - - 2 - European J of Cancer Care - EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE 2018;27(6):1-10
(IF: 2.409, Journal Ranking: 5, Number of Journals of this Field: 118, Ranking: 4.24%)


¦¶©É½@,¼B°Ò¬Õ,­J¹Å®Û,Ĭ®a¼z,³¯«º»T,³¯«NæY,§dÄR±Ó* - - 9 - °ª¶¯Å@²zÂø»x - 2018 35¨÷(2´Á):53-60­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

A Concept Analysis of Uncertainty
Chu, Y. C., Liu, M. Y., Hu, C. K., Su, C. H., Chen, T. J., Chen, C. H., Wu, L. M. - - 9 - °ª¶¯Å@²zÂø»x - 2018;35(2):53-60
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


Assessment of the effects of walking as an exercise intervention for children and adolescents with cancer: A feasibility study.
(IF: 1.812, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 19, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 116, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 16.38%)

Assessment of the effects of walking as an exercise intervention for children and adolescents with cancer: A feasibility study.
(IF: 1.812, Journal Ranking: 19, Number of Journals of this Field: 116, Ranking: 16.38%)


§dÄR±Ó*¡B³¯©y§{¡B³¯§±Á¾¡B³¯ûѦp - - 9 - °¨°ºÅ@²zÂø»x - Journal of MacKay Nursing 2017 11¨÷(1´Á):7-17­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Clinical Practice of the Therapeutic Play
Li-Min Wu;* Yi-Fang Chen; Yu-Chien Chen; Bao-Ru Chen - - 9 - °¨°ºÅ@²zÂø»x - Journal of MacKay Nursing 2017;11(1):7-17
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


³\¤ß«ï;ªL¼e¨Î;§dÄR±Ó;¨¿Ã£¼z;«J©ú®p;¶À¨q±ù;¼B©É*;Dodd, Marylin J - - 1 - Journal of pain and symptom management - JOURNAL OF PAIN AND SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT 2017 53¨÷(6´Á):1017-1025­¶
(IF: 2.905, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 31, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 155, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 20.00%)

Symptom Cluster Trajectories During Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer Outpatients
Hsu, Hsin-Tien Lin, Kuan-Chia Wu, Li-Min Juan, Chiung-Hui Hou, Ming-Feng Hwang, Shiow-Li Liu, Yi - - 1 - Journal of pain and symptom management - JOURNAL OF PAIN AND SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT 2017;53(6):1017-1025
(IF: 2.905, Journal Ranking: 31, Number of Journals of this Field: 155, Ranking: 20.00%)


Quality of life and its predictors among children and adolescents with cancer.
¨àµ£¦½«C¿N¤Ö¦~Àù¯g¥Í¬¡«~½èªº¹w´ú¦]¤l - - 2 - Cancer Nursing - Cancer Nurs 2017 40¨÷(5´Á):343-351­¶
(IF: 1.884, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 115, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 14.78%)

Quality of life and its predictors among children and adolescents with cancer.
Pan, H. T., Wu, L. M.*, Wen, S. H. - - 2 - Cancer Nursing - Cancer Nurs 2017;40(5):343-351
(IF: 1.884, Journal Ranking: 17, Number of Journals of this Field: 115, Ranking: 14.78%)


The Influence of Work-Related Fatigue, Work Conditions, and Personal Characteristics on Intent to Leave among New Nurses
¼B©É,§dÄR±Ó,©PºÑ¬Â,³¯¬ü§ö,·¨Â§Á¾,³\¤ß«ï* - - 2 - Journal of Nursing Scholarship - JOURNAL OF NURSING SCHOLARSHIP 2016 48¨÷(1´Á):66-73­¶
(IF: 2.128, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 6, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 114, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 5.26%)

The Influence of Work-Related Fatigue, Work Conditions, and Personal Characteristics on Intent to Leave among New Nurses
Liu, Y., Wu, L-M., Chou, P-L., Chen, M-H., Yang, L-C., & Hsu*, H-T - - 2 - Journal of Nursing Scholarship - JOURNAL OF NURSING SCHOLARSHIP 2016;48(1):66-73
(IF: 2.128, Journal Ranking: 6, Number of Journals of this Field: 114, Ranking: 5.26%)


RCMAS-2 ¦b¨àµ£Àù¯g±wªÌªº¤ß²z´ú¶q¯S©Ê
§dÄR±Ó*, ¼B©É,³¯©¯¬Ü,´¿´f¬Ã,ªL­³´@ - - 2 - European Jouranl of Oncology Nursing - Euro J Onco Nurs 2016 20¨÷(1´Á):36-41­¶
(IF: 1.826, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 18, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 104, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17.31%)

Psychometric properties of the RCMAS-2 in pediatric cancer patients.
Wu, L. M¡¯., Liu, Y., Chen, H. M., Tseng, H. C., & Lin, W. T. - - 2 - European Jouranl of Oncology Nursing - Euro J Onco Nurs 2016;20(1):36-41
(IF: 1.826, Journal Ranking: 18, Number of Journals of this Field: 104, Ranking: 17.31%)


Work stress, occupational burnout and depression levels: a clinical study of paediatric intensive care unit nurses in Taiwan
Lin, Tzu-Ching, Lin, Huey-Shyan, Cheng, Su-Fen, Wu, Li-Min, & Ou-Yang, Mei-Chen - - 2 - Journal of Clinical Nursing - J CLIN NURS 2016 25¨÷(7/8´Á):1120-1130­¶
(IF: 1.214, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 52, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 114, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 45.61%)

Work stress, occupational burnout and depression levels: a clinical study of paediatric intensive care unit nurses in Taiwan
Lin, Tzu-Ching, Lin, Huey-Shyan, Cheng, Su-Fen, Wu, Li-Min, & Ou-Yang, Mei-Chen - - 2 - Journal of Clinical Nursing - J CLIN NURS 2016;25(7/8):1120-1130
(IF: 1.214, Journal Ranking: 52, Number of Journals of this Field: 114, Ranking: 45.61%)


§dÄR±Ó* - - 0 - ·½¬yÅ@²z - ·½¬yÅ@²z 2016 10¨÷(2´Á):12-19­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Prediatric cancer survivors' health issues and care
Li-Min Wu* - - 0 - ·½¬yÅ@²z - ·½¬yÅ@²z 2016;10(2):12-19
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


¶ÀÀR»ñ, ·¨ÄR¥É, §dÄR±Ó, ¼B©É, ³¯©¯¬Ü* - - 2 - Nurse Education Today - NURS EDUC TODAY 2014 34¨÷(6´Á):1048-1053­¶
(IF: 1.218, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 22, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 105, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 20.95%)

Determinants of daytime sleepiness in first-year nursing students: A questionnaire survey
Huang, C. F., Yang, L. Y., Wu, L. M., Liu, Y., & Chen, H. M.* - - 2 - Nurse Education Today - NURS EDUC TODAY 2014;34(6):1048-1053
(IF: 1.218, Journal Ranking: 22, Number of Journals of this Field: 105, Ranking: 20.95%)


Ĭ¨|âÐ, §dÄR±Ó* - - 9 - °¨°ºÅ@²zÂø»x - 2014 8¨÷(1´Á):76-84­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Nursing care of an elder women: A comfort theory approach
Su, Y. J., & Wu, L. M.* - - 9 - °¨°ºÅ@²zÂø»x - 2014;8(1):76-84
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


§dÄR±Ó,ªô¥@ªY,¨H«T©ú,ªL¨Ø½@,¹ùÀu¬ü,³¯©¯¬Ü,¿½¦Ü¸Û* - - 2 - Journal of Advanced Nursing - J ADV NURS 2014 70¨÷(7´Á):1653-1662­¶
(IF: 1.527, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 18, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 105, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 17.14%)

Evaluating the acceptability and efficacy of a psycho-educational intervention for coping and symptom management by children with cancer: A randomized controlled study
Wu, L. M., Chiou, S. S., Sheen, J. M., Lin, P. C. Liao, Y. M. Chen, H. M., & Hsiao, C. C.* - - 2 - Journal of Advanced Nursing - J ADV NURS 2014;70(7):1653-1662
(IF: 1.527, Journal Ranking: 18, Number of Journals of this Field: 105, Ranking: 17.14%)


¶Àã¥É*,³¯¤å»í,§fµ®Ãý,½²¬Kª÷,¿à´f¬Â,ªLÂE¸Î,³¢¯À®Z, §dÄR±Ó, ³¯«T¯q - - 1 - Spinal Cord - Spinal Cord 2014 30¨÷(September´Á):1-4­¶
(IF: 1.699, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 24, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 63, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 38.10%)

Mediating effects of social support and self-concept on depressive symptoms in adults with spinal cord injury
Huang, C. Y.*, Chen, W. K., Lu, C. Y., Tsai, C. C., Lai, H. L., Lin, H. Y., Guo, S. E., Wu, L. M., & Chen, C. I. - - 1 - Spinal Cord - Spinal Cord 2014;30(September):1-4
(IF: 1.699, Journal Ranking: 24, Number of Journals of this Field: 63, Ranking: 38.10%)


§dÄR±Ó, ¨H«T©ú, Ĭ¨qÄõ, ±i²Q¬Ã, ¿½§Ó¸Û* - - 1 - Journal of Advanced Nursing - J ADV NURS 2013 69¨÷(1´Á):158¡V166­¶
(IF: 1.527, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 14, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 104, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 13.46%)

Predictors of anxiety and resilience in adolescents undergoing cancer treatment
Wu, L. M., Sheen, J. M., Shu, H. L., Chang, S. C., & Hsiao, C. C.* - - 1 - Journal of Advanced Nursing - J ADV NURS 2013;69(1):158¡V166
(IF: 1.527, Journal Ranking: 14, Number of Journals of this Field: 104, Ranking: 13.46%)


³¯©¯¬Ü*, Clark, A. P., ½²¨}±Ó, ¼B©É, §dÄR±Ó, §d¥@©¾ - - 2 - Journal of Nursing Research - J NURS RES 2013 21¨÷(1´Á):39-48­¶
(IF: 0.578, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 80, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 104, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 76.92%)

Excessive daytime sleepiness in Taiwanese people with heart failure
Chen, H. M.*, Clark, A. P., Tsai, L. M., Liu, Y., Wu, L. M., & Wu, S. J. - - 2 - Journal of Nursing Research - J NURS RES 2013;21(1):39-48
(IF: 0.578, Journal Ranking: 80, Number of Journals of this Field: 104, Ranking: 76.92%)


±i¶v¶Q, §dÄR±Ó* - - 9 - ¾Ç®Õ½Ã¥ÍÅ@²zÂø»x - 2013 23¨÷(0´Á):33-48­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Uncertainty of students with epilepsy and its related factors in elementary school teacher
Chang, C. K., & Wu, L. M.* - - 9 - ¾Ç®Õ½Ã¥ÍÅ@²zÂø»x - 2013;23(0):33-48
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


ªL¬îµâ*, §d¨Î¬Ã, §dÄR±Ó, ³¯©¯¬Ü, ±i²Q­s - - 2 - Journal of Clinical Nursing - J CLIN NURS 2013 22¨÷(7/8´Á):1073-1079­¶
(IF: 1.316, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 25, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 106, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 23.58%)

Psychometric evaluation of a new instrument to measure disease self-management of the early stage chronic kidney disease patients
Lin, C. C*., Wu, C. C., Wu, L. M., Chen, H. M., & Chang, S. C. - - 2 - Journal of Clinical Nursing - J CLIN NURS 2013;22(7/8):1073-1079
(IF: 1.316, Journal Ranking: 25, Number of Journals of this Field: 106, Ranking: 23.58%)


·Å²Q¼z, §dÄR±Ó* - - 9 - °¨°ºÅ@²zÂø»x - 2012 6¨÷(1´Á):72-81­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Nursing an adolescent requiring long-term hospitalizations
Wen, S. H., & Wu, L. M.* - - 9 - °¨°ºÅ@²zÂø»x - 2012;6(1):72-81
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


§dÄR±Ó* - - 9 - ¸~½FÅ@²zÂø»x - 2011 11¨÷(1´Á):13-21­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Culture nursing of children with cancer
Wu, L. M.* - - 9 - ¸~½FÅ@²zÂø»x - 2011;11(1):13-21
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


§dÄR±Ó, ª÷Ä~¬K, ³¯¹ü´f*, ¿à¦m¬Ã, ´¿¤ë­^ - - 2 - Journal of Advanced Nursing - J ADV NURS 2011 67¨÷(5´Á):1142-1152­¶
(IF: 1.233, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 9, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 87, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 10.34%)

Development and validation of the pediatric cancer coping scale
Wu, L. M., Chin, C. C., Chen, C. H.*, Lai, F. C., & Tseng, Y. Y. - - 2 - Journal of Advanced Nursing - J ADV NURS 2011;67(5):1142-1152
(IF: 1.233, Journal Ranking: 9, Number of Journals of this Field: 87, Ranking: 10.34%)


Àù¯g«C¤Ö¦~ªº¦]À³¸gÅç: ½è©Ê¬ã¨s
§dÄR±Ó, ª÷Ä~¬K, Haase, J. E., ³¯¹ü´f* - - 1 - Journal of Advanced Nursing - J ADV NURS 2009 65¨÷(11´Á):2358-2366­¶
(IF: 1.654, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 6, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 62, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 9.68%)

Coping experiences of aolescents with cancer: A qualitative study
Wu, L. M., Chin, C. C., Haase, J. E., & Chen, C. H.* - - 1 - Journal of Advanced Nursing - J ADV NURS 2009;65(11):2358-2366
(IF: 1.654, Journal Ranking: 6, Number of Journals of this Field: 62, Ranking: 9.68%)


§dÄR±Ó, ª÷Ä~¬K, ³¯¹ü´f* - - 2 - Nurse Education Today - NURS EDUC TODAY 2009 29¨÷(8´Á):873-878­¶
(IF: 0.907, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 34, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 70, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 48.57%)

Evaluation of a caring education program for Taiwanese nursing students:A quasi-experiment with before and after comparison
Wu, L. M., Chin, C. C., & Chen, C. H.* - - 2 - Nurse Education Today - NURS EDUC TODAY 2009;29(8):873-878
(IF: 0.907, Journal Ranking: 34, Number of Journals of this Field: 70, Ranking: 48.57%)


§dÄR±Ó, ª÷Ä~¬K* - - 9 - ºaÁ`Å@²z - 2009 26¨÷(1´Á):1-8­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

A leukemia-girls-year recurrence of the illness experience
Wu, L. M., & Chin, C. C.* - - 9 - ºaÁ`Å@²z - 2009;26(1):1-8
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


§dÄR±Ó, ª÷Ä~¬K* - - 9 - ¸~½FÅ@²zÂø»x  - 2007 7¨÷(1´Á):21-29­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Interpretation of illness on parents of children with cancer from cultural perspective
Wu, L. M., & Chin, C. C.* - - 9 - ¸~½FÅ@²zÂø»x  - 2007;7(1):21-29
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


§dÄR±Ó, ¬x§Ó¨q*, ³¯¹ü´f - - 9 - Å@²zÂø»x - 2006 53¨÷(6´Á):53-58­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Application of empowerment in the organization
Wu, L. M., Hung, C. H.*, & Chen, C. H. - - 9 - Å@²zÂø»x - 2006;53(6):53-58
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


§dÄR±Ó* - - 9 - ¸~½FÅ@²zÂø»x - 2005 5¨÷(1´Á):27-35­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Assessment and care of children with nausea and vomiting during chemotherapy
Wu, L. M.* - - 9 - ¸~½FÅ@²zÂø»x - 2005;5(1):27-35
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


·Å²Q¼z, §dÄR±Ó* - - 9 - Å@²zÂø»x - 2004 51¨÷(3´Á):100-105­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Use of watson theory to take care of an intestinal virus early childhood and primary caregivers of nursing experience
Wen, S. H., & Wu, L. M.* - - 9 - Å@²zÂø»x - 2004;51(3):100-105
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


§dÄR±Ó, ª÷Ä~¬K* - - 9 - Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences - Kaohsiung J Med Sci 2003 19¨÷(5´Á):217-224­¶
(IF: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: 0, »â°ì´Á¥Z¼Æ: 0, »â°ì±Æ¦W: -%)

Factors related to satisfaction with body image in children undergoing chemotherapy
Wu, L. M., & Chin, C. C.* - - 9 - Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences - Kaohsiung J Med Sci 2003;19(5):217-224
(IF: 0, Journal Ranking: 0, Number of Journals of this Field: 0, Ranking: -%)


YEAR ¡X Source ¡X No ¡X Type
Project Name
114 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X NSTC112-2314-B-037-025-MY3 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
¥¼¦¨¦~Àù¯g±wªÌ©M¤÷¥Àªº¨Mµ¦³ß¦n©M¨Mµ¦¤ä«ù¤¶¤Jªº¦¨®Äµû¶q(3/3)( )
2025/08/01 ~ 2026/07/31
113 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X NSTC112-2314-B-037-025-MY3 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
¥¼¦¨¦~Àù¯g±wªÌ©M¤÷¥Àªº¨Mµ¦³ß¦n©M¨Mµ¦¤ä«ù¤¶¤Jªº¦¨®Äµû¶q(2/3)( )
2024/08/01 ~ 2026/07/31
112 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X NSTC112-2314-B-037-025-MY3 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
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2023/08/01 ~ 2026/07/31
112 ¡X Z ¤j±M¾Ç¥Í¬ã¨s­pµe¤Î³Õ¤h«á ¡X NSTC113-2813-C-037-018-B ¡X 8 ¤j±M¾Ç¥Í¬ã¨s­pµe
113¦~«×¤j±M¾Ç¥Í¬ã¨s­pµe-¤ýÎr¶²(Å@²z3)( )
2024/07/01 ~ 2025/02/28
111 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST111-2314-B-037-027 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
¥¼¦¨¦~Àù¯g±wªÌ©M¤÷¥Àªº¨Mµ¦³ß¦n©M¨Mµ¦¤ä«ù¤¶¤Jªº¦¨®Äµû¶q( )
2022/08/01 ~ 2023/07/31
111 ¡X X °ª©_¦X§@­pµe ¡X 112CM-KMU-01 ¡X  
¡uÀç¾i©M¹B°Ê·ÓÅ@¤è®×¡v¹ï¨ÅÀù¯f¤H¤Æ¾ÇªvÀø´Á¶¡¦Ù¦×½è¶q¡B¯h¾Î¡B¥Í¬¡«~½è¤Î©PÃ䯫¸g¯fÅܧﵽ¤§¦¨®Ä( )
2023/08/01 ~ 2024/07/31
110 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST110-2314-B-037-094 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
µo®i¥H®a®x¬°¤¤¤ß¤§¶i¶¥·ÓÅ@­pµe(FACE-ACP)©óÀù¯g«C¤Ö¦~¡GÁa³e²V¦X©Ê¬ã¨s( )
2021/08/01 ~ 2022/08/31
110 ¡X X °ª©_¦X§@­pµe ¡X 111CM-KMU-05 ¡X  
¡u¸ó»â°ì¹Î¶¤¦X§@·ÓÅ@­pµe¡v©ó¤Æ¾ÇªvÀø´Á¶¡¤j¸zÀù¯f¤H¤§¦¨®Ä¡G²V¦X©Ê¬ã¨s( )
2022/08/01 ~ 2023/07/31
109 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST107-2314-B-037-030-MY3 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
Àù¯g«C¤Ö¦~±wªÌ°Ñ»P¨Mµ¦¦@¨É·ÓÅ@ªºµo®i¡B¹ê¬I©Mµû­È(3/3)( )
2020/08/01 ~ 2021/07/31
109 ¡X X °ª©_¦X§@­pµe ¡X 110CM-KMU-03 ¡X  
¤j¸zª½¸zÀù¯f¤H¦Ù¤Ö¯g¹w«á¬ÛÃö¦]¤l±´°Q»P¹B°Ê¤¶¤J¤§¦¨®Ä( )
2021/08/01 ~ 2022/07/31
108 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST107-2314-B-037-030-MY3 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
Àù¯g«C¤Ö¦~±wªÌ°Ñ»P¨Mµ¦¦@¨É·ÓÅ@ªºµo®i¡B¹ê¬I©Mµû­È(2/3)( )
2019/08/01 ~ 2021/07/31
107 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST107-2314-B-037-030-MY3 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
Àù¯g«C¤Ö¦~±wªÌ°Ñ»P¨Mµ¦¦@¨É·ÓÅ@ªºµo®i¡B¹ê¬I©Mµû­È(1/3)( )
2018/08/01 ~ 2021/07/31
106 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST106-2314-B-037-004 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
Àù¯g¨àµ£¥Í©R¥½´Á·ÓÅ@¡G±q¥D­n·ÓÅUªÌÆ[ÂI¥Xµo( )
2017/08/01 ~ 2018/07/31
105 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST105-2314-B-037-044 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
Àù¯g¨àµ£¥Í©R¥½´Á·ÓÅ@ÁͶաBÂåÀø¨Mµ¦¥H¤Î±Ð¨|¤¶¤J¦¨®Äµû­È( )
2016/08/01 ~ 2017/07/31
104 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X MOST104-2314-B-037-009 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
µo®i¡B«Ø¥ß©Mªø´Á°lÂܨൣÀù¯g¦s¬¡ªÌ¥Í¬¡«~½è¤§¹êÃÒ·ÓÅ@¼Ò¦¡( )
2015/08/01 ~ 2016/07/31
103 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X NSC102-2314-B-037-002-MY2 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
Àù¯g¨àµ£°·±d¦æ¬°¬ÛÃö¦]¯À±´°Q©M°·±d«P¶i¤¶¤J¦¨®Ä¤§µû»ù(2/2)( )
2014/08/01 ~ 2015/07/31
102 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X NSC102-2314-B-037-002-MY2 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
Àù¯g¨àµ£°·±d¦æ¬°¬ÛÃö¦]¯À±´°Q©M°·±d«P¶i¤¶¤J¦¨®Ä¤§µû»ù(1/2)( )
2013/08/01 ~ 2015/07/31
101 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X NSC101-2314-B-037-045 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
Àù¯g¨àµ£¦s¬¡ªÌ¹L´ç´Á·ÓÅ@¼Ò¦¡:«Øºc¡B´ú¸Õ©Mµû­È( )
2012/08/01 ~ 2013/09/30
101 ¡X Q ·s¸u±Ð®v­pµe(®Õ¤º) ¡X KMU-Q102014 ¡X  
®aÄÝ°Ñ»PÀù¯g¯fµ£¥Í©R¥½´ÁÂåÀø¨Mµ¦ªº¸gÅç( )
2012/12/01 ~ 2013/12/31
100 ¡X N °ê¬ì·|(­ì¬ì§Þ³¡) ¡X NSC99-2314-B-037-074-MY2 ¡X 1 ­Ó¤H«¬
Àù¯g¨àµ£¦]À³¦æ¬°¤Î¨ä¬ÛÃö¦]¯À¤§±´°Q©M°·±d¦æ¬°±Ð¨|¤è®×¤¶¤J¦¨®Ä¤§µû»ù(2/2)( )
2011/08/01 ~ 2012/07/31
100 ¡X Q ·s¸u±Ð®v­pµe(®Õ¤º) ¡X KMU-Q110019 ¡X  
µo®iÀù¯g¨àµ£¦s¬¡ªÌªø´Á°lÂܤ§·ÓÅ@¼Ò¦¡(Development a Long-term Follow-up Care to Childhood Cancer Survivors)
2011/12/15 ~ 2012/12/31
